I read that the 19 year old on the sub was terrified of going, but went to make his dad happy, especially since it was Father’s Day weekend. And that the locals are disheartened by all the memes. I can’t imagine having a loved one or friend die in such a horrific way, with no guarantee of even recovering the bodies, and the Internet being like “lol those evil rich people deserved to die”
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This is random given I haven’t posted in forever but I just do not understand the appeal of poly relationships.
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I love C137cest so much and I know this season finale two-parter is gonna ruin me more because of that. 🙃💔
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According to some people I’m “not a Christian” because of my take on fiction and being very much anti-censorship (in that no matter what, all fiction is acceptable to exist).
No. We’re not a Hive Mind. I am a Christian, you just don’t like it because we disagree. That’s stupid of you, because even if you don’t want to accept it - I am a Christian and I do not need or want to defend myself to people with no authority. But damn me because I can’t stand double standards. All y’all sinners and here all y’all are, casting stones at others.
The lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze me.
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After seeing the material released so far for MLP Gen5, I take back at least some of what I said before. The CGI looks pretty good and the ponies are super cute.
I suppose with things being how they are right now I just assumed the worst from what was mentioned about it. It looks like it’s gonna try and retain the spirit of FiM in some regard.
And maybe when they used those woke buzzwords, it was just them saying those things to generate buzz or whatever, but the actual show won’t be about said buzzwords.
Lol idk, all I can say is I’m more optimistic about it now and look forward to the movie. The characters look cute and I’m certainly excited for more exploration on the lore. So yeah, I was being too negative before. I still don’t care for the use of woke buzzwords but eh.
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“Whoa, that pony is woke.” — Fluttershy
Turns out the new series of MLP is going to be Woke, guys. EQD posted something about it and all the people involved in the show could say about it was how it was “inclusive”, “diverse” and how the lead is a straight-up “activist”.
Worse yet, it’s supposed to be a sequel to MLP:FiM, set in the future. It’ll explore the previously unexplored parts of Equestria, which is fine. But the buzzwords are dumb because I promise you that whatever they have planned - MLP:FiM already did it and did it better.
Worst of all... it’s gonna be an all-CGI series. When are people going to learn that it’s the exception, not the rule, that CGI series are good? Because most of the time they look like trash.
They wanna milk FiM like the cash-cow it is without putting anything that made it good in there, which is love. Lauren Faust loved her characters and cared about making a good show first and foremost. She wasn’t toy or franchise oriented and the people saw and loved the result of that. What they’re doing with this next series is trying to suck in the anti-bronies, thinking they’ll have the bronies no matter what they do.
Thing is tho, they’ll end up losing the dedicated fanbase, boring actual children, and the woke audience will still find something to hate about it and even if they love it they won’t be a dedicated fanbase. Those types of people don’t dedicate themselves like that because their love is so fragile - someone working on the show does or says something they deem “problematic”? The woke audience trashes the whole show and moves on to the next train wreck.
In the end they’re just doing the same shit as the previous generations of MLP did and are dumbing down content to pander to a specific audience.
I was really hoping that Hasbro, now knowing what made for a damn good show, would seek to replicate that in new ways. But no they just want right back to pandering instead of giving us something with care and passion put into it.
They’re sullying the legacy of FiM by doing this too. Like if you’re gonna fuck over Twilight’s new era of love, friendship, acceptance, etc and have it amount to nothing by sheer virtue of the fact of even having an activist in it to begin with... just... why bother?? Why do it? Why not make a new series that doesn’t negate Twilight’s entire reign? Make a series that’s less of a Sugar Bowl, where these issues you so desperately want to make a show around, so that it actually makes sense for there to be an “activist” character!
(Btw I didn’t include links because this wouldn’t show up otherwise but ClownfishTV made a video over this and there’s the EQD thing I mentioned)
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Oh God, there’s even more Owen Grady hate in the CC tag since he never specifically gets mentioned in the show, except for one bit where the radio goes “asset out of containment”. Like guys, he isn’t a public figure in the park.
He works for Masrani studying raptor behavior, as a side project within the park. Claire is obviously someone people are gonna know, Owen isn’t really.
Like why you guys gotta hate on Owen so much? Oh wait, y’all just hate Chris Pratt cuz he isn’t apart of the Hollywood Hive Mind and dares to have opinions of his own and has the audacity to be a decent guy while doing it.
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*sigh* I didn’t expect the CC tag to have Owen hate. Considering he isn’t even in it.
But I should have remembered the types of people that gravitate towards animated shows.
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In the CC tag and I’m seeing some BS about how Owen Grady (from JW) is “racist” and “sexist”. Like I’ll grant you the sexist part, given how he acts early on in the first JW movie but that doesn’t remain constant during the movie and certainly not in FK. So he gets past being a bit of a sexist fairly quickly. He wasn’t even that bad, really, just a flirt who was clearly a bit bitter about Claire not being into him.
But racist? How?? I mean really, how? Race is never an issue in the movies at all.
Like what am I reading here? I came into this tag for quality CC content and instead I’m seeing this shit. Then again, this is Tumblr, which somehow always managed to ruin my buzz for things by throwing around buzzwords, which is a buzzkill.
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That awful moment when you gotta unfollow someone who reblogs something telling others to report “drawn CP” alongside real CP, which involves actual children. As tho “drawn CP” is somehow equal to actual children being harmed.
Damn shame. And of course “drawn CP” to them just means extremely unrealistic looking loli / shouta. Now if it’s extremely realistic looking and is indistinguishable from reality, then it would be actually illegal. But trying to claim that the former is also illegal is just plain incorrect.
And so many new people to block too.
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Trans “headcanons” for characters who are canonically crossdressers.
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Y’all know who I’m talking about.
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Fun fact: Cousin Marriage is the one subject matter I am fully educated on due to the fuck tons of research I did as young as 15 years old.
Now I just gotta find all my old research again since it was all saved to my old desktop PC that crapped out on me years ago. orz
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I really, like, need to make an about page or a pinned post to try and explain how I am and what I use this blog for because I feel like 90% of the posts I make or contribute to tend to get misunderstood. Like I try to be helpful in some way? I somehow end up saying something insulting. I try to explain what I mean or why I think the way I do? I fumble to put my thoughts into words.
Honestly, I feel like the only time I’m at my most coherent is when I’m basically tearing someone a new asshole...
Ah, well, I’ll try and write something up tomorrow. Worst part is when I go through to try and edit stuff or whatever I end up removing 80% of what I wrote and it ends up as even more I coherent garbage. But I’ll give it a try...
I hate having thoughts that I can’t effectively communicate with words. It really sucks knowing so much and to always end up sounding like I have no idea what I’m saying.
But ha ha, holy crap, if I didn’t have this blog for an opinion outlet I’d probably explode...
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I’ma just delete that one post, I’m tired of it now.
I should just stick to fandom wank instead of politics since I can never seem to get what’s in my head out in a clear manner.
Plus I’m moody and everything is irritating me right now and I feel like I’m gonna be a huge bitch to te next person who replies to it. Fuck everyone.
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I kinda wanna do a redesign of that redesign btw. Not all of it was bad design wise, so I kinda wanna do my own take on it later.
I didn’t find it particularly racist either, personally. Since it’s anime I don’t find that drawing slanted eyes are really necessary to denote race, but I can see why people would do it that way. So I don’t think it looks like a racist caricature or anything.
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Lol it just occurred to me that reblogging from “your-fave-hates-antis” even tho my url is “noriko against hate” might confuse people so I think I’m gonna make an about page explaining exactly what I mean by “hate”
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🦋 Noriko
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I happened to recall a post I read once that was about some anti talking about how this couple they knew from church were step-siblings. They got together before their parents did and continued to date after their parents were married.
And this person was like disgusted by it and didn’t understand why no one else in their church had a problem with it.
Maybe because their parents getting together doesn’t automatically mean they see each other as siblings. Geez.
Hell I think I saw a movie with a similar plot as that once. Can’t remember the name. But like lol they were dating beforehand, they didn’t grow up seeing each other as siblings. Lol
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