yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
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Here we go! Hope it helps!
Hey (^ω^) Do you have any tips for drawing faces? I love your art style, it's amazing!!
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭
Thanks! Sure thing, I’ll make step by step progress as soon as possible.
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
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Vampire!Levi. Hope you like it!
Do you take requests for art? If so, could you possible draw Vampire!Levi? I'm absolutely obsessed with the idea of Vampire Levi and there really isn't that much fan art of that. I'd love you forever ~
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭Sure thing! I’ll draw it right away!
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
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Akira Kurusu - Joker Speed drawing. I really love this game omg.
Maybe you’re wondering why Joker with evil smile? Try to make a deal with the false god and you’ll know why!
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
Heyo, I love you and your art and may I ask you how much time it took that you were so good like you're now? And how did you practiced it? (I'm really curious, because your art is awesome and Idk how to continue on drawing ;-;)
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭 Thank you so muuuch. ❤️❤️❤️Well, of course it takes years of practice. I started it when I was highschool and it's been 7 or 8 years since then. Don't worry, as long as you enjoy the progress, you will get better eventually!
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
Hey (^ω^) Do you have any tips for drawing faces? I love your art style, it's amazing!!
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭 Thanks! Sure thing, I'll make step by step progress as soon as possible.
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
Hello! I absolutely adore you art and all that riren you draw is just hnng *//v//* but so, do you have any other sites besides tumblr where you post your art on, like deviantart or pixiv? If you do, I'd love to follow you there as well!
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭 I only have tumblr and deviantart. Hahaha. Check yra-to-life.deviantart.com well, there's not much there since I seldom update it and because of hiatus too.
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
Hello Yuuika ^^ I came across your artwork and I must say that it really amazed me! I tried to buy a poster of Levi a while ago, but the site it is in it's Indonesian so I can't really make it through the buying process :( Is there any way to help me buy it? I'd really appreciate it if you could! Please respond privately if you're planning to! Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day ^^
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭 Actually I don't have a right to sell it directly to you since the commissioner said so. I suggest you to contact the commissioner directly via tumblr or facebook. I forgot what's her tumblr page, but search Ra Aratte in facebook, you will find her immediately.
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
I looove your art!!!
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭 Thank youuuu.. Thank you so much!! 😭😭
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
Teach me your ways of drawing senpai. Your like 'wow' and I'm like '...meh'. But seriously, how does one become so good?
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭 Sure thing. I'll upload step by step of my progress if you want. I'm sure you can do better, just never give up and enjoy!
0 notes
yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
Do you take requests for art? If so, could you possible draw Vampire!Levi? I'm absolutely obsessed with the idea of Vampire Levi and there really isn't that much fan art of that. I'd love you forever ~
Hello! Sorry for a very late reply. I was hiatus because of my health problem 😭Sure thing! I'll draw it right away!
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yuuika-luika-blog · 7 years
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Makoto Niijima make up test. 😂😂😂 Hi! It’s been a long time I didn’t post anything. Sorry to inform you, I’ve been in long hiatus because of my health problem. So yeah! I’M BACK!!
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yuuika-luika-blog · 9 years
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Ichigo Hitofuri.
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yuuika-luika-blog · 10 years
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Hi. Long time no see~ And yes! Finally I uploaded this doujinshi. You can read it here on my pixiv! And yes.. R-18 & angst warning.
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yuuika-luika-blog · 10 years
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So, yes. I’m into this fandom!!! ‘Three Kingdoms’ is so awesome!!
Here’s Jia Chong and Lu Xun! My most favorite characters in Dynasty Warriors 8! Arghhh Lu Xun is so cuteee~
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yuuika-luika-blog · 10 years
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See you at AFA ID 14!
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yuuika-luika-blog · 10 years
Want some posters? Levi and Eren? ^q^/
ARATTE HAUTE 1st Edition Goodies
Aratte presents,
H A U T E 1st Edition Goodies Limited. Available at AFAID 2014, Booth A1-A2 A. 1st Edition Poster: Levi & Eren BUY HERE
B. Haute!Levi Mousepad
c. Chibi Chibi HAUTE
Artist: aoki-yuuika
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yuuika-luika-blog · 10 years
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I can't sleep so I decided to paint something. And it's been a while not paint something like this. It's fun. -The King.
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