2 posts
a blog dedicated to yumark where i share my analysis and moments between them, feel free to agree or disagree with me. disclaimer: i won't accept insults or anything offensive, this type of messages are going to be deleted and you'll be blocked.  *BLOG UNDER CONSTRUCTION*
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yumarkology · 1 year ago
mark's interesting choice of words
in this post, i'd like to focus briefly on the terms used by mark in this sentence ("relationship" and "healing") relating to yuta. 
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as you can imagine mark didn't go through this long process of analysis before answering (unlike how i'm doing in this post), he most likely answered instinctively with the first words that came to his mind. despite the fact this sentence may seem insignificant i personally think it's something worth noticing: it's a small piece that is added to the others we have collected over the years and helps us to have more of a complete picture of their relationship. 
relationship: i found it really interesting how mark used the term "relationship" instead of "friendship" this time. he's unconsciously implying their relationship is clearly more than a friendship at this point hence the decision to use a more generic term instead of friendship - maybe using the term friendship would've been almost reductive to him. 
healing: they're opposite but at the same time they complete each other and they satisfy each other's needs. yuta is his safe haven, his shoulder to cry on in his darkest times hence he is an essential, soothing presence in his life. (i'd like to elaborate more on this part but i don't want this post to become an essay lol)
update: ops i wrote this post before reading the 2nd image where you can clearly see mark said he would like to become a soothing presence to yuta as well lol (am i too good at reading his mind or is he too easy to read? who knows 👀)
that's all for now!
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yumarkology · 1 year ago
hello everyone and welcome to my new blog!
as you can easily imagine by its name this blog is dedicated to yumark: all the posts are going to be related to them and nct 127 (from their moments to their updates on social medias)
i opened this blog prevalently because i wanted a place where to post my analysis and opinions about their relationship but i'm going to reblog other analyses as well in the future. i'd like this blog to become a collector of all the theories posted on tumblr eventually and an archive of their posts so i'm going to post their updates on social medias in the last months.
please, keep in mind this is NOT an update blog hence these updates aren't going to be on time for the most part and they're most likely going to be posted with a delay (1, 2 months in some cases) but i'm always going to specify the date in case you're wondering.
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