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[Read At Your Own Comfort! Happy to continue.~]
_As I walked down the hall, I muttered on about how he screwed up. How he shouldn’t be so upset, if I had the right mind I’d snap at how I saw that body. But then again, he’s trapped in a godforsaken elementary school, with me,_
“I still shouldn’t have left his side.”
_At that moment, I felt someone calling for me. Maybe… Could it be…?_
“Why did I lash out at her? Granted she hates me, but at least she shouldn’t be alone.” “Hmm?”
_I saw the small, glistening note pin she wore on her collar laying on the floor. Without hesitation I picked it up, and looked at my surroundings._
“It’s Yuzu’s! She must have gone back to the bathroom.” […] “Yuzu? Are you in there?” “Hey listen, about earlier… I just wanted to say…..”
_Now I’m not the type of guy to just enter a girl’s restroom, but it had to be done. I took a step in and,_
“Yuzu?” _Second door towards the last, right?_ “Yu-zu?” _I slowly opened the door, and the next thing I saw … was the most horrifying thing I’ve witnessed up close_
“Yu….Zu…. NO! NONONO! WHY?!”
“so…. rry…” “For…give…me…”
_I foolishly tugged on the rope which caused her to strangle her further,_
_I scanned the room and saw a bucket, only to my disgust, it contained intestines and magots as much as the bucket could hold, and even then it overflowed with dried blood and tissue. I shook off the disgust and poured out the contents with a horrible stench. I ran back to the pink haired girl but,_
_I was seconds late… Her pale, limp body now swung slowly side to side, her bladder embarrassingly empty and her eyes …. her fear ridden eyes still staring at me and I fell to my knees,_
_In a few hours…. I went from having a laugh with my friends in the classroom, to watching one of the die right in front of me. This reality, there is no way I can accept it. However, this is a place where anything can happen. Because this place is that cursed…
Heavenly Host Academia.“
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Corpse Academia Page 4.~ Left to right *The groups' screams stop abruptly as the lights turn on while a small chuckle comes from the doorway* Sora: "Yuya-Sensei?!" Yuya: "Did I scare ya?" *Dennis now appears holding Yuri's hair in a tight hold, and then sighs with relief* Yuri: "Macfield.... Where do you think you're grabbing?...." Dennis: "Ah! S-sorry!" Yuya: "How long are we going to stay? We had to pick up and go home right?" *A young girl's head peeks from behind Yuya* Mieru: "Dennis-oniichan." Dennis: "Mieru? Why are you here?"
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Comic Delay!
I'm very sorry about the comic delay!!!!;;
I've been too caught up in the new au that this one slipped my mind! I promise to post it soon! I'm very sorry my weirdlings! But it will be back!
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Any additional information will get posted on @yugiohcorpseacademiaofficial in the near future if any other date changes occur. I hope to continue this comic starting thursday as it is a less busy day for me.
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Regarding the posting dates, I will try and make more half pages to less than half rather than whole ones during the month of April. While I have this week, starting Thursday to finish one complete page and post it up on a Saturday or Sunday, the comic will be slowed down due to time management for personal reasons. I hope you continue enjoying YuGiOh Corpse Academia to your full extent and I’ll see you horror freaks later!~ Adios!~
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Page mark for the Corpse Academia comic. Since I know the book is less likely going to be solely for the comic, that little Jessie icon will mark the pages used for the comic so don't be confused if you'll see her in the far corner. I hope to continue the next page, since I know an upcoming scene will be a bit weird. Xd
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She draws him so pretty! I love the outfit on Yuma!
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Yuma is still the prettiest boi I’ve ever seen in my life;
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Half of page three because I’ll be starting the comic in the book, and hopefully it stays a day thing with me again. Left to Right [The door is knocked on twice and the candle goes out] Yuzu: Sora, stop screwing around with us! Sora: Its not me! Ruri: Its so dark, I can’t see where the candles at! Shun: The switch is near the door, isn’t It? [The door slides open as a hand reaches out to grab it’s side from the dark] ?: Is Anyone Still Here..? [The nine scream in fright at the story coming reality]
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The best preview I can give for Page 3 of YuGiOh: Corpse Academia.~ A frightened Den is cause for worry. Well… Maybe not yet.
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(YAYS! IT’S RETURNED! I hope to update every week to half week, depending on the frame rate and time available to make it. Enjoy!) Page Two of YuGiOh Corpse Academia: Dennis: “H-hey… Isn’t it about time to head back?” Ruri: “Shinuin-chan, continue with the story!” Shun: “Ruri, you get scared too.” Dennis: “What do you mean ‘too’ , Shun?” Celina: “Relax! Relax, if you keep making that face, Yuuri will hate you, Den.” Yuuri: “Don’t I already?” Celina: “Then, hurry and finish the story Sora!” Sora: “Whenever that teacher is said to appear, she’s always accompanied by blackout. Then, you’ll hear 'knock, knock’ from the class room door. As the door sloowly opens a pale white face looks in and asks, 'Is Anyone Still Here?..’ ” *two knocks can be heard from the classroom door and the group gasps* [Page two WIP]
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PAGE ONE IS DONE! ONTO THE NEXT PAGE!~ And I made a small mistake there but nothing big to redo everything. Yuri’s looking a bit off but I haven’t drawn him in a while so excuse the drawing there. YuGiOh Corpse Academia is now underway!~
[Left to Right] Sora: It began on a rainy day… just like this one… A female teacher lost her footing in a duel and fell down the stage platform and died. The principal treated the school as his prized possession, he loved the academy, but misfortune continued… On a certain day, after the incident, it was decided that the school be closed down. Since then, the principals heart broke down so much, that on closing day he climbed to the school roof… And Committed Suicide. Our academy, Duel Academia, is where the cursed Heavenly Host Academia once stood… Dennis: S-Seriously?? Sora: The teacher that fell still has no idea she died that day. And on rainy days, just like this one, she still roams through these dark hallways. Yes, right around this hours. Dennis: *small gasp* Yuuri: Are you okay, Dennis?
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About YuGiOh Corpse Academia
Q:What Is YuGiOh Corpse Academia?
YuGiOh Corpse Academia is a crossover comic I am working on. It will include characters from the yugioh series pertaining from Duel Monsters up to Arc V. While the main series is Arc V, additional characters will be put in as extras or background characters.
Q:Can I Be Included In The Comic?
Of Course! Just ASK me first by direct message with your yugioh character design and I’ll mention you when your character comes up in a scene or has been used.
Q:Where Is The Whole Comic?
The yugioh corpse party au will be labled under the hashtag yugioh corpse academia. While it is still being worked on, only two pages have been made. Feel free to look at the pages or at the tag if you ever feel like you got lost after the week or weeks.
Q:Will It Be Uploaded Daily?
No. I actually will try to get a lot done when I possibly can and whenever I can so I will try to post up pages to half pages every Saturday to Sunday to keep the story going. I can only do so much at the moment.
Q:I Can’t Find Pages On Your Dash!
Again, the comic will be under [all lowercase] yugioh corpse academia. If you type the name with capitals, that may make the search harder. I might make a new blog specifically for the comic if that helps and will post the blog name in time if needed.
Q:Will It Be Colored?
While I love for my gore to get nice and colorful, I won’t exactly have time to color in frame by frame unless it’s the red used for certain death scenes.
I hope I’ve covered all if not some questions you have. If you have more, feel free to send me a message and I’ll reply to your question. For now, please enjoy my fan comic.~ I will work hard and diligently on it to make sure it stays up.~
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