youwillbearwitness · 1 month
Resource: The Girl In The Green Dress
The Girl in the Green Dress is the story of Dr Jennifer ‘Jeni’ Haynes, who lives with dissociative identity disorder (DID) — a psychological state where the mind separates into multiple selves. Developing DID was how she protected herself from a horrifying childhood of sexual, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of her father.  At six months of age, her sense of self divided and she became…
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youwillbearwitness · 1 month
Dissociative Identity Disorder Terminology
It is really helpful to understand the terminology relating to DID. It can be baffling and confusing when talking to professionals and others in your community if you don’t have some understanding. It is literally like learning a language. Hopefully this will help you a bit. Click on the link TERMINOLOGY
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
No Contact Families. Does This Help You Become Healthier?
As she struggled through her sophomore year in college, Zhenzhen spent hours in therapy, but it hadn’t addressed the central strain in her life: her parents. They called her at her Midwestern campus again and again, badgering her to fulfill their expectations — to study business, and to return to China, marry a wealthy man and raise children near them, she said. When she pushed back, her father…
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
Comprehensive List of Professionals Who Work With Dissociative Disorders (TIC)
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
Abuser Alters and Working With Them
One of the most difficult aspects of treating persons with dissociative iden- tity disorder (DID) is working with abuser alters. These are personalities which abuse the patient externally, by causing physical or sexual harm to the patient’s own body, or internally, by presenting verbal criticism, frightening visual images, or somatic pain. In addition to abusing the patient, the abuser alter may…
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
An inside look at the traumatized brain, and how you can start to heal.
Approximately 50 percent of the population will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives.1 While reactions to trauma can vary widely, and not everyone will develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), trauma can change the brain in some predictable ways that everyone should be aware of, especially if you or someone close to you is struggling to cope after trauma. How Your…
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
Have You Ever Self-Harmed Without Realising?
With an average of one in ten people self-harming, it’s important that we’re all aware of the facts, the definition, and how we can help others. You may think that self-harm purely means somebody cutting themselves. This is not always the case; self-harm can describe many things people may do to themselves whilst experiencing overwhelming emotions. The issue of self-harm is complex both from a…
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
Setting boundaries in Therapy is incredibly difficult and can cause major ruptures in effective therapy if not strictly adhered to. There are occasions of course when certain boundaries need to be crossed when safety is an issue. However, once the safety issue is addressed it needs to be reiterated that contact outside of therapy sessions needs to be to a minimum. Remember there are Emergency…
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youwillbearwitness · 3 months
Healing My Parts - Podcasts
Dissociative Identity Disorder & Trauma: A therapist’s personal journey of healing & discovery. Sharing insights, tools, tips & special guests to help those with the condition and those who treat them. Working to destigmatise and reveal the brilliance of one of the most misunderstood conditions. These are really interesting Podcasts by a Therapist who themselves lives with DID. It is an…
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youwillbearwitness · 7 months
Making the Decision to Speak in the First-Person
This is purely a perspective I am working my way through. It is not in ANYWAY a criticism or judgement on anyone else’s perception or way of working with their System. This section may seem to some to be nit-picking, but since my diagnosis of DID, I have struggled with feeling that “I”, the Host (as some people reference), was not seen or did not exist. I felt strongly that no matter what I…
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youwillbearwitness · 7 months
Non-Dominant Journalling/Handwriting to access Parts
Non-dominant handwriting technique, discovered initially, and promoted by art therapist Dr. Lucia Capacchione, is a pathway to access Parts of you that are not readily accessible. Non-dominant handwriting, as part of IFS and Parts work, can increase access to the Parts that are young and vulnerable (exiles) and those in a protector or managerial role. Whether you are highly experienced in the…
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youwillbearwitness · 8 months
The Infinite Mind Healing Conference 2024
This provides fantastic access to Workshops and Sessions by International Industry Specialists, Breakouts, Lived Experience Discussions, all expertly facilitated. You can attend Virtually and all times are given to the appropriate time zone you live in. They use an App called Whova which provides access to all facilitators and their areas of interest who you can send questions etc to prior to…
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youwillbearwitness · 8 months
Trauma Informed Care (TIC) In Medical Settings
This is an except from the Article and Podcast. You can subscribe for all her fantastic resources HERE. It feels hard enough to find solid Trauma Informed Care in mental health settings, never mind medical ones. A few recent personal experiences have underscored the ongoing glaring-and highly preventable- issues that arise in so many medical settings. These issues are truthfully challenging…
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youwillbearwitness · 9 months
Development Stages of Recovery - Erickson
Table 1 Comparison of human development and recovery stages Developmental stages of recoveryErikson’s stages of human developmentStage 1Trust versus doubtTrust versus mistrustStage 2Hope versus shameAutonomy versus shame/self-doubtStage 3Empowerment versus guiltInitiative versus guiltStage 4Action versus inactionIndustry versus inferiorityStage 5New self versus sick selfIdentity versus identity…
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youwillbearwitness · 10 months
New Section: MYTH BUSTER Alters can't have their own mental health issues if the main survivor doesn't have them. Is this true?
The answer is an emphatic yes. They actually can, and many do. It’s extremely common for individual alters to battle depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, eating disorders, self harm, etc., while other members of the system experience no such thing. The acceptance now by the mental health community of this phenomenon has proven to be a huge relief to those living with DID. Varying medical symptoms…
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youwillbearwitness · 10 months
Eye Contact And PTSD
This is an awesome informative and terrific research paper. Abstract In healthy individuals, direct eye contact initially leads to activation of a fast subcortical pathway, which then modulates a cortical route eliciting social cognitive processes. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the neurobiological effects of direct eye-to-eye contact using a virtual reality paradigm in…
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youwillbearwitness · 11 months
Dealing with Anger When Your Abuser Dies
Anger can be a troublesome emotion, especially when it happens in our grief.  Most of us have been taught to think of anger in a negative, destructive way.  But sometimes anger is justified.  And sometimes there is no way we can suppress the feelings of anger that well up inside of us.  In fact, few life events can justify anger more than the feelings of injustice and unfairness in losing a loved…
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