Your Matrons and Your Maids
41 posts
Ribbons red like your lips
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 4 years ago
One of the other songs is Creole Love Call by Duke Ellington. One more song missing!
Does anyone know the three songs that are played in the Manderley Bar before the first elevator? I think one of them is Petit Fleur by Sidney Bechet, but I can’t remember the other two.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 4 years ago
Does anyone know the three songs that are played in the Manderley Bar before the first elevator? I think one of them is Petit Fleur by Sidney Bechet, but I can’t remember the other two.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
I got Hecate! I am surprised and delighted
Sleep No More Personality Quiz
My friend @dreaminstatic made a personality quiz last night and it is very good. He's encouraged me to share it here too.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
Substitute for Sexy/Macduff Paisley Sweets scene: “Poison” by Alice Cooper
SNM - Alternate Soundtrack
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I thought it might be fun for us to all propose alternative soundtrack selections.  Here’s the background and motivation for the idea…
Waaaaayyyyy back on April 1, 2012, the producers of SLEEP NO MORE did a really fun thing.  The cast and audience of nearly 100% repeat visitors (you had to have been before to be allowed to purchase tickets) was treated to the ultimate McKittrick April Fools joke:  At the end of the 1st loop, starting with the reset music, the soundtrack suddenly switched out, replaced with music from the 80′s and 90′s.  The cast had no idea what they would be performing to, and performers switched out mid way through in various creative ways–  for instance, during her rep bar solo, one Sexy Witch twirled down behind the bar and a different performer immediately popped up.  It was a thrilling night that could never be recreated.  Of course, the fact that it was all repeat visitors, it made for what has gone down in McKittrick lore as the worst audience of all time.
Today I was walking home from work and listing to my music (entire library of songs on shuffle, so I never know what’s going to come up next) and the B52s “Strobe Light” came up.  As I listened to the lyrics I couldn’t help but think this would be a great Remixed substitution for the rave scene.
“Is that you baby?” “Yeah” “Got something to tell you” “Oh, what?”
I want to see you tonight I want you to walk in the door I want you to lay on the floor ‘Cause tonight’s the night We make love, under a strobe light (strobe light, strobe light) Underneath the strobe light
Want to make love to you under the strobe light Want to make love to you under the strobe light Strobe light, woah-oh-oh Strobe light, woah-oh-oh Yeah!
Pulsing light goes to my head! Everything I see is red
Baby, when I kiss your hair I feel electricity in the air
I’m gonna kiss your eyes Then I’m gonna kiss your neck Then I’m gonna kiss your tummy Then I’m gonna kiss your pineapple
Tonight’s the night For love under the light Strobe light, strobe light Underneath the strobe light
Want to make love to you under the strobe light Want to make love to you under the strobe light Strobe light woah oh oh Strobe light woah oh oh Yeah!
I just want to make love to you I just want to make love to you Underneath the strobe light
Strobe light, strobe light Strobe light, strobe light Strobe light Strobe, strobe, strobe, strobe, strobe light
List your suggestion and share a link to the song…
Substitute for the Rave: “Strobe Light” by The B52s
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
Fans of Nurse dislike crowds.
Fans of the bartender are tired of everyone’s shit.
Fans of Malcolm like being manhandled.
Fans of Fulton have crippling anxiety.
Fans of Lady Macduff have no idea what’s going on, but know it’s nothing good.
Seriously every time I follow the last two I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack from contact panic.
Fans of blank in Sleep No More (Game!)
I’ve decided to start a game I hope other people will play. The rules are you pick a thing or person from Sleep No More and then make a joke about why their fans like them. There can be repeats. Please be nice in your jokes. This is meant to be a lighthearted game and not a three page rant about why you hate something.
Let’s begin!
Matron fans love tea and don’t mind the 30 minute wait.
5th floor fans feel at home on the 5th floor and wouldn’t be out of place among the characters that live there.
From personal experience, Banquo fans have not been the same after their time playing Fleance and still call Banquo their dad. Mentioning that it’s been 6 months since the production of Macbeth they were in closed will not help.
Malcolm fans share Malcolm’s paranoid fascination with birds.
Bald Witch fans have had, currently have, or want to have a shaved head.
Fans of Matron’s one on one like tea, have abandonment issues, or both.
Fans of Mrs. Danvers are all @theaterguy105-blog or long lost relatives of @theaterguy105-blog
Fans of the fortune teller have an obsession with buying tarot decks.
Fans of the Manderley Bar are your parents who got dragged along with you.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
I would have to say Taxidermist but only because of one actor. Once Ernesto Breton gave me a one on one so terrifying it left me permanently afraid of him (the actor not the character lol..) I know it’s silly!
Who is the spookiest resident?
With the Halloween season FINALLY here, I thought of a fun question for everyone! Who is the spookiest resident of The Mckitrrick? For me it's for sure the Taxidermist. His 1-1 alone makes him the creepiest of creep.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
I would have to say the scene between Fulton and Sexy Witch in the back of the funeral home. For a long time that was the only Fulton scene I had ever seen, so my interpretation of his character was rapey necrophiliac. After seeing more of him I’ve somewhat changed my opinion.
What is the creepiest scene in Sleep No More?
I have been inspired by both @theaterguy105-blog and @mckittrickbold questions about what are some of the scariest things in the hotel.
My answer always changes. Early on it was the scene between Nurse and Matron in the hut, but I am not scared of that scene anymore. After my time playing Fleance in my community theatre's production of Macbeth it became Banquo's death scene, but that stopped being scary for me quickly too.
There are only two scenes that still terrify me as much as the first time I've seen them. These scenes are the finale and Lady Macduff's death scene. I won't go into details about the finale, but you can probably figure out what happens if you think about it. Even though I know the safety precautions behind doing something like that, it just looks so real. There is a reason I always try to get Matron or Nurse to walk me out because they'll be behind me during the scene. Lady Macduff's death scene is just so tragic especially because unlike all the other characters in the hotel, she's completely innocent. She just wants to hopefully have a child that will live past the age of five. I have nearly full looped Lady Macduff because Lindsey's Lady Macduff was so amazing, but I decided to leave her during the banquet because I knew what was going to happen next. I couldn't watch a woman I cared so much about that I hadn't visited Matron yet get brutally murdered. I felt guilty for not staying to watch her die, but I didn't want to be a sobbing mess.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
For me it’s the back room of the funeral home. I always nope right out of there if it’s empty.
Creepiest Space in the McKittrick?
I am inspired by @theaterguy105-blog and his question about the spookiest character. So I have to ask, what do you think is the creepiest space in the hotel?
I have a lot of possible answers to this question, but I have to go with that back hallway on 5 with the padded room. I almost never go there, though I have played a game where I see how long I can stay in the padded room before I get creeped out and leave (I think ten seconds?).
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
I am all for this! I haven’t been to any show (or movie) in probably 3 years where there wasn’t at least one phone problem.
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This is what Sleep No More Shanghai have been doing all along! I would very much like to see this approach introduced to the New York show. Sick and tired of all the ppl texting and taking photos in the show.
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 5 years ago
😂 accurate, Bald is such an enigma
Sexy Witch: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions Bald Witch?
Bald Witch: No
Boy Witch: I do!
Sexy Witch: I know Boy Witch.
Boy Witch: I'm sad.
Sexy Witch: I know Boy Witch.
Inspired by this vine!
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
And at the beginning of the show you can sometimes find him in the back room of the funeral home.
Hi, I would like to know where does Fulton's loop begin... I'm find it difficult to make the difference between him and the speakeasy. Thanks !
Hmmm…I’ll try to help. At the narrative beginning of the story (when Hecate walks down High Street) Fulton is in the Tailor’s Shop and Speakeasy is standing on High Street. 
If you are following a character who has left the 4th floor…that’s Fulton. Speakeasy doesn’t leave the High Street area until the finale. 
Speakeasy is usually wearing sleeve garters on the arms of his shirt (see picture below of Nick Dillenburg as Speakeasy.)
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At times Fulton wears a long dark coat and carries an umbrella. 
I hope that helps!! 
Note: above pic is publicly available. Don’t take pictures inside the hotel! Follow @sleepnomorenyc on Instagram if you are curious about more images. 
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
I think this is the right one?
Question for the fandom
Hi Everyone,
I’ve gotten a couple of questions about Caroline and the Reverend’s 1:1s in the past couple of weeks, and I could swear that I wrote a post explaining what happened in them.  But I can’t find it when I search.  Maybe someone else wrote it?  Does anyone have a link? 
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
Inactive Fandom
I almost never post even though I think about Sleep No More literally every day. I guess I just don’t think I have anything to say that hasn’t already been said? Also since I joined the fandom late I’ve missed a lot of parties where character info was revealed and I have come to understand a lot has disappeared from the show itself too, so I’ve probably come to a lot of wrong conclusions and I don’t want more seasoned fans to jump me lol
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
CITY ROOMS NYC is the cheapest and cleanest place I’ve found. There’s locations in Chelsea and near Times Square. A little more comfortable and pricey is the Edison. Never stay at the Gallavant, the price is good but they are not clean.
Any advice on where to stay in the city on a budget?
I live in NYC…so I stay in my apartment.  Which is definitely not a helpful answer!  I’m going to throw this question out to those who travel into the city.  What do you all do?  Any tips for visitors? 
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yourmatronsandyourmaids · 6 years ago
New production please 🙏🏻 I would also be happy with TDM
Can it be true!!! New home for Punchdrunk in L.A. Bets on if it will be TDM, SNM, or a new production?
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