“ I'm afraid in order for you to work here we'll have to make some changes... ”
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hello there! Just wanna say, happy to meet you, and I have a perfectly nice left kidney at your service 🫡 Do you like gummy worms? I had some somewhere! :D Also, could I claim an anon tag? If so, 🫀anon would be great!
Hm? Gummy worms? I believe I might have had some at some point.
They are rather delicious, even for being produced in a less than admissible way; quite poorly.
It's easy to notice how 'fake' they are. Though, I feel like that's what makes them fun, in their own special way.
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#🫀 anon#{Omg hii new anon !!}#{I did my interview btw and it went well :) Then i took a break for a day to just chill for a lil}#{ok anon you dont understand though... you gave me like.. the hc idea that he'd like sweets.. or just gummies}
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>".....Do you play golf?.."
Golf? Hm, no I'm afraid not.
I don't see much in such a sport to play, personally.
Why so specific of a question? Or is this just for curiosity's sake?
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#{Hi im. so sorry for dying again for a few days </3}#{Funny enough I have a job interview on monday so I've been worrying about that unfortunately}#{The hyperfixation never stops though trust}
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flowers for you 💐
Oh? How sweet!
I do appreciate the gift. Is it for a special occasion, or simply for considerations sake?
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#[ooc tag]#{Things have been a bit rough for me irl!! So it's been a bit of a struggle to run multiple blogs unfortunately}#{I might! Be okay though! Maybe 👍}#{Though just a warning!! If i disappear again for a little this is why}#{Anyways sorry for dying on you guys}
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NG better drop that eyebrow tutorial NOW
That's a new one.
Unfortunately though, I can't accommodate your request.
I don't do any prerequisites to have them look this way. Otherwise, I truthfully would provide information if I had it.
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#{was gonna say he's that kind of guy who just wakes up like that but THAT is all on the notion that he sleeps in the first place}#{Hm.. I do get the vibe though he'd wear simple makeup... like foundation n shit or skincare routine}#{Idk tbh I've never put an ounce of makeup on in my life really so I'm kind of clueless about it}#{also ALSO. Has anyone else noticed he only like..has one eyebrow or}#{There's a *single* piece of offical art with him having both eyebrows but in everything else he only has one showing..}#{I don't get it he's an anomaly (affectionate)}
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There’s something about your face and expressions that is somewhat cute and scary…. Your eyes are so dead and beady and you have a bit of a “:3” mouth 😨
Oh, I'm glad you find me so fascinating!
Is this a compliment, or rather an observation? Your intentions are a bit difficult to decipher.
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>Hey, Boss!
>Do you have any hobbies?
-🎶Song Anon
Hm, hobbies?
If you'd consider it one, I do love to organize paperwork, it can be pretty relaxing.
But to be quite honest, I don't really get up to any extra activities or hobbies outside of work. I'm simply too focused on what I do already.
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#🎶 song anon#{I said this in another ask but its like borderline impossible for me to imagine him doing Normal Human things out of work}#{Though I feel like if he would... it'd be something like... crocheting orrr hm.. diy? kinda?}#{I feel like his hobbies would be pretty laid back and not chaotic. Like.. he likes to have things nice and organized :)}#{So maybe something like making little things: crocheting like I said. orrr.. I could see him being a casual artist *maybe.*}#{Maybe painting or something?? I dunno I'm rambling but do you see my vision.}
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i believe an office job would do well for building my experience. i look forward to seeing what your company has to offer, and who knows? maybe i'll even find a job here, if i take a liking to it. i have a feeling i will. :)
-☀️ sun anon
I look forward to seeing you more if you do. From first impressions alone, I could see you doing rather well here already.
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#☀️ sun anon#{I am crawling out of the DEPTHS right now fucking clawing to the ground}#{Im alive i promise.. even though its only been a tiny bit over a day since i posted..}
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Hello again! I have appeared to take news of how well the cat is doing :3 I have also brought you this little gift of mine! 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 ����𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵..
(Also decided to just use my normal acc instead of anon haha.. DONT MIND HOW BAD THE ART IS I JUST FELT LIKE SHARING IT)
(-👁️ gragragragararara)
Oh, how wonderful, thank you!
And as for your check-up, the cat is doing just fine. I do appreciate the concern for its well-being
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#👁️ anon#{SHUT UP!!! (/POS) YOUR ART IS NOT BAD!! I think its very silly :] in a very good way !!}#{I genuinely love these a lot though <3}
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other than potentially bees on the ceiling and rats, what else is in the elevator 🤔
Well I assume people, of course.
But I assure you, there is nothing out of the ordinary in our elevators. Especially something as ludicrous as bees.
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#{sorry gay community for the delay.. I had a busy day today}
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I have 3 questions!
what are you?
can you even eat?
Is your name actually normal guy (if so I wanna know what we’re your parents thought process when naming you)
I'm simply someone who works at this company.
Secondly: Yes, I can most definitely eat.
And lastly: That's classified information, my sincerest apologies.
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#{bro NG to me is such an anomaly i cant imagine him having parents}
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>What would you say is the best weather for work and is there any personal preference? Like a sunny day, rainy day etc.
A sunny day with clouds and a blue sky, preferably; the most obvious choice for the best weather for work.
#asks#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#{he says while the company building probably has little to no windows}
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hello, sir! i come with a question. i was the sole winner of a mock-interview tourney at my high school, and i'm looking for a real interview to test my skills. perhaps, do you think i'd be able to set up an interview with you sometime? i'm quite interested in learning more about you and your wonderful company. i do hope we'll get along. :)
-☀️ sun anon
How thoughtful of you! I have to say, you're giving off a rather good first impression already.
But yes, of course. Are you looking for an office-related job, by chance?
#elevator hitch#normal guy#normal guy elevator hitch#asks#☀️ sun anon#{careful anon... he might just hire you for his company instead if he likes you.. /j}#{actually I dunno if that's a joke. he probably would}
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I procrastinated on this for so long I don't have ideas for a proper caption so you can just take them
#owners art tag#{Hi im gonna be busy today with the eclipse so I don't know if I'll have much time to answer things}#{so here take a drawing I did last night because it has normal guy in it :]}
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> W-WAH!!! I was shocked after opening a box that contained many rats. > RATS!!! AHH!!! I closed the box again, running towards Normal Guy, > What's that…? I asked him, before looking back at the box. -👁
It is that difficult to tell that it's simply a box?
Are you that truly afraid of rats? And here I thought that senior employee was afraid of them.
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( being forced to ask this /j )
Ah, apologies, but I will have to kindly decline.
The thought is appreciated though. I'm flattered someone would want to.
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What if you have a functional left kidney AND a functional right kidney ? Are you like double qualified? :0
Hm, no.
Only the left matters, really.
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