if everything else 
fails, use fire, ❜
11 posts
YOU REMAIN UNAVENGED. The rest was simple. Taking it step by step. Learn what HE learned, but making sure not to walk in HIS footsteps. Taking help where it would come. He had to see him... He would face him as a GHOST... As a creature created by him... He just wanted to see his face. Hoping to see regret. He did not. The father had lost a son, and now the son had lost the father. And his path was clear. He is Jason Todd. Make no mistake, it is him.
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
PLEASE HIT ME UP IF YOU WANT TO PLOT !! also i'll reply tomorrow !!
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
I prefer to distance myself whenever im mad because i turn into the most heartless person you’ll ever meet and you’re going hate me for that
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
Pick yourself up off the ground, no one is going to do it for you
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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jason was only passing by, exploring this new place in which it seems that he would be living from the time being. he didn't REALLY know what to do. he would never admit that he missed gotham... it was out of the question. but still, he would have prefered being there, in his things. he bet that roy could he quite worried and since he was supposed to go to the manor that night... the family would only come to think that he ditched them like many times before. it's a voice that stopped him in his track and he turned around just so his eyes could lend on the blonde who had oiled all over, which didn't make her less beautiful. in an angelic type of way. she kind of reminded him of stephanie in some way. " — oh, no. sorry about disturbing you just now. i'm just doing a bit of EXPLORATION. do you need any help? "
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         “ hey, can you please pass me the — ” betty’s blonde curls appeared over the hood of the car, followed shortly by oil-smudged features ; a pink mouth that parted in surprise. “ OH. you’re not polly. sorry. ” she grimaced, instantly apologetic. “ i think it’s a force of habit. ” she bit her lip, suddenly feeling strangely at a loss. polly was EVERYTHING — everything except here. sometimes ( all the time ) betty wondered if she should be searching to leave and find her sister, but… something about this town was so captivating. she didn’t WANT to leave. “ can i help you ? ”
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
jason didn’t know that the first and only familiar face he would encounter ever since he got there would be none other than PAMELA ISLEY, aka poison ivy. as if this place wasn’t shitty enough, he had to end face to face with her. rare were the times he would see her away from gotham’s gardens… or from harley quinn, even. he heard some stories about how inseparable those two grew up to become. jason wanted, no… he needed some fresh air which is why he found himself at the park in the first place, hoping there wouldn’t he many people so early in the morning. that’s when he heard her voice and as always, there was only one thing she cared about. the plants. bruce used to tell him that she never cared about humans relationships or simply humans… only the plants were worthy of her attention. he turned out to be right. he would always wonder though if she had always been this way. as she turned around to face the crowd, the male lifted his hands up - as innocent as ever. “ I have NOTHING to do with that. ” was all he said, his eyebrows arched. damn were the people who messed with the queen of plants. he might love the adrenaline but there were some stuff that even him didn’t want to do. he didn’t have a death wish after all. “ hopefully, your tree’s feeling okay. ”
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while beautiful to the blind eye, the park was nothing short of crestfallen. its caretakers, the groundskeepers – they didn’t genuinely care, not in the way they should. thus, it remained aesthetically pleasing, but desolate. it could be so much more. it had potential to be grand. “ they disrespect you, yes ?? they tear you, limb from limb, to create unnecessary monuments and buildings that will inevitably end up in pieces. they ABUSE you, ” she spoke, addressing an oak tree… and she wondered why she’d ended up in arkham asylum on multiple occasions… she paused, allowing the green to speak, before continuing, “ there’s no justification for their actions. there’s no justification for THIS, ” she began, picking up a mcdonald’s wrapper that’d flown to the base of the tree. “ god’s sake, can they not take two seconds out of their day to walk to the trashcan ?? ” she asked, turning towards the crowd of people in the park, no longer fully addressing the red oak, rather… perhaps no one, or perhaps everyone.
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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this has been quite a rough day, proven right by the bullet hole in his arm that he was trying to desinfect but with the bullet still stuck inside… jason really had to get it out or else it would get worse. he knew enough about those type of wounds to know for a fact that the infection… he really didn’t want to think about that. he was about to try (again) to get the bullet out when he heard footstep, making him look up from what he was doing. “what? never saw an INJURED man before? just go.” he wasn’t in the mood, really.
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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HELLO HELLO ! my name is Sheryl and I’m bringing you my favorite angsty person aka jason peter todd from dc comics. for those who doesn’t know who he is, i’ll leave a short little intro but i’ll probably add some stuff along the way. Also, I’ll mix a few things together instead of sticking to only one part of his story because i’m just a trash can.
ANYWAY, if you want to plot all you have to do is like this post or slide directly in my dm !!
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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youremainunavenged-blog · 8 years ago
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