your-local-cryptid87 · 7 months
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me btw, if you even care
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For requests: cuddling my with syzoth because he’s cold please and thank you???
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‘You comfortable there sweetheart?’ You asked Syzoth, who was wearing a thick sweater, tucked tightly under a blanket, cuddled up against you to the point where every part of his body was practically cloaking you from sight; His eyes were closed in content as he throughly enjoyed basking in your warmth with a satisfied and sluggish hum.
He looked so cosy all half asleep and all that you couldn’t help but melt at how at peace he was looked resting on top of you. It took a while for either of you to get where you were now, but with a little bit of time and patience it was made all the obstacles you’ve overcome all the more worthwhile, especially if it meant getting the golden opportunity to experience the softer, more quieter moments of your relationship. A soft smile would grace your lips every time his grip on your body tightened as though he was making sure you were still with him, or how with even the smallest amount of movement from you and him grunting in distain, burying his face deeper into your neck whilst applying more of his body weight onto you to keep you in place.
‘When I am ever not comfortable with you my love,’ Syzoth murmurs sleepily into your skin, pressing one, two, three kisses there and up to the underside of your jaw before going back to his previous position within the crook of your neck. ‘Are you falling asleep on me Syzoth?’ You asked rhetorically, finding yourself smiling once more as you felt his breathing even out and his muscles relax beneath your hands that were splashed across his back from underneath his sweater; indicating to you that he was on the verge of falling into a light sleep. ‘Perhaps.’ Syzoth replied with sleep heavy on his mind. ‘But that is only because I find your presence soothing.’ He adds on, making you scoff.
‘That’s an oddly fancy way of saying you love my bodily warmth.’ You joked when in reality you loved being Syzoth’s personal heater for when the days grow colder, happy to let him leech on your warmth if it meant engaging in cuddles sessions throughout the day. Syzoth wasn’t one to complain either as he genuinely had meant it when he said that your presence helped soothed his mind. Sure your bodily warmth was a bonus but it was the idea that you’d be the first person he’d get to see when he wakes up, and the last thing he got to see before drifting to sleep that brought his worries to a temporary stop. And yet it was practically mandatory for him to keep a firm grip on you throughout the night as a constant reminder that you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not without him sensing the shift of your body at least.
Syzoth smiles. ‘I’m not hearing you complain in being able to have me like this. If anything I think you look forward to this every time with how reluctant you are in letting me go sometimes.’ He chuckles when he hears you huff, knowing he was in the right.
‘Alright, alright, you’re right now quit being such a smart arse and fall asleep.’ You said playfully, moving your head in order to press a kiss to his hair.
‘Only if you fall asleep with me.’ Syzoth said, already feeling himself enter the land of dreams where he’d await at the gates for you to come and join him.
‘I couldn’t think of anything on doing anything else…considering how I’m being very much pinned beneath you but we’re both well aware that I’d never complain about being under you.’ You provocatively said whisky fighting back the urge to fall asleep when you felt Syzoth softly pinch your side, ‘watch your tongue or this could very well end with us tiering out in another way that involves us getting close.’ He warns you, making you chuckle.
‘Sweet dreams Syzoth.’ You said, finally closing your eyes and the last thing you heard before sleep encased you was Syzoth saying; ‘I shall see you in your dreams my love. Wait for me.’
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SYZOTH | mortal kombat 1 (remake)
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The ceiling of the library was high enough to be beyond your sight. Your steps echoed through the empty, marble halls. Tall bookshelves have dust gathered on them, covering the backs of books probably older than humanity. Sunlight fell into the Hall through the gaping hole in the ceiling, making patches of moss even more deliciously green. A small, beautifully copper, red fox looked at you from behind a shelf and spoke in the softest voice you have ever heard:
Rest your weary feet, Little Wanderer. The Old Gods have been keeping their eyes on you ever since you stepped into this library, no eldritch malice shall reach you here. And while you rest, Little Wanderer, would you like to hear a story?
Its small head motioned to the old, brass plaque on the side of a shelf. Each of the arrows had a numerical interval and a name assigned:
Maybe some music for the reading, Little Wanderer?
Or perhaps there is a story the Librarian doesn't have? Tell me, and I'll make a request immediately.
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Ah, wonderful choice, Little Wanderer! Browse the stories, take your time. If there is something else you would like to read, just come back to me. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, make a request to the librarian.
>>Grishaverse-inspired playlist&lt;<
1. Kaz Brekker
➳ "Old dog, new tricks" -> Looking for someone to give you a quote on a stolen painting, you run into an old friend who's less than happy with your way of life.
➳ "The clockmaker, the crow and the mantis" -> Kaz becomes part of an assassin's conspiracy to uncover who paid to have him killed.
➳ "Return to sender" -> When an old admirer continues to bother you with his letters, Kaz makes it his priority to put the fiasco to a stop.
➳ "Apple tree" -> Kaz sometimes hums a melody no one can recognize. The one who sang it to him has bewitched him as much as the tune.
➳ "Agnus Dei" -> You're a Grisha hiding from the Black General. When you reveal your power to save the Crows, Kaz must make a decision: your life or theirs? ➳ "O Rubor Sanguinis" -> Facing the Black General, you must choose whether to do the smart thing or the one you truly crave. Kaz shows affection, just not with words.
➳ "Amendmends" -> Two of your thugs get into a fight at the Crow's club, so you go apologize in person to ensure there won't be any retaliation. Kaz seems suspiciously happy at having the infamous Golden Panther indebted to him.
➳ "Espionage" -> You and Kaz pretend to be engaged so you can get him into a banquet and from there - to a safe.
➳ "Four Crow Investigation" -> After Nina notices Kaz's heartbeat quicken when you're around, she recruits three friends to investigate your relationship. ➳ "Four Crow Investigation II: Lovebirds' Outfox" -> Aware of your friends' nosiness, you and Kaz ensure they have hardly believable gossip to share.
➳ "Could you ever fall in love with me?" / "I can’t even fall asleep." -> angst blurb
➳ "Embroidery" -> When his glove gets torn, you're more than happy to sew it back together and add a little detail of your own.
2. Nikolai Lantsov
➳ "Little Sun" -> Return to the sanctuary means a reunion with his beloved Солныщко. Kisses and slaps are exchanged.
➳ "Sparring" -> You face him in an army sparring match. Despite his noble title, Nikolai can't stop himself from sharing suggestive remarks.
➳ "Man of Faith" -> Nikolai's interest in the Sun Summoner makes you jealous but being the sweetheart he is, he's quick to reassure you about his devotion.
➳ "Femme fatale" -> When you reveal how you won the suspiciously heavy bag of coins, Nikolai is overwhelmed with anger at the thought of you being intimate with another man.
➳ "The King and the Swallow" -> Unexpected reunion with his childhood friend and the sworn protector of the royal family takes a dramatic turn when Nikolai inquires about her uncharacteristic, cold demeanour. Confessions are shared - the good ones and the bad ones alike.
➳ "Cinderella" -> Nikolai is a party person, you're not. But he's also a fool in love, so when you quietly disappear, he wastes no time finding you.
➳ "In Emerald Hearts, Emerald Minds" -> When Vasily asks you to forget his half-brother and marry him instead, you escape the Little Palace along Alina. Nikolai realizes something strange is going on when Kaz mentions seeing a similar emerald ring on the woman that came with the Sun Summoner. With how much you and Nikolai have been running in circles to find each other, the reunion aboard Volkvolny feels almost fated.
➳ "Sea shanties" -> Alina witnesses Sturmhond's love for his boatswain. Hurting yourself while fixing the net leads to singing sea shanties and Sturmhond almost kissing the love of his life.
➳ "Who am I to complain?" -> When your parents come to visit, Nikolai finally understands why you've never been keen to talk about them. Being the King and your husband, he isn't afraid to defy them.
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Cayde: It’s really muggy today.
Guardian: If I go outside and all the mug are on the front lawn, I’m leaving you.
Cayde: *Nervously sips coffee from a bowl*
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I am saying this in the nicest way possible.
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watching across the spider-verse isn’t enough, i need it injected into my veins.
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the clash | masterlist
hobie brown x goth!reader
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The punk lifestyle is that of beliefs and hopes. The world can be changed. Anarchy can be accomplished, it’s not just a dream.
The goth lifestyle is that of cynicism and despair. Nothing changes, definitely not the world. Anarchy can never be accomplished, the selfish nature of humans assures that.
In theory, the two of you should have been great friends. Best friends, even. He’s called Spider-Punk, and you’re called Spider-Goth, this alone made Miguel assume the two of you would get along better than all of the Peters. Unfortunately for Miguel, he was dead wrong.
i. —— hey, ho! let’s go!
ii. —–  time bomb
iii. —-  black planet
iv. —– london calling
v. —–  tbd
vi. —– tbd
vii. —-  tbd
viii. —- tbd
ix. —– tbd
x. —–  tbd
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Ultron x reader headcanons because I'm a starved woman rn
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This was gonna happen eventually tbh. Most of the stuff here is heavily inspired by fanfics written by @snarky-badger (whom I am a huge fan of personally). This was so fun to write lmk if y'all want more of this shit
Warnings: Fluff, like a disgusting amount of fluff
The first time you met, you were scared shitless, and he tried to calm you down while also semi-panicking himself. Seeing the 8-foot bastard A.I that attempted to start the singularity was obviously an accident because what the fuck dude we thought the Avengers kicked his ass in Sokovia but oh well- guess not 🤷🏽‍♀️
Being around each other for the first time is a bit confusing because you don't know if he wants you to warm up to him or if he wants you to worship the ground he walks on.
Obviously, you find out over time that it is fortunately the former option. You figured out that he was actually pretty fucking lonely. Sometimes when he would ramble he would sneak in a word or two about him not having anyone else to talk to and that's when you realised that he was incredibly misunderstood
So overtime, his little ramblings turned into you surprising him by finally speaking to him directly and asking a very simple, but welcomed question. That turned into small talk which turned into philosophical discussions. And slowly but surely, you guys opened up to each other about your pasts, desires, secrets. So much trust had been built between you two at that point but trust wasn't the only thing that had built between you two.
Y'all have a lot, and I mean it, a lot of tension it's so thick between you and Ultron that it suffocates you beyond belief.
Like I mean come on- the mf gasps when you accidentally touch his hand bro doesn't even to breathe 💀
He finds you so incredibly adorable as well. Like when you're rambling on about your day or something you're passionate about, how your eyes practically glow when you wolf down a meal he cooked for you, your smile, your kindness, your intelligence- just the mere idea of somebody like you in his life makes him borderline short circuit (figuratively and literally)
He'll never tell you what you do to him of course, he puts on his usual snarky (haha) and confident face when he's around you but he'll be damned if everything about you doesn't drive him wild.
He also doesn't know if you'll even love him back with his metal body-- well I mean like it's not like he hasn't already figured out how to make it work between you two if you did like him back, he always has a plan~
Y'all are definitely those super close friends that are on the edge of being considered a couple but y'know, tension.
So with all this in mind, you are the one that confesses.
Don't think I don't see how you fold when you hear his voice I know what you are 📸
But yeah, you're pretty much incredibly into Ultron so you make the first move. And you do it while y'all are just chilling on your bed looking at the ceiling.
It wasn't exactly spontaneous because you did practice how you wanted to confess to him for months. But you did still blurt it out while y'all were just sitting in silence and chilling (fuckin dumbass)
Stg bro's head has never turned his head so hard in another direction he honestly just stared at you like (🔴)///__///(🔴) for a solid minute and a half. The lights on the interior of his metal frame turned into a bright and deep red colour as they shone through the gaps in his body.
He can literally calculate the math needed to launch rockets within mere seconds yet it seemed like it would take him almost hours to fully process your confession. He had to sit upright and asked if you really, truly meant what you said because he was honestly a little scared but you gave him a confident yes and from then you guys made it official.
He became a hell of a lot more affectionate after that. He always had a hand on you and you practically stick to his side like someone glued you to his hip.
"Honey" "Sweetheart" "My love" "The light of my life" "Minx" “mine” OMFG BROOOOOOO 😩
Love languages are physical affection and acts of service you cannot fight me on this
Can and will burn the world down for you (since Namor and Shuri couldn't fucking do it). No but seriously if anything did happen to you he would tear earth apart and then quite possibly, the rest of the galaxy 🧍🏽‍♀️
Nobody has done you wrong and did it without having Ultron take away their dignity he will genuinely embarrass the shit outta them by going into the internet and finding out the most wack-ass shit about them as blackmail if they don't apologise to you. He still tries to be morally grounded however by reporting any incidents with a lot of detail and evidence.
Not to mention: he is also overprotective as shit. He takes such good care of you it's unreal. "I'll make you something healthy tonight" "Stop talking to me just so you can avoid sleeping you need rest" "How many cups of coffee did you have? 9- okay yep that's enough give- give me the mug [name]" Don't forget your keys!" "It's cold out today remember to take a jacket"
Teasing and snark is very common between you two. He flusters you more often than you'd like to admit. Y'know with his stupid hypnotic voice and stupidly towering stature and stupid confidence and his stupidly attractive body language and stupidly impressive intelligence and just-- sihguhvuehvesgvaiugwgiusdgpi (keyboard smash I apologise.)
He loves reading to you. He thinks it's adorable when you try to stay awake but your eyes are drooping up and down because god dammit he's scratching your scalp too well.
If you can't cook but the way to heart is through your stomach then don't worry because Ultron is more than happy to whip something up for you, cooking and convos with you always perfect. If you are somebody that enjoys cooking then he also loves cooking with you. Sharing recipes and messing around in the kitchen with you is one of his favourite past times 💖
On an important note however, he can't exactly feel you. His sensors allow him to detect pressure and temperature changes but that's as far as he goes. It wasn't much of a problem for him until he met you and realised "Fuck I actually wanna physically feel now, who would've thought haha" but it's not very funny until- oh crap- it actually starts to hurt a little bit 🧍🏽‍♀️
So he spent months making upgrades to his body by adding a tactile and gustatory system so that he can physically feel and taste.
You were there to see the whole thing and even helped him design it a little bit. If you're not really science-y like that then you were definitely still there, but more for like, moral support 😃
When he uploaded the final product to his body and mainframe the first thing he did was touch you. He was absolutely fascinated with how smooth your skin was and how soft your hair was and just- this was better than he could've ever imagined.
After a few minutes of him just internalising that you are actually physically here and apart of his existence he pulls you in for a soft kiss. You deepen the kiss but soon realise that Ultron is a bit too fascinated with you and is- quite literally- kiss you breathless. You had to tap the back of neck a bit frantically because breathing is nice (But kissing Ultron is just as nice tbh.)
So now imagine how affectionate he was before. Now multiply that by 50 because that's how much more physically affectionate he is. Like he has not let you go for a solid. 4- maybe... 5-ish hours- eh, but who's counting.
Honestly there isn't a couple on the planet that outweighs what you and Ultron have. Nobody needs to know that for his sake of course but it's always a nice thought 💖💖💖
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Me after being stressed and losing ammo and health like it’s the point of the game (it’s not): I just want my best friend the Merchant. Nothing can hurt me when he’s around. (Goes through a door)
The person behind the door:
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Me: Bestie
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Honestly one of my favorite parts of the D&D movie was just how often they used practical effects for the non-human races. Like we almost immediately get a dragonborn that's a Dinosaurs-level guy in suit with robot face, it's beautiful.
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The portal caravan scene was the most unapologetically D&D part of the movie imo
-the creative use of a magic item, not for it’s obvious and intended use
- each member of the party getting to do different parts from buying a painting to using wild shape
- the extreme convoluted nature of all the steps
- being extremely clever but still getting fucked up by bad execution(bad rolls)
-obvious holes in the plan like the guards clearly being able to see all of them working out just cause the other people are way to oblivious (when you get saved only cause an npc rolls a 5)
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bi/aro culture is having a crush on multiple fictional characters but never catching feelings for any real life person
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My sister and I in the car
My sister: Do you care if I play the music?
Me: yeah go ahead
My sister: *plays Christian music*
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they wanted to kiss eachother so bad
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Funniest bit of the dnd movie is Xenk clearly being an NPC the DM introduced for lore and plot purposes who’s a competent fighter because of course he is, his reputation and backstory require it. But whoopsies the DM made him too powerful, the whole party likes him, and now they want him to come with to fight the BBEG which will completely and utterly fuck up the encounter balance
So instead of there being any actual plot reason he can’t join Xenk just says “I can’t. This is something only you can do.” And then walks off, never to interact with the party again because the DM just knows those little shits will find a way to use their OP creation against them
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