290 posts
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your-kir · 3 years ago
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Art by sseongryul
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your-kir · 3 years ago
It's kind of funny how you can somewhat bypass imposter syndrome by deciding you're just gonna be an imposter on purpose. Back when I was 13 and first learned that trans men are real (this being 2007, and people didn't really talk about this stuff much yet), I still thought that all trans people had simply "always known", and I figured that okay, I'm probably not really trans, but I still wanted to be a boy so badly that I figured that fuck it, I'm just going to trick them into giving me a diagnosis anyway so I can live as male.
When I first got suggested I might have ADHD, I wasn't 100% sure that I would, I was the inattentive type as a child and maybe everyone struggles with the exact same thing that I and the certified diagnosed ADHD people do, but I figured that fuck it, I'm just going to bullshit them into giving me a diagnosis anyway in case the meds do help me after all, and then discovered that I didn't need to lie about anything they asked me.
I didn't believe there would be careers in art, not to mention a way to make a whole goddamn living by drawing comics. Comic art is only for the Certified Super Talented Legends Who Are Better Than Me. But I kept drawing anyway and people liked the dumb crap I was drawing, and apparently the art world has no other quality control than having people enjoy your dumb crap.
Sometimes it really isn't about getting yourself to believe in yourself, it's about going "well fuck it, might as well see how far I can get before they catch me", and sneaking into wherever you're absolutely sure you shouldn't be allowed to go, until you realise that nobody's stopped you yet.
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your-kir · 3 years ago
PAC:: Fighting Evil by Moonlight!
Yea... to continue with the series (Disney Characters) it was brought to my attention I think by @emerella72 that maybe I should do sailor moon characters? so here we go.
Pick an image! there are .... I'm going to try for 6 lmao. this is strictly the main scouts. so while I may also pick up Luna, Artemis and maybe Helios and endymion that is not the purpose.
pick an image, and I'll tell you which scout you're more likely to be ;) and who knows, this may be able to help you on your witchy journey.
ALso! feel free to tip your reader ;o; --- it helps me out, you get a fun reading out of it. it's fun all around.
the numbers are obvious, top row is 1-3, bottom row is 4-6
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Pile 1!
06 of Cups, King of Cups, 02 of Pentacles, 03 of Pentacles, the World, The High Priestess, 08 of Wands
This is giving me very emotional vibes. someone who is balanced with their heart and brain. someone who is intuitive.... someone who likes to give and receive love.
... Sailor Moon herself comes to mind. but also Sailor Mercury and a Hint of Sailor Mars.
You guys are the lovers. like I said. You guys are the ones who hold onto their childhood dreams, and are the ones who know how to take care of other people. You guys are always trying your hardest. You're Intuitive, caring, most likely the type to have some sort of psychic ability.
I feel like, much like sailor mars or mercury, not only are you willing to learn, but you can pick up the sublte shifts around you. you know when something is off or when someone isn't looking at you the way they should.
You guys move pretty quickly on your dreams as well. you know what to chase, whether or not you fully believe in yourself -YOU SHOULD-. things may happen to you guys also. if something ends, it ends abruptly. if you want something new to start, things pick up quickly. you know what I mean?
You guys are working on being balanced with your mind and heart. people love being around you. both the good and bad. so take care of yourself and use discernment. okay?
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Pile 2!
The Devil, The Sun, Death, Page of Swords, 04 of Swords, 08 of Wands, King of Cups, 07 of Swords, 10 of Swords
Someone who fearrs failure. someone who works way too hard and is serious about what they do. someone who may give an intimidating or intense persona.
I get... sailor Jupiter, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Pluto vibes from this group.
You guys are expressive as you are intense and deep. you may be loud without fully intending to be. you may be the most willing to jump into the void and face the unknown. you guys are the communicators, the planners. the ones who probably need the most rest because of how HARD you push.
You guys may cut corners if you see that you can get away with it. but honestly, you guys are the ones where shit just happens. whether or good or bad. you had to learn how to roll with the punches.
you guys are quick to think on the spot. you dive so deeply and intensely into things. you will probably be the type to work yourself to death.
People may see you guys as stubborn, intense, intimidating, reckless. unpredictable. but you guys know where you're going. even in the dark. and that scares a lot of people. because you will go to great lengths to protect the people around you.
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pile 3 !
what a huge image lmaooo
The World, King of Wands, King of Pentacles, Page of Cups, the High Priestess, 02 of Cups, Strength, 02 of Wands, the Sun, 04 of Wands
I get from this pile... someone fun loving. someone who can work well with others, and always try to see the best in a situation. someone willing to learn, and to be a pillar if they need to be.
Sailor Venus...Sailor Uranus,. and Sailor Moon is what is calling to me here =)
I feel like, you guys are also the type to understand where people are coming from in any situation. often light hearted and fun, you guys prefer to see the more... fun side to life. you can be serious. but why should you be when other people already are for you? ya know what I mean lol.
You guys like to get intimate with people. you like to study people. be their voice of reason, of love, of comfort. defintely the type to try to stop an argument they have no reason to be in. you just like to be at ease with everything.
alsoooo a group that is very intuitive as well. people who understand their body and aren't afraid to understand the world and other bodies around them. I'm not saying yall are sexually active lmao. I just mean you understand the world itself. how people work. and you like to dig into those kind of topics.
my courageous pile as well. those willing to take pile 2 by the hand and run with them lmao. those who aren't easily intimidated by the intimidating. ya feel me? lol
go out there and live your best life pile 3's. yall deserve it.
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Pile 4!
the Moon, Justice, 03 of Pentacles, 07 of Wands, 02 of Pentacles, 06 of Swords, Knight of Wands, 08 of Cups, 10 of Cups
this pile is interesting because as soon as I saw the image, Sailor Mercury just kept popping in my head. this pile is even more interesting because it feels to me that the people who chose this pile may have to give up a lot. may have had to in the past, and probably will in the future. all for the sake ... of your future. to have a happy life that you dream of.
So while Sailor Mercury kept screaming at me in my head lmao. I also see Sailor Saturn, Sailor Neptune... Sailor Pluto... and Sailor Chibi Moon.
I'm seeing people who have had to work hard, but in the end, received everything they needed. forgiveness, love, confidence...understanding.
you guys are like the Moon to the Pile 3's sun. the more emotional side. the more introverted. Not that... you guys can't be outspoken or fun, but there's something quiet about you guys. like my behind the scenes leaders. ya know?
You guys work well with others but you guys have had to go through a lot to get to where you want to be. there's a lot of lessons you guys had to go through but it's worth it in the end.
really good at manifesting. willing to sacrifice everything to make sure people are okay and to get to your goals. you can be a little reckless, and sometimes too absorbed in your own mind. but that's okay.
You may often be that person people open up to as well. you can read a person with just a glance haha. people just find themselves trusting you. and... you're very good at facing your fears and helping other people do the same.
You guys will see the rewards of all the work you are putting in. I promise. it's coming in faster than you expect.
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Pile 5!
King of Wands, Queen of Wands, 04 of Cups, 07 of Wands, Ace of Wands, 03 of Pentacles, 05 of Swords, Justice, 06 of Swords
hmm... this gives me a pile who has equal parts feminine and masculine energies. the card "possibilites" came out to me and so it makes me think that you're a really good blend of all of them.
I'm getting.. sailor Jupiter vibes from this pile.. someone slightly insecure of themselves... Sailor Moon... it really does give me all their vibes lmao.
because they all kind of have this same energy of finding their home and finding peace. you know? Maybe even sailor Chibi Moon because she comes to train and grow.
You guys are most likely the leading type. the person who is well rounded. the person who can see every side to every issue. those who have the final say in things because you just... know how to please everyone to get everyone to work together.
there's some sort of insecurity here though. I think that you may not feel like you're being seen. or that something is missing from your life. like a goal is constantly just out of your reach. like you'll never be recognized.
Please don't let that stop you though. You may not be the loudest, or the quietest, or whatever. but you bring a lot to people. you are the voice of reason. the person who can literally unite other people because of how balanced you are and can be.
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Pile 6!
The Devil, the Fool, Queen of Swords, 10 of Cups, Ace of Swords, 06 of Wands, 07 of Cups, Knight of Wands, 02 of Swords
sailor venus and sailor saturn are coming out strong for me here. sailor saturn for the fact that she made the choice to end and become something new.
and venus because it was predicted shed keep fighting and never would have to choose between finding love or protecting the princess (you know...Ace lol)
Heck even the Queen herself for sacrificing herself to give the others a chance and thus beginning the whole manga. Sailor Mercury is also coming through here as well.
the reason why I say this is because, I feel like some of you have a choice to make. you may see many options in life, but none of them may be what you are looking for.
I'm seeing a group of people who are smart, who are dedicated to the work they do. these people can be a bit intense, wuiet, but also very fun and active.
You guys are the dreamers. the people who see things and are inspired by the world around you. you guys have had to make some tough choices, and go down some new rabbit holes. but you see life for the journey that it is.
I feel like for some of you, you have had to end a very deep cycle in your life. and now you get to see life in it's beautiful state. you get to dream and chase after many things. you get to feel the comfort of being surrounded by love and feeling that independence.
You guys are wise through experience. this feels like pile 5 except perhaps you guys are just becoming aware of that balance that you hold within you. this also feels a bit more serious when it comes to the choices you guys have had to make.
but I do think you guys will be just as victorious as pile 5. even more so because you guys keep moving. keep planning and fighting. you guys just won't stop. so I do recommend giving yourselves a break.
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your-kir · 3 years ago
Game's closed! what comes next? and a poll
Hello friends!
remember that 55 I mentioned yesterday? well now it's up to 70 lmao.
so thank you!
to the huge turnout and to the support of everyone. let's have a town meeting here so we can all be on the same page as to where we're going.
Town Meeting! Paging all Star Cadets!
First! let's talk about the Poll because that's the fun thing. I have some stuff ready to go in between answering all of these asks so no one gets bored at looking at the same shit.
so Pick a number as to what goes first! 1 or 2.
if You choose number 2 ! V or S.
reblog this or comment don't recommend sending it in a ask because it's going to be buried lmao.
so yea I do have some stuff ready to go so no one gets bored of all the asks they'll be seeing in their feed. if you can, and don't want to see all the answers block off the tag "500 game celebration" that's where all the answers are going to be tagged.
I'm hoping to do about 20 a day.
I know that may seem like a lot but the whole thing with Etsy has had me uh... really learn how to expend my energy lmao.
there is also another game in the works. I spoke a little bit about it yesterday but that won't happen until .. much much later. lmaoooo
I'm also hoping to bring back intuitive messages for astrology signs and weekly predictions.
so yea.
let's also give a Huge! welcome to our new star cadets!
i hope you guys are doing okay and stick around.
as always, as I am ending this, the best way to support me is to follow me on my other socials. and to literally support me! buy me a coffee, or purchase a reading. every little tip gets a fun reading and obviously if you buy a reading, you get the reading.
I have serviced over 3000 people! no lie! i know what I'm doing lmao.
and yea, this also helps me to pay my storage unit and keep giving you guys games!
as i try to find a stable job lmaooooo
okay enough of that! have a good day everyone lmao
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your-kir · 3 years ago
Not me intentionally going to the same place as him just to act like I don’t know him.. I am so mad..
He definitely saw me. He tried to be around me too and I was like ahahah no. I was so nervous.
I even got a donut just to be near him- I hate donuts
I want to cry
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your-kir · 3 years ago
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The artist gives light and paints the art so that we understand another hidden reality. Artist Nikita Busyak.
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your-kir · 3 years ago
happy cake day to me
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your-kir · 3 years ago
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your-kir · 3 years ago
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your-kir · 3 years ago
the first to guess my mbti will receive a free yes or no reading with a mini explanation 🤠
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your-kir · 3 years ago
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I needed that!! Also, I think that I know who she is talking about 👀👀.. Or maybe I don’t, but there is a certain someone who I believe matches that description.
Anyways dude like… ahhhh. Everything really does resonate. I am really hoping that my future looks as bright as she is making it out to be. I am kind of overwhelmed right now.
That really hit me wow— thank you so much! You are so talented. Please take all of my appreciation💕💕
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Hey there! Happy Valentine’s Day!💕 I have not interacted with you in a long time! I missed you :). If I could I would like to participate in the game. For the game, I think that I will go with 6. My big three are Pisces sun, leo moon, and leo rising and I am currently single.
Well welcome back friend :D to be honest, I was gone for a hot minute there lol. etsy really took a toll on me and I just got back into things a few months ago.
number 6: a love letter from your Higher Self.
I want you to know that your dreams are coming to you. coming faster than you may realize. and today, while you are reading this, I want you to know how loved you are. Continue to keep building for the future because I promise you, it far exceeds what you think your future is looking like.
I can't tell you much about the person that is coming in for you. other than they will be headstrong, a strong leader in every sense of the word. they will wear bold colors and be assertive. they are gentle though, and fit with you very well.
this person sees how hard you work, as do most people in your life, they will cherish you. they will cherish every single minute being with you. and you will know and realize that every struggle you have had, has lead you to the beautiful outcome.
I want you to keep having hope and faith in yourself and in your dreams. the best things in life are hard to get and you are going to win so big in life. Know that I love you and am leading you down the best possible path.
Keep connecting to your intuition. trust what you are feeling and know that I would never lead you astray. life may get hard on you, but your boundless love for yourself and other people are going to carry you far.
there is so much in store for you, and i cannot wait for you to see it. take care of yourself, okay?
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your-kir · 3 years ago
Valentines day readings =)
Happy Valentines day!
ask game... OPEN
so, I'm opening my ask box, even though I have some stuff I should probably respond to first lmaoooo. this will be open until I reblog it saying it is closed.
But yea, I'mma let y'all pick a number and you'll get a reading from that c:
**** quick note, the readings are generally the same regardless of whether you pick the singles category or in a relationship one, they are simply tweaked to fit relationships. so be honest with me lmao
I'm allowing anons for this but I swear to GODS if I don't see enough interaction going on with the posts, I WILL be stopping games all together. I've done it before and I will do it again.
To keep everything fair so no one knows exactly what they are getting, I will only be keeping this open for a little bit and then answering it all as the day goes on.
If none of these numbers appeal to you, whisper to me "aphrodite sends her wishes" and I'll give you a message from the love gods uwu
If you are single ::
Pick a number 1 -6
Tell me that you are single. (this is because I'm using the same numbers in the Taken category lol)
I need your big 3, or a name or something to call you
Imma need you to interact with your post. whether that means sending me feedback, liking it, reblogging it, etc. I JUST NEED TO SEE YOU interacting with the post.
I'mma also need you to at least like this post. you don't have to reblog, but letting other people have fun too is always nice lol
If you are in a relationship!
pick a number 1-6
Tell me that you're choosing this pile.
Give me their initials, their signs, or something to call them by. AS WELL AS yours.
I'm also going to need you to interact with this post. whether that is by liking this post, reblogging, sending in feedback etc.
I'm also going to need you to at least like this post. reblogging is optional but lets other people see the post so they can also have fun.
and yea, I do think that's everything.
the game is OPEN, feel free to hit me up.
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your-kir · 3 years ago
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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your-kir · 3 years ago
☕ PAC READING: What are you forgetting? ☕
Hello everyone!
Welcome to my first ever tarot and oracle PAC reading! I've been reading tarot on and off since summer 2020, and really felt like attempting a PAC at some point in my tarot career. For my first topic, I wanted to pick something different but also practical and useful.
Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Focus on the question and let your eyes and heart guide you towards the pile that has the messages most relevant for you at this point.
If you're attracted to more than one pile, by all means, read both. If you're attracted to none, perhaps I don't have a message for you at this time, and I hope to have something for you next time.
Going left to right, we have Piles 1, 2, and 3.
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I'd love to hear some feedback, since this is my very first attempt at a PAC! I'm also open for paid personal readings ($3 and up) via DMs.
Pictures used are not mine.
My kofi ☕ (ha!)
Pile 1
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Tarot: 2 of Swords, 8 of Swords, 7 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, Strength (back of deck)
Oracles: Openness, Flow
It's time to release negativity (Full Moon in Scorpio), Meditate and contemplate (Full Moon in Pisces)
Alright so pile 1, there's a decision you're either willfully ignoring or genuinely forgetting to make, purely because of how much anxiety it brings you. It may seem like a small decision at present, but it can snowball into something major if not worked on right now. For the most part, I see you losing out on time if you continue to ignore it. We so easily forget that time is the only luxury that money can't buy, so please take this as a gentle reminder to be honest with yourself about this decision.
It may have something to do with education or a job choice. For some of you it may also have to do with picking electives/extra-curricular activities. Again, it doesn't seem like it's an irreversible choice but the fact that you're procrastinating and not taking any steps towards it can turn this stagnant energy into something more harmful in the long run. If you're still confused, think about what area in your life seems to be stagnant right now. That's where the pending decision is.
The advice coming through for you is that you need to realize that you're overthinking and being run by your emotions, but lucky for you, you don't need to carry this energy alone. You're forgetting that there are people on your side who would welcome you coming to them and asking for help. This may be an older woman. For most of you, this is your mom. For others, this may be another feminine energy, like an older sister, mentor, or spirit guide with Earthy energy. In the past, you may have been apprehensive about approaching this person for fear of looking childish or because of how they seemingly tend to be a little overbearing/paranoid. This reading, however, is strongly suggesting you do go to this person for this particular problem. They'll help you navigate your emotions and harness their power in a more productive way. They may even help you role-play a situation or brainstorm different avenues that your decisions can take. Funnily enough, this could also be a trusted tarot reader that you used to resonate with but have forgotten about.
With the oracle cards, further advice is to be open to suggestions, and remember that the Universe flows according to your decisions. Sure, there are rules in nature but it doesn't mean that you can't get new results. You haven't been feeling whole lately. That's because a part of you believes that letting go of your anxieties means letting go of your control over the situations/outcomes, which just isn't true. Your anxieties are the negativity you need to let go of right now. Calm your senses. Ground yourself. If you can't step outside yourself to think clearly, that's okay. Find the person(s) that you trust and let them hold your hand as you wade through the fog. There’s too much airy energy coming from you right now, which needs to be balanced with some water and earth energy.
I was also tempted to include these sentences from the Moonology guidebook:
Use your feelings to guide your way (logic won’t work right now).
Face your fears - they may be holding you back.
The situation is being healed.
Avoid being deceptive or willingly deceived.
Random signs: wood, garden, peas, a journal, karate, paints
Pile 2
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Tarot: Ace of Swords, Death, King of Swords, The Fool, 2 of Wands, Temperance, 4 of Cups (back of the deck)
Oracles: Transformation, Solitude, Flexibility
The end of a tough cycle approaches (Full Moon in Capricorn), Don’t let pride get in your way (Full Moon in Leo)
Pile 2, there’s an idea you had a short while ago that you’ve completely forgotten about. It could be related to work for some of you. For some of you, it’s related to just work around the house, actually. Perhaps related to some hobby or a design project of some sort. This idea was pretty genius and could’ve really revamped whatever you were working on. You yourself were taken aback by this idea but you probably had it in the shower or while you were falling asleep or something, and you forgot to note it down. The idea was like a breath of fresh air and you hadn’t felt as clear-headed and focused as you did in that moment.
The advice coming through for you is to emulate that sense of calm and ease again to get back to this idea and to tap into the depths of your creativity and genius. Maybe go to a place with lots of breathing space, peace, and quiet, and let it come back to you. I have a weird constricting feeling in my throat as I type this, and this makes me feel like you’re probably in a position where it’s just really tough for you to breathe. There’s so much noise and clutter around you, so many distractions, that despite you having the passion, drive, and creativity, there just isn’t any room for you to grow and let these ideas expand. The biggest thing you’re forgetting, Pile 2, is to breathe.
This has also seeped into your health. A random message coming through strongly is to drink water! Do not forget to drink water!
Your sleep and workout schedules might also be a bit misaligned/unbalanced right now. These don’t seem like something you’re forgetting, exactly, but things that you’re just pushing to the back of your mind because they seem so overwhelming. It’s okay if you feel overwhelmed. It’s okay if you wanted to start fixing them with the onset of the new year but missed it. Your first step is literally to breathe. Just breathe. And the rest of the steps will come easy. Trust that your body, once it gets that reset, will just know what to do next.
Another message: there may be a pretty useful app you’re forgetting to use as well that could make your life a lot easier!
The oracles emphasize the fact that you need to slow down first to actually get started on the big picture stuff. You may have a certain blueprint or a certain step-by-step procedure in your head but even getting started seems hopeless because you’ve forgotten to turn down the noise in your head first. You may be someone that feels like even their planner needs to be picture perfect. The only way to clean up the mess in your head is to get it out of there first.
It’s also okay to delegate and let someone else do something for you. Doesn’t make you any less of a #boss. And if you’re worried about people keeping tabs and thinking you “owe them one” later on, consult your gut before letting someone into your life like that. This cycle of stagnancy or confusion is so close to closing. Don’t let anyone’s pride get in the way of that.
Random signs: butterflies, flowers (particularly roses), lake
Pile 3
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Tarot: 6 of Cups, Ace of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, The Empress, Page of Cups (back of the deck)
Oracles: Going forward, Security
Be bold and make the first move (Cardinal Moon), A time to give rather than take (New Moon in Virgo)
Pile 3, you’re forgetting someone you had a lovely, light, and pure connection with when you were younger. This person may have brought with them a sense of adventure and excitement. I don’t think they’re in your life at present, at least not in the capacity that they used to be in.
I get a somewhat lonely vibe from this group. I think you’ve been managing alright in life lately but there is this sense of colorlessness or boredom in your life. I feel like you are a really lively person when positioned in the right circumstances or when with a group of friends, but right now you’re feeling dulled down, almost. Like a picture with the saturation turned down all the way down. Your hobbies don’t interest you as much as they once did, and while you usually enjoy your own company for the most part (because, again, you actually are really fun to be around), you’re starting to lose a little hope with how things are and how time is passing by with you not living it up to the fullest, and only making memories on your own.
There may be a friend, possibly a bit older than you or more mature than you, that you used to have fun with. You could chat with them about almost anything and they were super fun to be around. I don’t sense a falling out but you both probably drifted apart because of work/school commitments. One of you may have also gotten into a relationship and, without really meaning to, drifted apart from their friends because, after all, there’s only so much time and there’s so many things to experience and do in life. It’s nothing personal. For some of you, this could’ve been a new job or passion that just took over yours or your friends’ life. You may have recently been randomly thinking of this friend, and for some of you it may be because Spirit wants you to reconnect and provide them with some sort of help.
The advice coming through is to just reach out. It doesn’t have to be a DM or text. Even a simple like or comment on a post on their social media will do. Drop your expectations of how things ‘should’ go or how you’d like them to go, and just make a move. Even if your friend’s too busy, or doesn’t match your energy, or it just feels like you’ve both outgrown each other, just putting yourself out there will remind you how nice it is to have friends and how easy and simple it can be to put yourself out there. It’ll help you feel like yourself again. You’ll feel like you’ve reclaimed some power in yourself. For most of you, I see this move paying off to be honest, but even if nothing comes of it you’ll feel reconnected to your former self at least. For those of you that do manage to reconnect with this friend, I see you going back to your former school/neighborhood/crushes/hangout spots together, either in actuality or through memories, and feeling rejuvenated and grateful. It’ll fill you with a sense of grounded-ness and security, going through this memory lane, and remind you of how many great memories you have and how you’re more than capable of inviting that happy-go-lucky energy back into your life when you feel ready for it.
Random signs: lemonade, surprise, cake, geography class, soap
I hope you found a message here today! And if not, I hope to have a message for you next time. Wishing you all love, light, and success! 🤎
Don't forget to leave feedback if your reading resonated in any capacity.
My kofi ☕ (ha!)
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your-kir · 3 years ago
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soft Jeongyeon eating toast and drinking coffee ☕️ once again #3
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your-kir · 3 years ago
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ever wondered about your connection with your favorite idol, and maybe their first impression of you…?
- if you don’t do all of the rules your ask will be deleted and unanswered -
- What You Will Find Out -
if you only want me to answer one please tell me that, if you chose one they may be more detailed than if you chose two!
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your-kir · 3 years ago
"Love taking an 8 minute route that takes an abled 2 minutes"
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