a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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First time making LGBTQ+ Lock Screens :)
Please Like+Reblog if using them, Thankyouu! 
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what cis ppl in general will never understand is that casual, slight, vague transphobia still fuckin hurts. transphobic subtext hurts. CISNORMATIVITY hurts.
it’s the TINIEST things, like not having the option to choose your gender identity when signing up for something. when people joke about gender and it revolves around genitals. seeing everything, everywhere, pandering to cis gender roles. maybe there’s no ill intention behind this stuff. maybe they aren’t actually against trans people. but it still normalizes a generally cisgender society, and every time i come across it, it’s a reminder that we DO live in that society. and it hurts.
this is a post for trans people, about trans people, whether straight or not! don’t change it into anything else! cis people can reblog but don’t say shit!
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NB 👏 Does 👏 Not 👏 Mean 👏 Woman 👏 Lite
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hey! bi people’s terms need more recognition!
doe: fem bi girl
stag: masc bi girl
tomcat: androgynous bi girl
mage: fem bi boy
knight: masc bi boy
druid: androgynous bi boy
dove: fem nonbinary bi
crow: masc nonbinary bi
pigeon: androgynous nonbinary bi
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Non-binary Presentation Terms
Although words like butch, femme, masc, and fem have been applied to nonbinary folk since their inception, they don’t always meet the needs of non-binary people in comfortably describing the way we look. 
So here are a new additional set of options! We’ve considered two different “axes” here – one that relates most closely to the masc—fem scale, and one that considers “effort”, or a level of… drama or ostentation in a look. They can be combined as one pleases or used individually! 
Additionally, please apply them at will to yourself based on your own ideas about what it means to dress femininely or dramatically or androgynously etc. These words are not to be held hostage to cissexism or gender roles. These words also describe presentations that are inherently not binary – the only reason we’re using words like “masculine” and “feminine” to describe them at all is for ease of communication. They can and should describe particular looks, including those that people are inclined to gender, without actually gendering them. 
Note: These are not coined with the intention of being gender identities. They have nothing inherently to do with gender identity. You can be a demigirl stag, etc. (That said, if someone wants to use them as a gender because you feel it’s tied closely to your presentation, we’re certainly not stopping you.) 
Here they are!
Stag: A “masc”, “butch” or “tomcat” equivalent, describing a presentation one considers to be associated with ideas about masculinity, or a presentation others might consider masculine. 
Fox: Describing an androgynous, fluid, or combined presentation; can be applied to any presentation a person feels doesn’t resemble the other sides of the spectrum.  
Swan: A “femme/fem” or “doe” equivalent, describing a presentation one considers to be associated with ideas about femininity, or a presentation others might consider feminine. 
Sparrow: A casual, minimalist, muted or low-effort presentation. For example, for those folks who just roll through their closet and go. 
Crow: For presentations that are in-between, combined, or fluid along a scale of effort/ostentation. 
Peacock: For presentations that are high effort. Glam, dramatic, flashy, flamboyant, attention-drawing, etc. Dressed to the nines, so to speak! 
so anyway tag urself
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(chart meant purely to be silly and fun, not to suggest actual criteria or associations. Disregard entirely if you resonate with the terms but not these goofy tidbits.)
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Alright Lesbians, The Old Flag Sucks And So Does Our Approach To Fixing It.
So I’ve seen a lot of posts about how the L in LGBT is getting forgotten in posts about us and how people are using the fact we no longer have one unified flag to fly under, as an excuse. 
The lipstick lesbian flag was offensive but at least people knew what it was.
The new flags are inoffensive but unidentifiable. Straight people don’t know what our flag is when its two feet in front of them and that’s a design  problem.
So I’m here to explain why none of the flags suggested so far have really stuck in mainstream culture and hopefully fix it.
The main reason is our flags suck from a graphic design standpoint. Their purpose is not easy to figure out unless someone labels them. We’ve taken the bio hazard mode of symbolism; pick a sign that’s both memorable and meaningless and through cultural education, assign it a meaning. This is a terrible fucking approach and therefor bad design.
So here’s the checklist:
1) Flag must have meaning
2) Identifiable to everyone. A person who has no idea what a lesbian even is should know just by looking that this flag, is about girls liking girls.
3) Unique and Accessible. Can someone who is completely color blind tell that this is the lesbian flag and not the gay or trans flag.
4)Traditional Color Symbolism. Use the culture your currently in, not the culture you wish to create as no one will understand that yellow is suppose to mean femininity. For now stick with pink.
5) Not Eye Bleeding. No Neon.
6) Inclusive. This ain’t just a white lesbian flag, this is an all lesbian flag. If people feel the need to add another colored stripe after the fact to represent themselves, your doing it wrong.
So If We Must Ditch The Old Flag, Try Replacing It With This. I Think With Enough Signal Boosting This Flag Will Catch On.
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The brown fem sign represents all the women of color that first fought for our rights and acts as a reminder to lesbians of color today that they are welcomed.
The white fem sign represents our more privileged sisters who gave the movement numbers.
The interlocking design shows solidarity.
The Pink Triangle is an inversion of the more famous triangle used to label gays in Nazi Germany. Its a tribute to those who’ve been hurt and a light house for those of us that are still hurting today.
The top of the triangle points up and forward guiding us
The base of the triangle reminds us of where we have been and how far we have come
Also meant to look like a couple walking down a never ending street.
The black outline represents those we have lost.
The magenta stripe represents the love we all share
The light pink stripe represents all the trans lesbians that call the community home
The white stripe represents all the non-binary lesbians whom we accept with open arms
The dark pink stripe represents femininity in all it’s forms.
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me, looking at all of you wonderful LGBTQ+ people
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Masculine/gnc bi women don’t deserve to be ridiculed, belittled and used by other people. It’s okay to stand your ground, express your discomfort, shut down people who don’t respect you and have boundaries and you can allow yourself to be vulnerable and have people who love you by your side at the same time, it can be a work in progress but it’s more than achievable.
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Unfriendly, in your face reminder that there are straight trans people and they do not have to tell you they’re trans in order to be included in the community. See a “het couple” at pride?? Shut the fuck up about it. They could be bi, pan, trans, etc etc.
Asking someone to disclose if they’re trans is rude as fuck. Don’t do it. You are NOT entitled to know someone’s sexual orientation or assigned at birth gender.
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List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary
Abrosexual/Abroromantic - a sexual or romantic identity where your sexuality fluctuates
Aceflux/Aroflux - how asexual or aromantic you feel fluctuates
Ace Spectrum - the umbrella term for orientations that involve not feeling sexual or romantic attraction
Achillean - the lesser known gay equivalent of sapphic
Agender - identifying as having no gender
Androgyne - either another term for intersex, or used to describe the gender identity that is in between male and female
Androsexual/Androromantic - attracted to some men, males, and/or masculinity
Aporagender - a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between, while still having a strong and specific gendered feeling
Aromantic - Feeling no romantic attraction. Can still feel sexual attraction
Asexual - Feeling no sexual attraction. Can still feel romantic attraction. Not all asexuals are aromantic.
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Fact: bisexuals make up a majority of the LGBT population.
Fact: the majority of bisexuals are closeted.
Theory: If all bisexual people came out, straight people would no longer be the majority. 
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New concept: Lets support all trans people and not just the ones we find attractive.
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bi girls I love you!
trans/nb, ace/aro, disabled bi girls and bi girls of colour you’re beautiful and I love you
bi survivors and mentally ill bi girls, questioning bi girls and bi girls in the closet I’m proud of you and I love you
polyamorous bi girls, sexual bi girls and gnc bi girls I love you and you are not walking stereotypes
bi girls of faith I love you and no matter what you’re told your attraction is pure and is not a sin
bi girls with gender preferences, single bi girls and bi girls in same and different-gender relationships alike you’re valid and I love you
I truly am blessed to stand in solidarity with such a beautiful diverse community of women. I love you all and its never ok for people to invalidate your experiences.
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The sun? Gay
The moon? Lesbian
The stars? Aro/Ace
The ocean? Pan
The forests? Queer
The sky? Bi
The planets? Trans
Each of these things? Absolutely wonderful
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