Who We Are
29 posts
We are so much more than society portrays us to be. We are dark and we are the light. We are strength and vulnerability. We are courage and we are fear. We are proud and we are humble. We are joyous and we are sad. But mostly we are enough just as we are for we are beautiful magical beings. Each and every one of us
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youarebeautifullyyou · 4 years ago
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There were no stars out this am. They lay hidden behind the clouds. And yet even though I cant see, them I know they exist because I have seen them before. And in that moment, it strikes me how reliant we are on physically having to see, touch, hear, smell before we tend to believe. Imagine if our world was constantly covered in a veil of cloud. Would we ever have known that beyond the cloud lay the constellations, planets & the universe at large. A bit like we used to believe the world was flat because that which existed outside our limited physical field simply did not exist. As we make ‘new discoveries’ we uncover more & more things that were actually always there - we just never believed in them because we didn’t know them. Like electricity, DNA (“discovered” only in 1953), black holes, Quantum physics, new planets ..... the list goes on. Anyway it just got my weird, little brain thinking about how very much is out there & is possible that we are yet to understand because it doesn’t exist within the definition of our physical realm, understanding, and therefore possibility. And it made me think just how truly expansive the universe is - we are still discovering new stars, planets and realities all the time. It fascinates me how much we don’t know. And somewhere in the unknowing and in the invisible is a world of mystery we still believe in - we need to believe in. Religion, philosophy, Santa Claus, angels, imaginary friends, fantasy fiction & ‘magic’ (thanks CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Stan Lee, JK Rowling) - all help to serve our need to believe in something beyond ‘us’ & our physical reality. The place where we are drawn to when our daily world with all it’s rules, government, politics & structure makes no sense. Isn’t it funny how the places we go, when all the order of our lives no longer makes sense is into the unknown, the unproven and the invisible. In this world there are no walls, just a huge expansion & connection with ... anything. Today I am grateful for unknown, the invisible, the things that by making no sense make the most sense to us, the imaginary, the unexplainable the magical and open up a world of discovery and beauty.
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youarebeautifullyyou · 4 years ago
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Every morning I try to wake early, and in the cover of the darkness, head to our roof balcony to watch the sunrise, to breath in the universe, and to watch the world awaken. The dark, inky, morning sky, the stars, the planets, me - and the odd gecko who chirrups to let me know he too is watching. Today was particularly spectacular. The darkness of the sky was scattered with crystal clear sparkling stars and planets, the waning full moon and Mars held court toward the west, and a shooting star transversed Venus, Orion and Sirius in the east. There was a great peace, majesty and reverence in the dark air. And I sat and watched and marvelled at how beautiful this was. And as I watched, the skies lightened from deep ink to azure blue to pale blue. I love that moment between night and day, when the sun has not yet risen, the skies are becoming lighter, heralding the days arrival but it is not there yet- it is neither day nor night. All there is is the space between us, the space between dark and light, where there is both nothing, and yet there is everything. The earth’s great pregnant pause, where creation happens, where awakening commences - and anything is possible. The moment before the birds awaken, before the sun graces us with his golden rays. And yet this too must pass and make space for the sun to rise and the day to do whatever it is that was determined was needed in the moment between night and day. And on queue, as the sun inches up, & the glorious oranges, pinks and purples of sunrise appear, the birds start to sing their morning call in celebration of the day ahead, bees emerge to dance in the pollen of the basil flowers, and as they call the sun upward into the world is transformed and we are called to action. Every morning I can, I climb to the roof, and every morning I am reminded that every moment is a new miracle that I will never witness again - for every moment of tomorrow will be different than today. And all I can do is breath it all in, and be grateful, for what is right here before me, right now. #gratitude #love #sunrise #stars #moon #shootingstars #awkenings #dawn (at Singapore)
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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Another day of peace, and paradise in our household this morning, well actually most mornings since we returned to proper schooling follow a similar theme. The characters names remain the same - and each morning follows a similar flow of beauty and bliss, but alters slightly depending on what the specific activities are planned for that day...... Gently wake up the boys with love and kisses. No movement. Repeat love and kisses. No movement. Repeat love and kisses. No movement. Gently suggest it is time to rise and shine. Grumbling from two lumps of doona’s. Gently pull doona to see which child is under it. Doona pulls up over eyes. Gently tug at second lump of doona. Same response. Many minutes later of love escalation and deep breathing ..... two boys emerge. Breakfast and eaten. No one dressed, but one angel thinks it is a fine idea to groom the dogs instead of get ready for school. Meanwhile I am being asked ‘mum, is my swimming gear packed’? .......I have no idea swimming is on so now we race to find swimmers, goggles, flip flops and towel. Tick packed. ‘Mum, Did you pack my library books’. No. ‘Can u find them for me’? No. How am I meant to know where they are - I am not the one who read them....grumbling from said child. Library books packed. Tick. Meanwhile time is running short as our dear, friend who takes them is in a rush today (yes she apparently has a life outside of running our collective kids to school). We need to get move. No laptops, homework or phones are packed. The boys are still wandering around shoeless. 1min away from pick up. I gather devices and homework and throw into bags. Hats - no one knows where the hat they wear each day could possible be....Then I find clean undies on couch.....”darling have you forgotten undies again”? Darling checks in his shorts and is amazed to find out somehow his undies aren’t on! Quick change. Tackle now securely housed in undies. Pick up now here. They run out - MASKS!!! I quickly throw masks at them and they race out the door to their chariot awaiting. TEAMWORK! Today I am grateful for my cup of tea, morning meditation and silence; for teamwork and that imperfect thing called life! (at Singapore)
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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Another day of peace, and paradise in our household this morning, well actually most mornings since we returned to proper schooling follow a similar theme. The characters names remain the same - and each morning follows a similar flow of beauty and bliss, but alters slightly depending on what the specific activities are planned for that day...... Gently wake up the boys with love and kisses. No movement. Repeat love and kisses. No movement. Repeat love and kisses. No movement. Gently suggest it is time to rise and shine. Grumbling from two lumps of doona’s. Gently pull doona to see which child is under it. Doona pulls up over eyes. Gently tug at second lump of doona. Same response. Many minutes later of love escalation and deep breathing ..... two boys emerge. Now the fun begins! Breakfast made. Breakfast eaten. No one dressed as yet, but one angel still thinks it is a fine idea to groom the dogs instead of get ready for school. Meanwhile I am being asked ‘mum, is my swimming gear packed’? .......I have no idea swimming is on so now we race to find swimmers, goggles, flip flops and towel. Tick packed. ‘Mum, Did you pack my library books’. No. ‘Can u find them for me’? No. How am I meant to know where they are - I am not the one who read them...... grumbling from said child. Library books located and packed. Tick. Meanwhile time is running short as our dear, generous, friend who takes them is in a rush today (yes she apparently has a life outside of running our collective kids to school). We need to get wriggling. Of course no laptops, homework or phones are packed. The boys are still wandering around shoeless. We are now 1min away from pick up. I gather devices and homework and throw into bags. Hats - no one seems to know where the hat they wear each day could possible be....Then I find clean undies on couch.....”darling have you forgotten undies again”? Darling checks in his shorts and is amazed to find out somehow his I undies aren’t on! Quick change and tackle now adequately housed in undies. Pick up now due and they run out - MASKS!!! No one has masks. I quickly throw masks at them and they race out the door to their chariot awaiting. Awesom
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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I realised on Monday two things… I felt out of balance internally and two that I had not posted for a while…. the two are of course totally related and interwoven. I had a total lack of substance or significance to post about….. because I felt exhausted and well just totally out whack, so I resolved to do what I do best. Go with and seek the answers. And thank god i took that time to be aware enough that this was what I needed to do. After Singapore’s reopening it has been a flurry of motion, movement and energies. EVERYONE is catching up with old mates, shops are open, people are out and about walking again, sports is slowly opening up, the kids are in high demand at playdates - and even though I resolved to integrate back into society slowly I discovered that there was soooo much kinetic energy with everyone moving again that I was absorbing this. I had loved isolation so much for the gifts it provided - and one was opening myself up to all that is abundant and possible. In the opening up, I forgot that sometimes we need to also shield and protect ourselves from the multitude of energies and attitudes that may not be ours, but certainly can and do affect us. I had taken in so many of the surrounding energies that I had dropped my healthy routines and habits and was living in what felt like chaos…… I was a human pin ball machine of energies whizzing and bouncing around inside of me. I can’t roll like this. Prioritisation and focus were needed. Time for self was essential. So I meditated. Distilled the noise. Created a new daily routine that took into account the increased activity of Singapore’s opening, in a positive and intentional way that serves me. I set new goals and created my action plan to achieve them. Now I feel relieved and whole again. Today I am grateful for taking the time to be conscious of, and intentional about, prioritising me so that I can support myself, my family, my friends and others. Today I am grateful to the constant learnings that life and change provide me so that I may continue to grow. #gratitude #love #hope #meditate #chaos #gowithin #humanpinballnomore
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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I write this on the eve of the leaving of a very dear friend, Holly, who is leaving to pursue her life’s desires. As I was reflecting on our beautiful friendship is and how blessed I am to have met her, I started thinking back to the week that was and how most of the social outings I have (it has been a VERY busy week) have been farewells. People are journeying through life once more. COVID gave us the rare gift of stillness. A place where we took the time to relax, go within and really think and feel into what we wanted our lives to be. What I loved about isolation it offered us a great big pregnant pause - filled with both complete emptiness and unknowingness, and complete potential and possibility - all at the same time. And now as we awaken and emerge from our cosy, introspective cocoons , we put in place our learnings, find movement, stretch our wings and the butterfly unfolds to raise them high and fly. One dinner I had this week was with a very special magical group of friends. Two were leaving Singapore to pursue new life adventures abroad. One was expanding her own offerings and professional gifts to humanity. One was creating a gorgeous stream of beauty, music, learning and giving. Another was embarking on a deeper spiritual healing quest so she could embrace her talents and truths and offer them to the world. Each had their own path that they were moving toward. The intent that was born from the stillness of isolation has shifted and is becoming the chosen reality. The very best thing is that all these women supported each other’s talents, dreams and desires. This is true magic, the ability to see, support and empower others as they move through their own journey. Today I am grateful for the amazing women I have met. For the love, learnings and support we give each other. For the times we have spent and the connections we have made. I love you and thank you all. And today I am grateful for movement. Through stillness we embraced knowledge and intent. Through movement we create the reality of our desires to live our best life. #gratitude #love #hope#friendship #empowerment #mindfulliving #lifejourneys #liveyourbestlife
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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I am watching the morning sunrise and can’t help but be enveloped by a sense of wonder, peace, calm & pure love. Is there anything more glorious than the pink, purple, orange and golden hues of a sunrise or sunset? And every single one is unique. They are neve to be repeated, just as every person, every moment or day in our lives can never be identical. Each morning sunrise brings something new. New Light. New Love. New Hope. New possibilities. Sometimes this is through the colourful rays that reign down to earth. Sometimes it is in the cleansing energies of a dawn rain, for even in the pouring rain you can feel the seeds of newness, beginnings, and unlimited potential that this day offers. Likewise, every evening provides a time to reflect & learn from the days happenings. A time to sit in gratitude as you catch the last of the days gentle rays, or sit in the downpour & let the rains cleanse away any feelings that need to be shed and cleared. However, what I really love about the sunrise and sunset. They don’t check in with us to ask which face they should put on today - a brilliant light in a clear sky, a muted world of pastels swirling, mystically through the clouds, a gentle, peaceful grey, or a tumultuous stormy lightening show. They don’t care what we think. They are simply who, or what, they need to be on that day. They just are. The sunrise and sunset don’t march to anyone else’s beat. We cannot control what time they show up. They move with life’s rhythms in a deep understanding of the power of ebb and flow, rise and fall. It strikes me that there is much to learn from the act of just being ourselves - as we are. Raw, beautiful, angry, sad, joyous. No explanations or apologies needed. For we are enough just as we are - our authentic selves. maybe we need to stop marching to the rush of the daily grind timetable & take time to ebb and flow with life a little more. Whenwe are, unapologetically, our true selves we see the myriad of beautiful, endless unique possibilities of life. Today, & everyday, I am grateful for the gifts and the lessons of every sunrise & every sunset.... To be exactly who I am & to move in life’s ebb & flow.
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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The small things Yesterday I got so excited about something so totally insignificant - my fist chilli growing on my recently planted chilli plants, planted from dried chilli seeds. It struck me how much joy we get from the small things. The tiny bees that are feeding from the flowers on my basil plants - those miraculous pollinators of life. The bird shape in the morning clouds -that looks like it was farting out cotton balls into a brilliant clear blue sky. The tiny baby gecko’s that have recently been born all over our house (for those not in Asia - these gorgeous little chirping lizards are a part and parcel of any household. They live in cupboards, letterboxes, your teacup, nooks and crannies in the window frames and they have the strangest loveliest sounds - a weird little chirping noise) My mint, decimated in the rains of late, fighting for survival and making a come back The gentle eastwind of the morning. My much beloved annual migratory guest - Percy the Peregrine falcon, who perches in the branch’s of the tres in the front yard A random Blue jay who flew in while we were having dinner - I have never seen a Blue Jay before. He was beautiful. Mushrooms growing wild in the sidewalks that haven’t be tended to for 13 weeks due to COVID work restrictions. Discovering a new flower I have never seen before growing wild amongst the overgrown parks Today I am grateful for the all the small things that are in our lives everyday if we take a moment to watch, breathe and enjoy. They are all tiny miracles that bring so much joy when you take the time to see them. Thank you little things for making me smile. #forthistooshallpass #gratitude #hope #love #nature #littlemiracles #thankyou
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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Today I want to talk about mental health, support, love and hope. Over the last few weeks I have been on many chats, zooms and calls with people from all over the world, many of whom are still in isolation. As isolation continues and is no longer a novelty, many are feeling and increased sense of disconnection. Some people are isolated from immediate family and missing them terribly. Others have lost jobs and financial security. Some have separated from loved ones. Some have lost friends or family due to their passing away, and are unable to pay their respects as is fitting and honourable. Some are stuck alone without access to any friends and family. Some are stuck in different countries to their life partners. Some are watching their children move from completely happy healthy kids to a foreign state of inertia, stagnation and melancholy. Some have no idea what tomorrow will bring and wth this unknowing comes a sense of dread. Many are starting to feel mounting anxiety and/or depression. These times can be tough and seem scary, but remember there is never anything so terrible you can’t talk to ‘someone’ about it. Wether that someone be a friend, work colleague, your journal or a professional healthcare worker. Mental health is a very real thing - especially now. Please make sure you talk to someone - and know you are loved and you are not alone. In love there is hope, and, in hope there is strength, forgiveness and the knowing that all things are possible and there is positive path ahead. So reach out and let the light of love and hope into some-one’s life. Thanks to the beautiful people who have shared their challenges, fear and worries. In doing so you don’t just invite love and hope into your life, but you give others knowledge it ok talk of their own struggles and know the support that the people who love them will always give. #forthistooshallpass #hope #abundance #love #gratitude #support #mentalhealthawareness #vulnerability #friendship #thankyou
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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With the recent announcements that Singapore will start opening up as of June 2, it makes a girl ponder about what emerging from the cocoon of isolation and re-entering back into society actually means. I won’t deny there is a big part of me who is itching to go for a long boozy lunch with Shaun and friends, or a champers and night out with the girls....... and travel to all the amazing places there are so close to Singapore...... but there is also a part of me that has loved all the new learnings of the new norm and is a bit concerned that the good that has come from isolation may all fall away. We have been through too much and experienced so much to let it all just slip. That time to pause, be in your own space, be in peace, breathe, watch the sunrise or sunset, unleash a hidden desire or creative talent you’ve always wanted to try but never had the time, rock your pj’s for as long as you like, enjoy the simple things like the (new) blue of the sky, the (now) visible stars, cleaner air, experience new creative ways of living, working, exercising and connecting. Then of course there is the ultimate bonus - family time! Time with the kids and Shaun home has been priceless. All these incredibly simple things that mean so much .... and yet we allow them to allude us in our ‘normal’ busy daily lives. It’s going to take discipline to retain and maintain some of these these healthy habits. Awareness and gratitude need to put into place so we can catch ourselves when we move back toward old habits that no longer serve us. So I am going to take my time. Integrate at MY pace. Build my personal plan to keep the abundance of gifts and beauty that isolation has granted us as an integral part of how I live - family, the environment, time to reflect, time to love, time to give to self and to others with kindness and compassion. I am worth it. You are worth it. We are worth it. Our kids are worth it. Our earth is worth it. Today I am simply grateful for all that I have, all that I don’t, and all that I have learned and will continue to learn so that I may grow a little but more every day. #forthistooshallpass #abundance #hope #love #iso #newnormal #breath
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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The things I love about homeschool: 1. No 6.30am wakings, shouting and rushing to get out the door. 2. No uniforms! You can go to school in your pj’s!!! William May or may not be loving this unexpected homeschool bonus. 3. Desk optional (according to Hamish anyway you can work whilst reclining in bed) 4. We have saved loads of money on Hamish loosing water bottles, lunchboxes, wallets, shoes, swimmers, hats, Soccer-afl-rugby balls, parts of his uniform.....don’t ask ..... he has mad skills in the loosing stuff department 5. Balance between sport, homework and chill time. Everyone is mentally way more chilled. The kids are ‘home from school’ by 3.30, instead of the usual 6.30-7.30 .....home tired, hungry and grumpy after their daily sport activity. We now have time for old fashioned play - shooting hoops, riding a bike, doing some art. No rushing to scoff dinner down and race of to bed with very little or no chill/downtime. 6. No homework stress to scramble to get it done on the one day they don’t have sport or on the weekend. 7. Healthier eating habits! No packaged foods or secretly purchased canteen junk food! Just good old fashioned home cooked meals and fruit. 8. But mostly what I love is just having the kids home more and the chance to talk and bond. I am going to miss homeschool, however am grateful for all the good we have been fortunate enough to experience from it. #forthistooshallpass #gratitude #love #hope #homeschool #worklifebalance #family #familytime #chill #play
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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Today I am grateful for two random acts of kindness. 1. My gorgeous friend Malti had a bag of ‘to die for’ Alphonso Mangoes delivered to our house. In Hamish’s words “Oh my god! This is amazing!!!! It is a perfect balance of tart and sweet”. So yum! 2. A mystery box of the best looking custard doughnuts, known to man arrived, courtesy of Veeam (Shaun’s work). #forthistooshallpass #randomactsofkindness #grateful #gratitude #love #hope #giving #friends
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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Three workout’s done for the day. 1. My regular gym Tribody zoom workout with all my old gym buddies. 2. One fast, furious, extra burn sesh ‘with Chris Hemsworth’ (who will always be Thor to me) 3. An awesome pilates/core workout courtesy of the Centr app. Well if that doesn’t deserve me cocktails now I don’t know what does! I think I will come out of our extended Singapore lockdown as the fittest alcoholic ever!!! Go me!!! 🥂🍸🍾🏋🏼‍♀️ 💪🏻 Grateful today for all the awesome online workout’s accessible during lockdown! They keep me fit and occupied but more importantly in a great mental head space. Healthy body = healthy mind. #forthistooshallpass #healthybodyhealthymind #tribody #centr #thor #chrishemsworth #hope #love #gratitude #abundance #fitness #health (at Singapore)
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
I want to share with u beautiful people.
I had a really blah, down day recently. No reason. Nothing happened. I wasn’t tired or bored or angry with lock down. I just felt blah and a bit sad and I wanted to cry - which is really unlike me. So I just sat with it and let it flow. And I wrote this on my journal.
“Today I am grateful for vulnerability, emotions, the need to communicate and to shed and grow. Love yourself and know it is ok to feel whatever you need to feel. You are perfect just as you are. Honor yourself. You are entitled to emotions. You are not superwoman.
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Today I am grateful to me! For allowing myself to feel and to just be. To not judge, just observe and allow myself to simply be in this moment. We all have down days and that is ok. Don’t judge it. Don’t fight it. It is part of the natural flow of polarity. Where there is joy, there is sadness. Where there is sadness there is joy. They both exist on the same plane. In harmony. So today I will let a sad day flow, let it exist and restore me to balance, harmony and joy.
Love, hope, abundance, courage to move forward and to make change happen. 💞”
I just need to share.
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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Scorpio Full Moon! The Flower moon. The Last of the super moons for 2020. And at a time where the world is experiencing global trauma this moon is right on point. Moon of endings, releasing and shedding all that no longer serves us. Moon of new beginnings and transformation. This one is gonna’ be a good one! Ok so maybe lots of emotions will bubble up....Let them flow, honour them and release them. Then sit in the beautiful calm that comes in the knowing that it is over. Welcome in the new beginnings and the seeds of possibility and hope. Grow and heal. X #forthistooshallpass #love #joy #hope #abundance #grow #heal #release #fullmoon #scorpio #supermoon
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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After 9 days of rain blue skies today!! Singapore is home to incredible storm ans rains, ranging from magnificent, dramatic & beautiful lightening storms, torrential, tropical rains that can fill a Swimming pool in the blink of an eye, or the gentle, soothing rains that fall softly all day & calms the soul. We have had them all in the last 9 days and they have all been beautiful gifts from nature, in their own right. I love the rains, & storms, of Singapore. However, with two active boys and lockdown it was a joyous change to witness an actual sunrise this morning, followed by glorious blue skies today. Today I am grateful for sunshine, blue skies and getting out for a ride. Today I am grateful the boys can get out and burn off excess boy energy! #forthistooshallpass #sunshine #bluesky #outdoors #sunrise #love #hope #abundance
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youarebeautifullyyou · 5 years ago
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A big shout out to all the amazing Teachers who are working their butt’s off behind the scenes to bring online lessons to the kids. These are unprecedented times in the world of education and teachers, kids and parents. Everyone, especially the teacher community, has had to pivot and adapt to new ways of delivering and absorbing learning. We all know this hasn’t been easy (on anyone) and we want all the teachers out there to know your efforts are truly amazing and greatly appreciated. Today I am grateful to the wonderful teachers (like our gorgeous friend @lanapark17 and all the teachers @ais.singapore) who are working tirelessly, to create and deliver, content and lessons. I am also grateful for the parents and kids who are muddling through and doing the best we can. This isn’t perfect but we are all in this together and all of us are doing the best we can to keep learning and stay positive. #thistooshallpass #onlinelearning #education #homeschool #gratitude#respect#parents #hope #studentlife
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