Yoga with Lalique
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Inhale peace, love and happiness; exhale life's toxins I'm Lalique // I am a licensed vocational nurse and yoga instructor pursuing a career in nutrition. I am also a wellness chef and running enthusiast seeking to find the perfect balance ॐMy general goal is to feel good; looking good is a plus! HW: 150 SW: 145 CW:128
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yogalique · 10 years ago
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
(via ambermozo)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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#BePositive ➕ #BodyPositive P R A C T I C E what you P R E A C H Too short. Too wide. Too skinny. Too broad. Too round. Too white. These are things I sometimes catch myself saying in private. We complain. We compare. We change. We compile negative images of self-esteem, natural beauty, and body image. It's crazy what the media can do to your perception of yourself. But it's even crazier what our minds are capable of thinking. Why do you #WERKIT? Do you #GETIT? I've worked hard to keep myself healthy and I will continue to work hard to be healthy enough to play with my future children and my children's children. I work hard to take care of myself because if I don't, then who will? This is something we all have control over, this is my responsibility. But we make excuses, we talk ourselves down, and we don't love ourselves enough. May we ACCEPT. May we UNDERSTAND. May we be POSITIVE. May we PROGRESS. May we be STRONG. May we be HAPPY. May we LOVE. May we LIVE. May we be at PEACE. With ourselves so we may LIVE in PEACE with others. #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #LiveWellWithLalique #LWWL #yoga #corecardio #abs #obliques #fitness #strong #strength #loveyourself #selfimage #selfesteem #bodyimage #progress #wellness #peace #equality #MayWeBeRAW (at ✨ #yogalique ✨)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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#MotivationMonday #DoEpicShit Yesterday at the Green—surrounded by inspiring athletes and individuals with pure passion and talent for what they do, wrapped up in the rejuvenating ocean breeze—I felt completely submerged in my element! The sense of community. The openness. The innocent risks. The vulnerability and trust. The organic feel of it all. I loved every moment of it! Think about how you're currently living your life. When's the last time you took a chance? The last time you took a risk? The last time you trusted a stranger? Just feel it through, find your inner voice, #JustDoIt, and I promise you'll #doEPICshit! #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #withoutwalls #musclebeach #santamonica #AcroGreen #yoga #acrobatics #acroyoga #partneryoga #publicdisplayofasana #asanasabroad #pda #upsidedown #handstand #layogi #layoga #layogis #layogaaddicts #getmovinghavefun #thesweatlife #yogaeverywhere #yogaanywhere #conquer_la (at Santa Monica Aerial Bars Swings and Rings)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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DOUBLE TROUBLE 😉 #throwback to when this Succulent Yogini Queen, our girls, and I hiked Turnbull Canyon in Hacienda Heights ______________________________________ I obviously can't get enough of you, A-Rey! Spread them wings, my wobbly lil momma bird 🐥 Cheers to our sisterhood, being each other's support system, and the amazing opportunities the Universe has conspired for us ✨🙏🏼✨ Love ya mucho @reygardens! #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #yogalique #reygardens #sisterhood #yogateachers #yoginisisterhood #layogis #layoga #hike #partneryoga #asanasabroad #womanpoetry #withoutwalls #getmovinghavefun (at Turnbull Canyon (Water Tower))
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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“It is not arrogant or egotistical to feel good inside. You had nothing to do with it. It’s simply the honest response to clearly perceived Reality.” —Erich Schiffman Bask in your own warmth today. Be your own sun of happiness, positivity, organic radiance. Allow it to completely embody you. Do what feels good. Don't be ashamed. Don't hesitate. Feel it. Enjoy it. Share it. Love it. #treatyoself #feelgoodvibes #OOTD by @DaughtersOfCulture #DOC #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #Yogalique #yoga #gowithoutwalls #yogini #pasadenayoga #layoga #layogaaddicts #handstand #hollowback #upsidedown #getmovinghavefun #daughtersofculture #ambassador #bethelight #radiatelove (at Lacy Park)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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Calling All New York Yogis! I'm über excited to announce that I'll be teaching in your beautiful city throughout the 4 days that I'm visiting next week! Meet me on the mat at the Yoga Collective NYC April 16 • 10:00AM-11:00AM April 17-19 • 9:00AM-10:00AM Rates / Packages $15 single class $20 buddy system (admits 2) $50 4 class series ($12.50/class) I can't wait to flow with y'all 😍 I'm super open to connecting with anyone and would love to even explore your city with you. Let's grab a juice, sight-see, do #AsanasAbroad with me, or grab a bite at your favorite spot after class! See ya soon, New York! Find out more, sign-up early, or get in touch with me at OMSANDNOMS.COM/YogaliqueNY #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #Yogalique #vinyasayoga #wellness #yoga #layogaaddicts #layogi #layoga #newyork #newyorkyoga #newyorkyogis #nycyoga #nycyogis #yogacollectivenyc #TYC #eastmeetswest #nyclovesyoga #fortheloveofyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaanywhere #yogaeverywhere
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yogalique · 10 years ago
#MotivationMonday We are not defined by asanas (poses), the perfect photo/video, or shapes—rather, we are defined by our intentions and the energy we set forth. May we set simple, pure, virtuous intentions. May we L O V E M O V E B R E A T H E with INTENTION. #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #yogalique #yogateacher #handstand365 #handstandmadness #inversion #strength #headstand #handstandtuck #toroymoi #touch #LIVEwithINTENTION #yogavideo #inversionmadness #thisismyyoga #yoga #myyogalife @champagnechachi (at Yoganette Yoga Studio)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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No. 1 #GETITGIRL in my book 💁 My beautiful, #nofilterneeded, not-so-baby-sissy @pitgang love ya lil mamas! Ft. @honeybelleshop magic ✨ use HBLOVESYOGALIQUE to get 20% off your order! #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #gangclan #gfamstyle #getitgirls #animallover #VetTech #FutureRVT #FutureVET #skincare #aunatural #handcrafted #allnaturalskincare #naturalbeauty #organicskincare #nofilter #lifeofaBELLE #supportsmallbusiness #satyajewelry #satya #truth #lotus #onyx (at Hacienda Heights, California)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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Happy Monday! Come practice with me @yoganetteyogastudio tonight! Check-in at Yoganette on FB and get a friend in for FREE! Teaching my usual and subbing for my yogi mama @reygardens tonight! 5:00PM - Vinyasa 1 6:30PM - Vinyasa 1/2 - Subbing 8:00PM - Candle Light - Subbing (at Yoganette Yoga Studio)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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HAPPY 1st Day of SPRING! IT ISN'T TOO LATE! JOIN ME for YOGA FOR ATHLETES! All-Levels Walk/Run & Yoga 11:00AM - 1:00PM Yoganette Yoga Studio West Covina, CA #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #Yogalique #yogagirl #runnershigh #yogaworkshop #bloomyoga #yoga #LAyoga #workshop #yogaforathletes #goodmorning #firstdayofspring #springequinox #getitgirl #stretch (at Yoganette Yoga Studio)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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DTLA is still my playground 😋 Some things just never get old, I guess! Hehe, so about today: I spent the first half of my day in DTLA with my dad and my sister. This photo was taken in front of my dad's building in Down Town Los Angeles, just blocks from the Staples Center. But that isn't the significance of this post. GIVE G R A T I T U D E // chose a scorpion handstand to represent how my dad has bent over backward for my family and his loved ones. He's a strong, generous, and god-fearing man who is simply a people pleaser. I just want to take a moment to express my undying gratitude for him and everything he's done and continues to do for us. Love ya, Pawbz. Even though you've taught me—leading by example—to be cold and not say things like that. HAHAHA, love you, love you, love you and every little hair on your famous 'stache 👨 #PawbzGang P.S. Don't be afraid to share yourself with the world. You wouldn't believe how many smiles, laughs, and stops from the usual lunch routine this quick #handstand caused! ✨ #BEtheLIGHT ✨ my bright lights! S/o to @tboyjustin for doing that 24/7! #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #passionovereverything #YOGALIQUE #yogainthecity #cityyoga #LAyoga #DTLAyoga #stopdropandyoga #SDY #publicdisplayofasana #PDA #AsanasAbroad #smile #DTLA #FIGat7th (at FIGat7th)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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I'm in such a different space today than I was just two days ago. This photo reminds me of the joy and positivity I always try to embody for myself. Here I am, loving and smiling at the most genuine and kind character behind the camera who finds it easy and second-nature to capture my natural self in my element. However, I have to remember that it's okay—that it's only Human—to let it all go, lose control, and feel the pain, fatigue, and worries. That doesn't make you weak. The point is not to let those feeling embody you 🚫 To still see the beauty around you. To find Light in all things, in all Beings. To find your very own uplifting sentiment in the chaos—one that only you can identify with and understand ✨ THAT makes you S T R O N G. Find that. Be your own Light. And you find yourself. I found mine. I am my own Light. And I found myself. I find myself. Again and again. #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #AsanasAbroad #bePOSITIVE #positivity #betheLIGHT #BeachYoga #SunsetYoga #LagunaBeach #LifeOfABelle #thisismyyoga #myyogalife #splits #hanumanasana #stopdropandyoga #publicdisplayofasana (at Main Beach - Laguna Beach, CA)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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Rendezvous with the Boo in Laguna was magical today! And then... I stole him 😌 Muahah, successful first beach trip of 2015 🌊 Now let's watch Digimon, hahaha #iluhubetch #LandLtakeover #LagunaBeach #beachday #rendezvous #spontaneous #IGcouple 💑 #summerishere #whatisspring #fitcouple #hawtsassLarz #iDROOL #iDIE #fitspiration (at Main Beach - Laguna Beach, CA)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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R E V I V E & R E S T O R E @lapuentecrossfit x #yogalique CrossFit meets yoga at the crossroad between strength, flexibility, and stability through a reviving yoga flow and a restorative wind-down. And of course massages in adjustments included 😋 Thanks for having me guys! #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #crossfit #lpcf #crossfitxyoga #yogaxcrossfit #flexibility #mobility #legsupthewall #stretch #wodwarriors #yogateacher #lapuenteyoga #WestCovinaYoga #WalnutYoga #recoverymode #letitgobro (at La Puente CrossFit)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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•🌞 S A L U T E THE S U N 🌞• W E E K E N D • W A R R I O R S COME PLAY WITH ME This morning at 9AM At Shadow Oak Park Suggested $5 Donation Good Morning Stretches Energizing Yoga Flow Positive Vibrations The perfect way to start your weekend! Text/Email/Comment for more info! #GetItGirlMovement #Yogalique #MorningYoga #WeekendYoga #WeekendWarriors #Stretch #Yoga #YogaClass #SunSalutes #Yogainspiration #YogaForThePeople #YogaEverywhere #YogaAnywhere #WestCovinaYoga #WalnutYoga #UrbanBadasses #withoutwalls #getmovinghaveFUN (at Shadow Oak Park)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
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💥 O N E MORE W E E K 💥 CALLING ALL ATHLETES OF ANY PRACTICE / DISCIPLINE 👋 Join me at @yoganetteyogastudio next Saturday for lots of fun! ALL LEVELS WELCOME! RATES $25 STUDENTS (with school ID) / MFL $30 MEMBERS $35 NON-MEMBERS Let's start this upcoming season with a spring in our steps and a new outlook into our healthy lifestyles! I'll be sure to bring the fire, fun, and (a lil bit of) food! Hope to see y'all there! RSVP with me here, via email, or call Yoganette to reserve your spot! Spread the WORD, Share the LOVE #GETITGIRLMOVEMENT #PREAMovement #yogalique #yogaworkshop #yoga #running #walking #athleteworkshop #workout #cOMmunity #spring #yogaforathletes (at Yoganette Yoga Studio)
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yogalique · 10 years ago
#HardCoreChallenge4 #HCC4 catch up for DAY 11 was done this morning! @blue_yagoo mades sure to kill my quads and open my hips with this one (@arisyoga @geraldsaluti)! Try it out y'all, it ain't easy 😝 Serious/concentrated face, googley eyes, falling, and laughs guaranteed! Don't forget! Class starts at my house in just 30 minutes! Need the address? Email [email protected]! #GetItGirlMovement #PREAMovement #Yogalique #fitnesschallenge #fitness #challengeaccepted #Rawmovement #strength #stability #balance #flexibility (at ✨ #yogalique ✨)
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