Gone as of June, 2020 ☯
41 posts
wox ☯ roleplaying ☯ codingDue to people stealing and plagiarizing from us, we are now private and payment only. Find us at mistcodes.tumblr.com and calamitycodesyang.tumblr.com for our newer work (also private) or for contact.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
An Important Notice
It has recently come to our attention that our codes are once again being stolen by a now former member of our discord server who used them to create their own tumblr to redistribute under their own name. Because of this we are forced to write another message to everyone to please bring these types of pages to our attention and to put a stop to those who think they can join and get our help or use our codes for their own benefit.
YinYangCoding is a partnership of myself and Yin making codes for you all to use on WoX. We don't get paid for the work we put into making these codes yet we still do it for you. When you need help you get it from myself, Yin, and many other WoX coders from simple fixes to complete recoding. We take your requests and bring them to the public for you to use on the sites you enjoy in your day to day lives.
To reiterate: DO NOT steal our codes DO NOT remove our credits DO NOT create copies of our codes with slight alterations and call them yours DO NOT use our codes as a base for your own codes DO NOT advertise other tumblr, insane journal, or other coding sites that use our codes without permission or copyright
And lastly INFORM US of users who are copying from our codes
This is very important to us as people who pour our energy into making free to use codes that you get to use for your jobs on WoX. We have no gain from doing so, and for that it's a basic form of respect that you guys don't redistribute the codes we work so hard to make.
To elaborate on the occurrence which brought us to this moment. The tumblr page in question (https://unknown-jada.tumblr.com/) is created by a user who goes by the name of Jada. We are not telling you this to bash on them in any way, but to let you all know to not use these codes as they are stolen and should not have been posted in the first place.
Images will follow as proof of the code base and a few snippets to show parts of the code were also stolen word for word, not to even mention the striking similarity in design and the posting dates; while our codes were posted many months ago, hers were posted today/yesterday at the time of writing.
Hidden Message, by Yin of YinYangcoding Posted on March 25th, 2020
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Sandy Beaches, by Jada C. Posted on June 11th, 2020
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We have much more proof beyond this example and it has all been taken note of and saved for future reference if it comes down to it. 
Our discord server will be on temporary lockdown from new members and you will no longer be able to create invites for other discord users. This is for our peace of mind while the situation is being sorted out.
If anyone who is reading this knows for themselves that they have plagiarized, stolen, removed credits or redistributed etc in any way, shape or form, take a moment to think through what you are doing. It is not okay. Take down any and all plagiarized works this very instant. If you are found out by us, the consequences will be much less pleasant than owning up to your mistakes and making things right. 
If you have any questions or concerns you know where to find us in our DMs on both tumblr as well as discord.
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Explosive Impact
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Yolo to be honest this was not something that was requested at all and was more of a random burst of energy to code something a little different yet similar? This code might look familiar if you’ve taken a peek at Green Goblin but I made it more compact for those who don’t extensively add onto their characters biosheet like crazy, and I’ve added in a fun hover quote feature for this code!  Careful with the CSS on this one, if you touch anything other than the colors it will break 😬 , and I don’t suggest removing anything in the relations or general area. Just change it to be a blank thing or a blank spot. Making the box content smaller than the box will break it!  Code Includes 1. Flex Box 2. Radial Gradient 3. Shadows 4. Hover Opacity Text 5. Scrollbar 6. Fonts AS ALWAYS DO NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE THE CREDIT NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU EDIT THE CODE. KEEP THE YINYANG CREDIT EVEN IF YOU WANT TO ADD THAT YOU EDITED THE CODE. >.> Y’all know what to do don’t make me hunt you down.
Code Link
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Gracious Fall
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I’m pulling codes out from idek where *shoves code at people and bolts* Ahem, anyway, I’m finally catching up on some requested stuff! Here’s a profile text code requested by someone on our discord who wanted their dream code just as they had pictured it! I hope it’s somewhat satisfactory
Images as buttons to the pages (with pretty hover effects)
Header for your character name and aesthetics
Four pages for your character info!
... more aesthetic pictures?
Get the code HERE
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Hey there! First off, I just wanted to say your codes are AMAZING and I love them so much! I appreciate the codes can work on WoX and love that they can be used for the site. x3 Anyway, I wanted to ask if you could make code for a newspaper that could be in a medieval world with maybe some gears or something? :D Thanks again, loves!
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for the compliments, it means a lot! 
You ask, we deliver (although I have no idea what this became but y’know.. I’m sorry orz). In any case, Turning Heads��is now up on our page (I tried) and we hope it’s somewhat like you imagined it!
Sincere regards,
Yin  ★
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Turning Heads
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I tried orz
This was requested by someone who wanted a medieval style article code with some gears thrown in.. And I had like.. no idea what to do so like, this got weird. I’M SORRY ANON.
Shadows for images and title
Two responsive columns
First letter is big for fancy aesthetics
...gear image/background thing?
Yeah idfk orz
Get the code HERE
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
This isn't a question, I just wanted to leave some feedback. Now, I know the word feedback is always a scary word considering that it might have rude critiques but I bring nothing of those! I wanted to say that your codes have made mine, and I'm sure lots of other's lives easier! You're codes are easy to use, bright or dark, and really just a code that really helps out the community. Love youuuu and your codessssss ♥♥♥♥
Ahh thank you so much Anon!
This really means a lot to us, and we’re always trying our best to make sure that we have a wide variety of codes easy to use and edit available for everyone! Your feedback really makes it all worth it, thank you so much!!  ♥
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Hello amazing person first of all thank you for making all these amazing codes! I see them everywhere and these codes are amazing and easy to use! So a big thank you for that
Hello Anon! Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to us and we appreciate everyone who finds joy in using our codes!  ♡
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Hi! Could you do a page for a WoX club? Specifically a Welcome Page. I’m looking for something spooky, but I’m not too picky. I would prefer the colour scheme to be red or orange though. Tysm if you can!
Hello Anon! Creating more club codes in the future is definitely part of the big plan however if you would like to request a code we will need more than a theme to get to work on it. If you have an idea of what it would look like and then we can decide if it would be possible.  I find that sketching out a rough shape whether its on paper or just using a paint tool to generate the shape and appearance in mind is the most helpful for us in the creation process.  If you found this unhelpful I apologize! But if that is the case I suggest using one of our current club codes already existing on our page. ~ Yang ☆
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Hi there, Maybe it is a strange Question, but can you make like a comic-book based page?
Hey Anon!
A comic-book page does seem like a fun project! But we would need a bit more information to go on to make the code, as we currently are a bit confused on how you mean. 
For starters, what type of page would it be? Would it be for the WoX sites? If so, which place would it be in? (PT/BS, article, library, club, wallpost etc.) As each area takes different types of coding, we would need to know what type of coding the content takes.
Moreover, would you want a page with columns where you can insert pictures and texts in small boxes/speech bubbles, or are we on the wrong track completely? 
You can either send us a new ask or slide into our DMs if you have any details for us to go on, and we’ll be more than happy to help!
Sincere regards,
Yin ★
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Red Sun
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Hellooo It’s your resident sleep drunk coder peach dancing in with a new code based off the request of one of our followers! Now the original theme was not in this color at all but I messed with it just to post it on tumblr, everything inside the code should be labeled in all caps to clear the confusion for the fact that I got annoyed at trying to find a perfect google font before making them all images. (But you can always switch it back to google fonts xD) Need help? Feel free to message us privately or join our discord server here! AS ALWAYS PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE THE CREDIT OF THIS CODE. IT WAS MADE BY THE EFFORTS OF MYSELF AND YIN.
Code Includes: 1. Fonted Text 2. Scrollbar 3. Box Shadows 4. Button Navigation Code Link
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Sparks Amidst Snow
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Aye, a request done and a new pretty PT code up! Many many buttons and pages and it fits a whole bunch of info! If you need help editing the CSS or anything in general, don’t hesitate to contact us!! Easiest way is discord where we reply very quickly~
10 (!!!) pages and buttons
Gallery and playlist for character aesthetics
An extra page with OOG info, can be redone for something else
Pretty fonts and text shadows
Get the code HERE
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Hello! Can you please make a backstory that would fit the theme of fairytales? I would love that kind of a thing for my BS on WoFT.
Hello Anon ~ While we are happy to help with any coding issues you might be facing when it comes to requesting codes we do need a few a little more then a theme to create a code from scratch.  My suggestion would be trying one of the current codes and editing the theme to fit your need for a fairy tale like base. If you are struggling at all you can always join our discord server found on our homepage!  Yang ☆
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Can you make some new PT code?
Hey there Anon!
We have several PT codes in progress and planned out for the near future, so keep your eyes peeled for them! If you have any specific requests, please let us know  ♥
Sincere regards,
Yin ★
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Not a question, just thought I'd say thank you for working so hard for us WoX ppl. You guys are amazing and the codes are so helpful
Hello Anon!
This means a lot to us, thank you so much! We’re happy that you enjoy our codes!  ♥
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Hello! Can you please make a coded backstory connecting with the theme for World of Algaisea? I am part of staff there and would love a theme fitting BS!
Hello there Anon! First of all, thank you for sending us an ask!
We already have a wide variety of easily modifiable backstory codes on our page that would be simple to redo to fit World of Alagaesia. It would be just changing the backgrounds and colors used, and it could be easily made to fit into the theme of the site! Of course if you have trouble editing these, you can always ask us for help with it  ♥
Otherwise if you have more of a concrete idea of a code that we haven’t already done, we can of course make you a new code based on your request. We would just need a bit more details to go by regarding how you want the code, so we know where to start and how it would differ from our existing codes. I hope this helps you enough to get a start on your backstory!
Sincere regards,
Yin ★
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Scattered Stars
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Hello! Yang again with another lesson code for all the hard working limes on WoX. This code has been pestering my mind for some time now and I decided it was high time to sit down and do it before I got even loopier about it.
The font images used are from fontmeme under the name Upper West Side. Code Includes 1. Fonted Text (Stoke + Dancing Script) 2. Image Wallpapers (Title Area + Body) 3. RGB Color Background (Lesson + Requirements) 4. Image Icons (Requirements + Assignment) 5. Color Gradient (Title Area) AS ALWAYS PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDIT NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU EDIT!
Code Link
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yinyangcoding · 5 years ago
Soothing Greenery
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I bring you another late night thing from me, this time I was asked by a friend to help her code a book for the library, and so I pulled this one out real fast like. It can be used for a library book, a club code or even for a backstory or profile text, it’s up to you!
Four pages, buttons with hover effects
Place for some images within the texts
Fancy scrollbar for the pages
Multiple layers of backgrounds
Get the code HERE
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