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kang taejoon. 20. influencer.i'm highkey and lowkey as hell your diva, just wanna see ya!
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
admittedly, halloween was hanbinā€™s favorite holiday. his favorite commercial holiday, anyway. seeing the whole hill dress up in their spooky best, the houses decorated like a scene out of a horror movie, and families coming to knock on his door and beingĀ ecstaticĀ when they leave with candy ? adorable. there was a small part of the artist that hoped that would be him one day, with his own family, knocking on peopleā€™s doors and showing off how cute his own kid ( or kids, maybe ) is. right now, he could only dream, and settle for cooing over other peopleā€™s adorable little gremlins.
or in this case, this coupleā€™s tiny witch and tiger. they were very cute.
ā€œ ah ! so scary ! ā€ he chuckled as he handed them their well earned candy, waving them off as they headed away and to the next house. only he waited around for a moment, leaning in his door frame with his arms wrapped around his plastic jack oā€™ lantern full of sweets to look out over the neighborhood. spotting something ( or someone ) that didnā€™tā€¦ quite fit the scene.
ā€œ arenā€™t you a little too old to be trick or treating ? ā€
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there were times when taejoon regretted how many fun things he had deprived himself of in his younger years. heā€™d never really lacked a social life, it was just that when he was young enough to justify trick-or-treating, he was too busy with things kids his age shouldnā€™t have had to worry about:Ā  sports practice, hagwons, lists of chores that always seemed too excessive. so he hadnā€™t allowed himself to enjoy halloween. besides, it wasnā€™t something his parents supported. they wouldā€™ve had his head on a pike if he tried to dress up.
but as an adult in yangcheon, he felt like he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and maybe kind of look like he knew what he was doing. but maybe that only applied to typical street-rat behavior because every time he looked over his shoulder, there was some critical parent glaring at him.
what did they think? that he was going to steal all the candy and leave none for their precious kids? fuck. he liked candy just as much as everyone else did and probably ate it way less often than all those sticky-fingered toddlers.
ā€œyou seeā€”ā€ he started, unsure of how to approach this matter. even with all the looks, no one had actually said anything about his age yet. he couldnā€™t argue, either, because heā€™d always had an older face. there was no way heā€™d pass for a kid, even if his height were to be ignored.Ā ā€œiļæ½ļæ½ļæ½m actually trick-or-treating for my little brother. heā€™s got a cold, so he couldnā€™t make it out tonight.ā€
he nodded once, clearly satisfied with his own explanation, then stuck the reusable ghost-printed tote he was carrying out to encourage hanbin to drop some candy in.Ā ā€œcā€™mon.ā€
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
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kang taejoonā€™s halloween costumeĀ ā€˜20: werewolf boy.
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
mobile post so sorry for the (lack of) formatting, but i lost track of time again LOL i promise iā€™m not dipping, just have no grip of time <3 anyway!!!!! like this if you want an event starter from taejoon and i will im u ASAP to sort that out. will also b getting to general plotting sooooonnnnn
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
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inside the social media of kang taejoon: tiktok.
to put it plainly, taejoonā€™s entire life revolves around his tiktok account and his follower number. in the past, he cared more about who was watching than how many people were watching; he tried to stay in close contact with everyone who liked and commented, but as the numbers amplified, it became harder and harder to care about each individual person. instead, the count began to matter more and if it was ever lower than usual, his self-confidence would sink, too. heā€™s tried out various approaches in his eight years as an influencer:Ā  comedy, trendy dances, povs, story times, guitar covers of popular songs, outfit ideas, thirst traps, and so on. anything you can think of, you can probably find if you go back far enough. even now, he doesnā€™t have a specific niche that he sticks to; he does a little bit of everything. whatever his fans want (and they are fans, even if more deserving people argue otherwise). he lives to please his audience, so he doesnā€™t go a single day without posting. if he does, he worries that someone else may take his place in their hearts. so, his phone is on him at all times and itā€™s usually out, filming something. you canā€™t be his friend without making an appearance on his tiktok page (and if you somehow manage to, then youā€™re definitely in his instagram story archives somewhere).
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
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hi! this is chey, i was here close to opening with kim1 (kim joonwoo), but i got really busy with a new job and accidentally dipped. iā€™m so so sorry for that! anyway, hereā€™s taejoonā€™s unfinished info page & his pinterest board. this is rushed so itā€™s probably gonna be messy??? idk. weā€™re all in this together. hmu on discord if thatā€™s your thing --- pepper#4940
full name is kang taejoon, but he has no affiliation with the kang family. heā€™s actually filling the role of daebak8! i checked the last names to make sure he didnā€™t have the same one as one of the families but alas, my pea-brain still failed me.
on that note, heā€™s a tiktoker born in 2000. started on vine in 2012, but didnā€™t actually get serious about his online presence until 2014-ish and IMMEDIATELY started lying about his life because what else is a fourteen year old gonna do online?
lied about his age, his hobbies, his family, his experiences, etc. he just really, really wanted to seem interesting, and hey! it worked! he eventually fooled thousands of people into thinking heā€™s someone worth their time. chased trends like crazy, kept in close touch with hisĀ ā€œfanbaseā€, picked up sponsorships all while keeping his ACTUAL life completely secret basically. got very comfortable with lying.
he was always pretty obsessed with the attention because he lost his popularity when he stopped playing soccer (fā€™s in the chat for the former athlete side of him) & getting money from promoting brands was good, too, bc while his family isnā€™t necessarily lower class, they could still use some help. plus he needed cash to buy anime merch.
flash forward to 2020. he graduated high school in early 2019, still has no desire to go to college or get aĀ ā€œrealā€ job. he has it made rn living in the daebak house and creating online content still. living the life.
except not really because how fulfilling can it honestly be to watch thousands of people becoming fond of ur fake persona? he still lies a ton, has begun to feel like no one will ever like him for who he actually is bc itā€™s quite disappointing in comparison to the always ON persona he shows.Ā 
his tiktok user name isĀ ā€œbeetlejoonā€ which is a play on beetlejuice if you couldnā€™t tell dshbfvds.
he speaks english really well from a mix of classes when he was young, growing up online and trying to appeal to westerners, and watching a ton of western shows/films. he does kind of have an accent but for the most part.... a lot of ppl who only know him online assume he lives in america/is from america.
the rumor about him buying views/followers is definitely true. heā€™s not losing popularity or anything, he just wants to look even more relevant than he actually is.
cries himself to sleep like every night but youā€™d NEVER guess. heā€™s super funny when heā€™s around people, knows what people want and will do anything he can to blend in and make everyone like him. needs that validation so bad. life of the party.
flirts a lot for no other reason than he can and he likes the validation of people flirting back! but his love life is hectic and always disappointing. on one hand, he knows a ton of his followers are delusional w the idea that they can be with him and he doesnā€™tĀ wanna lose followers by being Unavailable. on the other hand, canā€™t risk being too close with anyone and them finding out nothing he says is true. heehee.
he follows whatever trends are in at the moment, so he owns a ton of dumb shit that will never be practical/clothes heā€™ll never wear in public/probably has dumb tattoos he got impulsively.
his trademark thing (that he stole Obviously) is a broken heart that he draws on his cheekbone Every Single Day. probably claims that itā€™s a tattoo just to fuck with his followers but thereā€™s those odd times when itā€™s not there and everyoneā€™s confused.
wears all black usually, lots of chains, leather, platform boots, dangly earrings, but heā€™s not the kind of guy your parents worn you about. he couldnā€™t be scary if he tried. heā€™s CLEARLY just a tiktok e-boy. heā€™s more like the lowlife your parents compare you to to make you feel better about how slow your life is moving.
while weā€™re talking about parents.... his gave up on him when he moved into the daebak house. he tries to give them money and support them but they wonā€™t have it. decline his calls. donā€™t write him back. they think heā€™s mad embarrassing which is... fair. his tiktok presence is definitely questionable
likes to be funny and make people laugh, but he actually cannot take anything seriously even if he tries. this definitely gets on peoplesā€™ nerves, has probably ended some good friendships/relationships/whatever else. sometimes he can lighten the mood if itā€™s dark but most of the time it just pisses people off bc it seems like he doesnā€™t care/doesnā€™t understand.
idk what else to say but if youā€™ve read this far and you like music, two songs that i heavily associate with taejoon are cotton candy by yungblud and lowkey as hell by waterparks. listen to them if you want... or donā€™t.
i donā€™t have a plots page put together yet, but here are some vague ideas i have:
(0/2) --- past tinder dates whom he lied to about his age and it came out somehow </3 maybe he tried to take them to a bar and he got caught with a fake id. maybe they went snooping and found out none of his info adds up. either way, the dates were short-lived and they probably clowned him pretty hard.
(0/?) --- fans of his tiktok page.
(0/?) --- alternatively, people who know of his tiktok page and think itā€™s dumb.
(0/1) --- another influencer who is jealous of his following, thinks he doesnā€™t deserve it.
(0/1) --- another influencer whoĀ ā€œbeefsā€ with him online so they both get more views.
(0/1) --- another influencer he collabs with a lot, even if their content is completely different. theyā€™re friends, so might as well piggyback of each otherā€™s popularity!
(0/1) --- close friend who makes frequent appearances on his tiktok, usually for relationship trends bc he doesnā€™t have an actual partner to film them with. usually acting like clowns, clearly faking but his fans still think it might be real.Ā 
(0/1) --- someone he hooked up with at one (or more) of the daebaek house parties and ghosted afterwards. completely acts like he doesnā€™t know them. oops.
(0/?) --- friends to do dumb shit with. heā€™s impulsive and just hates to be alone (especially when doing stuff that might get him in trouble) so you could say these are his accomplices. if he wants to do things heā€™ll regret, theyā€™re always in!
(0/?) --- some mellow friends who balance out his chaos.
(0/1) --- the one (1) friend he got matching tattoos with on impulse. probably something really stupid. the one thread that holds their friendship together when they fight.
(0/1) --- someone who holds themselves to really high standards, takes life seriously. thinks theyā€™re better than taejoon and doesnā€™t hesitate to show it.
(0/1) --- ex partner who broke up with taejoon because (1) he wouldnā€™t stop lying to them, (2) he still claimed to be single online and (3) he just cracked jokes when they tried to talk out their problems, wouldnā€™t really listen. probably hate him now but heā€™s really sorry. please accept these (cheap, probably wilting) apology flowers.
i want every plot. all of them. anything u can throw at me! but if i kept typing ideas out, iā€™d be at this forever and we really canā€™t have that. so just hit me up if any of these catch your attention or if youā€™ve got anything you think heā€™d fit!Ā 
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
nothing wrong with being smart but that is just not my energy šŸ˜
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
dont ignore me ?? i despise being ignored ?? i mean im ignoring like 8 ppl right now but still ???
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yhtaejoon Ā· 4 years ago
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