27 posts
Pastor's wife, mom, Christian school teacher, Plexus ambassador
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 5 years ago
I was listening to a podcast today, and it asked the question, “We keep asking about what we need to do, or even what the church needs to do. How about we start asking, ‘What does God want to do?”
It doesn’t matter what we think about all of this hot mess. I definitely have my own opinions. And I fully respect yours.
But let’s just remember nothing takes God by surprise. He still has a plan, and He still does everything for our good.
I can’t wait to see what God is going to do. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do in my country, in my church, in my school, and in my family. I can’t wait to see the changes in my own life. I’ve been turned all sorts of out of sorts-ain’t going to lie. But God has been teaching me that my life BC (Before Corona) and my life now has different perspectives and attitudes.
Just thankful tonight for long walks that make you think.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 6 years ago
How’s your salt?
“Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use...”
We are called to be salt and light. We are to shine our lights in this dark world, while at the same time be a preservation of Christianity as we witness to others. But what if we lose our effectiveness? We are still salt, but the Bible says when salt loses its taste, it is of no use.
How sad to be saved from an eternity in Hell, only to have zero effectiveness in helping others avoid that same fate.
How do we keep our effectiveness?
1) Stay in the Word! You will never have a victorious, Christian life without being in God’s Word each day.
2) Have an active prayer life. God wants to hear from His children.
3) Make church a priority. Too many Christians come to church if nothing better is going on. We need Christian fellowship and corporate worship.
4) Disciple other believers. As Christian women, we are commanded to be that Titus 2 woman to younger women. Too many are missing that opportunity.
5) Serve others. That little song is true-JOY- Jesus, Others, You!
6) Be a witness. There is a lost and dying world out there. Are we sharing God’s love with them?
After all God has done for me, the very least I can do is make sure I am all I can be for His kingdom. The Devil knows he can never have me, but he would love to see me ineffective and satisfied with just a mediocre existence as a Christian.
Not today, Satan! Today I am going to do all I can to be the salt and light that I should be.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 7 years ago
Think, then speak!
Psalm 139:4 “Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.”
Ok, ouch! This one just hurts! Before I said that unkind thing to my spouse, or that snappy response to one of my girls, or that aggravated remark to a coworker, God knew I was going to say that! What was He thinking? Was He thinking that He hoped I would think before I spoke? Was He thinking of the damage it would cause if I didn’t stop myself? Was He hurt? Did He know I was about to hurt someone else? Absolutely! Oh, what a little member that old tongue is! But oh, the havoc it can cause!
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Help me, Jesus, to be an example in everything I do, but especially in my speech. I know how words can build, teach, and inspire. But I know how they can tear down, gossip, and hurt. Help me to be the woman of God I need to be! Help me first to think, and then speak.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 7 years ago
A Word for Pastors Wives
I have just returned from a fabulous time at the East Coast Ladies Retreat at Beacon Baptist in Raleigh (Get your ladies there next year)! I went to a session designed for pastors wives, and I learned some heartbreaking things...
-Many pastors wives are out of church completely
-Many pastors wives are losing their kids
-Many pastors wives are stressed and becoming physically ill
-Many pastors wives are on anti-depressant medications
-And there are some pastors wives who are not even truly saved
It’s a fairy tale that pastors wives have it all together and have perfect kids, perfect husbands, perfect homes, and perfect lives.
Pastors wives need to be growing in God’s Word and have an active prayer life. We cannot do this life on our own anyway. Throw in the fact we are pastors wives, and this fact is magnified a thousand times!
Contrary to popular opinion, pastors wives do need friends. We are emotional beings with the need for friendship and girl talk. Our husbands try, but there is just something about a girl’s night out with a friend.
Pastors wives need to be real and to be themselves. Do not try to be like the pastors wife down the road. Be you. Be honest. Be real. Your women need to see that.
A book/group Bible study recommendation from that meeting is “Quieting a Noisy Soul” by Berg.
I think that is what women need. To quiet our souls, and to remember that people will leave us, but God never will.
I pray your churches will have wonderful services today! Be an encouragement to each other! ❤️
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 7 years ago
I'll Take The Good Name
Proverbs 22:1-"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold."
I have just returned from my eighth year taking a group of 5th and 6th graders, their parents, and other teachers on an overnight field trip. There have been some interesting years to say the least, but this one, hands down, was the best yet. And I am thankful!
Parents have been very complimentary of me about that trip and the school year so far, and that is priceless. I may never be rich by today's standards, but as far as I know, I have a good name, and the Bible says that is to be chosen over great riches.
I don't say this to brag in any way. I'm just thankful this morning for parents who taught us not only spiritual things, but good old-fashioned down to earth things like you hold your head up and look people in the eye when you talk to them. You respect yourself and others. You do your best in everything you do whether it's how you wash the dishes, how you do your schoolwork, or how you make your bed. The older we grew, the lessons were more about relationships. But always, we were taught to put God first.
All of those life lessons were ones I took to heart, and now I want to make sure my girls are learning these. They will be leaving us soon. I don't have long to teach them all of those things I was taught. But one of the most important lessons I hope they learn is how to have a good name. It's worth more than riches!
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
And By The Way
1 Chronicles 11:22b-"...he slew two lionlike men of Moab: also he went down and slew a lion in a pit in a snowy day." I must have the craziest sense of humor sometimes! I'm using our church's yearly Bible reading plan now, and it is broken down by sections of the Bible for the different days of the week instead of just reading straight through. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, it is broken down by Books of Law and History. Right now, it is tough reading because you have the battles, and long lists of names, and so on, but today it just hit me differently. The passage from Chronicles was listing all of the valiant men in David's army. It talked of how after Saul and his sons were killed, the valiant men went in and rescued their dead bodies from the enemy so they could be buried properly. Then it talks of how David was thirsty, and three valiant men risked their lives to get him a drink of water. David was so humbled, he poured it out as an offering to God. God was so impressed with these valiant men of David's army, that He lists many of their names including these three men. What struck me as funny was the one man who was described and then as an afterthought, God says, and by the way...he also slew a a pit...and it was snowing! I want to be on God's list of valiant women for Christ! I want Him to tell family members in Heaven about my ministry here. I want God to be so impressed of me that He will be able to say of me one day, "Oh, by the way..."
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
Peace With Enemies
Proverbs 16:7-"When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." Have you ever read a chapter in the Bible, and after each verse you're like, "Ooh, that's good!" That's what happened to me reading Proverbs 16 this morning. It's just one of those chapters packed full of good stuff! I guess they don't call Proverbs the book of wisdom for nothing! Right now, I'm in the midst of teacher orientation week and room prep. Our pastor at school said in devotions one morning this week that when you are in the midst of something, God just gives you all kinds of verses and reminders to go along with that season. Now I know ten year olds are not my enemy, but I have to admit they have gotten the best of me sometimes. If you know a teacher that has never happened to, PLEASE let me meet them! So on those days I am going to feel overwhelmed with students' misbehaviors, I am going to step back and make sure their behavior is not a reflection of me. Have I gotten so caught up with all of my responsibilities that I have not taken the time for that better part that Jesus reminded Martha about in Mark? Are my ways pleasing God? This verse in Proverbs tells us that when our ways please the Lord, we can have peace with others. Peace is a good thing, friend. I want that in my life and in the life of my family. But even more importantly, I want my ways to please the Lord.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
Making An Impact
Titus 2:3-5-"...they are to teach what is good, so train the young women...that the word of God may not be reviled." I just finished reading The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer, and each chapter had a resolution to read and sign. The last one really hits home for me because it talks about leaving a godly legacy to those you leave behind. Of course, as a mother, I want to leave a legacy to my girls, but it also speaks of leaving one to others. This is a great quote from that chapter. "A godly legacy is the continued sharing of values, standards, beliefs, disciplines, priorities, experiences, lessons learned-not only to those who sprout from your family tree, but also to those with whom you share the bloodline of Christ." That's good stuff. I'm in my classroom this week putting up charts, and pictures. I'm putting names on everything and making sure all is in just the right spot. I want these kids to always remember their fifth grade year as something positive in their lives where they learned not only those eight subjects, but saw the love of Christ in their teacher. I want to leave a legacy to my girls, but I want to leave a legacy at my school, at my church, in my community and with my extended family. As the last resolution reads, "I will make today's decisions with tomorrow's impact in mind and consider my current choices in light of future generations." Yep, that's good stuff.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
I'm Glad God Isn't Fair
Matthew 20:16-"So the last will be first, and the first will be last." I have to admit that the story that Jesus teaches in this passage about the master paying everyone the same no matter how many hours they worked in the hot sun always did bother me and didn't seem fair. I mean I can definitely see why some of the men were upset, right? They had been working all day and received the same wage that the men only working for the hour received. Of course, the master reminds them that he paid them according to the agreement they had made. I was reading this morning about fairness in the classroom in dealing with students, and that sometimes it's ok to show mercy. God certainly shows mercy to us. If He was fair, we would all be eternally condemned. We would never have anything good, because we deserve nothing. He is not fair in how He blesses us, but gives to us according to what we need. He extends grace and mercy to undeserving sinners who humbly accept him by faith to save them and do a work in their lives that will bring Him honor and glory. Now that is my kind of fair.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
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I am too humbled to even begin a blog post lately after reading this book. God, forgive me of those sins which have become acceptable because they are considered respectable.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
Doing the Important Things
Matthew 6:33-"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." During the summer, I do my best to allow my body and mind to rest for the upcoming school year. Part of that process is to read a book, join an online group, listen to podcasts, or grab whatever I can get my hands on to be a better teacher. I read this morning to "do what is important, not necessarily what's urgent." I know the author was talking about things pertaining to school such as don't be so concerned grading papers that you miss dealing with the root of a discipline problem. Or even don't be so concerned with making those copies that you miss the hurting staff member you just walked by in the hallway. I definitely need to work on that area since I am notorious for making a list, and then enthusiastically mark everything off as I do them. I also thought about how this principle could apply to other areas of life though. I need to slow down at church to see the needs there instead of getting to my next thing to take care of before or after service. (This is why the entire body of Christ serving is important). I need to not worry so much about a clean house as time with the Lord. I need to not worry so much about that house being cleaned a certain way than teaching my girls to be a cleaner of their own house one day. I think I'm going to print and laminate this quote for myself as a reminder in the busyness of life to slow down, look for the important things, and let the urgent things get done another day.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
He is a Good God
Psalm 9:9-10-"The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in time of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you." Don't you just love when God just keeps reminding you over and over and over again that He has got this, and there is no need for us to worry? One day I'll get that through my thick skull, but for now, I am just going to enjoy the promise that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm going to soak up His promise of never forsaking me, and try to bring it to remembrance the next time Satan tries to throw worry and doubt my way. Take up that shield of faith! The battle is the Lord's!
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
To Be Wise
Proverbs 9:8-9-"Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will still be wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning." I really do want to be a wise woman in the things of God and my family. I want to be a wise teacher that makes a real difference in the lives of students. I want to be one who takes instruction and criticism and learns from it. I don't want to be so concerned with being right, I can never admit to being wrong. What a great reminder for me in this last month before school starts to be willing to listen, to change what needs to change, to be OK when things aren't done MY way, to be a team player, and to even accept criticism when given. Lord, help me to be wise.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
But In The Meantime...
Micah 6:8-"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." I have heard many women say that they just don't know what God wants them to do with their lives. Some of these women were even more seasoned in the faith than me, and I really didn't know what to say since I thought that was a personal thing between them and God. However, I just read a chapter in The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer this morning, and she nailed it on the head about what we are to be doing to find God's will for our lives. She gave the analogy of how when our kids ask to do something, and they haven't already completed what we have asked them to do...what do we say? Go do what I told you to do first! Micah 6:8 tells us what we should do FIRST, before we are to ever know God's plan. We are to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. To do justice-"to determine to act rightly, to pursue a just solution, to deliberately consider the best way people or circumstances could be served in a particular situation, even if sometimes at her own expense." In other words, being more concerned for others rather than myself. To love kindness-"to have a hearty interest in doing things that bless and impact others' lives." This kind of person doesn't do for others because someone deserves it or they could ever be paid back, but because of God's love being reflected in her life. To walk humbly with your God-"pursuing the will of God by daily, faithfully trusting that what He's said and commanded of someone is worth doing his/her very best. And whenever God is ready to share more through the application of His Word and the voice of His Spirit, she'll be right there ready to receive it and respond to it." Aren't you glad to know that finding God's will isn't rocket science? It's just being faithful, listening, waiting, and being willing to do whatever it is you feel God is telling you at that moment. The will of God may not necessarily be a life long career, but it is a life long calling of obedience to His leading. Now, are you ready to listen?
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
He Came to Himself
Luke 15:17-"And when he came to himself he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!" Anybody else have someone they are waiting to "come to himself?" A wayward family member or friend who is living it up in the world and knows what they are doing is wrong? Someone who is absolutely breaking your heart right now because you know they are down a dangerous path? I have more than a few in mind that fit that scenario, but the one who sticks out the most to me is my brother. He has been away from God and his family for many years now. We didn't know if he was dead or alive really. And then it happened. We were able to locate an address, and my daughter sent him a graduation invitation. From there we have received birthday cards, Christmas cards, and my mom received a Mother's Day card. Has everything been restored yet? Sadly, no, but I feel we are finally headed in that direction. We are waiting on God right now and will never give up praying for that loved matter how long it takes. I am excited to one day write an update on when we finally all get to see each other again and my brother is right with the Lord. Until then, I'm just going to keep on praying!
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
Big vs Little
I John 1:8-"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." Three percent! I just read where rat poison is actually 97% food that rats love, and only 3% is the poison. It goes down feeling yummy, but then it does its work once it gets inside the body. Isn't that just like sin? It feels good in the moment, but what havoc it works on our lives and the lives of those around us once we let it in. The Bible says sin even grieves the heart of God. Here's my problem though. I know I sin, but sometimes I feel better about myself because my sin is not as bad as her sin or his sin. My sin today didn't cause family strife or break up relationships. What a dangerous mindset that is. Because in all reality, I did hurt a relationship, and that's the one between me and the Lord. Just like in marriage, when Kevin and I have those "intense moments of fellowship" (because pastors and their wives don't fight, right?), our marriage is still there, but our fellowship is definitely not as sweet until we make things right again. There is no big sin or little sin. Sin is sin, and it's an ugly thing that if not taken care of will spread like a cancer. Lord, help me to live a life that is pleasing to you. Help me to never do anything that will grieve your heart.
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yesjustmycrazythoughts · 8 years ago
I Will Remember
Psalm 77:11-"I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old." This one concept has helped me through my very debilitating case at times of worry more than anything else has ever done. Every time now that worry wants to raise its ugly head, I remind myself of all the blessings God has given us. I remember all of the times He has provided for us, protected us, sent the right people at the right time, sent that unexpected check in the mail, or just showed up in a miraculous way. I know if God has provided for us before, He WILL do it again. I am thankful for a God who is an on time God and in every circumstance of life is always right beside me. I am thankful when the enemy wants to pull me down, God is there to lift me up as I bring to remembrance all that He has done in my family's life. We are no one special. We are just one family trying our best to serve the Lord. The amazing thing is He takes care of every family and every person who put their trust in Him. Psalm 37:25-"...I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread."
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