Very gay, very ladylike
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yesimabitodd · 5 years ago
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Monday, March 11th, 1833. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Π and before that speculating on Miss Walker coming to me or not.
Sunday, March 17th, 1833. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Miss W and Π but at the very moment of Π.
Friday, August 9th, 1833. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Miss Walker.
Sunday, September 1st, 1833. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Miss Walker.
Wednesday, September 4th, 1833. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Miss Walker.
Friday, January 3rd, 1834. Incurred a cross thinking of Miss Walker.
Wednesday, February 5th, 1834. Incurred a cross thinking of Miss Walker.
Tuesday, February 18th, 1834. Incurred a cross thinking of Miss Walker last night.
Wednesday, February 19th, 1834. A cross thinking of Miss Walker just before getting up.
Saturday, February 22nd, 1834. A cross this morning thinking of Miss W.
Monday, February 24th, 1834. Cross last night thinking of Miss W.
Friday, March 14th, 1834. At nine in twenty five minutes incurred a cross in the hut thinking of Miss W.
Sunday, March 16th, 1834. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Miss W.
Wednesday, March 26th, 1834. Incurred a cross just before getting up thinking of Miss W.
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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Thursday, 23rd of January 1834:
And we went to her room and she sat on my knee with her head on the bed and her feet on a chair while I grubbled her pretty well.
Miss Ann ‘I have a weak spine’ Walker, doing some acrobatics.
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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Friday, 18th of April 1834:
As last night but not quite so good - She awoke me by a scream in the night for I was biting her lip through. She got up and put spirits of wine. Great laughter.
Well, apparently yes, she does bite.
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
“she let me grubble & press her tightly with my left hand whilst I held her against the door with the other ”... “ got, for the first time, right middle finger up her queer at three separate times“...
So they knew what they were doing when they made her an ambidextrous grubbler in the show ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
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Hey! What are some of the most sexually explicit things Anne wrote in her diary?? 🙊🙊
fiercepixie7 asked: Thank you for sharing your information on Anne’s journal. She’s a fascinating lady. Are there any particularly ‘sexy’ bits in Anne’s diary that you could share?
So, about this, I thought about how to answer this for the longest time because, well, well, well we could stay here an eternity I guess… The easy answer is, just open a random journal page and read the coded parts, chances are that you’re gonna end up reading a sexy bit lol
This post is gonna be…
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…so, if sexually explicit stuff/language makes you uncomfortable, well, then, don’t read this.
The quotes are gonna be about Mrs Barlow and Ann Walker because those are the two periods of AL’s life I’ve been mostly interested in.
Sunday 14, November 1824 > Touched her flesh just above the knee twice. I kissed her [Maria Barlow] warmly & held her strongly. She said what a state I was putting myself into. She got up to go away & went to the door. I followed. Finding she lingered a moment, pressed her closely & again tried to put my hand up her petticoats. Finding that she would not let me do this but still that she was a little excited, I became regularly so myself. I felt her grow warm & she let me grubble & press her tightly with my left hand whilst I held her against the door with the other, all the while putting my tongue into her mouth & kissing her so passionately as to excite her not a little, I am sure. [No Priest but Love - SH:7/ML/E/8/0078]
Monday 20, December 1824 > Then knelt down by her [Maria Barlow] – kissed her – put my left hand on her left breast & at last by dint of management took three pins out & finally got the nipple into my mouth & sucked it for perhaps as much as ten minutes. [SH:7/ML/E/8/0102]
Friday 21, January 1825 > She [Maria Barlow] bade me put her in the position I liked best, she then lay all her length upon me, the tops of our two queers in contact. Then she lying on her left side with my right thigh between hers. She said it should be the other on which I put the left thigh between hers and got as near to her as I durst not to be in danger of infecting her with my complaint… Throw down the clothes and look[ed] at her in the full light. I told her I had no idea she was so pretty there it was the prettiest part about her. It really is very pretty, quite black and round and fat and very nicely formed. – I have told her since that the prettiest part of her is quite hid. [SH:7/ML/E/8/0118]
Thursday 24, February 1825 > I put my face to her [Maria Barlow] & twice got queer into my mouth & just sucked the tip of it. [SH:7/ML/E/8/0130]
Saturday 26, February 1825 > I began to handle her & look at her [Maria Barlow] – licked a little bit of her queer opened her with my finger & slavered into her then grubbled looking all the while & gave her a good excitement. Before all this she herself had awaked me – lain on me & tried to see how I could get myself near her. I played sometime with only my shift parting me from her lying just as I should do for a kiss… She was evidently in a state of great excitement. She several times bade me go on & not be afraid & told me to do as I always did – I found she meant move my finger rapidly up & down. [SH:7/ML/E/8/0130]
Thursday 4, October 1832 > I had my arm on the back of the sofa – she leaned on it – looked as if I might be affectionate, & it ended in her lying on my arm all the morning & my kissing her & she returning it with such a long continued passionate or nervous mumbling kiss – that we got on as far as we, by day-light, mere kissing, could – I thinking to myself, ‘Well, this is rather more than I expected – of course she means to take [me]’… She asked me to dine with her at five & stay all night – I promised the former… Thought I, ‘I see I shall get all I want of her person [body], if I stay all night’… Afterwards drew near to each [other] & she sat on my knee & I did not spare kissing & pressing she returning it as in the morning… We were so affectionate – we let the lamp go out – long continued (mumbling moist) kissing, I prest her bosom – then finding no resistance & the lamp being out – let my hand wander lower down, gently getting to [her] queer – still no resistance – so I whispered surely she could care for me some little? [Nature’s Domain - SH:7/ML/E/15/0126]
Thursday 11, October 1832 > As it became dusk we crept closer & I without any resistance got, for the first time, right middle finger up her queer at three separate times. She [Ann Walker] nothing loath but evidently excited, liking it & wet & taking it altogether as if she had learnt her lesson before in this way too as well as kissing. She whispered that she loved me. [SH:7/ML/E/15/0131]
Monday 15, October 1832 > I undressed in half hour & then went to her room. Had her [Ann Walker] on my knee a few minutes & then got into bed – she making no objection – & staid with her till twelve & three quarters grubbling gently – right middle finger up almost all the time. Made two or three attempts to get myself quite near her, but somehow could not manage it & she seemed so tender & able to bear so little (I think she was more intact & innocent & virginal than I had latterly surmised) that I contented myself with handling her gently & love making. She feared she should never be able to satisfy me. On leaving her, my night things so wet obliged to take them off & sleep in my dressing gown. She whispered to me in bed how gentle & kind I was to her & faintly said she loved me or else “how can you think” said she “that I should let you do as you do?”. [SH:7/ML/E/15/0132]
Friday 26, October 1832 > Grubbling till late & gave her [Ann Walker], as she owned, pleasure tired as she was not too tired for that at it again before eight in the morning & left our bed sheets (she came & slept with me) quite wet our night linen being ditto. The house maid being a widow might suspect what had been going on. [SH:7/ML/E/15/0135]
Monday 10, February 1834 > She [Ann Walker] was, at first, tired & sleepy but by & by roused up & during a long grubbling, said often we had never done it so well before. I was hot to washing tub wetness & tired before it was half over. We talked & never slept till five. [Gentleman Jack: The Real Anne Lister - SH:7/ML/E/16/0167]
Thursday 31, July 1834 > Miss W– came to me at eight & ten minutes. Had shewed me her bosom & on my asking her took off her night things & stood naked so then got into bed & we had a kiss. [SH:7/ML/E/17/0066]
more here & here.
Y’all please feel free to reply/reblog with more sexy bits from AL’s journal ;)
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
In Nature’s Domain, after the entry for the 6th of July Jill Liddington says:
Ann and Ann had, of course, met on previous occasions;and - as recently as May - Anne Listerhad included Miss Walker in her wish-list to ‘get some companion by-and-by’
I don’t know in which exact entry she talks about this ‘wish-list’, but May 1832 might be the place to look for.
Do you know when did Anne say that Ann had pretty flaxen hair? Was it when they first met in 1832? Thanks.
hey :) I don’t know anything about this to be honest, so I can’t answer you. Does someone know anything about this?
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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Bed. Sex.
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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Marriage. It be like that sometimes.
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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Anne “banality and mediocrity are the only things that have ever really frightened me” Lister
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
because this entire scene is iconic
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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Oh ok then... so that’s where THIS scene is coming from.
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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ann(e) unscripted scenes aka suranne jones and sophie rundle giving us our gays rights! :) 
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
Mariana doesn’t want Anne to make her ‘’pips squeak’’ 😁
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yesimabitodd · 6 years ago
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seven types of physical affection + bonus
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