as if the stars were within reach,
356 posts
i look to the sky in search of you.
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yeshens · 8 months ago
* update: moved to @yishuns♥
just a note that i'll be remaking this blog! i'll still hold on to threads from here but i'll be moving to a new blog for organizational purposes. i'll post an update w the url when i've moved officially. love you all
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yeshens · 8 months ago
* moved to @yishuns♥
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yeshens · 8 months ago
just a note that i'll be remaking this blog! i'll still hold on to threads from here but i'll be moving to a new blog for organizational purposes. i'll post an update w the url when i've moved officially. love you all
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yeshens · 8 months ago
shinichi feels a mixture of amusement and incredulity at the obvious way kaito holds himself back from prying, feeling somewhat like a parent whose child had managed not to eat all the cookies in the tin. “you could look, you know. even for you, it’d be hard to return the file to where it belongs if you refuse to case the place. i’m giving you permission to. because i, for some reason, trust you.”
said reason is inextricably linked to the connection between their fathers, whose privacy shinichi doesn’t hesitate to infringe upon. his father was both a good judge of character and also not a fool, so yūsaku having trusted tōichi is as good a guarantee as any for shinichi to trust kaito. it was only logical.
when the door is safely shut, shinichi leans against an adjacent wall with an innocent look on his face. he grins, “i was just trying to make it a little more challenging. i didn’t expect you to ignore the room, y’know?” there’s no sign beyond an outward exhale, but shinichi feels a curl of relief settling in his chest. that kaito would stop himself from looking, just because of a sign of hesitation from shinichi, only cements his decision to place his faith in kaito. he hums, a little thoughtful, a little amused. “huh. i kind of understand why kaitō kid’s known for being a charmer now.”
kaito’s question draws him up short. it’s a night for the unexpected, it seems, and shinichi is starting to see the appeal of taking people by surprise the way kaitō kid does. it provides for vastly more entertaining responses, for one. shinichi raises an eyebrow, waving him off. “weren’t you paying attention? part one was the heartbreak, obviously.” he nods in the general direction of the study. “now get out of my house, and don’t make it my problem if you break in again.”
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he continues to follow without hesitation as they banter back and forth. kaito stops when kudō pauses at a door , hesitation blossoming in his body language. when the detective goes inside the dark room , kaito stays in the doorframe , keeping his eyes on kudō only. ( it seems clear to kaito that this wasn't a room that kudō wanted him to look into , and even though he is who he is , he won't break such a boundary made even without words ).
there's no fumbling as kaito catches the file with two fingers , smoothly transitioning so that he's holding it with one hand. there's a part of him that wonders what is in this file of kudō yūsaku that could be importance to him , there's another one who knows. ( he'd found several notes with a ' ! ' when he had been searching his father's secret room. all of which had been stored inside of a novel from the night baron series. inside had been an inscription that only said " from the one who named you. " it hadn't been hard to connect those dots ).
he steps outside of the doorframe as kudō exits , struck almost speechless. he probably will be once he opens the file to see what kudō yūsaku has to say , and there's a twitch of his lips ( in what direction , for once , he doesn't know if it was going to be a smile or a grimace ) as he considers kudō. he understands that detectives hoard their case files similarly to the way magicians hoard their tricks. it's a show of trust , he thinks , to do this , to give him this. is it one that he deserves ? kaito doesn't know.
' do i get to see what part one is before we move on , or is it for later ? ' kaito asks , tone cheerful even though his face his painfully neutral and even though he knows what the file is. he wonders if it's something he's supposed to take in the stillness of his bedroom , late at night , when he's going to finally allow himself to miss his father. ( where he gets to continue the streak of having more birthdays without him than with him ). or , is he going to have to smile while reading in front of kudō and pretend that his insides don't ache. he supposes he'll know with kudō's answer.
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yeshens · 9 months ago
Hi. I’m sorry to put this on your dashboard, but my siblings and I are pretty much at our wits end, and I’m begging at this point for any help that can be given. I have a link in this post that will lead to a gofundme in my sisters name to help raise any kind of funds for my mothers medicine and doctors appointment fees while we try to get better health insurance to afford costs— and my sister mentions in the gofundme a little bit about what’s going on. But to put it here as well under a read more:
TL;DR my mother’s health is steadily being revealed through multiple tests with her doctors to be getting worse. First she was told about the fact she possesses ulcers, a deteriorating colon, and polyps (that have since been removed for testing and we get those results soon). Yet now we were given x-rays/photos of her stomach where healthy tissues are supposed to be but they’re not— parts of her stomach show up dark, which apparently means that those parts are… dying/deteriorating as well. And we hope that her polyps come back negative— but at this point even though we are trying to keep a strong face, we are all concerned that might not be the case. And preventative medications to take action now rather later, as well as treat what’s currently been found, has put us all in the negatives. Again, as my sister will say in the gofundme itself, we’re not asking for more than we need or anything like that— we’re just looking (and are grateful) for any help at all. And again, I’m really, truly sorry to have put this on your dashboards.
The link to the gofundme can be found: right here.
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yeshens · 9 months ago
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yeshens · 9 months ago
“you’re giving me carte blanche to be mean to you every other day, then?” shinichi replies, looking thoughtful. the tilt of his head resolves, eventually, into a shrug. “sure, i’ll take that deal.”
accompanied by conversation, it doesn’t take long to reach their destination: shinichi stops outside one of the rooms, hesitating only briefly before nudging the door open. he’s certain the thief notices the pause, but he’s weighed this decision over already; there’s no point second-guessing it now. besides, his dad won’t mind, if shinichi’s deductions about his relationship with the previous kaitō kid are correct.
he steps into the dark room, heading straight for the table to collect the gift he’d prepared in anticipation of kid’s arrival. “found this when i was going through my dad’s archives,” he says, tossing the folder over to kaito without so much as a word of ‘catch’. “i’d apologize for having seen what’s inside, but it’d be mean to lie to you on your birthday, so i won’t.” shinichi teases with a smirk, herding kaito back outside before he can investigate the room too closely.
kudō yūsaku’s case files on kaitō kid were one thing, — (and wasn’t the photo of their fathers posing together interesting, given that yūsaku definitely knew about kuroba the senior’s moonlight persona? there was no reason for it to be compiled within this specific folder, otherwise.) — but shinichi wasn’t sure he was ready to return the offer of handing kaito carte blanche over everything else. inexplicably enough, he trusted kuroba not to overstep.
“so. happy birthday. oh, there’s a part two to the gift, by the way. i even think you’ll appreciate this part more. i mean, kaitō kid’s known for returning things he stole once he’s done with them, isn’t he?” shinichi showed him this room for a reason, after all.
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( of course kaito noticed that kudō had been waiting for something. the desk in his study wasn't normally where he stood around , which is why it was a usual entrance point for kaito. there's a part of him that wonders if he was so easy for the detective to read that he knew when and where to wait for him. ).
his lower lip juts out further even as he follows behind kudō. ' you're horrible. you're not supposed to be mean to me on my birthday ! and when i've taken time out of my busy schedule to visit you too. ' he's already had his birthday lunch with aoko , so , honestly , he had no more plans for the day. which ... was why he came over to bother the detective. still , he lies like breathing.
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yeshens · 9 months ago
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yeshens · 9 months ago
' it's your birthday , isn't it ? ' shinichi can't help the smirk pulling at the corner of his lips as he drops the chocolate mousse ( made by ran ) at the corner of kuroba's desk. ' i didn't want to deal with you pouting , so here you are. '
“stalker much, tantei-kun?” he eyes the chocolate with suspicion, mostly because shinichi had never, prior to this moment, made a habit of feeding kaito, and besides, kaito expected… he’s not entirely sure what he expected out of a gift from the detective, but it definitely wasn’t chocolate. a birthday card with thinly veiled allusions to him being kaitō kid, at most. actually, now that he was thinking about it, it was strange that shinichi wasn’t being all smug about knowing his secret identity… “is this like, a bribe? it’s just that you’re usually more straightforward about blackmail, kudō.”
@yoakkemae, happy kaito day (belated) ♥
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yeshens · 9 months ago
@yoakkemae, continued.
“you’re getting ahead of yourself,” he mumbles, refusing to address the allegations of friendship between them. shinichi pushes himself away from the desk he’d been leaning on — he wonders if kaito notices that he’d clearly been waiting for something as he stood there; idling around like that was uncharacteristic of him.
still, observational skills notwithstanding, kaito’s hammed-up acting leaves something to be desired. specifically: it leaves shinichi with the urge to tease him more. “sounds like i’ve already gotten you a gift, though,” he says, starting towards the door and gesturing for kaito to follow, “…in your own words: a broken heart.”
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yeshens · 10 months ago
you think i can’t tame that? / ok karuta!au taien and theyre at a compeition surveying all the competitors. this is kaien looking @ his lineup opponents.
not for the first time since kaien joined the karuta club, taichi finds himself thankful for the steady presence he provides. taichi may be the appointed captain, but he knows that he’s always been more of a follower, if not reluctantly dragged into things outright. it’s easier to feel confident when someone else around him is, and kaien makes it easy.
“confidence is very becoming on you,” taichi says instead of answering, having been immediately distracted away from observing the competition by kaien’s remark. the crowd’s noise dims to a low hum in the background, and for a brief moment, taichi allows himself to bask in kaien’s composure. it doesn’t last long — taichi can’t allow the distraction to last, being captain and all — but it helps center him, and that’s enough.
taichi grins, squares his shoulders as he leads the team forward into the hall. “but let’s try not to bully them too hard. chihaya might feel bad about it.”
@piliyi, prompt.
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yeshens · 11 months ago
@toorues <- hello hq nation+1
@shouyuos <- helloo hq nation
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yeshens · 1 year ago
@iryonin, continued.
[text] no, for sure. if anyone says anything about it, send them to me 😳
╭─── [unknown number]:   is it dessert (hehe)
[text] it’s on the kitchen counter so you can’t miss it. it’s like, first thing you see when you get home
[text] not telling what it is though. don’t want to ruin the surprise 😏
[text] keys are back where i found them — i mean, obviously.
[text] oh, also, my work week is packed but i made sure to clear out friday night. i’ll see you at our usual spot if you’re still free then?
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yeshens · 1 year ago
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#IRYONIN: SAKURA HARUNO of masashi kishimoto's NARUTO SERIES [   canon-compliant, headcanon-reliant  ].     re-est. mar '24. by juni.
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yeshens · 1 year ago
@piliyi, prompt —
go ahead. ask whatever you want. / tookai…
let it be said that tooru’s never claimed to be a guy who handles rejection well. most of the time it’s not enough of a reason to deter him from trying, but there’s always a little part of him that braces himself even in the asking.
so he’s hesitant, (he’s never done this before. he hasn’t even considered all the ways this could go wrong,) but. there’s something about kaien that makes him want to take that risk. it’s a kind of optimistic hope that he’s learned to let go of through the years, and it reaches back for him.
but first we have to set the scene. so, picture this: the air is warm with the scent of freshly baked pastries, the windows frosted over by the remnants of winter’s chill even as the beginnings of spring chases it away. kaien cuts a striking figure with his back resting casually against the counter, his grin piercing straight through tooru’s chest. tooru thinks he may look besotted, but he’s not in a position to judge — the glass display where his reflection sits isn’t what he’s paying attention to at the moment. it’s clichéd, perhaps, but in this snapshot of a moment he only has eyes for kaien.
“right,” he takes a deep breath. “no matter what, you’re not allowed to laugh, okay?”
and then, in the space of one single exhale, “willyougooutwithme?”
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yeshens · 1 year ago
@fushiguroh, prompt —
“ if you’re just going to lose, then you shouldn’t join the competition. ” // inumaki! but said in a general way.. not necessarily directed towards inumaki himself… ♡
inumaki’s here for backup more than anything, slotting comfortably into the role of heckler #1 to megumi’s thug boss-slash-gang leader? he’s not quite sure what the first year is going for, but he’s picking fights with those his own size (that is, kyoto jujutsu high’s own assortment of first years), which is all inumaki, as a senior to his impressionable juniors, can ask for.
…well, if there’s one piece of advice to give here, it’s probably to pick on a little less at a time, especially if you’re on your own. inumaki’s good at curse suppression, but his methods are a little too lethal for wrangling kids.
“if you’re just going to lose, then you shouldn’t join the competition.”
and there they go again. man, he remembers being a first year. all that hot-blooded passion with nowhere to go, bubbling and boiling over at just a few taunts, egos gearing up for a fight over their modest amount of pride. oh, to be young and full of righteous indignation.
but he’s on megumi’s side right now, which means he should probably ensure that his team’s leader doesn’t get beaten down before he can prove himself. inumaki taps megumi’s shoulder twice to get his attention before directing a thumbs down at the group of kyoto high students — just to affirm his position on the tokyo high team — then he points at the teachers, gesturing at his own eyes a beat later. if you fight here where they can see, it implies. surely even kids this young can see where he’s going with this, right?
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yeshens · 1 year ago
hi i love you also im coming for you soon (threat) (affectionate)
I LOVE YOU . im eating you before that can happen (promise) (affectionate)
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