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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
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Feminist snark from 1915, courtesy of Roqayah Chamseddine on Twitter. Anna Breslaw of Jezebel writes:
FYI: [Alice] Duer Miller was a poet, writer and Barnard College alum whose name appears in the first-ever issue of the New Yorker as an advisory editor. I haven’t even put pants on today.
Alice Duer Miller wrote biting poems about a “woman’s place” in the early 1900s. A collection of her poems, titled Are Women People?, is available for free on the Project Gutenberg website. They’re just as relevant today as they were nearly a century ago. Let that sink in for a moment. I’ll post three here:
The Revolt of Mother
(“Every true woman feels — ”—Speech of almost any Congressman.)
I am old-fashioned, and I think it right That man should know, by Nature’s laws eternal, The proper way to rule, to earn, to fight, And exercise those functions called paternal; But even I a little bit rebel At finding that he knows my job as well.
At least he’s always ready to expound it, Especially in legislative hall, The joys, the cares, the halos that surround it, “How women feel”—he knows that best of all. In fact his thesis is that no one can Know what is womanly except a man.
I am old-fashioned, and I am content When he explains the world of art and science And government—to him divinely sent— I drink it in with ladylike compliance. But cannot listen—no, I’m only human— While he instructs me how to be a woman.
— Alice Duer Miller
“Mother, what is a Feminist?”
“A Feminist, my daughter,
Is any woman now who cares
To think about her own affairs
As men don’t think she oughter.”
— Alice Duer Miller
Why We Oppose Pockets for Women
1. Because pockets are not a natural right.
2. Because the great majority of women do not want pockets. If they did they would have them.
3. Because whenever women have had pockets they have not used them.
4. Because women are required to carry enough things as it is, without the additional burden of pockets.
5. Because it would make dissension between husband and wife as to whose pockets were to be filled.
6. Because it would destroy man’s chivalry toward woman, if he did not have to carry all her things in his pockets.
7. Because men are men, and women are women. We must not fly in the face of nature.
8. Because pockets have been used by men to carry tobacco, pipes, whiskey flasks, chewing gum and compromising letters. We see no reason to suppose that women would use them more wisely.
— Alice Duer Miller
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
The energy status quo has costs too, high (and increasingly so) - in Ontario that's nuclear.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
Like it or not, a portion of your Federal, state, and city tax dollars goes towards funding transit even if you never ride it, a concept that many lawmakers and constituents in suburban and exurban communities are definitely not cool with.
Theodore Brown on the whole cost of public transport (via thisbigcity)
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
Rape is pretty awful to think about and must be even more so if (like one in four women) you have experienced it yourself. If you are happy to remind those members of your audience of a pretty horrible moment in their lives, then your joke had better be pretty damn good.
People like to think THEIR rape jokes are uniquely edgy and special but nothing could be more everyday and mediocre than a bad rape joke. "Let's make women uncomfortable so we can point and laugh at them" is a comedic strategy as old as the hills.
The Truth
I think this tweet sums up my opinions on the “rape joke” controversy.
Rape isn’t funny. Neither are breakups, illness, fear, death, poverty or anything else comedians do jokes about.
We joke about terrible things all the time. That’s the point of humor: to diminish otherwise horrible events to better enjoy life.
Thank God we do. If we took every last thing in our lives so seriously, the world would be a very, very, very sad place.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
This article is better than the government report that is it's subject.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
As it stands, the cost of gridlock is spread across all taxpayers, when it could be geared towards those principally responsible for creating it.
Also see: Why road pricing is beneficial to the economy.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
Protest music
Everywhere I've been in the world - not many places, Europe and South America - people go crazy for Manu Chao. And it is rare to find someone here who has heard of him. He is from in between Spain and France, one of those many regions around the world where colonialism has left people landless and frustrated. He sings in more languages than I can imagine and he is a friend to landless peoples around the world (like the Zapatistas).
With the exception of my time overseas and in grad school I have been completely isolated from any awareness of anything like this. The only time we talk about protesters is when they are trashing our downtowns and it is commonly accepted that protest never accomplishes anything.
Manu Chao's music is perky to listen to but the lyrics are pretty heavy (you can find translations online, just google the title). I wish there was more awareness of Manu Chao, and the issues he represents, around here.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
looks interesting. men need to stand up against online harassment and hate or else be complicit in it.
I started MA’AM - MEN AGAINST ASSHOLES and MISOGYNY because it’s a really good idea and I needed to do it myself. I hope this doesn’t live as an empty space on the internet.
I want to hear from all of you guys.
This is the post that started it all for me. This is how I feel. This is what I am...
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
Protest music.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
Thanks for the follow! Are you a Canadian, or a general lover of politics?
hi there! i live in Toronto and usually prefer Ontario politics. but that seems to have shut down and Toronto Council is pretty irresistible these days. yourself?
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
' ... I invite you to read the fifteen tales in Masters of the Modern Short Story (W. Havighurst, editor, 1955, Harcourt, Brace, $14.95 in paperback). Read them for pleasure and satisfaction,beginning each as though, only seven minutes before, you had swallowed two ounces of very good booze. “Except ye be as little children ...” '
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
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Statistics on ways in which women and girls are stereotyped, sexualized, and underrepresented in movies and television—even on children’s TV shows.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
So Rob Ford can run again. Will he win? His base is energized by the injustice that has just been done to him. After all, he's not afraid to tell it like it is, and that's bound to piss off liberals, amirite? So the very fact that lefties are angry means that he is doing a good job! Thus is the state of conservative ideology these days.
On the other hand, the factors that led to his election are no longer there:
- we're not still mad at Miller over the garbage strike
- the opposition is no longer so disorganized (tho the tribal, partisan nature of progressive politics means that dippers and liberals will NEVER support the same candidate)
- his lies about the gravy train ("City hall has a spending problem, not a revenue problem") are no longer widely believed
I don't think he will win a by-election. But if he does I won't be too upset, for two reasons: 1. The rest of this Council has not exactly been covering itself with glory. Witness events since Hackland's decision: they clumsily un-banned plastic bags after their clumsy attempt to ban them, on the day before excessively high levels of plastics were found in the Great Lakes, and they argued about the fate of Toronto's elephants, an important question but surely Council has more important things that it is more qualified to consider. We need to wipe the slate clean and start again so that our fine representatives can escape this bizarre groupthink that seems to have taken over. 2. Finishing off his term would definitely, finally give him enough rope to hang himself. If we elect him again in 2014 we deserve whatever we get.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
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On one hand, I really want to show this to Jim. On the other hand, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.
via Reddit. 
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
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At #Broadview and #Danforth. The one on the left says "6 things MEN can do take a stand against sexual health and harassment"
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
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It’s like reading “Birth of a Nation” in tweet form.
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yelnick-blog · 12 years ago
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