yehnocity · 7 months
I need one of those "a helpful guide to" videos that they make for learning kpop group members but for Les Amis.
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yehnocity · 10 months
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Petting Courfeyrac from Les Miserables!
Requested by @to-be-frank-i-dont-care
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yehnocity · 10 months
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LES MISÉRABLES (2012) + letterboxd reviews
Enjolras edition
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yehnocity · 10 months
victor hugo voice javert had a tiny, small, flat, horrible little forehead. because small foreheads are a sign of being bad. enjolras on the other hand had the biggest forehead u have ever seen. u could send a heliograph with that thang. im talking Humongous. because large foreheads are great and a sign of goodness and beauty.
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picture unrelated
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yehnocity · 10 months
I love how a lot of characters in Les Mis seem to represent important philosophical/moral questions. Éponine and Cosette both represent the question of Nature vs. Nurture. Can one be good if they’ve only known wickedness? And the answer is: yes! Enjolras and Combeferre represent war vs. peace. And how you can’t have the latter without the former. And Valjean and Javert obviously represent justice vs. mercy. And how sometimes those lines cross. Javert spares Valjean, which is an act of mercy, yes, but it’s also the first just thing he does in the whole story! Victor Hugo needs to pay for my therapy bills
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yehnocity · 10 months
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Les amis de l'Abaisse in ANIMALS
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yehnocity · 10 months
The REAL reason Les Mis is a great book is because it has the duality of you being able to randomly open it to any page and find the most beautiful-soul-crushing-poetic-timeless-eye-opening sentence ever
but also Victor Hugo consciously chose to make every single character is the lamest most socially inept mess and awkward crazy dork you've ever seen and it's great.
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yehnocity · 2 years
what is this...? a post!
yes, i am yet again, posting!!!
my first and last - chenji, 45 k
finding home - markhyuck, 90k
our love is great - markhyuck, 80k, The way this has become THAT FIC like so many moments left me screaming into my fist in the middle of the night I cried so much too like BRO everything is so cute def worth a read and a reread.
i have class but i will be back!
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yehnocity · 2 years
hi hello annyeong
yes. this is my last resort. this is a cry for help. HELP!
okay so recently i’ve been in a mood and i am begging, BEGGING, someone to recommend some well written nct x nct fics on ao3 that will make me cry. please. anything. i am desperate at this point. i just need to let my tears flow like mentos in a coca cola bottle. i need to aggressively cry. thank you <3
also happy mark solo day!!! please go support ty
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yehnocity · 2 years
nct fic recs pt 3
hello! its a long weekend so i thought that it would be perfect time to drop this list of fic recs <3
Star of the Waning Summer - jenhyuck, 43 k, rated GA, percy jackson au, i have so much love for this, i was a percy jackson kid (i feel like it all makes sense now hehe) but yes i loved this so much <3
Sapphires and Rubies - chenji (inhales. CHENJIIII), again, 23 k, rated GA, my obsession with harry potter aus is making another appearance...
White Dwarf - 42k, um so much to say yet no words. I WAS SOBBING like literally 2 chapters in, i had to take a break and finish this in the comfort of my own room because it was THAT FIC. angst angst angst angst angst i love hurting myself. can’t read it again cause i’d prob sob my whole existence away but yeah <3 TW: Character death
big egos and skinny ties - renhyuck, 28k, rated t, lawyer au, THAT renhyuck fic, gosh a few pretentious pricks and im in love. I LOVED THIS FIC. screaming crying sobbing i loved this it makes me so happy i was besides myself this whole fic read it read it read it!
i realize that i’m slowly spiraling out of control as i recommend these fics and its like 90% emotion and 10% substance but that’s what good fics do to you. 
its a wrap! happy 2022 everyone :)
hmu on insta: @felitea.scribbles (scream at me there <3)
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yehnocity · 3 years
NCT fic recs pt 2.
you already know what it is~~~ NCT FIC REC (and fest) part 2!! i have continued to do some digging (looking back through 300+ bookmarks...basically my life is currently nct nct nct and i’m not even mad about it) and have decided to bless your feed with the following fics:
starting off strong... we have first contender for best fic... yuwin!!
living legends (burning through nights, paying the price), 72k, mature, Superhero/villain AU, a great time over all and lots of action (with a good amount of angst)
just like the movies, noren/renjen, 50k, rated t, this has no reason being this good. like honestly, flabbergasted. the writing is impeccable and the characterization of the dreamies even more so. 
i’ve been on a chenji streak lately so here is the fic that started it all:
Words Yet To Say, 12k, rated SOFT HOURS. (teen and up), this fic right here is THE moment.
Monster Beneath Your Skin - noren/renjen, 94k, mature, i wasn't ready for this and i don't think i will ever be, this was a fucking rollercoaster... everything was so good, the flirting in renjun's room, then the whole truth, the afterwards .... i feel everything the love the pain the suffering...CRYING (basically I’m begging you to read this), TW: horror, minor character death
Ending on a bright note, i must hook everyone onto my favorite author in the fandom... the. one. and. only. PRINCEPIXEL! honestly absolutely everything written by them is so beautiful and heart wrenching and just indescribable. i stalk them with a fevor and vitality that is honestly a little terrifying (even to myself) but i do not think i will be stopping any time. a great starting fic is
JUMP:START - noren, 54k, rated t, Space AU, even with all my body parts and limbs, i would not be able to count the number of times i’ve read this. this hurt in all the right places and made me laugh WHILE hurting. sobbed and cried the whole way through. TW: PTSD, panic attacks
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yehnocity · 3 years
NCT fic recs :)
hi everyone I’m back for like one post! And it’s NCT fic recs...i don’t see a bunch of these on here so here’s a post dedicated to N! C! T! fic recs. 
first of all! I’m a sucker for NCT family/found family fics so here’s one that had me BAWLING (special shout out to chenji they r the MOST adorable little muffins.)
Ringmaster - 110K, Circus AU (set in 1930), slow burn w a lot of good angst, 100/10
The next one.... first of all, this one hurt me in every way, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. second of all, this is THE ‘00 line fic and literally all I ever needed. but i can’t bring myself to ever read it again cause as i’ve said above, it caused me too much emotional damage. It’s pretty heavy. TW: Body horror, violence, mentions of sexual assault
o, what an eerie tale to tell - 112 k, small town mystery, rated m
and now for a bunch of ‘00/nct dream fics cause i’m a sucker for dream. 
the night like it is home - 41k, renjen
one bite is all it takes ... and maybe a few kisses too - 12k, markhyuck me proclaiming my love for m*rk l** and l** d*nghy*ck, excessive thirsty on mark’s part as he should king.
hop out, cop out (baby you’re a knockout) - 29 k, markhyuck, no words, just think about this EVERY NIGHT on repeat.
apparently I’m on a markhyuck roll 
Doing Gucci - ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS, had me in tears, hyuck really wanted a nice belt.
in the same spirit, here’s another absolutely chaotic markhyuck fic:
death and other happy endings
oh, and how can i possibly forget, THE most iconic markhyuck fic out there, and maybe even, THE bible of the fandom.
Ocean Eyes - 126 k, pirate au... with BED SHARING. yes there’s a specific tag for that. lots of action and adventure is a fun ride.
Now Casting: PERMAFROST! - renjun/jeno
okay it’s looking like I should probably make another post for this so i’ll send this into the world first!
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yehnocity · 3 years
can you help me find a bts fic if possible?
the bts fic goes in a/b/o au where all bts except jungkook are in a radio music dj cca in school. after alpha jungkook joins, omega jimin hates his alpha scent and finds it hard to even be in the same room with him so he becomes mean to jungkook. and then the plot progresses but i don't know the name and author of this fic. do help this girl out because i want to re-read it :>
another book i want to re-read but can't find it. it's a book where 3 bts members are tricked and heartbroken by 1 girl who had different identities when being intimate with them. i remember that 1 member, taehyung never lets anyone kiss him on the lips but that girl did it and left him. i'm not sure the rest of the plot but it's somewhat of a game for them as they come together and realise that the girl that they were trash talking about was infact the same person. hope someone helps me find this fic. i'm not sure if i read it on wattpad or ao3.
Hello~ unfortunately, I do not read as many ABO AUs or read on Wattpad so I’m not sure if I’ve read either of these. Hopefully someone will know and if it happens, I’ll update this post. Thank you for your patience~ X
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yehnocity · 3 years
hi babes, can you recommend me some bts ao3 threeway relationship au? 3 chapters or more please :>
#bts #threeway #relationships #rap line #maknae line #hyung line #vocal line
Hello~! Sorry for getting to your ask so late, here are some that I enjoy:
Hovering Above Hell - Crime AU, poly maknae line, 52 k, Explicit
House of Cards - Mafia AU, poly maknae line, 394 k, Explicit
Logical Thinking - Idol AU, poly rap line, 135 k, Explicit
Delta -  Idol AU, poly rap line, 60 k, Explicit
The Nightbird and the Kitten - ABO AU, poly rap line, 311 K, Explicit
These are OT7 (so not exactly what you are looking for), but if you are willing, definitely give these a shot! They’re all super good and really enjoyable to read.
You Need a North Star - Sentinels and Guides AU/Soulmate AU, OT7, 36 k, Explicit
What I Did On My Summer Vacation, by Kim Namjoon, Age 18 1/2 - Mafia AU, OT7, 69 k, Explicit
Okay, that’s all I have for now! Thank you so much for your request, hope you have fun reading these~ x
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yehnocity · 3 years
the sope fics ur recommending arent classics or the best of the best? :/ pls recommend to ur followers better fics!
Hi anon~ I’m so sorry to hear that! I wish you weren’t anonymous so that I can message you and help find fics best suited for you. 
As for the sope fics, when someone specifically asks for them, I try to find more unknown (but equally) as well written fics because (usually) my followers have already read the classics. They may not have as many kudos, but I can assure you the plot line and the language of the fic is top quality~ hidden gems. Ao3 has a wonderful system that allows readers to sort fics by kudos/hits, which is super helpful when finding classic sope fics. However, if my followers specifically ask for classic fics, I always have a full list of classics on hand that I’m more than happy to share! These are always super popular in the fandom and the number of kudos can attest to that. 
I always try my best to dish out the best content I can find for my followers, as I know it is sometimes hard to find well written fics past the more well known ones. Please let me know if there is anything else I can clarify for you~ Thank you for your feedback! x
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yehnocity · 3 years
ive been looking for some good, multichapter namjin or yoonjin fics? like, slice of life, fluffy or hurt/comfort stuff? preferably with little to no smut lol. some recs would be nice ! :)
Hello! You have come to the right page, I love namjin and yoonjin~~~ let’s get started!
My fic recs tend to be rated T or Explicit since I find those fics are usually longer and better written in terms of plot as well as writing style, but I’ll do my best!
Completed Namjin fics:
The Prince Diaries - Royalty AU, 48 k, General Audiences
Started From The Bottom Now We Here (Getting flustered over cute boys sleeping under tables) - Cafe AU, 4 k, Rated T (but it reads more like a GA; cannot recommend this enough, this is so funny and ugh hilarious!)
Bees Have Hands - Texting AU, text fic, 67 k,  General Audiences (Super funny, hilarious, slice of life!)
Let’s Not Give Up On Us - ABO AU, 35 k, General Audiences (Hurt/comfort, fluffy)
I Purrrrple You - 39 k, General Audiences (Absolutely hilarious, show stopping, prob my fav on this list. by far. I’m so in love with this, the characterization, the dialogue, setting, EVERYTHING)
Completed Yoonjin fics:
Black Apples - Angels and Demons AU, 23 k, Rated T 
the moon to my sea - We Got Married AU, 23 k, Rated T
That’s it for now :) Happy reading!!
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yehnocity · 3 years
Hi!! I was just wondering if you could possibly rec some sope or yoonmin like,,, life-changing fics? You know the really REALLY long ones that leave your soul empty when you're done bc it was so good?? They don't absolutely have to be sope/yoonmin though!! Any ship is good I just primarily focus on those two ships lol, tysm for reading this!! ❤️
Hello! Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it :D Moving on to fic recs, here are a few I have bookmarked (that are all really, really, good and I think all of them are angsty?):
Completed Sope Fics:
Can You Teach Me How To Feel Real - Robot AU, 47 k, Explicit
Rough Men Stand Ready - Police AU, 11k, Explicit (this one is on the shorter side but believe me it’s really good), TW: Violence/g*ns mentioned
These Violent Delights - Westworld AU (I haven’t watched this so it’s fine if you haven’t!!), 40 k, Explicit (This is most definitely my favorite on this list, no matter how many times I read I’m still so in love with it), TW: Violence
Internecine - Idol AU/Soulmate AU, 137 k, Explicit (This definitely leaves an empty hole in your heart, it’s over so quickly and you’re just gonna be sad after finishing because it’s so good)
Completed Yoonmin Fics:
The Songbird and the Sea - Pirate AU, 255 k, Explicit (Of course I’m going to rec this one when it comes to Yoonmin, it is the gem of the fandom, we love this!!)
Caught in a Lie - Not Idols AU, 8 k, Rated T (Short but good!)
The Justitia Pugnatores - Royalty AU, 254 k, Rated M (I love this one so much that just seeing this is making me want to read it again, which I will after I finish posting!!)
Okay, that’s it for today! I hope you enjoy these, happy reading! :D x
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