yeetbigly 2 years
[sees a honda odyssey on the street] woah they made the van from dungeons and daddies a real thing
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yeetbigly 2 years
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Dungeons and Daddies the Manga Lesson 1: Dungeon and D.A.D.D.I.E.S
Read right to left
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yeetbigly 2 years
I love it so much when artists draw lark and sparrow like this respectively
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yeetbigly 2 years
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i love the way that there's absolutely 0 distinction between character and reality for him
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yeetbigly 2 years
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Odyssey designs done! Now to do the Quest kids :V
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yeetbigly 2 years
Just a nature-loving, birkenstock-rocking, crunchy-munchy granola druid dad
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yeetbigly 2 years
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oh to be 12
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yeetbigly 2 years
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been thinking about ron stampler again
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yeetbigly 2 years
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Family reunion in hell
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yeetbigly 2 years
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sorry for what, bud?
hello hi um hey i just finished dungeons and daddies season 1 today. and uhh ummmmm uhhhhHHHHH
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yeetbigly 4 years
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touch starved guitar man relatable moments
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yeetbigly 4 years
Oh shit! Boreanaz was right!
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yeetbigly 4 years
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I never posted this Meryl on tumblr, so here!
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yeetbigly 4 years
Im on my sister's laptop and this was open and
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Mercedes and henry naming lark & sparrow
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yeetbigly 4 years
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The Lord of Chaos and their wolf dad.
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yeetbigly 4 years
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Team Barbecues ain鈥檛 been the same since
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yeetbigly 4 years
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Art Block = Outfit Swap
Turns out if you rotate one Look to the right you get a Very Specific Kind of Pinup, a Golfer, an Average TTRPG Player and the Runt of a Litter of Bikers
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