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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
Got any tips for beginning animators? Like how to get started, and what program you think is best?
Firstly, thank you for thinking I would have good tips for learning to animate :D I'm going to use this ask for a brief animation tutorial if you don't mind~
I guess to begin, its always good to start with learning about the basics -> the ball bounce.
Even though this seems super simple (you might even want to skip it), learning how to do a proper one will teach you a good chunk of the techniques you need to animate smoothly.
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Here's a gif of a ball bounce I just did. The red outlines on the right are the frames that are most important in animation, called extremes (or key frames). Every other frame of drawing are inbetweens, the spacing of these inbetweens will determine how fast or slow your animation appears to be moving.
When a ball is bouncing (irl) notice it isn't moving at the same speed all the way through it's bounce? When it shoots up from the ground it's moving pretty fast up until gravity starts to slow it down. This means the ball is slower near the top of it's arc, right before it begins to fall back down. Basically, if you were to take a picture every second of this ball bouncing, you'd see more of it near the area where it's slowing down in one place- and less of it in the areas where it's moving fast. Therefore, the inbetween frames consist of drawings that are closer together where the ball is slowing down, and farther apart where the ball is moving faster. *You can apply this to nearly every single animation you will ever do, it's key to the tricking the brain into believing your animation*
Other than timing and spacing out the inbetweens, posing the extremes and timing these out properly is going to take care of a good chunk of the animation's heavy lifting. These extremes will help you figure out the plan for the animation, either using them as a guideline for beats in the movement or as a storyboard of sorts.
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I didn't really follow my own rough extreme's exactly as I added more details to the character's movements, but they helped in keeping track of the size of the character and the timing.
**You don't need a lot of tweens to get an animation looking "smooth"- as long as you implement techniques such as overshooting and following-through with your secondary action (I'll go over that in a second) then you will be A-ok.**
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This animation originally started with just 4 frames looping and looking fairly static. Until adding in some overshoot. Overshooting is when you have an action and the motion goes further than what the action required. In this case, the arm goes a tad further in it's motion and bounces back to where it was originally supposed to be. This makes the animation more punchy or impactful and is usually seen in "pose-to-pose" animations.
Lastly, Secondary Action is usually for things on an object that isn't doing the initial motion. In this case, I added a sleeve. With no secondary action, the sleeve just matches with the arm's motion- but in reality, when you wear a sleeve it lags behind. If you watch the last square, you might notice the sleeve has to catch up with the arm until it stops, leaving the sleeve to wiggle in place afterwards. (You could even push secondary action a step further by making the wrist turn, causing the hand to lag behind the arm's motion- might make your arm look a little less strong, though)
Sorry about all that text, though it's only scratching the surface of techniques and possibilities with animation.
As for programs, I know:
Clip Studio Paint has a great animation feature, ToonBoom is generally the industry standard (not free but there's a student version), Adobe Animate is convenient to learn on (but Adobe wants to consume your wallet in return) there's a free trial though- and it's also vector only, OpenToonz is a bit more complicated to figure out for it's UI but it's open source and has been used by many a Ghibli movie (There's a professional version called Toonz), Pencil 2d is very basic and easy to use (was the first one I used... other than trying to animate in MS Paint and Movie Maker), and TvPaint is my current darling (easy to learn and versatile for color and texture but not free)
Hope this is useful to somebody out there, and thanks again for asking :)
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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The Green hill zone in this film looks absolutely stunning. I'm speechless
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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I loved this show and this is my thank you to She-Ra for being such a beautiful show!
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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A compiled view of all the stages of creating the Ring animation starting with thumbnails, a rough sketch, lines, and then colors. Oddly enough, my favorite part to watch is Sonic turning the ring in his hand
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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someone was asking me about how to draw action or fight scenes.. and i don’t always have the right words to describe how do i do it..so i tried drawing them a quick example of dynamic poses, which i think are important if you want to draw an action scene.. ^_^
perspectives and composition are also important and i forgot to explain and illustrate them… but i think is good to start practicing on poses first :) 
i leave it here too if it can be useful to somebody ^_^
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
Do you have any tips for shades, when you draw something? Because idk how to do it correctly! (-。-;
hmm how can i tell?  well.. for the archie comics style (matt herms style) i usually color a base layer with only dark colors and then another layer to put the bright ones..  and i just “search where the light should reach” … i don’t know if its understable..
but here it goes an example : i hope its pretty easy to understand..
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NOTE: i don’t usually do this next step.. “v down here” this its just to show you where the light places should be
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this its the definitive step
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i hope it was helpful ^_^
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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Decided to draw one of my fav Sonics as a sort of comfort task.
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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feel free to reblog and use them yourself :)
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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Wood and Resin Lamps
Dada Atolye on Etsy
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
How to do “extra” facial expressions!
Drawing basic facial expressions is not the hardest. Most people can draw a sad face, a happy face, angry etc., but making more multidimensional expressions is more of a challenge. I have gotten a lot of compliments on how I draw facial expressions, (specifically “angsty ones”) telling me that they are very dramatic and well… expressive! And there are actually only a few things I think about when I draw faces that take them to the next level, so I thought i’d illustrate them all here!
SUPER IMPORTANT TIP BEFORE WE START: Look at your own face when you draw faces. Even making the face when you are drawing (you don’t even have to look at it), will give you some sense of how the face muscles pull and where things fold and stretch, because you can feel it. You are the best reference when it comes to facial expressions!
Draw the head in an angle that matches the expressions you want to make. It is not a requirement, but is going to add to the effect.
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Symmetry vs asymmetry 
A face is rarely symmetric. Unless the face the character is making is 100 % relaxed or even dissociating, the eyebrows, mouth and facial muscles will have different placements of their respective side. This image shows the dramatic impact asymmetry has on a face: 
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That’s the difference between a smile and a smirk!
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The first one’s like “oh yeah?” and the second is like “oH YEAH??”
The “balloon squishing principle”
This is something I did subconsciously, and I didn’t know about until I made this tutorial. And this principle goes hand in hand with an asymmetric face. Basically, if you squish one part of the face, you need to even out the empty space by “inflating” the other part of the face so that it doesn’t appear shrunken. The picture hopefully explains it:
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Don’t forget to add the gum when the mouth is open to its full potential!
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Squinting and folding
Adding folds around the eyes when a character is squinting makes a HUGE difference. It makes a smile more genuine and a growl more intimidating. Adding folds to the face in general makes your characters more lifelike and ‘visually relatable’. Like, they look human, and less plastic or fake.
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and so on..
Pupils and irises 
The placement of the iris and pupil in relation to the eyelids is very important! The less of the white you see, the more relaxed the character is. 
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And then of course eyebrows and eyes go hand in hand!
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Gestures, spitting, sweating… 
Adding more elements than just a face is key to making the character actually look like they are feeling what you want them to feel. Just the tiniest sweat drop adds to their anxiety, spitting adds frustration to their rage, slouching shoulders, waving hands, a double chin, extreme angles, the list goes on! Add whatever and see what kind of impact it makes! Does it do the trick? Great! Add it! 
Over exaggeration!! 
Remember that you can almost always exaggerate more. Don’t be afraid to do draw “too much” because you’re just experimenting. See what works and what doesn’t. What do you like to exaggerate?
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Now that you know some theory, it’s time to practice!
The 25 Essential Expressions (a classic! I’ve done it multiple times)
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And the one I do when I’m bored:
Fill a page with circles and fill them in with different expressions. Try and exaggerate as much as you can! 
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This is mostly for experimenting. They are quicker to draw than complete faces, but the same rules should apply!
And that’s about it!
I don’t know if I covered everything in this tutorial, since some things might be obvious for me, and this post perhaps only scratches the surface. So feel free to send me a message if you want an explanation about something more in depth! Thank you for reading! And now DRAW!!! ✨🎨
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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SenshiStock’s gallery consists of millions of pictures that are free to use as reference.
General Drawing Poses Sit and Kneel Dramatic and Reaching Drawing Poses Magic and Hogwarts Drawing Poses Staff Weapon Pose Reference Hammer, Axe and Bat Pose Reference Sword Weapon Drawing Reference Small Bladed Weapon Pose Reference Gun Weapon Pose Reference Bow and Arrow Archery Stock Foreshortening and Perspective Poses Dynamic Flying Falling Action Poses Deafeated or Laying Drawing Poses Magic Crystal Magical Girl Wand Weapon Transformations and Dance Cards Back Pose Reference Pin Up Inspired Poses for Drawing Performances Poses Life in General Poses Fights and Fighting Pose Reference Leaning Poses Classic Sailor Senshi Poses Wings Sailor Moon Villains Pairs Romance or Couples Pose Reference All the Male Stock Hanging Stock Drawing Reference Three or More Groups Instruments Mirrors Whip  Technobabble  
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
People who are younger than you but taller
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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My “draw the squad” memes so far
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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a gifset of knockout’s face, because he has a very beautiful, expressive face
feel free to use
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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yazzstuff · 3 years ago
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