Loyalty Is The First Law
125 posts
Azra Yavuz || Drug Dealer || 29 || Turk Gang
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Location: A dark alleyway, upon a dangerous street... Date: January 31st, 2024
Open to All, but preferably people who might want to talk to Azra but cannot approach openly due to gang tensions. She is intending to meet through backroom channels
Thunder crackles in the sky above, casting a momentary illumination upon the shady streets below. Dark clouds hang heavy in the sky, a herald of the storm to come. But there was still time before it arrived, and more than enough business to attend too...
It had been a while since she had found herself in this position. Gone were the trappings of wealth, the fine clothing that signaled her hard won place in this world. Now she wore only a pair of rough jeans, and a grey hoody. After all, she was far from home....and this was no place to stand out. A sudden sound. She tenses as she looks back towards it, her long silky hair falling over her right shoulder. Though she recognized who it was that approached, it was far from relaxing to see them. Now, the hard part began.. "A pleasure to see you again darling. I'm grateful to you for coming. I know its not the ideal place to meet, but it seems..." Her gaze rises to look upon the building storm. "...Appropriate."
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
It was late, far later than she'd liked to stay out since the troubles began. It was a particularly large risk being out this far alone, but tonight was a night for risk taking. Something Azra had as of late found herself doing more and more of... Her eyes alight as they settle upon Hasan, and her lip curls into a sly smile. She saunters over with her usual grace, and takes a seat across from him. "Thank you for the coffee darling." Her smile grows wider as they settle upon the offered pastries. "Baklava? You remembered..."
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Who: @yavuz-azra When:19 January 2024 Where: Haringey vacant property Hasan arranged to met Azra in the empty house. It was one of his more recent findings. There were places like it all over, vacant or full, property was cheap in Haringey, and made for a good investment. People had to live somewhere, and the fighting drove prices down, but there were many immigrants hoping to live in the empty apartments despite the violence that colored the borough lately. He prepared a small meal, some coffee a few pastries, just enough then he waited, let the smell fill the living space. He watched her as she entered. Bags under his eyes, but a smile on his lips as he motioned for her to sit.
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Unlike the exhausted Emine, Azra only seemed to grow more excited as the two delved deeper into each little detail of the wedding. The hours the two had spent discussing and planning the wedding's minutia were hours that let her put aside the ever present looming dread that had made up so much of her last few weeks. Besides, it was fun to imagine Kerem's face when he saw the dress Emine had picked out.. "Modern. Definitely modern darling. It's your wedding, it should reflect you." She smiles, tapping her finger against the spread of bridal magazines upon the table. "And a planner? Perish the thought. You are doing a wonderful job.
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Where: Flower Shop in Haringey Who: @yavuz-azra
Who thought they could be stressful. She teetered on the traditional stance for flowers or if she wanted to do something a little more modern. It was a hard decision because she wanted to support her family, but felt like it might be too much for who she was; who they were as a couple.
"Azra, why is planning a wedding fun and exhausting?" She turns to her friend. "I wish I could afford a planner to do this." A small sigh escapes. "Traditional or modern?" Emine would let Azra pick.
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra could feel her heart catching in her throat. They had always been close, ever since she was a child. She could so easily read the emotions that flickered across his weary, yet strong and resolute features. She knew the heavy burden he bore, and the worries that weighed upon him. Yet, like he always did, Kerem rose to the occasion. In return, all she could offer him was the truth. Sincerity radiates in her eyes as she meets his own. "...Thank you darling. Remember, however this goes, I'm with you. Until the end." She squeezes his hand tightly once more before letting go. "We'll make our position clear. He's in as much trouble as we are, we only need to make him see it. Together, we may still be small...but that is fine. We only need to be big enough to be effective. You'll find a way to make it work, I've faith."
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Kerem's gaze dropped to their joined hands, the warmth of her touch grounding him in a way that words seldom could. Azra had been someone he'd depended upon for some time, the woman who made sure he stayed firmly with two feet on the ground, and while he felt that familiar gratitude for her creeping up, the conflict of Hasan's name began weighing heavier and heavier. If he went to Hasan, he might as well have been throwing Hasan Haringey. Over his dead body, because that's what it'd take. The fucking resistance, like they hadn't tried to get free.
And there wasn't any way on God's green earth he'd let that happen.
He could already feel his father's stare, even if he wasn't there. When the time is right he'd said. But would there ever be a right time?
And while Azra was right, as she often was, the idea of involving Hasan, even in the face of changing circumstances, was a bitter pill to swallow. He leaned back in his chair, his mind racing through the implications. "I get what you're sayin', Az. I do. But Hasan... you think he'd let me have Haringey after he helps us? You don't think it'll be another battle just waiting for us? Even with his people...we're too fuckin' small. Bringing him back into this, it's like stirrin' up a hornet's nest." The memories of who Hasan used to be, and who he was now weighed heavily on Kerem's shoulders, the pain of betrayal and shattered trust lingering like a persistent ache.
All of us. Together. A fools hope, but one he'd been betting on since he was a kid. The idea that stopped him from going to university and choosing a different life. Them. His and his father's people. "I'll set up a meeting with him, can't promise how it's gonna go, though."
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra: That sounds like a good idea. My plan for tonight was not working out anyway. Everyone is either too drunk or too angry to talk . Azra: You were right Emine. Coming here was a bad idea.
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Empathy shows in her gaze as it lingers upon him. Legends rang upon the streets of just how terrifying and relentless Kerem could be, with many of them painting him as more of a machine than a man. But after all of their time together, Azra knew better. He was her best friend, the strongest man she had ever known. But he was still only one man, and she could see just how much this weighed upon him. That made what she had to do all the harder... She slowly reaches across the table and takes his hand in her slender fingers. As she speaks, her hand reassuringly squeezes his own. "...However this ends, I'm with you Kerem. If you tell to forget the idea, I shall. But consider it first, alright?" She lets out a low breath, and gestures around them. "...I know things have changed darling. They are never going to go back to how they were. But I also know that we are stronger when we are together. All of us. We cannot afford not to be strong now."
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Azra studies him with a careful gaze. Her eyes linger upon the dark bags under his eyes, offering him an emphatic glance. Without conscious thought, she mirrors his actions and reaches for her own tea. "...Alright then. Kerem, you are running yourself ragged. " She holds out her hand to stave off the instinctive denial she was sure he would offer. "And it is not just you. All of us are burning ourselves out, and I'm worried its going to lead to mistakes. It may already have. I need to know, what is the plan?" She lets out a low breath, aware of the reaction her next sentence would bring. "...Have you considered reaching out to Hasan?"
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra raises her glass to hide the sly smile that plays across her face. She lets out a theatrical sigh, and gestures towards the bar. "I agree. If someone's already had enough liquid courage to hit on Kerem's fiance, it seems like we are lagging behind the crowd."
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Where: Russian's Halloween Bash Who: @yavuz-azra
"I think we need to get new drinks before I punch this guy in the face." Her face scowls at the drunk guy hitting on them, even after she flashed her engagement ring in his face, and Azra was too good for him.
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra: I swear, you are boys are so stubborn. It is not bad enough that we've got everyone else seeking to either provoke us into a war, or outright try and kill us Azra: ...I should say no. But I've only now remembered I have not eaten all day. Azra: I'm going to the cafe on Southlane to pick up something to eat. Meet me there, and we can talk.
Hasan: For now anyway. I would also rather us not die, but I'm not sure how to do it especially while trying to work around Kerem. For now I'm happy that the infighting has at least slowed.
Hasan: I don't suppose you would want to meet to discuss strategy would you?
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra studies him with a careful gaze. Her eyes linger upon the dark bags under his eyes, offering him an emphatic glance. Without conscious thought, she mirrors his actions and reaches for her own tea. "...Alright then. Kerem, you are running yourself ragged. " She holds out her hand to stave off the instinctive denial she was sure he would offer. "And it is not just you. All of us are burning ourselves out, and I'm worried its going to lead to mistakes. It may already have. I need to know, what is the plan?" She lets out a low breath, aware of the reaction her next sentence would bring. "...Have you considered reaching out to Hasan?"
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Tiredness was etched into every feature, every movement, conscious or not that he made. The bags were a deep-ish purple, and the scruff of his beard was untamed at best. It was all a bit much, although she knew him well enough to know that admitting it wasn't his strongest attribute. He was a good communicator but admitted that he had problems with people. Especially in his relationship.
And then, on top of all that, business never stopped. Even if his world fell apart today, the world would keep on turning. Time waited for no man, and he knew enough. With a grumble low in the back of his throat, he ran a frustrated hand through his locks.
"Not really that hungry, Az," He muttered, reaching to sip at his tea. "It'd be better if we just got down to business, so you can ask me a thousand questions about what you really wanna' ask,"
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Who: @berat-yalaz
Where: A late night at his abode
When: 10/05/2023
The tense silence within the abode is suddenly shattered by the irritating ring of the buzzer. An unexpected visitor, at this hour? The ring repeats itself, this time accompanied by a familiar voice.
"Berat? Are you there? I wanted to see how you are doing. Do let me in please, it is rather chilly out here and the Gozleme is getting cold"
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra: My goal never canged Hasan. Azra: *changed Azra: I want this to end with everyone alive and well. There's too few of us to accept anything else as victory. Azra: And safe would be an...exaggeration. Still, I'm alive. I'm glad you are too.
Azra: You know where I stand Hasan. That doesn't mean that I stopped caring about any of you.
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Emine's urgent tone sends a shiver of fear through Azra. A million different thoughts flow through her head, each more worrying than the last. Should they call for backup? Who would be following them here?
The breath catches in her throat, her eyes trailing towards the car's reflection in her rearview mirror. The air is heavy with tension as she contemplates her answer…
Then the glare shifts, and the picture clears. A pair of old ladies sit behind the wheel of the following car, the driver clearly paying no attention as to where she was going.
"…No. I think we can handle them darling." She breathes out a sigh of relief. It quickly fades into a nervous laughter. "Gods we are getting paranoid. Here, I'm turning around now. We'll be there in a moment."
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"It's this car behind us. Two cars on the road at this hour and we had to get stuck ahead of the worlds worst driver." Azra complains aloud, not for the first time on this trip. She glances over her shoulder, her eyebrows clenched in annoyance. Her annoyed look shifts to amusement as she takes in her friends worried expression. "Don't worry so much darling, we'll make it.. Let's just turn around up here..." She pulls off of the main street, shifting to a small side street to turn around. Behind them, the other car turns off as well...
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Who: @keremdogulu
Where: A small Turkish cafe
When: 9/30/2023
Silence hangs heavy over the table, an odd occurrence for the two old friends. The hanging tension in the air sends the waitress skittering away, leaving behind only their meals. It isolates them from the other patrons, although none of them would dare to sit near. It was clear this was not a conversation for outsiders....
Her eyes linger upon the face of the man across from her, studying the many lines of worry beginning to spread across his useful face. How many late nights up worrying had he suffered? Finally, she breaks the silence, having decided to start with a joke. "...Shall I tell the chief his soup fails to satisfy? Or should we give it a try first?"
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
Azra: You know where I stand Hasan. That doesn't mean that I stopped caring about any of you.
Olive Branch
Hasan: Hey, figured try reaching out see if all of my bridges are burnt in Kerem's camp yet since you're one of the two people I can still stand there.
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yavuz-azra · 1 year ago
"It's this car behind us. Two cars on the road at this hour and we had to get stuck ahead of the worlds worst driver." Azra complains aloud, not for the first time on this trip. She glances over her shoulder, her eyebrows clenched in annoyance. Her annoyed look shifts to amusement as she takes in her friends worried expression. "Don't worry so much darling, we'll make it.. Let's just turn around up here..." She pulls off of the main street, shifting to a small side street to turn around. Behind them, the other car turns off as well...
Who: @yavuz-azra Where: Streets of Harigney When: Sep 29th, 2023
"I think we missed the turn." She glances back down at her phone, twisting it to see if she was looking at it wrong when giving directions. "I hope we don't miss the appointment." This was the first time she was going to go look at dresses. A sneak peak before she would go with the rest of everyone. She was waiting for her parents to fly out from Turkey.
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yavuz-azra · 2 years ago
When: August 4, 2033 Where: Emine's birthday / engagement party Who: @keremdogulu
Even from across the room, Azra recognized that tone in Kerem’s voice. It was the same powerful, passionate tone he had used when he’d pulled her from the wreckage of the bombing. The same tone he had used so many times when taking terrible action. It sent a shiver down her spine to hear it now. Passion was not always a virtue, and the words it brought could easily turn into bitter reprisal. Her best friend was no fool. He had learned that lesson long ago… what had….ah. Azra immediately excuses herself from her current flirtation, and saunters towards the bar. A few quick moments later finds her nearly in step with Kerem as she steps out and onto the balcony. She reaches up to tap her finger against his shoulder, and holds out a glass brimming with whiskey. She waits for him to drink before offering him a familiar smile.
“...Well, for what it’s worth, I’m proud of you darling. That’s not quite the worst way that could have gone. Are you okay?”
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yavuz-azra · 2 years ago
Gideon catches the corner of her smile as he finishes assessing the last part of her skull, over the occiput. She hasn’t tried anything, hasn’t whipped out a knife, but still he’s careful. “All good.” He remarks, letting his hands drop as he steps away. 
‘Was anyone else….Do you know whether anyone died?‘
“No idea, wouldn’t know.” He realizes belatedly that it might sound blasé, especially given the rather unsavoury way his family is viewed among her people. The surgeon is quick to add; “Not-… Not in the way it sounds. I just mean I’m not normally down here. Usually tucked away in an operating theatre, and emergency’s always a jungle. Isn’t usually until I’ve left the hospital that the day’s news hits me.”
It sounds more apologetic once elaborated but he still wonders if she believes him.
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“You’ll need a CT. Those symptoms could be red flags for a brain bleed. We’ll have to rule that out. If the scan comes up clear you’re free to go. Doesn’t seem you have any skull fractures to worry about… But that doesn’t guarantee you don’t have a bleed. It doesn’t take much for a vessel in the brain to rupture, even if the skull’s still intact.”
He moves towards the computer, to order her the requisite scan. “Was, uh… Was Ayda with you at the time?” The surgeon asks in neutral tones, worried for her.
His nonplussed demeanor as he answers clearly catches her off guard. The friendly smile fades from her face, as her eyes glitter dangerously. The expression lasts for just a moment before fading away to her usual smile. “Ah, I see. I suppose one can hardly blame you for being busy saving lives.”  Azra instinctively nods her head in response to his instructions, the unattended motion redoubling the throbbing pain in her head. Her body winces and closes her eyes before his next question causes them to reopen. She fixes him with a curious gaze as he mentions Ayda’s name. “...Fortunately she was not, but you know how loyal she is to her community. Everything that happened....she is taking it quite hard.”
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