yasartista · 15 days
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
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yasartista · 22 days
Hello dear friends ! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉🍉❤❤
Please share and donate 🍉🇵🇸
I am Ehab Ayyad a palestinian youngman from Gaza, seeking to find safety and peace for my family if twenty members. We have been passing through all forms of torture and pain for almost ten months because of the war on Gaza. Life is very miserable and tragic as we are now deprived of all means of living. Drink water, healthy food health care and medicine have become things of the past. We are dying dear friends. That is why I am asking you to help us break through this tough situation.
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Life in hot tents are incredibly sad and miserable. We are now experiencing the worst circumstances we have ever had in our life. The war has stolen happiness and life from us.
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Please don't leave us alone in such dire times. Your kind contribution either through donating whatever you can or sharing my posts will be highly appreciated and valued.
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A photo that shows how hard and sad the life is in our new displacement area. Little kids are very desperate and hopeless with this new place. No fun places nor playground exist to enjoy their time. They are painfully suffering from the hardship and harshness of life. Please help my family reduce and minimize our pain and discomfort.
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A photo taken for our beautiful house before and after the war. It was completely destroyed and ruined , and all our belongings and possession were burned and taken away. 🇵🇸🍉❤🇵🇸
@appsa @buttercuparry @brutaliakhoa ,
@schoolhater , @aces-and-angels , @turian , @malcriada , @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness , @transmutationisms , @brokenbackmountain , @neptunerings @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @tsaricides @akajustmerry @nabulsi @timogsilangan @timetravellingkitty @khizuo @rainbowywitch @carusocarousel
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yasartista · 25 days
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Remy Etienne LeBeau
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yasartista · 25 days
Help my family to get out and search for what is left of life. The war is devastating. Death is approaching every person and destruction is everywhere. We hope that there is hope before it is too late.
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Your support is a lifeline of hope. A few days ago, the area where my family's tents were was bombed, and the situation was very dangerous now. There is no water for thirst everywhere, and there is no food. Food is very expensive. If they want to eat, for example, a simple meal, they need a hundred euros, consisting of vegetables and simple things. If they want fruit, which is not available, the fruits they have not seen for months, and if they find their prices are exorbitant, they live now. I hope you support them and help them get out.
Mohammed Hilles @hmzamahamed3 / fundraiser / #176 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List / €26,859/€37,000
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yasartista · 25 days
theres too many pokemon games where you play as a kid whos full of life and full of potential. there needs to be a pokemon game where you play as a college dropout who lives in a shitty apartment
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yasartista · 1 month
Loja Online / Online Shop Announcement!
ENG ver. below the cut;
Eu não tenho muitos seguidores aqui que já não me seguem no Instagram e/ou Tiktok, mas vim aqui anunciar pra quem não tá sabendo que eu vou abrir minha lojinha Yas Studio dia 16 de Setembro! Foi muito trabalho até aqui, e ainda tem muito por vir, tô super empolgada com isso :-) Dia 14/15 de Setembro marcam UM ANO da minha loja existindo, comecei como um encaixe de última hora na feirinha do CADe na UFRN, e vendi alguns prints e coisinhas de argila! Rapidinho fui pra GGCON e desde então venho evoluindo cada vez mais! Vou preparar um textinho bem bonito pra abertura da loja, mas queria deixar aqui minha gratidão pra quem têm me apoiado :,) Essa loja significa muito pra mim<3 at�� dia 16! ^^
- Yas
I don't have many followers in here that don't already follow me from Instagram and/or Tiktok, but I've come here to announce, for the one who don't know yet, that I'll be opening my online shop, Yas Studio, on September 16th! It was a lot of work to get where I am now, and there's still a lot to come, I'm very excited about that :,) September 14th/15th marks A YEAR of my store existing, I started as a last minute addition to a craft fair in my college campus, where I sold a few tiny prints and clay pins and keychains! I quickly moved on to a geek event in my city, and I've been growing slow and steady since then! I'll prepare a fun little blog post to celebrate the store opening, but I wanted to show my gratitute to everybody who's been supporting me in my journey :,) This store means a lot to me<3 until the 16th!
- Yas
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yasartista · 1 month
fascinating that when you tell people "you have to learn the rules to break them" when talking about drawing/painting etc everyone nods and agrees but the second you say "you have to read books if you want to write better" there's a horde of contrarians begging to be the wrongest people ever all of a sudden
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yasartista · 2 months
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Daimon sketches! He's so babygirl fr
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yasartista · 2 months
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evil food eater laios
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yasartista · 2 months
I just posted on my YT channel after a while !! It's for UTAU covers if anyone's interested : ] This one's with Kotone Sora, she's made by my best friend @kriiniumart !! Check it out her voice is STUNNING AKJFDSJGF
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yasartista · 2 months
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I thought it would be an hour of listening to screaming and looking at pictures of draculas, but it was so much for frightening than fathomed
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yasartista · 2 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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yasartista · 2 months
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yasartista · 2 months
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fun trivia time about neru and haku’s origins:
neru came from a time when a strange incident occurred and miku’s presence was essentially nearly scraped off the internet following a tv feature deriding miku’s existence. this caused people to get super upset (think the 2007 equivalent of something trending on twitter), assuming that the japanese music industry was intentionally trying to suppress miku (they were not). people who said that wasn’t true were associated with the phrase 飽きた、寝る。(akita, neru/‘i’m done, i’m going to bed’), which was memed a lot. the phrase eventually became a character (亜北ネル as opposed to the original reading) used to represent those people who said the rumour wasn’t true (at their expense)
haku’s origin is significantly less touchy. she was made to represent the mikus who worked with producers who couldn’t take criticism, always complained that their work never took off or didn’t know how to use vocaloid and were surprised that it did not sound Great. the name yowane haku (弱音ハク) is based off the phrase 弱音を吐く (yowane o haku/‘to complain’). on that note, honne dell is a ‘version’, so to speak, of haku that is a derivative of len instead of miku. his name (本音デル) is based off a pun much like haku’s name (本音が出る [honne ga deru/‘one’s true feelings came out’]
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yasartista · 2 months
Eu vou começar um blog sobre artists' alley! :-) me sigam lá pra dar uma forcinha<3
Olá, artista! Você gosta de eventos geek e tem vontade de vender suas artes neles, mas não sabe por onde começar? O que te falta? Confiança? Informação? Não sabe pra onde correr?
Sem problemas! Oi, eu sou Yas, e eu vendo em artist’ alley!
Meu currículo não é tão extenso, vendo em feirinhas há quaaase um ano, mas já aprendi muita coisa desde que comecei e sinto que já posso repassar parte desse conhecimento. Eu tive dificuldades em começar, não sabia nem pra quem perguntar! Então, criei esse blog com o objetivo de ajudar quem está começando! :-) 
Então se você é um artista ou artesão que quer começar a vender em eventos (não só eventos geeks como feirinhas de artesanato) mas não encontrou um lugar com informações organizadas e diretas, seu lugar é aqui!
Agora, um pouco sobre sua futura blogueira favorita:
Meu nome é Yasmin, mas meu nome artístico é “Yas, Artista” (uau, bem criativo kkk) e eu desenho desde os 9 anos. Comecei a tratar minha arte de forma mais profissional aos 14 anos, quando fazia encomendas de design de personagens e desenhos em troca de pontos no DeviantArt (quem lembra?), e fiquei nesse faz e para, até o belo dia em que eu entrei pra UFRN (ebaa !!!). Primeiro eu fui para Ciência e Tecnologia, que é tipo pré-Engenharia, mas eu odiava (nunca gostei de matemática kkk) então percebi que a arte era a minha única e verdadeira paixão! Passei meu primeiro ano estudando pro ENEM e passei para Artes Visuais, onde estou até hoje, atualmente indo pro 4° período ^^
Quando cheguei lá, conheci alguns artistas, e um deles havia acabado de voltar do SANA, no Ceará, eu, curiosa e querendo fazer amizade, comecei a fazer algumas perguntinhas básicas sobre como funcionava ir para eventos e a ideia ficou na minha cabeça…
Uns meses depois, o Centro Acadêmico de outro curso do meu setor fez uma feirinha e eu me inscrevi, de primeira não passei, mas uma vendedora desistiu então me encaixaram de última hora. Apresentei minhas ideias pro meu pai e ele me emprestou R$50 para começar, fiz bottons e chaveirinhos de argila! Vendi um pouquinho, foi tudo muito confuso, mas eu consegui participar da minha primeira feirinha, que durou dois dias e foi um evento bem pequeno mas foi surreal pra mim! A partir daí, passei a procurar o máximo de eventos possíveis para participar. Só tinha um problema: Todas as feirinhas de artesanato que eu encontrava eram super caras, exceto pela feirinha universitária do meu campus, era acessível, mas meus produtos não eram populares e eu praticamente não lucrava. Então um belo dia…
A GGCON (evento geek em Natal, você deve conhecer, é bem famoso💅) abriu suas inscrições para a edição de 2023, eu estava MORRENDO de medo mas me inscrevi mesmo assim (afinal, eles não cobram taxa pra participar~) e, por incrível que pareça… EU PASSEI! Foi a coisa mais emocionante que aconteceu comigo, eu estava em êxtase! Vendi muito bem, peguei diversas dicas com meus novos amigos ilustradores, e decidi de uma vez que queria que isso fizesse parte da minha carreira como artista!
Desde então tive muitos sucessos e muitas falhas também (vou contar mais sobre tudo isso no futuro) mas todas me levaram ao aprendizado e eu cresci muito como artista, comerciante e como pessoa! No momento que escrevo esse texto, estou a menos de uma semana do ImagineLand, meu primeiro evento fora do estado! Yayyy!!!
Então você, artista, que tem interesse em entrar nesses eventos, mas não sabe por onde começar, ou se realmente é pra você, fique tranquilo, pois eu, Yas, estou aqui para tirar suas dúvidas, segurar na sua mão e te guiar por essa linda e emocionante jornada dos eventos geek! Espero que meu blog te traga inspiração, coragem e conforto para prosseguir. :-) 
Até o próximo post, Yas.
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yasartista · 2 months
Would you guys be interested in a sticker or print?👀
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GOOBER Miku !!! She's SO CUTE😭
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yasartista · 2 months
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My artist alley table looks so cute !!!
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