yama3002 · 15 days
Twilight beams onto the Green Hill fields. Flickies snore peacefully, high pitched and whistling, nestled in their resting areas. Just beneath them on the ground against their tree was a hedgehog. Comet, our beloved hero, was struggling once again with his insomnia. Maybe there's something to be done about it? Meh, that's a big maybe.
“Man, I miss when this was just…common, y'know?” Comet said, aimed at no one in particular. His words reached no ears, but he felt as if someone could hear nonetheless. Comet continued, sighing as he ran his hand through the grass, “I miss when everything was just free. No G.U.N, no protection, no patrolling, just me and my friends relaxing in the fields! Is it so much to ask just to have our spare time to be ours again?!”
Comet threw his fists into the air, and shouted in frustration. His voice carried into the void as he fell onto his back with a sigh and a chuckle. “Man, what am I doing?” Comet asked, “‘Our free time back’, what an idea.” The hedgehog laughed again as he sat up, crossing his legs over one another to feel a bit more comfortable. He tilted his head up and gazed at the endless stars. Aquila, the most symbolic constellation of all for him, was shining right above him. The constellation of freedom was giving him their light.
Somewhere far off, amongst the stars and the planets, there was another soul longing for their freedom. Sternenkiller, or Ivo Robotnik to some, was gazing out into the abyss in unison with our hedgehog. Despite being far away from that rotten rodent, Sternenkiller looked more in despair than in joy. It's been almost a year since he left Mobius. It's been hard to adjust for the dictator.
“Maybe I made the wrong decision…” Robotnik said as he paced around his observatory. He brushed his hand against his mustache as he thought, and then looked back towards the balls of fire in the open space. Robotnik snickered, “Or, maybe not. I mean, I've never been in better shape! I'm healthy, I'm wealthy, I'm even in a better intellectual area! But, I can't help but think something is missing from all this.” Sternenkiller rubbed his chin in deep thought.
What could he be missing in his life now? He was away from Comet, away from everyone who would have meddled with his plans. What could it be that's making him miss Mobius so much? “That blasted hedgehog.” Sternenkiller sputtered. “He's become such a definite object of my hate that life is now a drag without him in it.” Robotnik wiped his brow with his glove. As he growled, he looked out the window once again. Aquila. The symbol of freedom, of hope. “Hm. Could this perhaps be a sign, now?”
The beautiful constellation shone on the kindred spirits. Both of them long for freedom, and both are equally ready to fight for it. It's in their blood, their souls, their destiny. Two hearts beat in unison, two minds shout in tandem. “I will get my freedom back. Even if it's the last thing I do.” The enemies say in their minds. And let's hope they do, on this journey between the stars.
Welcome to Starry.
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yama3002 · 16 days
all haile the Eggman, and his empire, memorising the anthem is mandatory
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yama3002 · 21 days
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i just finish playing THE MURDER OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, it was great, the story is well writ, and the mystery is great, and what a beatufill ending, i didn't try it until now because i didn't know it was free on steam
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yama3002 · 22 days
a youtuber named Retro Bird AI, i think use AI to make a shadow the hedgehog song that is very good, and use some image from the new game sonic X shadow generation.
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yama3002 · 22 days
who know? If we keep this up no one will forget. Make sure to reblog until it do a full circle
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yama3002 · 1 month
good sonic AU, i like it
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you can read THoaM on https://thoam.the-comic.org now!!!
don’t forget that you can support me and see pages early by donating 6€ or more to my ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/superemeralds
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yama3002 · 1 month
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the ultimate overlord :3
on aggie :3
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yama3002 · 1 month
try your luck
Click one
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yama3002 · 3 months
all hail the laziness
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yama3002 · 3 months
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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yama3002 · 7 months
Follow you heart
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yama3002 · 7 months
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yama3002 · 7 months
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Commission from @icy-vulpine for my take on Loona from Helluva Boss. I hope I did the character justice. :>
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yama3002 · 7 months
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i have move from chrome to opera and it much better,especially the mods for the browser, Currently now I listen to megalovania while i writ this
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the mods activation page
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the mods store
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yama3002 · 7 months
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yama3002 · 7 months
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50 posts!
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yama3002 · 7 months
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