yaboitroi · 1 day
i love that when baby animals born in zoos get announced, they almost always go viral. like, the whole internet-connected world loses their minds over new baby animals. every time a zoo has a baby, that baby becomes the world's favorite thing for a good week or so, and i think that's beautiful
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yaboitroi · 1 day
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leave moo deng out of this
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yaboitroi · 3 days
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yaboitroi · 5 days
Writing Sibling Relationships
A sibling relationship is perhaps one of the most complicated things to realistically write about. Your character dynamics and personalities will help determine their relationships but here are some things to consider:
Building their past:
Think about how they were raised. Upbringing plays a large role in impacting a person’s character, and it also helps shape relationships with siblings.
Consider their favourite memories. Good memories are important to a person, and people often seek to create new memories similar to the old good ones.  On the other side, also think about their worst memories.
Who was the oldest? Who was the baby? Birth order does have some impact on personality. It also is especially important for the earliest memories.
Think about the roles that they ended up in. Siblings do, to some extent, define themselves by how they are different from each other. They pursue different interests, take on different roles, and explore different identities. These roles can be a source of self-realisation and sometimes frustration. 
Giving siblings personalities:
Choose personality traits for each sibling. Even if the sibling is only a minor character, it’s important to know their basic personality.
Think about each character’s dreams, hopes, and struggles. What do they want in life? What are their goals? Every character needs something to strive for.
Figure out their insecurities. Everyone feels insecure about different things: skills, personality traits, perceived physical flaws etc.
The siblings in your story might have similar looks, qualities and characteristics. However it’s important to make them their own person too. 
Keep in mind that siblings might have the same habits, sometimes without even realising it. (Personal example- My eldest brother and I do not look the same. He has green eyes, mine are brown. I have dark hair, he’s blonde. Our faces are shaped different. He takes after our mum, I take after our dad. However, we have a lot of the same habits and mannerisms. We both carry ourselves in the same way, we both quirk our eyebrows in the same manner when confused. Little things like that, that when growing up I’ve picked up from him and vice versa.)
Things siblings do: (This is a generalisation)
Siblings know how to push each others buttons.
Usually they spend so much time with each other, they know exactly how to annoy their sibling and the best way to do it.
Whatever annoys your character, his (or her) siblings already know about it. If your character’s siblings decide to get on his nerves, it shouldn’t take them very long.
Most (if not all) siblings make fun of each other to some degree. Usually they are just messing with each other. Depending on the circumstances, the insult may be forgotten almost immediately.
But it’s important to consider how siblings react when someone else is picking on their brother or sister. A lot of siblings will get defensive in this situation.  Unless you have set up a reason otherwise, make sure your siblings know how to tease each other but also how to protect each other.
They rarely call each other “sis” or “bro” unless they’re trying to be annoying. This is seen a lot in films and TV but it’s not common. The occasional greeting like that is fine, but overusing it just sounds strange and unnatural.
Sibling conflict:
Siblings will argue other pretty much anything. Most of the time it’s just to get a reaction. Sometimes one will start an argument just because they’re bored.
The silent treatment! A lot of siblings, particularly children teenagers and young adults will give each other the silent treatment over the pettiest things. But it’s incredibly hard to ignore someone living in the same house as you for a long period of time.
The sibling on the receiving end of the silent treatment will usually do absurd and annoying things to get their brother or sister to speak. 
Common things siblings argue about:
The tv remote
Who is going to use the bathroom first
Someone is taking too long in the bathroom
Who gets to sit in the front seat of the car
Who the favourite is
Estranged siblings:
“Sibling relationships are our longest, but it’s also an accident by birth. There are no guarantees that the siblings will grow up with similar personalities, interests or like each other,”
You should be able to find plenty of conflict amongst brothers and sisters. But most of the time there is a resolution.
If you were to fall out with a friend, you can unfriend them, you can’t un-sister a sister, whether you like it or not you’re stuck with that person in some sense.
However, some siblings do fall out and never speak to each other again. It happens, but if this happens in your story there are a few things to consider: 
When asked about their family will your character acknowledge that they have siblings? Or will they claim to be an only child?
Why did they stop speaking?
Would they reconcile in times of crisis? For example, if a family member died would the siblings put aside their differences to deal with the situation?
Do they tell stories about their childhood that include the sibling? 
It’s important to remember that if someone has a sibling, a lot of their childhood memories and stories from growing up will have some reference or include that sibling. It’s hard to complete cut them out, they will be mentioned at some point. 
Given the entangled, long-lasting bond, what’s the price paid for suspending or ending it? 
Does the sibling have other brothers or sisters whose relationships are satisfying? “
“If they have no contact with a sibling, it’s losing a shared history and there can be a sense of guilt,” 
Or are your character’s relieved? Do they express a sense of relief. 
“Like the end of a marriage, sibling estrangement is always sad, even when it brings relief. It’s not what anyone hoped for, but sometimes it’s the wise and necessary choice.”
Ways of bringing together estranged siblings:
Write compassion between your characters. Show them trying to see things from the sibling’s viewpoint alongside their own.
Have them say what they want from their sibling moving forward. Don’t just have your characters vent all the time. Your reader might grow tired of that.
Confirmation of love and affection:
Are the siblings in your story the type to talk about feelings? Maybe they don’t talk about it but the feeling is still there. Consider showing the depth of their relationship through actions.  
(Personal example - When I was born my brothers were 4 and 6 years older than me. From what my mum has said they were both excited to have another sibling and would fight about who got to hold me first. When we were younger we used to cuddle on the sofa and play together, and frequently said I love you etc,  however as we got older that stopped. I can’t remember the last time I said I love you to either of them, which sounds terrible. But it doesn’t change the fact that I know they love me and that they know I love them, we just show it and say it in different ways.)
Relationships with parents:
How did parents or caregivers react to fights between siblings?
Was there parental favouritism, real or perceived? How did the non-favourite sibling(s) react?
Do your siblings stick together when arguing with their parents?
Would your characters lie in order to prevent their brother or sister being told off by their parents?
Some siblings will join forces to tease their parents. 
What if the siblings don’t have a good relationship with their parents:
If this is the case in your story, research it, google is your friend.
Try and read up on real life experiences.
Consider how the siblings view their parents. Do they stand together with the same opinion or do they have conflicting recollection of events?
Do the parents have a healthy relationship with each other? How has this impacted their children?
Writing siblings who have abusive parents:
If the siblings come from an abusive home, how has this affect their behaviour? 
Do the siblings ever talk about what happened? 
Do they have the share the same experience? Do they ever argue about the situation?
Are they over protective?
Has their own relationship become strained? Have they drifted apart?
Do the siblings ever acknowledge the past? If not, does this cause friction?
Common assumptions about sibling age order:
Oldest child: people pleasing, bossy, organised, punctual, natural leader, controlling, ambitious, expected to uphold family values, caretakers, financially intelligent, responsible
Middle child: flexible, easy going, independent, sometimes feels like life is unfair, sometimes will engage in attention-seeking behaviour, competitive.
Youngest child: silly or funny, risk-taking, creative, sometimes feels inferior, easily bores, friendly, outgoing, idealistic, the baby of the family.
Only child: close to parents, demanding, leaders, spoiled, self-absorbed, private in nature, may relate better to adults to kids their own age, independent, responsible
While these are common assumptions, they are not strictly true and it’s important to consider your characters personality before you apply any of these stereotypes because it may clash with how your character truly is.
Half siblings:
Half-siblings can run along several lines:
They might act like full siblings, depending on how long they’ve known each other.
They may view each other as space takers.
Your characters may feel “eh” about their half- sibling, they could just be someone who is there but they don’t have a relationship with. The half-sibling may even be a complete stranger.
Consider that they might be rivals. Are they friendly rivals or bitter rivals?
Don’t get caught up in trying to build their relationship based on what “should be” in accordance with society. As you establish these characters, let your own imagination lead you to what their relationship is. But remember that their relationship will be impacted on how the parents treat them too.
(@its-the-tear-in-my-heart ​ thanks for asking about sibling relationships. This post is more generalised than your question but I hope it helped in some way.)
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yaboitroi · 7 days
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They hate this shit I feed them. Good
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yaboitroi · 7 days
A whumpee that everyone tries to possess or control the second they realise what Whumpee is capable of
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yaboitroi · 8 days
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yaboitroi · 9 days
The hatchling
@brutal-nemesis  Welp, here you have the super late little drabble for Plant day. Somehow could finish it today :)
It´s actually part of my larger, older project Power Doesn´t Make You Immortal (renamed Tears of Ash from now on! :3) and it´s actual lore. There´s an illustration at the end too! ^^
CW// body horror, scifi whump, loss of autonomy, mind control, alien, nonhuman whumper and whumpee, whumping of a minor, death, used as a nutrient, horror, alien whump. honestly idk how to tag this alksjdflkj
They hadn’t known the rift surrounding Zone 0, the closest to the meteor crater, had changed its flora and fauna that drastically.
The little one who had slipped through the contention center’s bars and ran all the way to Zone 0 with the stolen food in their arms had sighed in relief when the soldiers stopped behind the wire fence. Not willing to adventure further than that to chase them.
They had thought themself lucky. They would run back home later, right after they discovered what type of plant walked on its vines over the water.
After the crash, everything stopped. So of course, schools had stopped teaching, there were many like them that only knew to follow orders someone who could read would yell for the general population. They didn’t know the signs at the fence stated very clearly why the soldiers had walked away. Why the place was filled with plants that didn’t belong to this world. Yet, for a kid that had never known outside, it was just the same level of unknown.
They didn’t know how wrong it was to follow the bioluminescence on the ground, lighting up each of their steps as they jumped, it was too much fun, and they felt so light suddenly.
They spinned and fell made a giggling mess right next to the walking vine.
Both stopped moving, staring at each other. It was then, the boy noticed the vine had eyes.
They wanted to run away when the vine changed their course and began inching their green roots towards them. In vain, they tried to lift themself up. How could they know Zone 0´s air was composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide?
Their limbs failed to lift them to safety and they could only take shallow breaths as the vine´s eyes drilled them to the ground in fear.
Looking closely, the vine didn´t look like it was a plant at all, its eyes didn´t look like actual eyes either. They were more like a net of threads that moved like a hyperfast congested highway. It was only when the vine lifted one of it´s leafed threads to their forehead, that the little boy knew its touch burnt.
The sudden freezing numbness was quickly replaced with the agony of being burnt. The boy began crying, but the scream trapped on his chest wouldn´t come out.
He was completely silent when the vine forced them to stand on stiff, shaky legs that made his tears roll down even harder despite their ten thousand yards stare.
At each step, blisters popped up on the boy´s forehead and the blood went down in rivulets, tainting red the glowing flora that lit up below their feet. Lighting the way down a cave.
Keep reading
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yaboitroi · 9 days
So remember that conversation we had on Wren starving himself because he refuses to eat out of Nicholas’ hand? Yeah here we go :3c
CW: Bad Timeline, starvation, force feeding, death mentioned several times, creepy whumper, noncon kiss (not on the lips), pet whump, dehumanization
It had been an ongoing fight ever since he’d gotten there. Nicholas would feed them at the same time, praising Cain for being such a good boy as he passed him bites of food that the man eagerly accepted, while Wren sat there with his arms crossed over his chest, stubbornly refusing to accept any food from him. As long as he was trying to hand feed him, he’d rather go hungry.
At first he found ways around it. When Nicholas’ back was turned, especially if he was distracted with Cain, then he could slip away. He’d always been good at sneaking around, if he was quick he could get in and out of the kitchen with something that would be enough to get him through the day. He’d tried sneaking down at night but was too worried about waking Nicholas when he tried to get out of bed, instead just doing his best during the day. Of course, it was only a matter of time before he got caught, and after that Nicholas began to keep a better eye on him, leaving him frustrated and so, so hungry.
“Don’t look at me like that, Love. I’m offering you food, all you have to do is take it.” Nicholas reminded him as Wren glared up at him.
“I’m not eating out of your fucking hand.” He snarled, arms wrapped around his middle as he was hit with another hunger pang. It had been days since he’d last eaten, and Nicholas didn’t seem like he was going to give in anytime soon- but neither was he. He was unfortunately used to being hungry, from growing up with little food to spending nine months with Cain, by now he was used to that dull ache in his stomach. Nicholas wasn’t going to be the one to finally break him with this, he refused to let that happen. He didn’t get a single bite to eat that night, and Nicholas sighed as he finally rose from his chair once he’d finished his meal.
“You can’t be this stubborn forever.” He told him. “You won’t be eating anything that I don’t feed to you, you may want to drop this stubborn attitude sometime soon.” He said, and Wren narrowed his eyes at him.
“I’d rather fucking starve.”
“You need to eat something.” Cain said bluntly, sitting beside him where he was curled up on the bed. Nicholas had left them alone for the day, he’d fought with the door longer than he cared to admit despite the fact he knew there was no escaping. He had to give up eventually, curling up with his arms wrapped around himself, his eyes squeezed shut. His head hurt, his whole body felt weak, and the ache in his stomach just wouldn’t go away.
“I’m not fucking doing it.” He muttered, refusing to even look at him.
“You’re not going to get anywhere like this. You’re more likely to starve to death before he gives in.”
“Good! I’d rather fucking die than be his obedient fucking lapdog!”
“I never knew you were so much like Zander.” Cain sighed, finally catching Wren’s attention enough that he at least turned to face him, opening his eyes to look up at him. “He did the same thing, the idiot planned to starve himself to death just to spite my father.”
“I think that’s a good enough reason-”
“It’s not.” He interrupted, looking down at him. “You’re not getting anything out of this. You’re just going to starve and starve until you finally die, or until he tries to do something about it. You might as well start eating before he gets to that point.”
“Fuck off.” He muttered. He knew it was a weak response because he knew that Cain was right and he’d rather die than admit that. He’d rather die than do a lot of things right now.
“You know I’m trying to help you, right?” He said, gentler as he placed a hand on Wren’s shoulder, almost as though he was trying to comfort him, only for him to quickly jerk away, weakly forcing himself to sit up so he could move away from him.
“I don’t want your help! You’ve never been any help to me before, you don’t need to start now!” He snapped. He thought this was ridiculous coming from Cain, he had half a mind to remind him how he put him through the same thing for two weeks, all for the sake of some stupid game. “Just leave me the fuck alone, will you?!” For a moment he saw a familiar look on his face, the way his eyes narrowed when he talked back to him, the look that used to make him freeze in terror. It didn’t last long though, giving way to his typical resigned expression.
“Fine then, suit yourself.” He said, getting off the bed while Wren laid back down, hiding his face in a pillow. He felt dizzy just from sitting up, his stomach turning and making him even more nauseous.
He knew it would be easier to give in. He knew it would be better for him to just stop being stubborn, to just be good and behave for Nicholas, allow him to hand feed him like a beloved pet. He knew it would be better but the thought of it made him angrier than he’d been in a while. He grit his teeth and curled up on himself as his stomach growled.
He still refused to give in.
He knew this was bad. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, the days continued to blur together. He hardly slept, constantly kept awake from how sick he felt, and at this point, he could hardly move. He spent most of the day curled up in bed or on the floor, and he unfortunately needed Cain’s help if he even wanted to shower after he fainted and hit his head days ago. Nicholas refused to offer him any help, in fact he’d been acting as though the starving boy in his bed was invisible, not worthy of his attention as long as he was “misbehaving”.
He hated to admit it, but he spent a lot of time crying. There wasn’t anything else he could do, and sometimes he couldn’t even manage that, miserable and angry and scared. He didn’t want to die, every time he thought he was okay with it, every time he thought it would be better than everything happening now, he was wracked with guilt. He hoped that his friends were looking for him, he hoped that Zander wanted him back, and he would feel awful if they’d wasted all that time only to find him dead. Cain had tried to talk some sense into him but there wasn’t anything he could do now. Nicholas was waiting for Wren to break and beg and he just wouldn’t.
Even though Cain had warned him, Wren still didn’t expect Nicholas to snap before he could starve completely.
Wren didn’t have the strength or energy to move when Nicholas lifted him from the bed that evening. The man didn’t say anything as he carried him from the room, and though Wren had a thousand snarky comments he wanted to make, if only to preserve his own sanity, all he could manage was a tired moan, his head leaned against Nicholas’ chest. He didn’t know, and he didn’t really care where they were going, his eyes fell shut and he simply waited for this to be over. It didn’t matter what he had planned, there was nothing he could do now except wait.
It wasn’t long before he was being sat down in a chair, which wasn’t a problem until leather straps were pulled tight around his wrists. He didn’t understand the point of that, he couldn’t have struggled even if he wanted to, but he didn’t question it.
“I have to admit, I didn’t think you would last this long. You’re more stupid than I thought, but your perserverence is impressive to say the least.” Nicholas said casually, and Wren watched tiredly as he got things ready on the table in front of him, though he couldn’t quite make sense of what he had there. Everything was sort of in a haze to him, in fact he wouldn’t have been surprised if he was dreaming all this, sighing and closing his eyes until Nicholas suddenly grabbed his face, startling him into paying attention. “I can’t have my favorite pet starving to death though, so I have to put an end to your little game.” He said, and Wren could see the slight irritation on his face.
“Wh… what do you mean…?” He murmured, his thoughts too clouded for him to understand what he was talking about. He knew he couldn’t eat right now, knew it would just make him even sicker, but Nicholas seemed to have a plan.
“Now- I need you to stay still, and do exactly as I say, Love.” He said, all but ignoring his confusion. “I’ve never done this before and I’d hate to hurt you while doing it.” He said, and Wren watched as he picked up a long, thin tube. It took him a few seconds to figure out what he planned to do with this, but it hit him hard as Nicholas held him by the chin, bringing the end of the tube up to his nose, and he was suddenly hit with a rush of panic and adrenaline.
“N-no!” He cried, trying to jerk his head away and weakly pulling against the straps holding him down. “No! G-Get that- Get that away from me!”
“I said hold still.” Nicholas said sternly, scowling at him. “This is for your own good, Love, you can’t continue to starve yourself this way.”
“I-I’ll eat, okay?! I’ll eat w-whatever you give me, I’ll eat from your-your hand, j-just get that away from me!” He yelled.
“Oh, I wish I could.” Nicholas said, faux sympathy obvious in his voice. “No, it’s been too long now, you’ll have to start with this and maybe, if you can be good, you’ll get to eat normally again. You should’ve just behaved from the start, this is really your own fault.” He told him, gripping his chin tighter as he finally forced the end of the tube up his nose.
His eyes began to water immediately and he couldn’t help but cry out in pain and discomfort. He wanted to pull away but he knew Nicholas was right, he needed to stay still if he didn’t want to risk this going terribly wrong. The fact that Nicholas hadn’t done this before wasn’t any comfort either, and he choked and gagged as it was pushed down the back of his throat, his nails digging into the armrests his wrists were secured to. Tears streamed down his face and all he could do was whine and whimper pathetically, his eyes squeezed shut.
“Shh, you’re doing fine sweetheart. Just relax, okay?” Nicholas said gently, but it wasn’t really of any comfort to him as he coaxed him to swallow to help push it down. “Poor thing, I hope you’ll behave better for me next time so we can avoid this.” He sighed, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Wren’s forehead as he finally got the tube in place, all the way down his throat. He was still getting used to the intrusion, the discomfort of having a foreign object pushed through his nose, he wasn’t sure he’d get used to it at all. It hurt less now that it was in place but it was still uncomfortable, it was still scary, he just wanted this to be over.
He watched through his tears as the man pulled away from him, watching as he used a syringe to push some sort of liquid into the other end of the tube. He shuddered and whined at the cold feeling that rushed down his throat, more tears welling up in his eyes from the odd sensation.
Stop stop stop, please just stop, He thought, wishing desperately that this was some sort of nightmare he’d finally wake up from. He didn’t know how long he expected this to last but it continued to drag on and on, slowly he began to feel full but it wasn’t satisfying, he just felt exhausted and sick, the same as before.
It felt forever had passed by the time Nicholas slowly began to remove the tube from down his throat, Wren panicked and gagging as he did so, unable to tolerate the feeling. He thought it would be a relief but it felt awful, even as Nicholas finally pulled the end out from his nose he was still taking shuddering breaths, soft whimpers escaping his throat. His wrists were finally freed and he instantly brought his hands to his nose, though he quickly pulled them away when he realized he was bleeding, just another layer of misery added on to this.
“You did good for me, Love.” Nicholas said gently, carding a hand through his hair. “Let’s hope you can keep it up, then we won’t have to do this longer than necessary.” He warned, and for once, Wren knew he should listen to him.
Time passed and he was slowly able to begin to eat again. He was so relieved to finally have a day where that awful tube wasn’t forced down his throat, kneeling at Nicholas’ side as always while he ate dinner.
“Love, look at me.” The man ordered at some point, and tiredly Wren turned his attention to him, still scowling though. His eyes widened as he realized Nicholas was holding out a piece of food to him, giving him a hesitant look. “Go ahead, I think you’ve finally earned it.” He said, a smug look on his face and Wren finally relented, leaning forward and taking the food, careful not to bite him.
He tried to savor the taste of having solid food again, even as he felt sick with himself for finally giving in. He wanted to fight, he wanted to struggle and snap and swear at him, but unfortunately, this was a battle that he’d lost. He’d hate to admit it but humiliation hurt so much less than being force fed like that and he’d do anything to avoid it happening again- even if it meant playing the part of Nicholas’ obedient little lapdog.
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yaboitroi · 9 days
ways/methods to torture your fictional character in a medical setting
♡♡♡ for writers to use as an inspiration for their novels/fanfictions only, I’m not a psychopath ♡♡♡
medical whump never fails to give me all the best whumperflies!
trigger warnings: description of abuse, dehumanization, nonsexual nudity and blood
physical restraints (chains, handcuffs, straightjacket, strapping them down to the bed by their wrists and ankles, etc)
I should just mention that straightjacket is one of my personal favorites
electroconvulsive therapy aka shock therapy
force feeding (via a plastic tube through their nose or mouth into their stomach)
shock collar
being forcefully shoved and held down to the ground, cheek against the cold floor
ice pick lobotomy
character getting stripped against their will
strong jets of water assaulting the character’s skin through a hose as a way to clean them
rough handling from the orderlies results in the character getting bruises all over their skin
getting their nails trimmed so they can’t hurt themself or others
character getting put into a hospital gown against their will is so underrated, actually
intubation against the character’s will — bonus if the character is still somewhat conscious
doses of anesthetic into the character’s bloodstream via an injection or through an iv drip to render them unconscious so that they can’t hurt themself or others
when the character is so drugged out of their mind that they’re too groggy to fight or struggle as things are being done to them; they’re half conscious still, they just can’t fight, even though they’re not restrained physically
blood draws — bonus if it gots to the point the character feels dizzy, cold and generally disoriented from losing too much blood
vivisection :)
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yaboitroi · 9 days
Redwood Pyschiatric Institute - Part 5
CWs: pyschiatric whump, mental hospital whump, nasogastric tube whump, IV mentioned, force-feeding
"Doctor Wilson, James is continuing to refuse food." The orderly informed his boss.
"Thank you." Doctor Wilson acknowledged from behind his desk. He stood, sighing. "Time to resort to our last option."
James was sitting on the floor, back against the wall with his arms clutched to his chest. He was silent as the nurses spoke to him, trying to coax him into eating his food.
"Good afternoon, James." Doctor Wilson greeted his patient as he entered the padded cell. "I hear you're continuing to refuse food. Is that correct?"
James nodded weakly, not meeting Wilson's gaze.
"Is he drinking any water?" Doctor Wilson asked the nurses, who shook their heads.
"Won't touch anything. We've had to resort to giving his medication by injection again."
"Oh James, progress with you is never easy, is it?" Doctor Wilson sighed as he got to his knees in front of James. "Let's get some food in you, alright?"
James began to shake as Doctor Wilson picked him up by his arm. "No, nonono-" he began to mumble.
The orderlies helped drag James over to the bed, placing him down on his back. They propped a pillow behind his back to keep him upright. The orderlies pulled out leather cuffs which they attached to each of James wrists and ankles, tying him to the bed. Doctor Wilson pulled over a metal trolley filled with supplies.
"I'm going to insert a nasogastric tube, so that we can feed you since you refuse to eat or drink anything on your own. It's a tube that goes in your nostril and down into your stomach. It's painless, and if you behave we can get this over with quickly." He informed his patient.
James' heart fell, fear crawling up into his throat as he watched Doctor Wilson snap on a pair of nitrile gloves.
The doctor unwrapped a long, sterile tube and moved towards James, who paled.
"Relax. The more relaxed you are, the less this will hurt." Doctor Wilson said.
And then, he was forcing the long thin tube up James' right nostril. It burned as Doctor Wilson slid it further and further. James could feel the tube go down his throat. He gagged against it, feeling the tube scrape inside his throat.
"Swallow." Doctor Wilson instructed flatly.
James involuntarily obeyed, tears smarting in his eyes at the rawness and discomfort.
The doctor taped the other end of the tube down on James' cheek. He attached excess tubing, which led to a small container of nutrients hanging from an IV stand.
"Alright. Now that the tube is in, you'll be fed regularly at meal times through the tube until you can demonstrate that you can eat properly on your own. I'll insert an IV as well, since you haven't been drinking any water."
Doctor Wilson picked up a small butterfly needle and an alcohol wipe, the latter of which he used to wipe the skin of James' elbow. He then slid the needle into the vein, and then he pulled the needle out, leaving the cannula in place in James' arm. The Doctor taped the cannula in place also then connected the tubing to the IV stand so it began to dispense the fluid.
"You will be monitored regularly, and all your medications will be injected via IV." Doctor Wilson said.
And then, he left.
"How are you feeling, James?" Doctor Wilson greeted as he stepped into the room.
James lifted his head slowly to look up. His limbs felt less sluggish than they had several days ago, but the feeding tube had begun to disperse the liquid down his throat and his stomach churned at the uncomfortable sensation.
James mumbled incoherently, a single tear slid down his cheek.
Doctor Wilson ran a hand through James's hair, sighing softly. "Oh, James. This is what happens when you don't behave. We are doing what is best for you. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you."
James sat in Doctor Wilson's office, his eyes spaced out and staring distantly into the wall.
Everything was fuzzy, blurry. His head pounded. And something was slipping down his chin. Was that-
"Wipe that off his face, please."
An orderly bent into his face, and wiped his chin, then stood up. James didn't even twitch.
"James. Are you with us?"
"Huh?" James finally responded, though there was no physical response.
"You're feeling better, aren't you? No delusions?" Doctor Wilson asked.
"Iambetter..." James slurred.
@jazatronasmr @onthishamsterwheel @bumpthumpwhump @bloodsweatandpotato @whatiswhump @jancameforthewhump @ratking-whump @dream-whump @inkstainsonmyhands12 @halstead-shaw13 @sparrowsage @sowhumpful
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yaboitroi · 9 days
Suicidal whumpees
(with sarcastic whumpee vibes)
Content: suicidal ideation obviously
"you want me to kill you?" "Please."
Provoking whumper to see if they can get them to take it too far by accident
"I'm not afraid of your silly little gun."
Guns/knives having no effect on whumpee except a smile
"oh, no, you're not allowed to die."
Whumpee going feral when a deadly weapon is produced instead of a whip or cane because now's their chance to escape or die
Pretending to be scared until finally they get bored and just in a monotone, "oh no please don't kill me. I'm sooo scared."
Whumper trying to convince them to stay alive
"you're friends will come for you eventually." "Oh good. Then I'll finally be free." "Yeah!" "To kill myself."
Whumper starts to beat them every time they act/sound suicidal
Whumpee blocking things with their head
Whumpee trying to be boring/useless so whumper will kill them
"I know too much. You can't possibly run the risk of keeping me here any longer. Get a different whumpee." "I'd have to kill you." *Whumpee smiles slyly."
"I'm so... Tired..." "You sleep when we're done here." "I was thinking of something a little more... Permanent."
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yaboitroi · 10 days
Currently losing it over whoever wrote this gem on the gravity falls shipping wiki
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yaboitroi · 10 days
Can you imagine being 12 years old and sent to live with your criminal great uncle for the summer because your parents are divorcing and you learn not only that the paranormal is real, your great uncle faked his death and took on the identity of his estranged twin brother who is trapped in another dimension and you didn’t know existed, and there’s an all powerful demon targeting your family specifically, but also your estranged great uncle has almost definitely fucked the triangle demon in a messy situationship
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yaboitroi · 10 days
The whumpee had spent their entire life with the whumper, so punishment and torture was something they expected out of everyone- but their enemies, the people the whumper had raised them to hate- were so kind. The whumpee would be given blankets and food without anything being expected in return. At first it all felt like a trick, but eventually the whumpee didn’t care- lie or not, they preferred their new life.
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yaboitroi · 12 days
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🥕sippy juice bunny 🧃🐇
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yaboitroi · 14 days
Whumpee who breaks down months after they're freed from an awful situation, because they finally realized that who they were before is gone, and they're not coming back. Whumper took that from them.
They break down, falling on the floor and clutching their chest, the despair and grief so overwhelming they start sobbing. They grieve, because the person they were before was left behind in captivity, and died there. They never made it out, and they're never coming back, and that sudden realization crushes Whumpee.
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