Custom CNC Machining Services
Custom CNC Machining Services by XY Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. provides precision manufacturing solutions tailored to your specifications, delivering high-quality components and assemblies for diverse industries worldwide.
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Medical Equipment and Supplies
Medical Equipment and Supplies by XY Electronics Technology Co., Ltd offers a comprehensive range of high-quality products tailored for healthcare settings, ensuring reliability and efficiency in medical operations globally.
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Custom Machining Services
Custom Machining Services by XY Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. provides precision manufacturing solutions tailored to your specifications, delivering high-quality components and assemblies for diverse industries worldwide.
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Reasons to Use Aluminum for Die-Casting
There are various popular processes you can use to form aluminum; however, one of the most common processes that a designer considers is aluminum die casting.
Nowadays, Aluminium Die Casting Companies use the method for many automotive, industrial, and telecommunication products. In fact, it is also utilized to create electrical hydraulic, and lighting components. 
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Overview of Aluminum Die Casting
To put it simply, it is a metal-forming process that enables the design of intricate aluminum parts. To initiate the process aluminum alloys are heated to excessively high temperatures until they are molten.
Furthermore, under high pressure, liquid aluminum is inserted into the hole of the steel die. Since the die is made up of two halves, the solid molten aluminum gets separated and displays the aluminum part. The product is developed explicitly with a soft texture and usually needs the tiniest and no machining process.
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The Advantages of Aluminum Die-Casting
Its Weight
Aluminum is hugely favored for its lightweight quality. Since it is the lightest metal, it is no great surprise that Aluminum Die-Cast parts are highly sought after in the aviation and motor industries.
Are you looking for a metal that’s easy to work? Aluminium is the answer! Since it is the second malleable metal and ductile – it is hard to beat in terms of flexibility.
Aluminum is a great electrical and thermal conductor. Though copper is even more conductive – it is heavier which can often be a disadvantage. It is only a third of the weight of copper. Adding to the fact, that aluminum is non-sparking – it is the chosen metal for various applications including electrical products, computer parts, and LED lighting.
Resistance to Corrosion
Thanks to the strong oxide film – it forms on the surface of aluminum when it is exposed to air or water. It is highly resistant to corrosion. The coat of aluminum oxide hardens the surface and keeps the metal free from corrosion.
Bottom Line
Aluminium is 100% recyclable. Aluminum can be melted down and reused without its favorable quality. Apart from the topmost quality – there are more advantages to using aluminum in die casting.
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