Austin guessed Aurora wouldn't tell him what happened to her at first. From the short time he knew her, he knew she always brushed off the bad and changed the subject. This time, there was no changing the subject.
With soft eyes, he shook his head. He set a gentle hand on her one shoulder's, looking at her. "Clumsy is an understatement my dear. I only want to help you, but if you do not wish for my help then 'clumsy' is going to happen again." He sighed deeply. "I have all day, Aurora. I wish to help you.. let me help you."
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Open to females: Your muse could be hiding something from Austin and he finds out just by sheer luck. Austin is in protective mode.
"Did somebody do this to you?" Austin questioned with a raised eyebrow, revealing her scars. Freshly new by the looks of it. And here he thought she was just a boring mundane.
Austin only met her a week and he started to care for her. She was silly, innocent and overall happy. A light to his darkness. He was visiting her and finds out about her injuries. Something he was both curious and alarmed about.
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*~Heyy so a little bit of a life update~*
I didn't get my dream job and I'm full of anxiety of what to do next. I mean okay, I'm still on the supply list but it's not the same ya know? I hate to be so negative.. guess life just throws you curveballs huh? 😭
So now I'm in the process of moving back to my parent's place since I feel a sense of loneliness in my big apartment and all I've had to show for it is low money. Like nah, I prefer to save it. So yeah my activity on here will be on/off till October at the latest.
For now though, I'm online and will answer threads. :)
Hope you all have been well! 🫶🏽
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This would've been Michelle and Zoey talking about Austin if Zoey didn't lose her mind.
In an alternate universe I swear.
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During her brief Hogwarts years, she always loved being around Viviana. At the time, she thought of her just as a friend as her heart belonged to another but, she never could get Vivian out of her head. She didn’t realize till they reconnected years later how much she loved her. An exploration with her sexuality led to a marriage to Vivian.
Now she was in Viviana's arms in her homeland Kitra, being at ease. She let out a chuckle, looking at her wife. "Well, I cannot promise all day, but this is a start no?" She flirted, leaning in for a kiss. "You know, how about we just spend this morning together? Just the two of us?" She suggested out of the blue, smiling.
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(Continue from here ) @novemindie
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Thank goodness for EI cause I got my rent yay! So one less worry.
Now I'm gonna focus all my worry about my job. Whoo! 😭
I wish they will just call me already so I can work at that school otherwise I'll have to go elsewhere. Which is fine I guess.. but I'll miss the kids I've been working with for 2 years 😭.
So send hope to me, please.. 🙏🏽
Anywayyy gonna just chill today so time to write (While also watching murder documentaries.) Have a good day ya'll! :)
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Hi hi hi.
May be on/off today depending on if I get an instacart job or not. Gonna try not to stress about rent today though it's high..
I mean I have it ish... but then my money is gonna go real low and ugh. 😭
I can't wait for school to be back so I can work and get that money again.
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🍑 send my muse “Someone, somewhere has failed you miserably. You were supposed to be loved, protected and cared for but you never were.“ for their reaction.
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Open to females/n.b: Your muse and mine had a fallen out and haven't spoken in months that is until Austin heard they were looking for him, and that it was urgent. Angsty or Fluff vibes. Or both :)
"I heard you were looking for me? Well? I'm here and it's quite early. So spill. What do you want?" Austin gestured for the other to speak, covering up a yawn that shortly came.
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 31
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Haven't you seen enough blood for one night?"
"They told you I was crazy, didn't they?"
"You don't think very much of me, do you?"
"Do you want the truth or a lie?"
"You're only going to work for me. Nobody else, do you understand?"
"You have no idea how the real world works, do you?"
"Do you think two people can be perfect for each other?"
"How was I ever supposed to figure all of this out?"
"Was I in some kind of accident?"
"How do you tell a good cop from a bad cop?"
"When exactly was the last time you actually met a normal person?"
"Does anybody care what I think?"
"When was the last time your father told you he loved you?"
"Shouldn't innocent until proven guilty be a thing with all of us?"
"What would you know about where I'm from?"
"You've been following me since I arrived, haven't you?"
"Do you remember the last time you were happy?"
"Hey, you're that guy, aren't you?"
"You don't care about your family's legacy?"
"I don't understand. What do you mean you're here to say goodbye?"
"You really don't care what happens to me in there tonight, do you?"
"Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor?"
"Is that a real gun? Can I touch it?"
"Do you think the FBI will ever give me a gun?"
"What if they find you first? What then?"
"Why did you do it? Betray your country?"
"The people I work with are loyal to the end. Can you say the same?"
"You used to be a cop?"
"Have you come to make me a martyr?"
"Oh my god, you're going to be a real pain in my ass, aren't you?"
"Why does this ever simple concept continue to elude you?"
"How did she get out of those cuffs?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely hands?"
"This isn't the part where you kiss me, is it?"
"I heard you were looking for me?"
"I thought you had a way with women?"
"I'm sorry, were you thinking about me in the bath?"
"Focus on the words I'm actually saying, okay?"
"Do you think if I were more like you, he would have loved me more? If I was normal?"
"Shouldn't you be resting?"
"So, have you got a boyfriend, or...?"
"No killing today, alright?"
"Are you willing to make a bargain?"
"How do you live like this?"
"I don't trust any of them. Do you?"
"So, you two are friends now?"
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Open to male/females/n.b: Michelle is bisexual. So can be any gender. Can also be a platonic relationship. But even cuter if it's her significant other. One she hasn't seen in quite some time. (@indiestarter)
"Being here in your arms gives me such relief." Michelle sighed happily, resting her check against the other's shoulders. "Let's stay like this all day ok?" She murmured.
With the duties of being Queen of Kitra and struggling with her powers, one can say she has been stressed to the max. Her mind constantly reeling. The minute she saw them, all stress went away. It has been too long since she saw them, and she missed them dearly.
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Open to any gender & any connections. New or old. Frenemies/ etc.
Plot: Can be where your muse has asked Austin for help and things went sideways and he has to act like he has betrayed her, Or your muse has stumbled into something they shouldn't. Just anything tense. (@indiestarter)
"I won't harm you, I promise. Just as long as you will cooperate." Austin swore, putting his hands up and away from the other. His once bloodshot eyes turned back to blue. Showing the other he wasn't a threat. Not at this given moment.
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Slowly and carefully he gestured a hand for them to lead the way. "In order for this to work, you must trust me. Or at least convince others that you do." He explained in hush tones, following close behind them.
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Hello, hello! How's it going ya'll?
I'm so sorry I haven't been on really all summer. I've been struggling to find inspiration lately which made this blog really inactive :(.
Luckily, I'm going to take some time tonight to get some starters up and hush that voice in my head saying Your writing sucks, quit. Sooo enough of that negative self talk and bring on writing. It used to give me so much joy, and I'm hoping it will continue to do so.
Just gotta up and do it honestly. Once I get going, there's no stopping it so yeah.
I'm back :)
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Ana de Armas, 2020
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Ana de Armas, 2020
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abigail sentence starters
i’m sorry about what’s gonna happen to you.
our game ends here.
how many bodies we talking?
i thought i heard someone out here.
let’s just leave. get the fuck out of dodge.
i love you so much. and i’m so proud of you.
vampire on my ass! vampire!
a deal’s a deal.
i can smell your blood.
i like your tattoos. do they have a meaning, or…
you got bullied in school? probably by dad, too. so when you got bigger than everyone else, you turned the tables.
i’ve always hated this room. lot of painful memories.
you’ve made a mistake.
are you lying to me?
so, you got a boyfriend or… something like that?
what’s happening?
___’s not here.
promise me you’re not gonna let anybody hurt me?
you’re the one good thing i did in life. and i just needed you to hear that.
what can i say? i like playing with my food.
you in recovery or something? how many days you got?
my dad, well… he thought he wanted a child, but then he just lost interest.
please, please let me out.
you literally got nothing right.
can we not do this, please?
you’re not as smart as you think you are.
i saw the way you were looking at me earlier.
all right, let’s go kill us a fuckin’ vampire.
i’m scared.
you don’t get your hands dirty and tell yourself that makes what you do not as bad. good luck when the illusion wears off.
fucking bullshit. it’s not about the money. the money’s an excuse.
you backstabbing son of a…
i couldn’t sleep. i heard something.
here’s the thing about being a vampire. it takes a long fucking time to learn how to do all the cool shit.
something doesn’t add up.
listen, you sit here and bleed… or you trust me.
i didn’t mean to scare you.
you want to have some fun? all right. let’s have some fun.
you’re just in time for dinner.
there’s a secret door in the library. the bookshelf on the right wall.
why do you have a dick on your face?
this whole thing is a trap.
you’re so bloody and so gross.
getting shot hurts!
how much do you trust ___?
shut the fuck up!
oh, you’re a fucking priest now?
i came when you needed me. i’m here now.
i don’t scare easy. so when i do, i pay attention.
i feel like i got bit by a fucking vampire!
tell me one true thing about me.
what color are my eyes?
i can’t breathe.
i just, um… i can’t do it.
if this is about revenge, why didn’t you just kill us?
you fucking set me up.
the hard part is already over.
with that money… i can start over, you know?
that wasn’t a lie.
i like you. you’re scary, though.
god, everybody’s got to be a fucking victim now.
if you fucking say, ‘i told you so’…
you could be the richest headless man in america.
i don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but you don’t sound very calm right now.
you’re mine. you’re mine.
wow. you got a lot going on up there, but your brain’s not quite putting it together, huh?
do you have any kids?
nothing different about you. nothing special. just something to help me pass the time.
___ was here when you weren’t.
i just want to get to the bottom of this, you know?
i’ve had a few centuries of experience.
we got a real fucking situation here. so i don’t give a shit what you think. either you’re helping us, or you’re dead weight.
i feel sick.
i’d really prefer not to have to fucking shoot you.
this is so fucking disgusting.
you changed your name, you left town, and you never saw your family again… but it wasn’t for their safety, was it?
keep an eye on the door.
you grew up with a bunch of brothers and sisters, huh?
you’re gonna be a real pain in my ass, aren’t you?
looking for some light reading?
i’m not gonna touch you.
can you take the blindfold off? it’s really tight.
this isn’t the time for sarcasm, okay?
let’s watch each other’s backs.
that’s an urban legend. calm down.
i fucking hate ballet.
you shot me! you shot me!
i brought you here to offer you a deal.
just had to do your little magic trick, didn’t you?
you think i could do that?
maybe it’s worth a try.
you’re my friend.
wow. you might be the least perceptive person i’ve ever met.
i’m sorry. did i hit a fucking nerve?
no. i’m not betting our lives on your fucking hunch.
we’ve got to get out of here. there’s got to be another way.
i’ve gone by many names over the countless years.
you can have anything you fucking want.
bite me.
what the fuck?
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send in " come on! open your eyes! " for the sender to try their best to keep the badly wounded receiver awake (and consequently alive) until they can get some medical aid.
alternatively, send in " i'm so... tired... " for the sender to be the one losing consciousness in front of the receiver after sustaining severe injuries that threaten their life.
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Open to females: Any close relationships.
Plot: Your muse and Austin was just enjoying a nice day in his home when intruders came barging through the door. He had seconds to hide your muse in his basement.
"Shh shh.. Shut. Up." Austin put a hand on her mouth to keep quiet, pinning her to the wall behind her.
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Within moments, they heard several thumping footsteps coming from upstairs. "Come out, Come out wherever you are." a husky voice echoed. Austin rolled his eyes, thinking it was the best they could say. Amateurs at best. He could hear the woman's heartbeat beating quicken with each step the intruders took.
Putting his index finger on his own lips to gesture to stay quiet, he slowly moved his hand from her mouth. "Stay here and stay quiet.." He whispered, knowing these intruders weren't going away unless he did something about it.
In a blur, he sped upstairs. Hushed conversations were heard followed by painful screams from the intruders. Blood and broken bones ended the intruders, that is all except one. He returned to her head to toe covered in blood, his fangs visible to her for the first time. Austin cleared his throat.
"All is well now. Sort of. I do not wish for you to see upstairs, so take the back door and leave. I will explain everything much later." He advised, knowing how he must have looked to her. A complete monster.
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