switchhummel · 20 days
PM (Austin): Hey there. Seems we're paired for this project thing
PM: Hi, Austin! Yes, that's the case. Any idea on how you'd like this one to go?
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Open to anyone: friends, current girlfriend, brother/sister like relationship. Any close relationship. Oh look! Austin is being vulnerable for once.
"Why dismiss your mother so? You should be grateful you have such a caring soul. No, don't ever disrespect your mother. Be fuckin' grateful you have one." Austin started to lecture, his blue eyes staring at the other.
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survivexendure · 2 years
Austin hadn't seen Jewel in almost a month. He had been out of town on business for the ranch for about a week and she had gone away on business of her own as he was coming back. In fact if hey timed it right they would have passed each other on the road near the middle of the night. He had kept an eye out for her car that night and had a feeling he had in fact seen her but after three and a half long weeks he was picking her up from the airport since her dad needed her car from the airport.
Standing in the waiting area at the airport felt like like another lifetime but with every passing minute he knew he was closer to seeing her. Of course he couldn't just show up. He was dressed like a valet with a sign that said her name and was holding that sign up covering his face. He had joked, although tried to act serious, that he wouldn't be able to show up to the airport but he would hire someone to pick her up. He wasn't sure if she fell for it or not but he was enjoying the silliness.
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danicampbcll · 9 days
Have to admit I'm a little intrigued with this whole ziplining thing. It looks a little scary because one wrong move and you could end up in the water or something. Don't feel like being left behind in the middle of the ocean. But still it looks like fun. If I decide to do it, I may need a partner in crime, someone that will make sure I do it and don't back out. Or join me in doing it. Can I count on you to be that person? @itsaustinrobert
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dxnnyboi · 4 years
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“Do you have a date for tonight, big boy?” Danny asked his roommate as he obsessively fixed his hair in front of his phone, doing it in a way where it wouldn’t look like he did something at all. He made sure to leave that one loose curl that bothered Alina just for his own amusement even. “You look dapper,” he pointed out. || @austinpark​
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parkermcmahon · 4 years
Late Outings || Lilly + Austin
Balancing between work and life was a new concept for Lilly. She was a true workaholic who didn’t leave the office until 1 in the AM just to be back at 7 the next day. Now...well...now was different. It wasn’t only her anymore, she had a small person to take care of. A small person who depended on her for survival and as she rushed through the doors of the elementary school, she knew she had to do better. Work be damned. She was late in picking up Henry, again. Ugh. Lily wanted to scream. She turned the corner and almost collided with someone. In an apologetic tone, she skated around the person and made it to 112 within moments. The room the school when they’d called told her Henry was waiting in. “I am so sorry. I had a meeting and it ran late and traffic and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” she blabbed as she entered. Henry was seated at one of the tables in the front coloring some type of figurine. She didn’t notice the man at the whiteboard as she beelined for him. Over two hours late, she thought, berating herself. Fuck. 
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joiesomer · 5 years
group nerd chat
[to sam, jeff, austin, topher, spencer]
Somer: so I got the last expansion of Sentinels of the Multiverse (early birthday present)
Somer: it's got a universe-level threat in it, OblivAeon
Somer: idk
Somer: so who wants to come on friday night and play it with me?
Somer: (also I want to meet more girl gamers)
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clarygooding · 6 years
Clary couldn’t deal with all this stuff with her father. For once in her life though, there wasn’t just Micah and Oliver she wanted to talk fully with, to give her everything to, her mind wandered to Austin. In this time of stress, her lips craved for the touch of his and so when she snuck into Ilvermorny, it wasn’t abnormal that the first person she approached was the dark haired, bright eyed boy. “Walker!” she called to him, before catching up to him. She was upset, and all she wanted was him. Even though she didn’t want commitment, she wanted him. Once they were near enough, she let her lips touch to his, needing that comfort. 
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amethysthalsted · 6 years
Amy was sketching constellations while sitting at the Bearclaw. She looked up when someone approached. “Oh uh, you can sit if you’d like, I don’t mind company.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“So on a level of 1 to 10, how peppy are the Pep Rally?”Katie asked, her school back home didn’t get quite this hard for returning students.”Will I need earplugs?”
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Open to any gender & any connections. New or old. Frenemies/ etc.
Plot: Can be where your muse has asked Austin for help and things went sideways and he has to act like he has betrayed her, Or your muse has stumbled into something they shouldn't. Just anything tense. (@indiestarter)
"I won't harm you, I promise. Just as long as you will cooperate." Austin swore, putting his hands up and away from the other. His once bloodshot eyes turned back to blue. Showing the other he wasn't a threat. Not at this given moment.
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Slowly and carefully he gestured a hand for them to lead the way. "In order for this to work, you must trust me. Or at least convince others that you do." He explained in hush tones, following close behind them.
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survivexendure · 1 year
“I texted you a reminder, which I know you read.” Jewel to Austin
"I know you did and I did read them but in between the time of getting the messages and then coming out here to pick you up I had a horse issue which took my attention and I lost track of time. I'm sorry. I wish I could say it won't happen again but we both know that's not true."
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
f(r)ight night
Austin looked ridiculous – or at least that’s what Adrian kept telling him. The boxer was convinced that the other man had dressed up as a Marvel character just to spite him. Adrian’s plans to have a DC army had not turned out to be quite as expansive as he wanted, and seeing Austin dressed up as Steve was doing nothing to help his bitterness over it. Arms crossed over his chest, Adrian desperately wished that he had a drink in his hand. How else was he supposed to deal with this insufferable menace to society? “I’ll bet you’re the biggest scaredy cat,” he mocked as the shuffled up the grand stairs toward the ‘haunted hallway’. Most attempts at creeping Adrian out failed miserably, and he was ready to mock this supposedly haunted walk with everything he had. “You don’t seem much like a screamer though. Do you just faint?”  @apolloaustin
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tara-goyle-blog · 8 years
“Tara, you do know there's always an open invite at the Hufflepuff house right?” 
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“That’s nice of you to offer, but I’m pretty certain I would stick out like a sore thumb, and most hufflepuffs are scared of me, so I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
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joiesomer · 5 years
Somer: yeah?
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clarygooding · 6 years
“What are you doing? Stalking me now?” Clary teased at Austin with raised eyebrows as she saw him walk into the room. 
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