This is my fic blog, where I post whatever I write :]
57 posts
Main Account (for follow backs or if you just wanna follow it): @romeoandromeo * Requests: Open * Welcome to my fanfiction blog! See my pinned post to see what I write/what requests I will take, etc :]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
xxdereksfanficsxx · 1 year ago
Can you please do another Osomatsu x Male reader? I loved the one you did! Possibly another nsfw one? If not fluff is fine! Prompt involving said reader being in college and having their own apartment which he loves to have oso over but his friends constantly try to say osomatsu isn't someone who he should like (which makes him just love oso more)
I LOVE this! I haven't been on this account in a while, had a lot of stuff going on, but I HAVE been thinking about writing again to get my mind off of... Like everything, haha. I can certainly make it smutty 😈. Fair warning, I might not nail the college experience, because I never went, but a few of my friends are in/went to college, so hopefully that'll be enough for me to scrape by!
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 2 years ago
Guess what I started on 👀 Sorry I haven't posted much, I keep saying I will, then I don't. To be fair though, I finally found a job a couple months ago and I've been real busy at work, but I have stuff written down!!
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Hi!! I have an idea and it's trans reader going to todoko for advice on how to confess to karamatsu, and kara notices because he tries talking to reader alone since he wants to confess to them, but gets the wrong idea about reader and todoko, so he avoids reader for a few days until reader gets tired of it and tells him everything and maybe reader shows kara how much they love him?? 🧐
I LOVE this idea!! The juices are flowing in my head, I hope it's okay if it takes me a little bit to get this posted, I have a lot going on at the moment, but I will gladly sit down and write this!
#also struggling to find time to write because my bf and my family feels like i spend so much time at work#that im not spending enough time with them#and i also just have stuff going on with my bf im kind of accidentally on purpose working a lot#well dont read further if you don't want to know or care about a few little details of my situation lol#but yeah idk i kind of feel unhappy but im scared to let go??#just reflecting on our relationship its like.... theres been WAY more downs than ups#he doesn't make time for me but gets upset if i dont make time for him#i just want to be loved in the way that i write about but.... i don't think that's possible for me#because i don't think anyone would love me so genuinely lol#not that im materialistic or anything but he didn't even get me a Christmas present this year when i spoiled the fuck out of him...#and the one he TRIED to get me was literally something i asked him not to get me because it was a videogame#that i was interested in but I'd rather buy it myself because i know ill barely play it because im not THAT into games like that#even though he asked what i wanted and i sent at least 15 links to things i was interested in#within the budget...#and like we just have all these other little issues and i caught him snapchatting a woman a couple weeks ago#misgendering me and she asked if he was single#and he said no but hes looking for fwb and that i knew about this??#thats literally what he told her#not the first time ive caught him messaging women either#im just..... really sad and tired#and im not going to lie being this sad about my own relationship makes it really hard to write the gushy romance stuff that#i love to write because it just kind of makes me feel worse in a way#ugh anyway sorry about that I'm just really sad rn and just needed to get it off my chest ig
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 2 years ago
Changing my url!
mlmxxreader ->->-> xxdereksfanficsxx
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 2 years ago
Hi!! I have an idea and it's trans reader going to todoko for advice on how to confess to karamatsu, and kara notices because he tries talking to reader alone since he wants to confess to them, but gets the wrong idea about reader and todoko, so he avoids reader for a few days until reader gets tired of it and tells him everything and maybe reader shows kara how much they love him?? 🧐
I LOVE this idea!! The juices are flowing in my head, I hope it's okay if it takes me a little bit to get this posted, I have a lot going on at the moment, but I will gladly sit down and write this!
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
people will do anything to remove any sort of fat from Harvey and Shane. Shane has got to have a dad-like bod. With his diet and depression that's the only way.
Harvey literally eats junk and microwave meals, and even says he's out of shape and wants to exercise.
They.... have... MEATTTE
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
I AM GOING TO SCREAMMMMMMM I HAVENT READ A GOOD KARA FIC IN A WHILEEEEE AND YOU DEFINITELY MADE MY DAY!!!! I love the way you write. I can feel the love 🥺💙 Hope you have a beautiful day today~ ���💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!! I'm just a hopeless romantic so I put as much love as I could in that fic because Karamatsu deserves it 😭😭 I'm so glad you enjoyed it though !!!!!!!! Thank you so much you have a beautiful day too!!!!!!
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
Okay anon, I see you with that Chibita request!! I've never written for him, but I will gladly try!
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
Five Times Kissed
So I literally could not help but to write this, when I saw the prompt. I think this is the most fun I've EVER had writing something, and I hope you all enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it. The prompt list this came from is here (if you see one you like on this list, feel free to send a request by the way! I can even do this same prompt with other Matsus, if you like it that much! I know I did!).
Pairing: Karamatsu Matsuno/Male Reader
TW: Implied sex, cigarette and alcohol use
Summary: Five significant times you and Karamatsu have kissed each other.
Disclaimer: I do not own the character or series
The first time it happened, it was fateful, in a way. It was lunch break at school, you both must have been about sixteen or seventeen. As always, you ate lunch alone together, both of you the shy sort. You happened to have brought pocky with your lunch that day, and naturally you split it with Karamatsu. The box dwindled down, eventually to the last stick. You held the box out to him.
“Here Kara! You can have it, if you want.” Karamatsu politely pushed it back toward you.
“You brought it, you should have it.”
You thought for a moment.
“Why don’t we share it…? If you want?” You suggested. He shyly agreed to this. You plucked it out of the box. 
“Hey, do you… Want to try the pocky game?” You asked, almost a little hesitantly. He blushed.
“Isn’t that usually played between a… A boy and a girl…?” He asked you, and you blushed a little.
“Well… Yeah, but… What girls are we friends with? Don’t you want to try it…?”
Karamatsu pondered this for a moment, before he gave in. It was true. Neither of you really had any girl friends to play this game with. So… Would it really hurt to play it with another boy? Not to mention, you were both alone, in a secluded part of the school, no one would see this. 
Karamatsu gave in. You held one end in your mouth, and you both leaned in. Karamatsu hesitantly took the other end into his own mouth. Your faces were already so close together. You stayed like this for a moment, both of you beginning to feel a little flustered. Was this a good idea? You both slowly munched through the stick, hesitance building as you came nose to nose. But you both persisted. 
Your lips met only briefly. Karamatsu’s breath hitched when it happened. Despite it being only a fleeting kiss, it felt like minutes. Time slowed down like never before. Karamatsu suddenly felt dizzy when you broke apart… But in a strangely good way.
The second time it happened, Karamatsu had just turned twenty-one, as you had about a month or so prior. You were out celebrating with him and his brothers, the lot of you drinking hard. Since Karamatsu was your best friend, and you were only really on regular friend level with his brothers, you mainly stuck by him throughout the night. At one point, you both popped outside for a cigarette, using it as an excuse to get away from the other noisy five. You sat next to each other on the concrete in front of the bar, against the building, both feeling pretty plastered by now.
It must have been about one or two in the morning, but neither of you had any sort of perception of time, nor did you care- all you knew, was it was dark, the stars were beautiful, the street was empty, and you really needed the cigarettes. You laid your head on Karamatsu’s shoulder, and he had no protest to this. You took a drag of your smoke.
“Hey… Remember when we kissed?!” You laughed, your free hand clapping against Karamatsu’s thigh, a little harder than you intended. He didn’t seem to feel it. His head was leaning back against the wall. A drunk smile crept onto his face.
“What?” He asked, laughing a little. 
“In highschool!” You pushed, grinning stupidly. Karamatsu shook his head, chuckling.
“The pocky? Was it a real kiss?” He asked, a note of seriousness in his voice, before puffing on his own cigarette. You didn’t pick up on that, too out of your mind. You nodded your head vigorously, abruptly sitting up. His half closed eyes widened a little out of surprise when you did this.
“Yes! Unless youuu… Didn’t want to count it.”
He thought for a moment.
“I guess it counts.”
There was an awkward silence for a moment.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Karamatsu asked, slurring slightly, breaking the silence.
“You can tell me anything.” By this point, you had finished your cigarettes, the butts tossed carelessly to the ground. 
“I want to kiss you again.”
This new silence was thick. You stared at him blankly for a moment, processing what he just said to you. He looked away from you. Had he fucked up?
He looked back up at you, to find your face close to his.
“Do you mean it?”
Karamatsu shuddered a little at the closeness, his face reddening- this time, not from the alcohol.
“Yes,” He stuttered. You gulped a little.
“Then kiss me.”
Karamatsu blinked, and watched in awe as you stumbled into his lap, straddling his legs. He wasn’t sure what to do with his hands, suspended in mid air for a moment hovering around your waist, before he finally decided on settling them on your shoulders. He was still staring up at you, almost afraid to make the first move, what if he did it wrong? Would you even remember this? Would he? You pressed your forehead against his, waiting for him to be ready- despite your drunkenness, you were still incredibly patient. 
His throat was dry, and he gulped a few times, trying to push his anxiety back. He was so focused on you, it was as if there was nothing around you, only you. Finally, he pressed his lips against yours, his hands naturally sliding to the back of your neck. The kiss was sweet, and long. When your lips parted, a breathy sigh slipped past his, both of you opening your eyes, staring into each other’s gazes. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but a wave of confidence washed over Karamatsu, and he pulled you into him, his lips crashing against yours once again, his fingers slipping into your hair, your locks poking through the spaces in between. 
The kissing got heavy, one of your hands on the wall behind Karamatsu to support yourself, and you bordering a makeout- and surely, it would have gotten that far, had Osomatsu’s nosy ass not come outside and ruined it, totally catching the pair of you in the act. This was something he would hold over you and Karamatsu’s heads, that he simply wouldn’t let go of. Despite this, word never got around to their brothers.
The third time it happened, you were both about twenty-two. It was a cool evening. You had just left Chibita’s Oden Stand, buying a filling dinner and a few beers. The two of you aimlessly walked the streets for a while, before happening upon the park, where you continued your stroll. It was fairly empty, aside from the odd person or two that passed by you. A pleasant silence befell the pair of you, broken eventually by Karamatsu.
“I’m glad I know you.”
You looked at him, with a hint of love in your eyes. You could no longer tell if your feelings for your best friend were romantic or platonic, and you weren’t alone in this, as Karamatsu felt the same. He was beginning to lean toward romantic.
“I’m glad I know you too.”
You continued walking together. Your hands brushed against each other once in a while, and eventually, you let your hand slide into his. Karamatsu glanced at you through the corner of his eye, but otherwise seemed receptive of this, his fingers curling up into a gentle hand hold. You strolled like this for a while, holding hands, swinging slightly back and forth as you walked. 
A light breeze picked up, and you shivered a little. Karamatsu noticed this, and stopped walking, causing you to stop as well. He shrugged his leather jacket off, and you watched as he did this.
“You seem cold…” He trailed off. It was clear that he wanted to say something else, but there was something making him hesitate. You stared at him for a moment as he moved to put the jacket around your shoulders. A heavy blush befell your face, and you looked down.
“Thanks,” You stuttered. You both stood there for what felt like ages. You shuffled your feet a little, and looked up at him.
“You didn’t have to… Aren’t you cold?”
“I wanted to.”
His words were so sincere. There was a hint of something else in his voice, and you weren’t quite sure what it was. He anxiously tugged on the hem of his shirt.
“Can… Can I ask you something?” He stuttered.
You nodded. “Anything, Kara… You know you can say anything to me.” You assured him. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. If you didn’t know better, you would think he was on the verge of an anxiety attack. Maybe he was. It was like he had lost all of his nerve. Lately he had adopted a sort of ‘cool guy’ persona, but… It was different around you. He played his confidence up, but you already knew he had a shyness to him, that only ever seemed evident around you nowadays. Not even his brothers saw much of these moments anymore, and he lived with them.
“Um… What do you… How do you…” It was as if he didn’t know how to say what it was that he wanted to say. You would pipe in, but you weren’t sure where he was going with this, and you were afraid you would make an incorrect assumption. So, you waited for him to gather his scattered thoughts. He beat around the bush a little longer, before finally forcing out what he was trying to say.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Silence permeated the air for a moment. Karamatsu’s anxiety started building up at your lack of response, before you finally broke the silence.
“I think I’m in love with you too.”
Relief washed over Karamatsu, and as if his body was on autopilot, he grabbed your face and pulled you into a sweet kiss.
“My rose… Will you be my boyfriend?”
By the fourth time it happened, you had shared countless kisses. In fact, from the moment Karamatsu had asked you to be his boyfriend, there wasn’t a single day that had gone by where you hadn’t kissed each other. 
It was about a year into your relationship. You were finally ready to take things a step further. You were both now twenty-three. You held down a job, you had your own apartment now, where no one could invade your privacy- something you certainly didn’t get at the Matsuno residence.
Karamatsu was right there waiting for you when you got off work. Just seeing him made you smile, despite the rough day you had.
“And how was your day, my handsome Karamatsu boy?” He asked as you approached, with a dramatic little flair, and the cutest grin. You giggled a little.
“Better, now.”
Your hands laced together, and you both made your way to your apartment, making lively conversation on the way. You only let go of his hand when you arrived, to fish your keys out of your pocket and unlock your door. It wasn’t the biggest, nicest place in the world… But it was yours, and you were hoping Karamatsu would want to share it with you someday. You were sure his parents would be delighted to have one of their NEET sons move out and start his life. They still weren’t over the fact that one of their sons had a partner in the first place- they would have thought surely by twenty-two, out of their six sons, at least a few of them would have had some sort of romantic experience, but it was just the one, and they supposed that was better than nothing.
You let yourselves in, and made your way to your bedroom. Your bathroom adjourned it. 
“I’m going to take a quick shower, to get work off of me.” You mentioned. Karamatsu made himself comfortable on your bed. You stripped off your work shirt, and tossed it aside, before digging through your dresser to find a pair of boxers and some shorts.
Karamatsu studied you carefully as you revealed part of your body to him. Your skin looked so soft, so touchable… The way the hair on your chest curled slightly, how it’s tone matched the hair on your head… His eyes trailed down your shoulders, your arms, down your back when you had turned away from him… He felt so naughty looking at you this way. You were only getting ready for a shower, and here was his still virgin brain, turning this into something it wasn’t. Dirty thoughts kept popping into his head, and he did his best to push them away, to sweep them under the rug, but he simply couldn’t help it. You were so mesmerizing to him.
His eyes darted elsewhere when you turned back around. He was so focused on trying to rid himself of the thoughts he was having, he didn’t even notice the tightness in his pants, semi-hard from his thoughts alone. You however, did notice.
You didn’t say anything. Instead, you grabbed a towel, and made your way to the shower.
“Love you.” You stated, before closing the door.
“Love you too.”
Your shower didn’t last long. All you could think about was what Karamatsu had in his pants. At this point, the farthest you had gone together was making out, and maybe a little bit of heavy petting. It made you nervous. But in a good way. You couldn’t wait to share your first time together. But you were terrified. By the time you were out of the shower, you had a little bit of a woody of your own. You dried off, and tried, unsuccessfully, for a moment to make it go away.
When you went in for your shower, you had left the door cracked- you took a second to peek out at Karamatsu, who was still relaxing on your bed, waiting for you to come back to him. You took a deep breath, and dressed your bottom half, not having bothered to have grabbed a shirt before you went in.
When you came to bed, you climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. He looked up at you with a little surprise at the bold action, his face reddening a little. You leaned in next to his ear.
“I think I’m ready… To go all the way…” You whispered, and you could hear him swallow hard. You pulled away a little, hands on either side of his head, supporting yourself. Your face was inches from his, and you were searching his eyes for any sort of hesitation, but all you saw was love and want. No. It wasn’t want. Need.
Just like that, he was suddenly kissing you.
The fifth time it happened, you were both now twenty-seven. You were overwhelmed. You could only imagine how Karamatsu felt. It was a big day. There wasn’t a lot of people here, but it felt… Weird, having your families united together in the same space. You were taking a slightly less than traditional approach, to what was about to happen. Slightly.
Everyone was eagerly awaiting the pair of you. Your family on one side, his on the other. Matsuyo had her head rested on Matsuzo’s shoulder, both of them teary-eyed, and your family was blubbering just as much as they were. Karamatsu’s brothers, though they held a hint of jealousy, were happy for Karamatsu.
You finished getting yourself ready. You know it was your imagination, as everything fit fine when you had previously been fitted, but you couldn’t help but feel that the tuxedo was suddenly tight. It was nerves. Nerves do funny things to a person. Every second closer to meeting Karamatsu, felt like you had been waiting an entire lifetime. You weren’t sure if you were going to have an anxiety attack or if you were just seriously nervous.
Doubts began running through your head. What if he didn’t want this? What if he felt like you were rushing him into this? You were twenty-seven, but you didn’t even feel like you were even old enough to be doing this life-changing thing. You knew he wouldn’t, but your brain continued to force thoughts, like what if he ditched you at the altar even?
It wasn’t until you finally saw him, that all of it was instantly wiped away. He was so handsome. He was a nervous wreck. He wore that tuxedo so well. You didn’t even realize you were crying as you approached each other, until a little look of concern swept across his face, and he brought his hand up to yours, using his thumb to wipe your tears away. You reached up and did the same for him, as a few stray tears had welled up and fallen from his own beautiful eyes. 
The music started. You both took a deep breath, and linked your arms. You wiped your face again, and began to walk down the aisle together, as one. Everyone turned to look. All eyes were on the pair of you. Todomatsu was kind enough to agree to take pictures, when you had asked him previously as part of the planning. With every snap was the flash. You could hear hushed crying from both sides. The walk to the altar felt long, but you finally arrived to it.
You had both written your own vows. Nervously excited, love filled prose filled the ears of everyone who was lucky enough to have been there. This was special. This was incredibly special. Everyone could see it. Everyone could see just how much you truly loved each other. There was not a thing on this earth that could tear the two of you apart- you were truly meant for one another.
You said your ‘I do’s’, and exchanged rings. They were only simple, gold bands. You didn’t need anything more than that. Then, it finally happened.
You couldn’t take your eyes off his. You gazed into each other’s eyes, so filled with love, like nobody had ever loved before. Every significant kiss you shared flashed through your mind in that instant. You first kiss, ‘the pocky kiss’. Your second kiss on his twenty-first birthday, your third when he asked you to be his boyfriend, your fourth when you so lovingly deflowered each other. It all swarmed through your mind, through all of the bad, and all of the good, the one consistent was each other. No matter how much the world changed, or your lives, you and Karamatsu would remain. 
You almost didn’t hear it when they said you could finally kiss each other, as husbands. Husbands. You could barely believe it. You both leaned into each other, and you looked Karamatsu in the eyes one last time, before you both closed your eyes, and pressed your lips to each other’s. His brothers were hooting and hollering, his parents buried their faces into each other's necks and cried, your family was just as much of a mess, but neither of you cared, it was completely drowned out by the moment.
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
Drabble List #4
75 prompts to write drabbles or longer stories.
“Please, just hear me out.”
“This was a stupid plan.”
“Well, that is interesting.”
“Against my better judgement, I’m alive.”
“Have I said something wrong?”
“I’m out!”
“Can you feel this?”
“It’s better than nothing.”
“I need to see your phone.”
“Do whatever you want, but without me.”
“This is not going to end well.”
“Please, keep your opinions to yourself.”
“Do I look crazy to you?”
“Not sure what it means.”
“We shouldn’t go in there.”
“Don’t feel like it today.”
“This is not going to end well.”
“I wanna win this trophy!”
“Are you single?”
“It’s better than nothing.”
“You better run!”
“How did you get in here?”
“I would count this as a success.”
“Not sure why I even bother with you.”
“Worst day ever!”
“Thank you for your time.”
“I just had a crazy thought.”
“There is nothing wrong about it.”
“Everything comes to an end eventually.”
“Do you need a band-aid?”
“We need to leave, right now!”
“Congratulations on being stupid.”
“But how do you feel about it?”
“Forget what I said.”
“I just want to save you!”
“That means we’re both idiots.”
“It meant nothing.”
“Let’s move away from this.”
“What don’t you understand?”
“This is going to be expensive.”
“Too many questions, not enough questions.”
“I just saved your life, so you’re welcome.”
“This is better than I ever imagined.”
“I’m not overly happy about it.”
“Well, actually…”
“I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
“Not my area of expertise.”
“This is too stressful.”
“Just a theory.”
“Is there a law against that?”
“There you are.”
“Well, it’s a big city.”
“I don’t get you sometimes.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“They hate me.”
“We have to wait for the police.”
“How do I look?”
“I just can’t say yes.”
“We never had a chance.”
“You need to learn to clean up after yourself.”
“Something is missing here.”
“I need your help.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“God bless your little heart.”
“It’s not funny!”
“We need to head north.”
“This is definitely the last time.”
“It’s a situation we have to prepare ourselves for.”
“Show me where you are from.”
“You can’t mean that.”
“I’ve never seen this man before.”
“What’s your problem?”
“Let’s hope we can make it.”
“I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.”
“Really wish you were here.”
Drabble List #1|List #2|List #3|List #5
Have fun creating and writing!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
so i was looking at THIS MEME and THIS MEME and like. there’s something that i just love so much about these?? so essentially, the sender might send in smth like. “five times cried”. and the receiver can respond with a drabble about five times the receiver’s muse cried because of the sender’s muse! if you’re confused, that’s my fault, and that’s also why i have links to two of the memes that inspired this. i hope you all enjoy! as always, do NOT add more to these, i WILL be making a part 2!
five times kissed:     ( five times the receiver and sender kissed )
five times hugged:     ( five times the receiver hugged the sender )
five times called:      ( five times the receiver called the sender’s phone )
five times texted:      ( five times the receiver texted the sender )
five times cried:      ( five times the receiver cried over the sender )
five times smiled:      ( five times the sender made the receiver smile )
five times touched:      ( five times the receiver touched the sender (platonically or romantically or otherwise!) )
five times saved:     ( five times the sender’s life was saved by the receiver )
five times saved by:      ( five times the receiver was saved by the sender. )
five times protected:     ( five times the receiver was protected by the sender )
five times protective:      ( five times the receiver was protective of the sender )
five times thanked:      ( five times the receiver thanked, or felt gratitude towards, the sender )
five times comforted:      ( five times the receiver comforted the sender )
five times angered:      ( five times the sender made the receiver angry )
five times betrayed:      ( five times the receiver was, or felt, betrayed by the sender )
five times saddened:      ( five times the receiver felt sad for or because of the sender )
five times worried:      ( five times the receiver worried about the sender )
five times relieved:      ( five times the receiver felt relieved about the sender )
five times safe:      ( five times the receiver felt safe because of the sender )
five times happy:     ( five times the sender made the receiver happy. )
five times afraid:     ( five times the sender made the receiver feel afraid )
five times hurt:      ( five times the sender hurt the receiver or made them feel hurt. )
five times visited:      ( five times the sender and receiver visited each other )
five times left:      ( five times the sender and receiver parted ways )
five times reunited:      ( five times the sender and receiver reunited after being apart for a considerable length of time. )
five times stayed:      ( five times the receiver stayed with the sender )
five times glanced:     ( five times the receiver stole glances at the sender )
five times glanced at:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender stealing glances at them )
five times healed:      ( five times the receiver nursed the sender back to health, or tended to their wounds )
five times watched:      ( five times the receiver watched the sender while they were working or doing something )
five times shared:      ( five times the receiver shared something (either a material or feelings or secrets!) with the sender )
five times flirted:      ( five times the receiver flirted with the sender )
five times blurted:      ( five times the receiver impulsively blurted something out to the sender )
five times confessed:     ( five times the receiver confessed a secret or feeling to the sender )
five times noticed:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender properly )
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
so i was looking at THIS MEME and THIS MEME and like. there’s something that i just love so much about these?? so essentially, the sender might send in smth like. “five times cried”. and the receiver can respond with a drabble about five times the receiver’s muse cried because of the sender’s muse! if you’re confused, that’s my fault, and that’s also why i have links to two of the memes that inspired this. i hope you all enjoy! as always, do NOT add more to these, i WILL be making a part 2!
five times kissed:     ( five times the receiver and sender kissed )
five times hugged:     ( five times the receiver hugged the sender )
five times called:      ( five times the receiver called the sender’s phone )
five times texted:      ( five times the receiver texted the sender )
five times cried:      ( five times the receiver cried over the sender )
five times smiled:      ( five times the sender made the receiver smile )
five times touched:      ( five times the receiver touched the sender (platonically or romantically or otherwise!) )
five times saved:     ( five times the sender’s life was saved by the receiver )
five times saved by:      ( five times the receiver was saved by the sender. )
five times protected:     ( five times the receiver was protected by the sender )
five times protective:      ( five times the receiver was protective of the sender )
five times thanked:      ( five times the receiver thanked, or felt gratitude towards, the sender )
five times comforted:      ( five times the receiver comforted the sender )
five times angered:      ( five times the sender made the receiver angry )
five times betrayed:      ( five times the receiver was, or felt, betrayed by the sender )
five times saddened:      ( five times the receiver felt sad for or because of the sender )
five times worried:      ( five times the receiver worried about the sender )
five times relieved:      ( five times the receiver felt relieved about the sender )
five times safe:      ( five times the receiver felt safe because of the sender )
five times happy:     ( five times the sender made the receiver happy. )
five times afraid:     ( five times the sender made the receiver feel afraid )
five times hurt:      ( five times the sender hurt the receiver or made them feel hurt. )
five times visited:      ( five times the sender and receiver visited each other )
five times left:      ( five times the sender and receiver parted ways )
five times reunited:      ( five times the sender and receiver reunited after being apart for a considerable length of time. )
five times stayed:      ( five times the receiver stayed with the sender )
five times glanced:     ( five times the receiver stole glances at the sender )
five times glanced at:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender stealing glances at them )
five times healed:      ( five times the receiver nursed the sender back to health, or tended to their wounds )
five times watched:      ( five times the receiver watched the sender while they were working or doing something )
five times shared:      ( five times the receiver shared something (either a material or feelings or secrets!) with the sender )
five times flirted:      ( five times the receiver flirted with the sender )
five times blurted:      ( five times the receiver impulsively blurted something out to the sender )
five times confessed:     ( five times the receiver confessed a secret or feeling to the sender )
five times noticed:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender properly )
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
Reblogging the drabble prompt posts for the morning/afternoon crowd, if anyone wants to request!
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
Drabble List #4
75 prompts to write drabbles or longer stories.
“Please, just hear me out.”
“This was a stupid plan.”
“Well, that is interesting.”
“Against my better judgement, I’m alive.”
“Have I said something wrong?”
“I’m out!”
“Can you feel this?”
“It’s better than nothing.”
“I need to see your phone.”
“Do whatever you want, but without me.”
“This is not going to end well.”
“Please, keep your opinions to yourself.”
“Do I look crazy to you?”
“Not sure what it means.”
“We shouldn’t go in there.”
“Don’t feel like it today.”
“This is not going to end well.”
“I wanna win this trophy!”
“Are you single?”
“It’s better than nothing.”
“You better run!”
“How did you get in here?”
“I would count this as a success.”
“Not sure why I even bother with you.”
“Worst day ever!”
“Thank you for your time.”
“I just had a crazy thought.”
“There is nothing wrong about it.”
“Everything comes to an end eventually.”
“Do you need a band-aid?”
“We need to leave, right now!”
“Congratulations on being stupid.”
“But how do you feel about it?”
“Forget what I said.”
“I just want to save you!”
“That means we’re both idiots.”
“It meant nothing.”
“Let’s move away from this.”
“What don’t you understand?”
“This is going to be expensive.”
“Too many questions, not enough questions.”
“I just saved your life, so you’re welcome.”
“This is better than I ever imagined.”
“I’m not overly happy about it.”
“Well, actually…”
“I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
“Not my area of expertise.”
“This is too stressful.”
“Just a theory.”
“Is there a law against that?”
“There you are.”
“Well, it’s a big city.”
“I don’t get you sometimes.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“They hate me.”
“We have to wait for the police.”
“How do I look?”
“I just can’t say yes.”
“We never had a chance.”
“You need to learn to clean up after yourself.”
“Something is missing here.”
“I need your help.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“God bless your little heart.”
“It’s not funny!”
“We need to head north.”
“This is definitely the last time.”
“It’s a situation we have to prepare ourselves for.”
“Show me where you are from.”
“You can’t mean that.”
“I’ve never seen this man before.”
“What’s your problem?”
“Let’s hope we can make it.”
“I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.”
“Really wish you were here.”
Drabble List #1|List #2|List #3|List #5
Have fun creating and writing!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
so i was looking at THIS MEME and THIS MEME and like. there’s something that i just love so much about these?? so essentially, the sender might send in smth like. “five times cried”. and the receiver can respond with a drabble about five times the receiver’s muse cried because of the sender’s muse! if you’re confused, that’s my fault, and that’s also why i have links to two of the memes that inspired this. i hope you all enjoy! as always, do NOT add more to these, i WILL be making a part 2!
five times kissed:     ( five times the receiver and sender kissed )
five times hugged:     ( five times the receiver hugged the sender )
five times called:      ( five times the receiver called the sender’s phone )
five times texted:      ( five times the receiver texted the sender )
five times cried:      ( five times the receiver cried over the sender )
five times smiled:      ( five times the sender made the receiver smile )
five times touched:      ( five times the receiver touched the sender (platonically or romantically or otherwise!) )
five times saved:     ( five times the sender’s life was saved by the receiver )
five times saved by:      ( five times the receiver was saved by the sender. )
five times protected:     ( five times the receiver was protected by the sender )
five times protective:      ( five times the receiver was protective of the sender )
five times thanked:      ( five times the receiver thanked, or felt gratitude towards, the sender )
five times comforted:      ( five times the receiver comforted the sender )
five times angered:      ( five times the sender made the receiver angry )
five times betrayed:      ( five times the receiver was, or felt, betrayed by the sender )
five times saddened:      ( five times the receiver felt sad for or because of the sender )
five times worried:      ( five times the receiver worried about the sender )
five times relieved:      ( five times the receiver felt relieved about the sender )
five times safe:      ( five times the receiver felt safe because of the sender )
five times happy:     ( five times the sender made the receiver happy. )
five times afraid:     ( five times the sender made the receiver feel afraid )
five times hurt:      ( five times the sender hurt the receiver or made them feel hurt. )
five times visited:      ( five times the sender and receiver visited each other )
five times left:      ( five times the sender and receiver parted ways )
five times reunited:      ( five times the sender and receiver reunited after being apart for a considerable length of time. )
five times stayed:      ( five times the receiver stayed with the sender )
five times glanced:     ( five times the receiver stole glances at the sender )
five times glanced at:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender stealing glances at them )
five times healed:      ( five times the receiver nursed the sender back to health, or tended to their wounds )
five times watched:      ( five times the receiver watched the sender while they were working or doing something )
five times shared:      ( five times the receiver shared something (either a material or feelings or secrets!) with the sender )
five times flirted:      ( five times the receiver flirted with the sender )
five times blurted:      ( five times the receiver impulsively blurted something out to the sender )
five times confessed:     ( five times the receiver confessed a secret or feeling to the sender )
five times noticed:      ( five times the receiver noticed the sender properly )
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
I'm still accepting requests!
I'm working on my last request in the inbox right now, and if anyone has a request, I'd like to see! I'm inspired, and it'll help get the juices further flowing!
I would prefer some more Osomatsu San requests, but anything that is on my pinned post is fair game as well!
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
I had an amazing idea 🤞
Ichimatsu being praised by m! Reader while being fucked <33
So sorry this took so long to write!! And also sorry it's more drabble-length, but this is like, 110% pwp. I hope this is up to your expectations!! (Also I'm sorry if you can kind of tell I don't write for Ichimatsu all that much, he's one of my favorite brothers as well but I'm hyperfocused on Osomatsu and Karamatsu like 99% of the time ^^;;)
Pairing: Ichimatsu Matsuno/ Male reader
TW: Smut, 18+ ONLY
Summary: Plot, what plot?
Disclaimer: I don't own the character or series
You bit your lip, the sight before you almost too much to handle. In front of your eager eyes was Ichimatsu, in a wonderfully compromised position. Everything was exposed to you, his head down against the pillow, his ass propped up for you. His cheeks were spread enough to give you  a delectable view of his tight hole, his knees wide apart, exposing his balls that hung under his already throbbing cock.
You reached a hand out, your fingers skimming against one of his cheeks. Ichimatsu shuddered visibly in anticipation. 
It was funny, really. When you had met him a few years ago, you got the impression that he was a vicious dom. He sure played it up, too. He had all the deviant toys, despite having been a virgin at the time, waiting, ready for him to use them on someone, anyone. Then… You came along. And you showed him how to use them alright. He was hesitant at first, insisting on topping the first few times, but as you got to know each other, he relaxed a little, and let you start taking over.
It was almost fateful, when you discovered what really turned him on. Dirty talk, sure, but one night, affirmative words of praise spilled out of your mouth in a haze of ecstasy, and the way it made Ichimatsu squirm was unreal.
You lifted your hand, and came down on his ass with a firm smack.
“Fuck,” Ichimatsu groaned, pushing his ass back, closer to you. You rubbed the spot soothingly for a moment, before you came down on him again. And again. The third time, it stung, and you could tell, hearing your boyfriend sucking air through his teeth. You leaned in close to his ear, your hand soothing the spot that was reddening, your own hard dick rubbing against him.
“You always take that so well, Ichi.” You whispered into his ear, and he silently twitched beneath you, as your hand came down on his ass again. You kissed his shoulder, and down his back, before resuming your kneeling position behind him.
“Do you want my cock? Hm?” You asked him casually, teasingly, as you reach over for the lubricant.
“Yes, hurry up,” He responded quickly, almost talking over you, his voice dripping with need. You smirked a little. ‘That’s what I like to hear…’ You thought to yourself, stroking your dick as you lubed yourself up. You had been building this up for a while now, giving him little tastes of what he wanted, his frustration derived from want oh so evident. 
You moved on to prepare his hole, fingers slick from the excess lube that you had just used on yourself, and some extra you had squeezed out of the tube. A soft moan slipped past Ichimatsu’s lips as you pushed a finger in, then another, sinking into him with ease. You pumped your fingers in and out of him at an agonizingly slow pace, your free hand resting on his hip to support yourself a little. Ichimatsu was getting breathy, and you decided it was finally time to give him what he wanted. 
“___…” He muttered, at the sudden emptiness when you pulled away. His disappointment wouldn’t last long, however, as the emptiness was soon replaced with your throbbing cock.
“Fuuuuuuuuck…” Ichimatsu moaned, as you slid in. You sighed in pleasure, the feeling of him around you so fucking good.
“You’re so good for me, taking my whole dick like it’s nothing, you’ve gotten so good at this, Ichimatsu,” You rambled, and his face flushed, precum dripping from the tip of his own, twitching cock.
“Fuck me already,” He pleaded, and you couldn’t resist any longer, giving right in as you pulled out to your tip, and slammed back into him. He arched his back, gasping in absolute pleasure. You kept at it, keeping a steady pace at a good speed, thrusting into him hard. Your hands were stationed on his hips, your nails digging so hard into the skin it was nearly bruising, that would leave crescent-shaped indents when you would later let go.
“Oh Ichimatsu, you’re so good, you’re doing such a good job taking me like this, you know that?!” You groaned between pauses that were filled with your heavy, needy breaths. Ichimatsu couldn’t keep himself quiet, melting into a mess of moaning and ecstasy. Praise continued to spill from your lips as you fucked him mercilessly.
“You’re so good, I love to see you like this, just for me. Fuck, call me selfish-” You were stuttering at this point, hardly able to contain yourself. “Ah, but,” You panted. “You are so unbelievably perfect,” 
Ichimatsu had a death grip on the sheet beneath him, his knuckles white from having such tight fists. Your words were what pushed him over the edge, sending him into a full body orgasm. He tightened around you, and thick, white jizz spurted from his aching cock, onto the sheet beneath him, and he shuddered like you had never seen. 
“Good boy” You moaned, not far behind, your last thrust deep inside of him, holding him so hard against you, as if for dear life, as you came deep inside of him, thick and hot.
Both of you were breathing heavy, as you collapsed together, and he pulled you into a tight embrace, your arms wrapping around him tightly. He continued to tremor a little bit, both of you eventually calming down from your insane euphoric high. You pulled back a little, and reached a hand up, gently brushing his hair back, and out of his face. You looked into each other’s eyes for a while, before you leaned in to kiss him, hand lightly cupping his cheek.
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xxdereksfanficsxx · 3 years ago
Sorry for the radio silence everyone 😬 I have a few requests that I started working on a few days ago but I've been super busy with moving related stuff! Now that I have a bunch of free time in the evening in a motel room, I'll be posting again soon!
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