xxaberrationxx · 2 years
send me questions you have about my character!
anything and everything. favorites. thoughts on people, on events. what they would do in a certain situation. how things would be different if something had/hadn’t happened. simple questions, complex questions. have at it!
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
//eeeee gotta update a couple things like my name since i go by a different one and am considering legally changing it but
h i
I live
hmu to plot and stuff
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
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Indie Tokoyami Fumikage RP blog here! Penned by Salem. OC, AU, crossover friendly! Largely SFW.
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
Sometimes All you Need is a Friend
For all the amazing friendships/QPRs/found family! Feel free to alter or add as you see fit!
“We’ll be friends forever right?”
“Ha, you’re stuck with me buddy!”
“Can I…spend the night for a few days?”
“Got some clothes I can borrow?”
“I got us snacks!”
“You and me, milkshakes now.”
“Yes I made us friendship bracelets. No it’s not childish, look how cool it looks!”
“This is home.”
“I like being with you more than my family.”
“My house is your house.”
“Help yourself to anything!”
“Can I cook you something? Would you like (food)?”
“Let’s go outside and just kick around in the woods, see if we find anything cool.”
“My life wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“If you want to talk, I’m here.”
“I can’t imagine moving away from you.”
“I’ll always be here.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay the bill this time.”
“I’m a call away. Even at four in the morning.”
“Wanna come with me?”
“Come over to my place, will ya?”
“I’m cold! Stop hogging the blanket!”
“I wish life could be a never-ending sleepover.”
“Wanna play (game)?”
“Ack! Don’t break my back!”
“Hey! Did you just try and trip me?”
“I missed you.”
“You’re a brother/sister/sibling to me.”
“You’re my brother/sister/sibling from another mother.”
“Oh my gosh, how long has it been since we last saw each other face to face?”
“There’s many different kinds of love.”
“You’re irreplaceable to me.”
“I love you.”
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
"I would enjoy seeing it, yes," he responds. As the tod is displayed Tokoyami eyes it curiously, head tilting ever so slightly to the left. This friend always manages to get his hands on some... Interesting things, somehow. Tokoyami doesn't question it, really, because other than the first time they'd met the older one hasn't been one to cause trouble. Much.
Bellum gives Tokoyami a nudge. "Sup?"
Tokoyami responds with a polite nod. "Hello. It has been quite some time. How have you been faring since the last time we spoke?"
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
//also since I haven't announced it here:
I'm going on vacation the day after tomorrow (lolz) and will be gone 7/1-7/9, and will most likely be absent both from Tumblr and Discord (where I am way more active)
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
Bellum gives Tokoyami a nudge. "Sup?"
Tokoyami responds with a polite nod. "Hello. It has been quite some time. How have you been faring since the last time we spoke?"
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xxaberrationxx · 2 years
//hi I'm alive
How we doin?
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xxaberrationxx · 3 years
//like or rb for a small starter!
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xxaberrationxx · 3 years
I live
Been busy lmao sorry
Gonna try and pop in here more often, cell reception and job schedule willing
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
@xxaberrationxx​ has liked for a Koda Koji starter.
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Koji looked at his classmate, debating if he should strike up a conversation with Tokoyami or just leave Tokoyami be. It took him a few minutes to make his final choice. He was going to chat with his classmate as he slowly approached Tokoyami. ‘Hello. How are you doing?’ He signed with a timid and kind look.
Tokoyami his his classmate approaching and looked up at him, tilting his head slightly. Oh, sign language... “Ah, one moment,” he responded. Sign language wasn’t one he understood, unfortunately, but was something he made a mental note to at least try and learn. Instead, he went through his backpack, quickly pulling out a notebook and a pencil. “Sorry, I don’t know sign language, but will this work instead?” Tokoyami asked, offering them to Koda.
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
[ @simpbaitandco liked for a lyrics starter a while ago!]
Tokoyami had his headphones on, music playing quiet enough that he'd be able to hear anyone speaking to him. Just as quietly, he was singing along as he looked up at the night sky, his legs hanging off the edge of the roof.
"Everything I know is a life without light
There's a longing inside my soul..."
He didn't even stop when he heard someone approaching, merely looking over his shoulder an continuing to sing.
"And in the deepest void
Where time is but a scenery..."
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
[ @tempusxvernum liked for a starter ages ago!]
Tokoyami was standing in the rain, looking directly up into the rainclouds. He thought the rain was nice, the way it assisted the course of nature- filling lakes, providing an essential part of life, eventually returning back to be clouds. Of course, he was soaking wet, having been in the same place for ten minutes... And only mildly aware that someone had noticed him. 
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
“But if your quirk is uncontrollable in the dark, then why don’t you just avoid it?” At least anything that made her lose control was avoided as much as possible. So she didn’t quite understand why he didn’t do the same. Although there were plenty of things he said that she didn’t quite understand either. “Surely it would be safer than taking that much risk and potentially hurting others or yourself…”
“That is not always an option,” he replied. “And the dark has... Benefits. Dark Shadow is much more powerful in the dark, so learning to harness their power in the dark would be of great asset.” Red eyes flicked to her for a moment. “You are correct. It would be safer, and I regret that people may be hurt if I lose control of my quirk. However, it is not just the darkness that can make me lose my control over my quirk.” 
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
At Tokoyami’s words, Bellum froze, and the hear in the shop suddenly rose, like someone had cranked the heat too high, or if you suddenly found yourself in a very active furnace.
Tokoyami could possibly also note that Bellum’s eyes were glowing more, less like embers, and now like molten magma.
“What did you say, shrimp?” Bellum asked, his tone set in a growl as he now towered over the young man.
It was clear that Bellum may have misunderstood his question about his quirk. Since it was an alien concept to Bellum, the assumption was that, he was questioning if he was autistic.
No one knew about it but Bellum was on the spectrum and depending on how it was phrased or set, it could be taken as an insult, such in this example. The only reason why Bellum hadn’t had his iconic fist meet face moment was because Tokoyami was a minor, and he was giving him a chance to take his words back.
Oh, yeah, he noticed the change and it felt now like a threat. Perhaps he’d been misunderstood, but that raised even more questions for Tokoyami. Giving Bellum a level look, he was quiet for several moments. 
“Your quirk,” he restated, activating his own, as if to demonstrate what he meant. Dark Shadow slid from his abdomen, taking a quick look around before Tokoyami gestured to the shadow creature. “Such as this? Your power, would be another way of putting it.” 
Picking up on Tokoyami’s feelings of being threatened, Dark Shadow rose up to be eye level with Bellum, their yellow eyes boring into the young man’s. Normally chatty, they were silent in the presence of a potentially unknown threat, picking up on Tokoyami not wanting to threaten Bellum. After a moment, they drew back, briefly wrapping their body around Tokoyami in greeting before being recalled back into his body. 
“I was under the assumption it was something heat based, but if you’re comfortable giving me specifics I would like to hear more.” 
His head tilted slightly as he looked back up at Bellum. “I apologize for causing any offense. That was not my intention.” He’d picked up on something, and that somehow seemed a likely option. 
But then again, why had it offended Bellum? Surely he knew what a quirk was, or at least could have figured it out from the context. And since he seemed to have one.. It felt odd, that he’d have such a strong reaction to being asked about it...
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
“It is pretty nice, my grandparents live out there now, it’s always super chill when mom and I visit, really quiet and relaxed.” He agreed. It was a little hard when they’d first moved out there, not being able to see them all the time like he had when he was growing up, but now he kind of liked it. It was nice being able to get out of the city every now and then, even if it was a bit of a hike to make it over to them now. “Yeah, I get a little homesick sometimes too. Mostly, I just miss my mom, I don’t really have many friends back home, not like the friends I have here, anyway.”
“What are you mother and grandparents like?” He asked, curious about the other’s family. Family wasn’t something he discussed a lot with his classmates, mostly as his own was chaotic, but Tokoyami often wondered what sort of home environment some of his classmates had. After all, every single one of them had such different personalities, and not to mention how quirks worked... After a moment of letting Kirishima’s words settle in the air, he spoke again. “It is difficult to not become homesick, especially while we are away for so long. I often ponder what my own family is doing sometimes, what has changed in my absence.” 
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xxaberrationxx · 4 years
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 Shoto  was  quick  to  step  in;  his  arms  wrapped  around  Tokoyami’s  middle,  keeping  him  upright  so  he  wouldn’t  crash  to  the  floor.  damn  it…  had  he  really  been  neglecting  his  health  so  much  that  he  was  this  close  to  passing  out  completely?  if  only  he’d  noticed,  said  something  sooner…
 he  scooped  Tokoyami  into  his  arms  then  made  his  way  to  the  infirmary,  laying  him  down  on  the  nearest  bed.  as  predicted,  Recovery  Girl  confirmed  that  he  had  the  flu  and  shouldn’t  be  attending  class,  so  for  the  time  being  the  best  option  for  him  was  to  rest,  keep  hydrated  and  to  take  the  medicine  she’d  prescribed  for  him.
 she’d  let  him  rest  in  the  infirmary  for  the  afternoon,  but  Shoto  would  return  later  to  bring  Tokoyami  back  to  the  dorms.  for  now,  he  just  hoped  for  the  best,  returning  to  class  and  apologising  for  both  of  their  absences  to  their  teacher,  though  with  Tokoyami  on  his  mind  he  was  finding  it  admittedly  hard  to  focus…
Tokoyami slept for several hours after Todoroki had taken him to the infirmary, not once waking or even giving any indication of being conscious. Once he did wake, he got a soft but firm lecture from Recovery Girl on looking after himself, on not letting himself get so sick and to tell someone next time. 
Sure enough, he was given medicine and instructions to stay in bed until his fever at least went away, along with drinking plenty of fluids and having something to eat, even just broth. Which he was fine with- except for the bedrest. He wanted to be up and doing things, keeping up with his class- getting sick meant he might fall behind, and then he’d have a lot of work to do to catch up. But for the moment, all he was able to do was wait for classes to end and get the work he’d missed from a classmate. 
Admittedly, the long period of sleep had at least cleared his head a little. Tokoyami remembered Todoroki checking on him, and... Had he passed out? One moment he’d been trying to make his way to the infirmary, the next he was waking up there. Which meant... Something, but there was a chunk missing. Had Todoroki carried him all the way to the infirmary? Either way, Tokoyami owed him much gratitude. 
He was almost asleep again when class let out for the day, the sudden cacophony of everyone entering the hallways dragging him out of his doze. Each time the door to the room open he looked at it, quietly acknowledging everyone who entered and even greeting those he knew. But when Todoroki finally entered, he felt relieved, glad he'd be able to thank him face to face.
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