xv1723-1124 · 4 years
Beautiful 😍 just beautiful 🤩😘
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“I still haven’t figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do.” - William C. Hannan
Break my Heart
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
This is so cute! Credit to the original maker of this vid.
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
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All these haters hating on Selena Gomez. Like really?! what’s your reason? BP are gonna get to the top on their terms not off of another celebrity/artist/singer. I’m not BiG fan of Selena but I like her enough to support her. Especially after everything she’s been thru with Her illness and Bieber.
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
Lisa was going in for a kiss and Rose knew she was gonna kiss her so Rose instantly got her squirrel cheek ready for Lisa lips.. like it’s a natural motion. #couplegoals
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users roses_are_rosie and lalalalisa_m seem to be very good friends…
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
This is a Rosé in How You Like That Choreo Transition Appreciation Post
We don’t always get to see this moment unless it’s fancam but I just wanted to appreciate Rosé and how effortless she makes this quick transition. 
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
When you’re following re-inc and gotta pretend to care about all the “re-” messaging, but really just want to see Preath and Pinoe content.
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
The feels!! 😍😍😍 you can definitely feel the quality of the clothing/fabric!!! Usually I wash new clothing before wearing but the smoothness of the fabric!! I’m definitely in love with their clothing and They are so gonna make me go broke!
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
I got my package!!!! A hoodie and short, You can definitely tell the quality of the clothing/fabric. It literally feel so Smooth!! I usually wash new clothes first before wearing them But The feel of it.. 😍amazing!!! Ah! Can’t wait for my other package to arrive.
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
Found it. Credit to the original uploaded/person who did this
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
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I support preath... I mean re-inc. $240 support
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
I honestly believe 💯 that Tobin was saying ‘I love you’ to Christen! You hear her soft laugh and her ‘awe’ that’s christen who’s also recording the vid! I know it is Press and Tobin loves HER 💯
tobinheath: Waking up from surgery like…I love this game! @patrice.evra
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xv1723-1124 · 4 years
So no one is gonna freak out about Cruz playing for OL Reign? Just north of Portland? Ok...ok (just want a preach fanfic out of this. #justsaying).
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xv1723-1124 · 5 years
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I didn’t mean to do this but to me this is pretty accurate.
Feels is trash with #couplegoals #breakups #allthefeels
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xv1723-1124 · 5 years
Hidden Preath Moment I missed
So I kept seeing this post about Tobin being ‘bottom’ b/c of the 🏆 lifting at the end of the game. Went to rewatch the CUP lifting (I still don’t get ‘Tobin being bottom’ but anywho not the point).
GO WATCH THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE GAME (thru fox soccer YouTube) at exactly 3:22 👀👀👀 preath hug moment that was nicely hidden by EVERYTHING ELSE!! Omfg!!! So cute!!
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xv1723-1124 · 5 years
Carli took Tobin’s spot since she was playing. I love couples together.
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xv1723-1124 · 5 years
It’s nothing... but it’s something for those Krashlyn fans. Ali looked soo GOOD back in uniform. Enjoy.
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xv1723-1124 · 5 years
I saw with my own eyes Christen Press giving Tobin Heath a piece of gum before the game started #facts #👀 #witness #theytrytobeslickaboutit #USWNTvsAUS
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