147 posts
Jughead Jones | Riverdale/Comic Based | OC & AU friendly | Mun is 21+ Muse is NOT | Semi-Selective
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
Sorry guys! I fell back into the pit of letting my writing slip. But! New year, semi new me. I bought a writing journal to keep track of all this. I'll be hitting you guys up soon to either continue or drop threads.
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
That moment when you get online to start your drafts and realize that most of them have been tagged explicit...
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
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Don’t…flinch? Easy for him to say…he wasn’t getting his leg sliced into like a Christmas turkey! She knew he was doing his absolute best to treat her though, given their circumstances, so she wouldn’t fault him too much. Besides, she was busy burying her tear-stained face into Sweet Pea’s shirt, clutching her tall friend as though she were a child and he was her favorite stuffed animal. But that was the thing. They were all children. Not one of them was even eighteen yet, and they had all had their fill of violence to last each of them a lifetime. Skin growing clammy, body beginning to shiver, her mind began to wander to how this happened in the first place to keep from going to darker places.
“Jug, GUN! AMBUSH!” Usually in scenarios like this in the movies, everything would slip into slow motion, the action hero rushing to jump in front of the intended target and push them out of the way in time, or the weapon would strike a vest of some kind. Yet as Half Pint saw the Ghoulie’s gun pointed towards Jughead, who was too busy arguing with Malachai to take notice, she lunged onto the gunman and began to wrestle the gun from his hand, hands shoving each other downwards to fight for control. Everything was moving so fast that she barely registered what happened next.
Pop! A high-pitched crack resounded almost next to her ear, and the both of them froze for just an instant before she was able to rear back and sucker punch him in the face with the brass knuckles she was wearing, ears ringing harshly as her tiny body stumbled back. She’d heard Toni yelling her name and looked down to see a dark shade of red coloring her jeans before the cold burning sensation set in, and she began to sink towards the ground quickly with a hand against her thigh, the realization setting in that she’d been shot.
Her mind was jolted back into the present when the knife began to press into the same muscles that had just been stabbed months ago during the attack on her family. With a scream of agony, her fist slammed into Sweet Pea’s chest, knowing it wouldn’t so much as make a dent in his sturdy figure. The pain was rolling through her in tidal waves, and she simply wanted to succumb to the weariness in her mind. Maybe if she closed her eyes for just a few minutes, the pain would just end.
“J-Jug…” Her voice cracked pleadingly before another scream ripped from her throat. “It-It hurts…I’m tired, Jug…pl-please…”
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The bullet pulled lose from her flesh, making a dull sucking noise with the motion and he grimaced. “A token for the lady,” he said flatly, holding out the bloodied bullet if she’d care to take it. “Sorry but this is going to sting. A lot.” He grabbed the flask of moonshine and poured it on the wound. It was bound to kill any sort of infection, though he knew it would burn like fire.
Someone behind him handed him a roll of bandages and he thanked them under his breath, unrolling the fresh clean cloth. He pressed gauze to the wound and quickly wrapped it up. Maybe they’d get lucky and it wouldn't get infected. If it did, she’d have no choice but to go to the hospital and they would have way more questions to answer. There would be no telling how that would go. With the Ghoulies and the Sheriff under Hiram Lodge’s thumb, how could they react? Would they make it out to be the fault of the Serpents? He wouldn't let them take the fall for it if that happened. 
Blue green eyes drifted up to Sweet Pea’s, who stared him down, lips drawn into a tight line. He knew SP wanted revenge. If not on the Ghoulie that shot her, then on Jughead for letting it happen. She never should have been shot and never on his watch. He should have payed more attention to what was going on around him. He should have noticed the way the Ghoulies were encircling him and his little group. Had he not been toe to toe with Malachai, inches from a fight, he might have noticed the Ghoulie pull his gun. But he didn’t and now they had trouble. 
Jug sat back in the dirt, pulling off his beanie with a bloody hand and running his fingers through his hair with the other. He hadn’t realized how shaky he was until it was all over. He inhaled deeply. “I’m sorry, Half Pint. This never should have happened,” he said, repeating what he’d been thinking the whole time. But what else did he have? No apology would make it better. 
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
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“I believe in a great deal of things.” Was the response the warlock gave, a shrug on his shoulders and a tight smile on his lips. “Far too many things in this world are perceived to be imaginary, but it’s not likely that everything fantasy is fantasy, is it?” Elijah quirked a brow. “Stories about vampires and witches, werewolves, demons, angels. They span different societies and cultures. Go anywhere, modern or not, and you’re bound to run into lore that’s just… too similar.” Elijah eyed up Jughead for a moment. “Something’s bound to be real.” Of course… Elijah knew what truly was.
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Jughead chuckled. “It’s true, those things do span civilizations but I mean, how much validity can there be in societies where most of their stories are told orally? I mean, yeah some of these things are written but who’s to say how those stories got around in the first place?” he shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve seen so many monsters in men it’s hard to see monsters in anything else.”  Elijah couldn't know. Not yet. He was still so new to the area, Jug doubted that he was aware of the things Riverdale had seen over the part year or so. “What’s Greendale like?”
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
Sorry I've been AWOL. It's been crazy irl. I'll try to be back after the holidays
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
[Continued from here | @bubblegumxveil​]
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“You should be glad I love food so much,” he grumbled, taking a seat beside her on the floor. “I haven’t carved pumpkins in years. JB used to make me dig out the guts for her.” That time he had to grin. His little sister had always loved Halloween; from pumpkin carving to horror flicks, it was her Christmas. It was the one time of the year when she got to be her weird little self and it was celebrated instead of met with strange glares. “I’d rather have pumpkin pie,” he smiled, raising an eyebrow at her. He took up and knife and started carving, cutting away at the top. There were no lines on his pumpkin. He would rather wing it. The guts were cold and slimy in his hand and he knew he was making a face. “The older I get the more I understand why JB hated pumkpin gutting so much. So what are these for? Just to set out or are you having a Halloween party?”
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
❄ - Winter
Jughead climbed the ladder to Betty’s room like he did so long ago, tapping gently on the glass pane. Snow blanketed the earth below him, frost settling in the corners of the windowpanes. The winter storm had knocked out power to most of Riverdale and Betty’s house was no exception. Candle light flickered in houses up and down the road but most people had gone to bed early, unable to do most anything in the dark. The eerie quiet that had settled over the town unsettled him, made him feel like someone was following but it was worth it to see her. His fingers were red, cold, numb. Please be awake...
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
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As his firm hand grabbed her coat, the the realisation of the trauma he went through? What he was still going through? Hit her in the chest. It wasn’t going to be getting any easier for him to process - there were still so many questions left unanswered and she couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, this entire adventure was just adding to that already alarmingly long list. 
She had gotten so caught up in the excitement and the thrill of the case - the chance to get answers, that she might have temporarily lost sight of his needs. The fact that this may genuinely be a very bad idea…They did stupid, reckless, even dangerous things on a near-constant basis, but this? This was traumatic. Damaging, even. And she wasn’t going to go ahead without at least asking. This wasn’t about her drive to dig and solve. This was about what was best for their sanity. 
“Jug - this can– we can walk away now.” As her feet carried her forward, despite her reluctance; “Call Keller, say we saw trespassers and let the cops take it from here.” Her shaking hand managed to catch the back of his damp Serpent jacket, holding him still for a moment, trying to get him to hear her. Oh my god, this must be what he felt like when she got all head-strong. But he was right, maybe they should take up… pottery. Painting. Something much less life-affirming but also less life-threatening. And on solid ground, not some ancient, industrial, creaky catwalk!
She was also suddenly not super keen on taking to that spiral staircase into a literal black pit, from what she could see. They had bitten off more than they could chew this time, it seemed. And even she felt that reluctance she was normally so good at either forcing aside to deal with later or letting it manifest in that nasty habit that damaged the soft pink palms of her hands. 
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He stopped at the tugging on his jacket to peer over his shoulder at the concerned look on her face. He hated when she looked at him like that, with her big blue eyes watery, her lips parting slightly. It broke his heart to see that look and even more so to know that sometimes he caused it. But this wasn’t one of those times. “Betty, Keller can’t help us anymore. If we call the cops, Hiram Lodge’s lap dog would be out here in a heartbeat, linking us to whatever is happening beyond those doors. We can’t trust them.”
Jug turned to face her, resting his hand on her cheek. “If you want to go back, we’ll go back.” This was what it all hinged on wasn’t it? The part of him that wanted to run, to get as far away from this chaos as possible and try to put the strange things he’d seen behind him was met with the part of him that had insatiable curiosity. What was going on behind that door? Who was back there and why? Why the old mill? Why all the candles? There was something big going on and damn if he didn’t want to know what it was, even through the fear.
Still, if she didn’t want to go any further, he would gladly turn tail and lead her out and away from danger. Though he might return, alone and with much less courage but also much less caution. The reckless things he did when she wasn’t around would be cause for concern if she knew. He glanced back at the stairs descending into darkness, then to Betty once more. “I won’t let anything happen to you, but if you want to turn around and go back, I won’t argue. Just say the word but you have to promise me you won’t come back here on your own.”
He’d be damned if he chickened out and she came back alone and ended up getting hurt. Who knew what kinds of things those people were capable of. Who knew the crazy things they might do if they found his blonde serpent queen lurking in the shadows of their sanctuary? That couldn't happen. She’d have to promise and he didn’t know if she could. Her curiosity was known to be as bad as his.... they were evenly matched and in that way he knew what she would do like he knew what he’d do; go back.
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
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A nod, though an expression of concern as he stashed the book. Hand placed on her hip. “Before I decide to get further into your rabbit hole: tell me–” She’d shut her locker now, Josie soon fully turning to face him, rather than glancing over her shoulder as she was. “What’s so concerning over this damn game? I mean..no offense, and all. I know your hunches are normally right. I just–I wanna know upfront. Three people have already died over this..three too many.”
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Jughead’s eyes shifted down the hall to where students were filing toward their classrooms. He got in closer to he so no one would hear. “I’m not sure what’s going on with this game, but it’s not good. There seems to be something about it that draws people in. Makes them do crazy things. I mean, who would have thought Dilton would be the kind of guy to drink cyanide in the forest?” 
A couple of cheerleaders walked by, Griffins and Gargoyles guides sticking out of their purses. Jug snatched them as the girls walked by, obvious that he’d taken the game guides. He tucked them in his jacket pocket. “Something else is going on though. I doubt they carved those symbols into their own backs. Someone else had to be out there with them that night.”
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
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Elijah licked his lips at the question and shrugged. “You never know what could be in the woods.” He said simply, as if that was that. However, the warlock elaborated. “Wolves. Murderers. Ghosts. Demons.” He spoke as if he knew first hand, but perhaps he was simply a believer. Or… perhaps it was nothing of consequence and he was just talking to hear his own voice. Elijah knew better. The woods held darkness, just as the river did. That much he was certain of.
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Wolves? Never in his life had Jughead heard of wolves in the woods around Riverdale but murderers... yeah that was likely. It was the ghosts and demons part that made Jughead give Elijah the face. What in the hell was he talking about? Those things weren’t real. Even the Gargoyle King who had chased him out of the woods wasn’t enough to convince him that it wasn’t anything more than a man in a costume. The blood was real. The fear was real. The suicides were real. But the monster? Nothing but a man, of that Jug was sure. Still it was strange that Elijah would just blurt it out so casually. “Do you really believe in that stuff?”
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
          she hadn’t been back very long when she heard her brothers words. every since she had left·town with her mother she had dreamed of being able to return home. she wanted to see her friends again, she wanted her family to be a family again despite all their differences. she hoped that they would be able to look past all of that and start over. family stuck by each other’s sides regardless of their differences. sure it would be hard and challenging but it was worth a shot because family was worth a shot.·
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          but when those words passed through her brother’s mouth, she started to believe that this dream of hers could come crashing down before it even had a chance to get off the ground.·“ jughead, why would you even say that? no mom and I need to be here. we need to be able to be a family again or at least try. yes I know things aren’t the greatest around here but we can·get through that. please, I don’t want to return to toledo. don’t you want our family back together? ”
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“It’s not as easy as all that, JB,” Jughead said. He only wanted her to understand but maybe that was asking too much. She was a smart kid, that much had been glaring obvious since she was very small but sometimes understanding and intelligence weren’t the same thing. He knew how desperate he was for them to all be together once mom left him with FP. That feeling had only grown over time, getting stronger the more FP drank. Jughead wanted it more than anything; for his family to be together again. For his dad to stop drinking.  But things were different now. He had watched things fall apart at the seams and his mind had gotten too muddled for him to figure out what he wanted anymore. She was still in that stage of desperation, though he wasn’t sure to what extent. Surely to her, being here in Riverdale, even with mom in Toledo, it was one step closer to her goal. Her dream. Them all being together again, the way they were before. The way they should be. 
“It’s dangerous out there. I want you here, I do. But I also have to know that you’re going to be safe.”
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
Had a breakdown this morning but I have 4 things queued. I’m going to take it easy, but I promise I’m working on these! 
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
I have been so busy but damn I'm ready to be back! I'll be working on drafts tonight
just because i’m very slow with replies doesn’t mean i don’t care about our plot !!!
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
small / tall starters
requested by anon. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Get down here!”
“Wow…I’d want to climb that tree, if you know what I mean.” / “Do birds ever sit on you and get confused?” / “Hey, Groot.”
“I’m not short. I’m fun-size.”
“Good, adorable, wonderful things come in small packages.”
“I don’t appreciate your height.”
“I’m not short, you just have the height of a Transformer.”
“I KNOW you can see me.”
“Fear me!!!”
“Uh…you’re blocking me.”
“Can you lift me for a second?”
“Slow down! I have short legs.”
“I have a super power. It’s called, my head never hits the ceiling.”
“Have you seen him/her/them? He’s/she’s/they’re like a mountain.”
“I always win at hide and seek.”
“I’ve always looked up to you…literally. Actually, can you sit down?”
“Heels make me feel powerful.”
“Do tall people have…big..hands..?”
“I might be short, but my ego is huge.” / “I might be short, but I will drag you down to my level.”
“I can’t reach your face, but I can kick your junk.”
“You don’t know the struggle when all shirts/dresses/pants are too long on you.”
“I’m afraid of you because short people are closer to hell.”
“”How is it ironic that I’m afraid of heights?”
“Does my height offend you?”
“Let me reach that for you.”
“You can’t slap me if you can’t even reach my face.”
“I’m not tall, you’re just the size of an Oompa Loompa.”
“Huh? Who said that? I can’t see anyone.”
“It’s impossible to hide from you.”
“No, I don’t play basketball.”
“I’m not slowing down because you’re short.”
“You’re like a cute little fairy.” / “You’re like a small, terrifying gremlin.”
“My legs are long and sexy.”
“I’m not looking down on you. Except literally.”
“Aw, you look like a kid. How cute.”
“Being small makes you optimal for carrying.”
“You know what comes in small packages? Grenades.”
“All the cool presents come in big boxes. Like bouncy castles.”
“Why are you standing on the counter?”
“I may be tall, but my temper is short.” / “I may be tall, but my feelings are small. And fragile.”
“You don’t know the struggle when all pants/skirts/dresses are too short on you.”
“Let me block the sun for you.”
“Hey, short stack.” / “What’s up, shorty?” 
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
Send me a symbol to have a starter based on that season
☀ - Summer
🍁 - Fall
❄ - Winter
🌸 - Spring
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
Sorry I've been gone. My book is finally published and my husband is home for the first time in weeks but I'll be back soon! So excited
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xserpentstoryx-blog · 6 years ago
Sorry I've been gone for so long. All I have to do is finalize my interior design in my book is ready to be published. I hope to have it done in the next couple of days and be back here
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