Just call me Liah
40 posts
I love One Piece 👒
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
xliahcloudiax · 22 days ago
PLEASE!!! This is EXACTLY what I was complaining about with a friend earlier 😭😭🙏🏻 We need this implemented soon. It's really so frustrating and dissapointing to work so dang hard and then end up with anything BUT what you worked and paid for. And what sucks is that some people (such as myself) can't always afford to pay real money on games... And even then it's still not garenteed you'll get what you paid for. It's so sad, the memories (and outfits now too, apparently) are lovely but their obtainability is too unfair. I know many people including myself who have drawn bad luck over this after saving up SO MUCH for the updates and still ending up with nothing for our efforts, it's almost ridiculous.
Now that Caleb is out and I will be pulling for 3 guys’ memories I am breaking my silence - the banners with all of them should have a 100% chance of getting a limited one instead of 75%.
If I counted correctly, out of 26 limited memories I’ve tried to get, I have only gotten 4 the first time. Yeah. The other 22 were either one of the ones I didn’t want or, worse (and almost just as often somehow), a permanent memory. AND I HAVE ONLY GOTTEN 6 BEFORE THE LAST 10 PULLS 😭😭 The other 20 took 60+. I’m imagining having to do around 400 pulls in the next event with all five just to get THREE of them… unlikely but possible, especially with my luck. Get the permanent memories OUT of there and my inevitable pain will be far less severe.
Also if they ever finally do reruns it should be a 100% chance since they’re making us wait this long but that’s a conversation for when they pull themselves together
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xliahcloudiax · 24 days ago
Is it normal to have such bad luck?
I was so excited for the Painful Signal memory card event, worked many hours of my free time to get wish cards, and practically nearly destroyed my phone's storage at some point for the update. (As many other players probably did too)
During the event I saved up SO much diamonds (as a free-to-play player, since I can't afford to make purchases right now) and made nearly 100 wishes in the Painful Signal event... but still recieved NOTHING.
In fact as far as my bad luck goes... I just got a DUPLICATE of an existing Caleb memory I own... 😭
And now the event's over and I feel very disheartend... Anyone else feel this pain?
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xliahcloudiax · 1 month ago
I love this fish man eternally 😭💝
➽ Things Rafayel would do as a lover
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Rafayel is the type of lover that will paint or sketch you a lot. Like A LOT. Mate has multiple books worth of drawings and paintings of you, either getting his references from imagination (he’s such a god at drawing frfr), a picture, or real life. But, he’ll always say that it’s not perfect. (It is in your eyes)
Usually, you’ll find yourself doing work or studying in front of Rafayel as he quickly props a easel and starts painting or grabs a sketchbook and pencil and starts sketching. He’ll make random retorts to stop you from your responsibilities,
“Come on, cutie, let’s do something fun together. You don’t have to do work, right? It’s so boring, I can see how much you don't wanna do it.”
However, after you ignore him and actually start doing work he’ll shuffle around and bring his art equipment. Once in a while he’ll say something like,
“Your facial expression is really cute when you're so focused.” 
or, “Hey, don't move, I’m nearly finished, just a liitttleee bit more.” 
If you’re focusing for a long time, he sees how stressed you are and he’ll boop your nose or cheek, smearing paint, charcoal or pencil led. Then, he’ll lift you up and force you to relax with him. Whether that be just lying down together on the floor in a peaceful quietness that is later broken by him going on a rant about whatever it is that happened that day, “I tripped over a paintbrush and I’m pretty sure I sprained my ankle for a second.”, or it be getting something to eat together.
Rafayel is the type of lover that will never press hard even if he sees something that's bothering you. He’ll wait until you’re ready but he’ll try his best to distract you or to lift your mood in the best way he can.
He’ll most definitely self-declare himself as your fashion consultant, taking control of your wardrobe and even buying more clothes every time you meet him, “Just a little gift, cutie.” 
One time you made a blushing Rafayel admit that he wanted to match clothes with you and that's why he bought you so many clothes. From that day onwards you guys started to coordinate outfits whenever you would meet.
If you’re a university student, Rafayel is the type of lover that will offer to guest speak at your university just so he can keep an eye on you, catching a glimpse of you and rushing over to see you. 
He’ll beg you to not go to your classes and hang out with him and even when you remind him that you can't do that he’ll pout and probably sulk at the bottom of your campus pool for a couple of minutes as you beg him to stop since a crowd’s starting to gather.
Rafayel is the type of lover that brings those disposable old cameras everywhere you go together and snap pictures of you when you’re unaware to print them out and stick them on his wall or a photo album afterwards.
Rafayel is the type of lover that makes handmade gifts. From paintings, sketches, scrapbooks, accessories from seashells. He’ll give them to you even when there’s no occasion, 
“You can't just expect me not to make you something when we haven't seen each other for so long.”
“Rafayel, we saw each other yesterday.”
And when there is an occasion he goes all out, a pop-up scrapbook, a corkboard with pictures of you two together and some of himself (“So you don't miss me too much, cutie.”) and a painting of you. Honestly, he gives so many gifts you swear that you can't store them all. 
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A/N: Rafayel is such a sarcastic, drama queen, but honestly he's so much more than that. Art creds: Fireworks Vow - Love and Deepspace Dividers by @omi-resources
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xliahcloudiax · 1 month ago
I love how they already knew about it. 😂😅 It makes sense.
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Imagine Legolas and Aragorn discovering that you have hidden a dragon…
The forest was meant to be empty. You had been sure of that when you snuck away from Rivendell. You walked the memorised pathway through tall trees until you reached your secret - a large, fire-breathing secret.
It was a happy greeting now that the large winged creature had warmed to your presence... that is, until you heard a sharp inhale of breath and whipped around to see the wide-eyes of Legolas.
He had seen too much and so, without thinking, you grabbed the Woodland prince and slammed him against a tree trunk quickly. Concealing the two of you before Legolas cried out in surprise and startled the fire-breathing beast in your care.
“If you breathe a word of this to Lord Elrond, I will snap your bow.” You warned. An empty threat but but you had almost broken the strings on his weapon once before.
Pressing a finger into his chest, you caught the way his eyes travelled to the winged-creature with curiosity. It was astonishing that you managed to hide a magnificent beast under the nose of all elves.
But nonetheless, you couldn’t keep the secret for much longer. You sensed his dilemma and realised that the first person he’d go to would be his best friend.
Moving the finger to his face, you frowned sternly. “And you cannot tell Aragorn.”
Another set of footsteps sounded. “Tell me what?”
You had been so fixated on the elf that you did not realise that Aragorn had followed his friends. “You need to learn to cover your tracks for secret meetings and-”
His words fell flat when his blue eyes darted to the white dragon moving to sit up at the newest voice. It lazily stretched its wings, snapping a few frail branches in the process.
“That is - is that a...?”
Pushing away from Legolas, you addressed your friend and future king.
“Yes. It is a dragon.” You answered for him but Aragorn stared in awe and stepped closer.
“A true and tame dragon. This is remarkable.”
Legolas’ eyes blew wide and he frowned. “Do not encourage this behaviour. There is a large beast in the forest of Rivendell and when Lord Elrond discovers this secret, we will seem to have aided in this foolishness.”
You frowned at the elf. “This was not foolish. Would you rather I have left the poor creature to fend for itself and hope that Sauron’s forces did not find it? The Nazgûl already have their beasts. Now, so do we.”
Ever the voice of reason, Aragorn stepped forward. “Be that as it may, we really should tell Elrond about this.”
“Absolutely not. This was my secret until the two of you decided to walk just a bit further. There will be no disclosing of this to anyone. Not Gandalf, not Arwen, and certainly not Elrond. Am I clear?”
The man and woodland prince glanced at one another quite unsure with this plan. But with some reluctance, they chose to keep your secret for some time longer.
Gandalf picked up his cup of tea and chuckled at Elrond’s latest tale about adventures with Galadriel in their youth. The wizard looked out toward the forest and sighed.
“We ought to do something about that dragon. It is taking all my resources to keep that creature hidden.” Elrond said as he refilled his cup.
“Perhaps.” Gandalf began. “However, I am very curious to see how long this secret can be kept before they request for help.”
~ More imagines here ~
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xliahcloudiax · 1 month ago
I love this man 💕
random dating rafayel headcanons.
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• you've already lost count of how many collectors and millionaires you don't know have your portarait or statue somewhere in their house. even when rafayel doesn't try very hard, you come out from under his brushes or hammer. you are his muse and inspiration.
• rafayel arranges art days for you when you paint or sculpt together. it's a way to express the emotions of both of you, and it's also entertaining.
• obviously, he's a great swimmer. all your vacations are spent by the water. he suggests you sunbathe topless all the time. for an even tan, of course, not to please his gaze:)
• despite his frequent openness and childishness with you, he's the most closed person you know. you can guess that there are a lot of storms in his thoughts, but you hope that when you are together, there is a calm in his soul and mind.
• he doesn't order bouquets for you, but collects them himself from a variety of exotic flowers from all over the world. most of them don't smell very nice. your colleagues can't help but smell these specific flowers on the hunting floor. you know that rafayel does this on purpose.
• rafayel surprises you by remembering a lot of little things about you. what you mentioned casually, without even thinking about it. for example, what is your favorite tea, why you don't like the swampy green color, or that you prefer a short manicure rather than a long one.
• you bring him shells and pebbles from every place you visit on a mission. you thought he was throwing them away, but no. they are either stored on his mantelpiece, or they become new paints.
• rafael always finds a reason for some kind of celebration, whether it's the anniversary of a first date or just a successful day. he often organizes unexpected surprises, romantic dinners, or picnics under the stars.
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xliahcloudiax · 1 month ago
Absolutely beautiful 💝 ... Makes me long for my childhood days again.
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Caleb is your best friend. He is laughing under pillow forts after bedtime, sick days swaddled in blankets before the tv, making faces to one another across the breakfast table, your favorite film, inserting the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle, trading doggy-eared and annotated novels, lighthearted wrestling matches, getting pushed on the swings, fought over birthday candles, wiping your tears afterwards, kisses on bandaids, a collection of hand colored birthday cards, nail polish stains on hardwood floor, hand-me-down winter gear, the public library, chilly mornings before a field trip, vintage game consoles, playing with the snails in Gran’s garden, sending letters to santa, falling off your bike, the tune of an ice cream truck, the first day of school and the last day before summer break, swimming lessons, the burn of a hot metal slide, practicing makeup on him, the perfect mug of tea, homework sheet doodles, opening decision letters, conversations in nature, karaoke duets, carrying your backpack on his shoulders, fixing a necktie before a school dance, car rides home, a home cooked meal, your hometown animal shelter, walkie talkie conversations, your first kiss, knocking snow off your boots, sharing a pair of earbuds, pinky promises, a pinned contact, “this reminded me of you”, gift shop keychains, middle school phases, tripping on the ski lift, inside jokes, early springtime, falling asleep in the car, your first heartbreak, shoes left at the door, a cup with two toothbrushes, becoming confident in your smile, home. 
And though you’re both well into your adulthood by now, you will always belong to one another. Amid the many changes during your development, some things will always stay constant. There are things that will always make you think of him. There are moments that will always and only belong to just the two of you. With Caleb everything is the way you want it to be. 
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perhaps my most self indulgent and personal work so far.. i am simply.. homesick and nostalgic. ik it isn’t super relatable but i hope everyone can find something that applies to them. caleb come home pleasee...
divider by xinwntr
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xliahcloudiax · 1 month ago
Caleb is coming back home 😭❤️‍🩹 I can't get over his smile.
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xliahcloudiax · 2 months ago
I'm loving the deepness of this. Reminds me of my own struggles of losing a loved one and hoping for a while they'd return, but they never do ... Atleast MC has a chance to see Caleb face to face again.
Caleb being the cause of his own possessive and manipulative tendencies is funny but also sad to me.
He wants to have you all to himself because he knows that after his staged death, you’ve belonged to the world. Nobody was tying you down, you had no one to return to anymore, nobody that you could call home anymore. But that exact same thing is what gives you so much power over him.
Because you had no choice but to get used to the loneliness. You know what it is like to lose loved ones, or at least to believe that you’ve lost someone close to you.
He knows that he needs you more than you need him, and that is why he is so desperate to win you back and convince you that you don’t need anyone else but him. Because he needs you, nobody but you.
So after having managed to narrow down the vast world around you until all that was left there was just him and you, it cuts him deep when, during an argument, you spew all his insecurities right at him. Especially so because those are simply truthful facts that he has never been proud of.
“I’ve been to hell and back for you, and with you.” The cold look in your eyes scares him, sends chills down his spine, and for a moment he doesn’t realize that he has stopped breathing. He braces himself for the inevitable, but hopes that you’re stronger than him. More compassionate than him. You’ve always been so.
“I’ve had to convince myself that I’d never see you again, Caleb. So what makes you think that I won’t be able to grieve for you a second time?”
It is only when he’s on his knees in front of you, clinging onto you as he sinks his fingers into each of your thighs and presses his forehead against your body-
With a shuddering breath, pleas falling from his trembling lips as the tears in his eyes threaten to overflow, Caleb realizes that he will never be your world.
You will be his lifeline, as much as his possible downfall. You will always have the upper hand because you know what a life without him is like while he would never even dare to imagine a world without you.
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xliahcloudiax · 2 months ago
“mine. always”
(aka you get hurt and Caleb is pissed 😍)
tw: mentions of injuries, possessive Caleb 😝, post-disappearance Caleb.
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you are.
The first thing you know, before you see anything, before you hear anything, is that you are.
It’s not a comforting feeling at first. It’s just a fact, a presence that is there, undeniable. You don’t smell anything—no familiar scents of home or the usual warmth of Caleb’s jacket. You don’t hear anything—no hum of the air conditioner or the soft breathing of those around you.
But you are.
You are, and that simple truth is like a small, flickering light in the darkness, reminding you that you exist. That despite the ache in your body, despite everything that has happened, you are still here. You are still alive.
It’s almost a relief, but it’s also jarring. The absence of everything you normally rely on leaves you with the raw, fundamental truth: you are here, in this moment, and that is all you know for sure.
But you are.
You exist.
And something else exists right alongside you.
Warmth presses into your side, not gentle but consuming. A presence, overwhelming, solid, him.
Then, his voice—low, raw, dangerous in its quiet intensity.
“You’re awake.”
The words are calm, but there’s nothing calm about Caleb. Not really. His face hovers close, too close, his storm-blue eyes drilling into yours like he’s trying to anchor you there, to keep you from slipping away again
You try to speak, to ask what happened, but your throat is dry, and the words catch. His grip tightens ever so slightly—not cruel, just firm, as though he can’t bear the thought of you slipping away even for a second.
“Don’t.” His breath is ragged, but the command is absolute. “Don’t speak. Don’t move. I’ve got you. I’m not—” His voice breaks, just for a heartbeat. “Just don’t.”
there’s an uncomfortable silence for a minute, then another, none of you say anything as you fidget with the sheets of the hospital bed- you hate the texture of these. they make your skin feel itchy.
You try to sit up, but his hand- warm, rough and calloused stops you, he pushes you down and makes you lay back down.
then, he speaks.
“I’m going to ask you who did this to you,” he starts, his voice barely shaking. In a way that it’s barely noticeable. Maybe you notice because you’re you. Because- maybe deep down he is who he used to be. “And you’re going to tell me so I know who exactly I’m dealing with and so that I can-”
He stops himself when you take his hand.
He stops himself when you look up at him with those big damn eyes he loves so much.
And then he’s holding you.
Not carefully, not like he’s afraid of hurting you, but like he’s afraid of losing you. His arms crush you against his chest, his face pressing into your neck, and you can feel it—how hard he’s breathing, how his heart hammers against yours like it’s still trying to outrun the fear of losing you.
You hear him whisper your name. Once. Twice. A desperate mantra, as though saying it enough will prove you’re really here. Really alive.
“I thought—” His voice cracks again, harsher this time, his breath hitching. You feel damp warmth where his face rests against your shoulder.
He doesn’t finish that sentence either.
Instead, his grip tightens, just a little, and you realize it’s not just desperation—it’s relief. He’s holding you like he’s memorizing the shape of you all over again, as if to convince himself you’re real, safe, breathing. Alive.
And you hold him back.
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xliahcloudiax · 2 months ago
I love him. I want to marry him. Yes please. 😭🥺
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kaneki ken ; headcannons !!
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it’s CLEAR that kaneki is a hopeless romantic. that being saiddd …
since he loves reading, he always asks if you’d like to go to the bookstore with him, just to browse around. if you guys end up liking a book though, he buys two copies so you can read it together >>>
kaneki makes an effort to learn the littlest of things about you. such as your habits and mannerisms, favorite foods and drinks, your clothing style (so he can buy pieces for you) .. he’s so in love omg
when you and kaneki first started dating, he took you AND your mother out so he could make a good first impression on your family.
kaneki always brings you your favorite beverage in the morning to help wake you up.
whenever you’re stressed out about literally anything, kaneki just brings you a cup of water and reminds you to breathe and take a step back.. bc everything is gonna be okay
he’ll never admit it but- he loves when you play with his hair, it literally puts him to sleep like a child.
kaneki is more on the shy side of things.. so he never does anything without making sure that you’re 100% comfortable with it. (that’s the bare minimum but it still means so much to you)
this man doesn’t listen to much music, but whenever he hears a good song.. he immediately sends it to you with a cheeky ass message: “reminded me of you” “hope this makes your day a bit better” “for the prettiest girl/boy” “on my way back, love you!”
whenever you wanna go out with friends, it’s completely fine with him but he’s always so worried when you leave. he’s constantly checking up on you ..
“you okay?” “let me know if you need anything” “have fun, and please be safe!” “don’t let any guys hit on you-” his poor little soul :,)
before you and kaneki moved in together, he would leave little boxes of small gifts for you at your doorstep.
things like a hoodie of his, maybe a pair of his sweats, some of your fav snacks, little notes of affirmation.
now, you going out is one thing. but kaneki going out is a whole other ..
since he already doesn’t get out much, you encourage any time that he happens to get invited out. (it’s always by hide)
of course he goes .. but you just have to go with him, he says. it makes him feel safer. hide doesn’t mind all that much either, he thinks you’re cool.
since you and kaneki live together, you guys do everything together, you cook together, clean together, shower together..
ugh. he’s just attached to you LMAOO
plus .. with regular house duties, he tries to be as helpful as can be. he knows how tiring it can be. his sense behind it is - we both live here. so we should both play a part in keeping this place nice. you don’t complain at all.
(if you’re a girl) he’s def not one of those “women belong in the kitchen” guys.
since kaneki has had some.. rather traumatic experiences. he sometimes wakes up out of his sleep in a panic. he’ll never wake you up but he wraps an arm around you and just takes every little thing about you in. it calms him immediately.
other nights can be sleepless. you hadn’t noticed until his eye bags began to get heavier and darker ..
this one night. you made an effort to stay up after you guys had said good night.. minutes later kaneki left the bed to get a drink, when he came back you were sitting up with the bedroom light on.
“babe?” .. “i’m sorry. did i wake you?” .. “no. i was awake this whole time. you okay? is it one of those nights again?” .. at this point, he tries his hardest to stay strong, but his mind always gets to him. sometimes he has to cry. when he does you just wipe his tears and brush his hair out of his face.
it’s nights like those that really make him appreciate you. he loves how you’re so patient and understanding.
all in all.
kaneki is in love with you.
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xliahcloudiax · 10 months ago
I love this 😭💙
||Jolly love|| written by me
Plot: Luffy and you feels something for eachother
Tags: Luffy x reader,cute,fluff,
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
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As you and Luffy are sitting together, your hands accidentally brush against each other. You feel your cheeks getting warmer, your heart is racing.
Luffy feels the same as he quickly moves his hand away from yours. He looks at you, then away, with red on his cheeks.
As you both sit there silently, the silence between you is thick and uncomfortable. You can't help but think about the brief moment when you touched hands. Was it just a mistake or something more?
You glance at Luffy, who is avoiding eye contact. You wonder if he feels as awkward as you do about the situation.
As the silence drags on, you start to feel a flutter in your chest. Maybe, just maybe, there could be something more between you and Luffy.
Finally, Luffy breaks the silence, his voice a little shaky.
"I…uhm…I never told you this but…"
He looks at you intently, his cheeks red, and the words seem stuck on the tip of his tongue.
You lean in closer, waiting for him to continue, your heart skipping a beat
Luffy swallows, then finally blurts out, eyes still firmly on the floor. "I really like you. Like, a lot."
His confession hangs in the air, and your heart feels like it's about to explode. You can't believe what you're hearin. Luffy has feelings for you, just like you do for him.
You're overwhelmed with emotions, but you manage to stammer out, "I-I feel the same way about you."
Luffy's cheeks turn even redder, and he grins sheepishly. "Really?"
You nod, a shy smile playing at your lips. "Really."
The air between you feels lighter now, filled with a new understanding of each other's feelings. As you move a little closer to Luffy, the butterflies in your stomach do somersaults. This moment feels magical, like two puzzle pieces finally fitting together.
Luffy reaches out and takes your hand, a soft smile on his face. He's always been a bundle of energy and enthusiasm, but seeing this softer side of him makes you swoon. You squeeze his hand, feeling a spark of electricity at his touch.
"I think we're meant to be together," Luffy says, his eyes full of sincerity.
You can't help but agree, as you sit there, hand in hand with your newfound boyfriend, feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
As the sun fades into a starry night, you and Luffy continue to talk and laugh, sharing stories and dreams. The awkwardness from before is gone, replaced by a sense of ease and comfort. The moon shines over the water, creating a romantic ambiance that only adds to the magic of the moment.
Luffy wraps his arm around you, pulling you close, and you can feel the warmth and safety of his embrace. You're both still exploring this new territory in your relationship, but in that moment, everything feels absolutely perfect.
As you cuddle together, Luffy starts to yawn, his eyes getting heavy. You notice that he's starting to doze off, his head resting on your shoulder.
You gently pet his hair and whisper, "Goodnight, Luffy. Sweet dreams."
He mumbles something sleepily in response and nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. You can feel his breathing slow down as he drifts off to sleep, a content smile on his face.
You sit there, holding your napping boyfriend, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. The world seems to melt away, leaving behind only this peaceful moment.
You close your eyes and let yourself get carried away by the serenity of the night, the gentle sound of the ocean, and Luffy's rhythmic breathing. As you drift off to sleep, a single thought runs through your mind: "He's mine, and I'm his."
𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°
As you wake up at the crack of dawn, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon, you take in your surroundings. You're still sitting on the deck where you and Luffy confessed your feelings for each other, and Luffy is still asleep, using you as his personal pillow.
A smile spreads across your face upon seeing him like that: peaceful and serene. He looks so innocent when he sleeps, his childlike face and his messy hair adding to his endearing charm.
You gently run your fingers through Luffy's hair, your heart swelling with affection for him. You're aware of how much your life has changed because of this crazy person you call your boyfriend.
The sun continues to rise, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. You can hear the distant chatter of the crew as they begin to stir, but you don't want to wake Luffy just yet. You want to keep this moment for just a little while longer.
You reach over and gently brush a loose strand of hair from his face, watching him sleep.
It's almost impossible not to feel a wave of affection wash over you at the sight. This is Luffy, the guy you've had a crush on for a long while now, and now he's yours. Your heart swells with joy and love for this lovable, rubbery goofball.
You stay by Luffy's side, watching the sun gradually rise, casting a warm glow on everything around you. Luffy finally stirs, his eyes fluttering open. He looks up at you with warm, sleepy eyes and mutters, "Morning."
You smile and reply, "Good morning. Sleep well?"
He lets out a content sigh and rests his head back on your chest, not quite ready to start the day yet. You run your hand through his hair, enjoying the peaceful moment between you.
As you both sit there, wrapped up in each other's arms, you realize that this is what happiness feels like: being with someone who cherishes you, understands you, and loves you for who you are. No matter how chaotic or dangerous life may get, you know that as long as you're together, you can face anything the world throws at you.
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xliahcloudiax · 10 months ago
😂 I'm both sometimes.
Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*
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xliahcloudiax · 10 months ago
I can't tell you how much this makes me smile.
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Apparently Miles is a JJK fan (in the comics)
If you put these two in a room together I think the result would be adorable 🥺
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xliahcloudiax · 10 months ago
Love reading deeper perceptions of Luffy's character. Because there's much more to him than what most people notice at first.
Everybody likes to make fun of Luffy's perception of what a pirate is bc sometimes it just sounds like "cool guy with a dream, no bad mean stuff" but something that strikes me as more nuanced and honestly cooler about it is that Luffy believes being a true pirate involves ambition and risk, and that there's an honor to that. He hates oppressors, because the essence of piracy is about freedom to him, but he also hates men who trade a life of adventure on the sea for a bureaucratic position of easy power and money. It's shown very early on with how he has zero respect for Captain Kuro. Not only does that man treat his crew as pawns rather than teammates, but he's also turned to deceit and unfair methods to give himself a cushy life without having to really fight for it. Luffy sees him as a coward for faking his death to lay low on top of being manipulative and cruel.
It's shown again with Wetton when Luffy learns he used to be a pirate but settled in as the mayor of the town he took over, extracting all his riches from the townspeople in the form of constant nonsensical taxes. This is the antithesis to the kind of person Luffy respects. In his mind, a pirate fights for what they want fair and square, and never just sits back to drain it all out of regular people who can't defend themselves.
Anyway, yeah. Luffy's ideal pirate isn't just "hero" relabelled; it's somebody who's willing to pay for their dreams in blood sweat and tears rather than money, and doesn't need to own anyone else to do the work for them.
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xliahcloudiax · 11 months ago
So so SO excited!! 😆
One Piece Odyssey - Announcement Trailer
Producer interview
One Piece Odyssey will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam in 2022.
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Illustration and message by Eiichiro Oda
I Thought to myself wasn’t - wasn’t it like 3 years ago when I designed the characters?! Hahaha! But when I actually saw the game…Wow! It felt like I was watching a MOVIIIIE!!! What incredible immersion!!
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Original character/monster designs by Eiichiro Oda
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Concept art
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Character render and screenshots
One Piece Odyssey is an RPG project filled with the unique elements of adventure from One Piece that has been highly desired by fans. This project has been in the works for many years so that fans can truly touch the world of One Piece and now is ready to be unveiled!
Join this brand-new RPG featuring new character and monster designs produced by Eiichiro Oda, the author of One Piece. The game is also complemented by the beautiful music of Motoi Sakuraba, a composer well known for his various contributions to video games such as the Dark Souls and Tales of series.
A broken Thousand Sunny… Scattered crew members… Luffy’s missing straw hat…
During their voyage, the Straw Hats, led by Monkey D. Luffy are swallowed by a huge storm at sea. They end up on a mysterious island full of nature amidst the storm and become separated from each other. The crew set outs on a new adventurous journey filled with wonders of a raging nature, powerful enemies, and strange encounters with island locals.
Work together with Luffy and his crew to set sail once again!
Key Features
A Mysterious Island – Luffy decides to scout the island to meet up with his scattered crew members. They come across various mysterious ruins and never-before-seen monsters. Although excited to scout the island together, things soon take an unexpected turn. Discover and experience an original storyline!
Straw Hats as One – Defeat new enemies, unravel mysteries, and unearth a whole adventure with your favorite Straw Hats! In addition to Luffy, you can play as Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Frankie, and Brook!
RPG with a One Piece Twist – Experience quests and dungeons all with an authentic One Piece twist. Enjoy what you love about RPGs but with your favorite characters and an original touch from the One Piece universe.
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xliahcloudiax · 1 year ago
Luffy is so persistent and sweet, he has faith in her despite barely knowing her for long, making her feel she belongs somewhere...
The kind of trust in a friend that she's needed for so long, and I think a lot of people need it to.
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xliahcloudiax · 1 year ago
It was so cute 😭💙💙💙 who do you think had the best rizz? It's hard to pick, but I'm voting on Iñaki.... His pick-up lines were quite adorable lol
i LOVE this
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