xkieralynx · 3 months
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Peep the pinned post 😉
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xkieralynx · 3 months
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It’s been a little while but I’m back 😘😘😘😘 the spicy link is still going strong 💋. Check my pinned post 😜
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xkieralynx · 4 months
if i dont get fucked stupid soon bad things will happen
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xkieralynx · 4 months
ngl, if i'm eating you out, i WANT you to be desperate n messy. make ALL the noise, whine and thrash around, fucking sit on my face if you want to. the more you want me to savor you, the more i enjoy it.
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xkieralynx · 4 months
Please finger fuck me and cover my mouth when I get too loud 🥺
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xkieralynx · 4 months
making out until we literally Have To Fuck.
kissing gently and shyly on the couch because we said we would take it slow. slowly beginning to open our mouths more, tongues gliding across each other. sighing softly into your mouth. i finally bite your lip. just gently but it’s enough to kick things up a notch. the gentle hands resting softly on each others shoulders and backs beginning to roam and explore. we begin gasping into each others mouths as the shyness fully disappears and you grab my breast and i tug at your hair.
you pull me onto your lap, straddling you, as your lips leave mine for the first time and begin trailing across my jaw and down my neck. my nails scratching lightly on your shoulder and on your scalp. as we continue to to pant and grab and kiss i suddenly blush as i feel you begin to get hard against me. we make eye contact for a moment before i slowly roll my hips, grinding against you. we both let out soft moans and after that any plans to take it slow are forgotten.
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xkieralynx · 4 months
Praise her in the most degrading way. Tell her how pretty she looks when she lets you ruin her.
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xkieralynx · 4 months
kissing each other gently when you're both still twitching from cumming >
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xkieralynx · 4 months
the intensity of my desires are normal. (←lying)
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xkieralynx · 4 months
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Check my pinned post if you want to see more 😏
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xkieralynx · 5 months
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First 10 to click the link get a 14 day free trial. Happy Valentine’s Day 💋
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xkieralynx · 5 months
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Check my pinned post for more 🖤🖤🌹🌹
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xkieralynx · 5 months
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It’s been a little bit ☺️. Don’t forget these 🍒 now. 🤭🤭. Check my pinned post
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xkieralynx · 6 months
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Check pinned post 🥵🥵
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xkieralynx · 6 months
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xkieralynx · 6 months
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xkieralynx · 6 months
Guys, I made a twitter 🤭. Come follow me 🥵
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