xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
“It’s to early,” Chad grumbled into the other man’s neck, although he was pretty sure that it was likely pretty late in the morning. Chad hummed as he felt that hand roaming down his body, back arching as he pressed his ass back against the other man’s hand. “Well duh…I don’t want you to stay here so we can stay in separate rooms.” Chad sassed with a snort.
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A small chuckle left his lips at Chad’s retort, finding it humorous as he moved to give the man’s ass a gentle squeeze. “Unfortunately, though, I do have a job out there, and unless you’re willing to shell out some money to make my employers willing to let me take the day off to spend fucking you full of my cum... I will have to leave,” Gary started before he gave a small hum and let his hand slide between the other’s ass cheeks, finger teasing the male’s puckered rim. “But I suppose I don’t have anywhere to go until my phone rings...” Slowly, he eased a finger into the other’s hole as he leaned down to kiss Chad’s full lips with vigor.
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Two hundred years ago, Earth changed suddenly as portals opened and monsters of fairytales suddenly became real. It was not long before every surface on Earth was overrun and ruled with an iron fist. It has been so long that no humans alive can remember what it was like to be able to leave their house without fear of monsters.
The City of Invictus, which was once known as New York City, is the center of supernatural activity and the home of the two most powerful factions in the world - The Conclave and the Syndicate. Murders are on the rise, tensions are growing, and a small group of rebels has decided this iron grip on their planet cannot last.
Whose side are you on?
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
The figure that answered the door was a towering sight indeed, in mostly a button down shirt and dark jeans. His facial hair neatly trimmed and a smile on his warm face as Owen looked down at the man who was just shy of his own height, his eyes lingering on Daniel for just a moment before he leaned in and gently caught those lips in a slow, lingering kiss. No sense of hiding this as he kissed the man out in the open right outside their house, hand cupping the back of his head before pulling back with a chuckle. 
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“Hello Daniel, me and Dmitri have been looking forward to meeting you, please come in” He offered and stepped to the side to allow the man in. The house itself seemed to be a townhouse, a modern style but with a splash of warm colors and wooden structures to give it a slightly more welcoming and personal touch. That’s when the second of the two of them would become visible, Dmitri in a dark purple shirt with the first button or two undone, a pair of smart black trousers and a martini in hand that he set to the side with a coy grin on his lips when he saw who was finally here. 
“Well, well. You must be Daniel, glad to finally meet you. You’re even more handsome then those profile pictures they sent our way that we picked you from” Dmitri hummed, shameless in his smile and eyes dancing over him. “Did your agency tell you we’ve booked you for an entire weekend or did they want to leave that little detail out to surprise you? I’m aware it’s not the most common thing to do for first timers…”
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The kiss was something that he hadn’t been expecting, but it was definitely a good surprise and he was quick to kiss the slightly taller male back. The way he was greeted, it was like he was part of the family and an old friend, and given that the larger male had kissed him out in the open? It had him wondering whether or not the neighbors knew that they were having threesomes or if they were just so open they didn’t care.
And truthfully? That would be refreshing.
Walking inside the expansive home, he slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he looked around. It was definitely a beautiful home, one that was clean - telling him that there were, likely, no children living in this home - and he couldn’t help but admire the warm colors that made the place feel much more inviting than most modern designs. “Did you now?” Daniel asked, arching a brow as he turned to look at the other male - one just as handsome as the last. Oh, he was certainly going to have fun with this couple, that’s for sure. “I’m afraid they left that little tidbit out, but given the caliber of the men I’ll be spending time with? I can’t say I can complain,” Daniel said with a chuckle.
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It did have him curious, though, as to what these two did to be able to afford him for three consecutive days - 240,000 thousand - but given the way that their home looked? He could definitely tell that they had very lucrative careers. “Shall we go over ground rules, or is there anything more you need to tell me about this weekend I shall be spending with two gorgeous men?”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
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He was hesitant to say the least. Julian really didn’t know how he found himself here. Okay, actually that was a lie. A friend had recommended this place, had insisted he’d come here to loosen up. That now that he was no longer married he was free to explore his sexuality after decades. Of course his friend had to disappear with some other guy almost as soon as they had set foot into the establishment, leaving him lost, confused and feeling like he was sticking out like a sore thumb. A couple of guys passed him and gave him very overtly flirty looks but the lecturer couldn’t find it in himself to react out.
Then a really handsome guy came to him and Julian felt a sudden and instant attraction like he’d never felt before. He couldn’t really explain it, but when the man touched his chest, he felt a jolt run through him. “I’m Julian.” His tone was nervous but he couldn’t help but stare at the man’s face, the man’s lips. “I… Er…Thanks. I’m with a friend, or rather… I was with a friend. I don’t know where he went off to…” He trailed off, looking around in vain, as if he might suddenly manifest the idiot that abandoned him here.
Already Dustin could see his powers taking root in the other, watching the way that the male’s eyes dilated and his cheeks flushed ever so slightly - things the ordinary human wouldn’t notice, but something that an incubi like himself could sense. And the way that the other’s eyes flickered to his lips told him that the male was attracted to him - and that was a good thing. Because while his powers can make someone want to have sex, they can’t make someone be attracted to someone that they wouldn’t normally be attracted to.
“Well, I suppose I should find your friend later and thank him... but something tells me he’s going to get enough of a thank you.” If the friend was someone that had been there before, he assumed that he had gotten lost in the pheromones and was in a lust trance - and probably fucking one, or more, people at this precise moment. Because while first-timers took longer to drag in, those that had been at the club before fell into the trance so much easier. “Nice to meet you, though, Julian... I’m Dustin... If you want, I can take you to the back if this is all... a little too much for you? Your friend should have warned you, at the least, what kind of club this was before coming here, so I’d understand if you’re feeling overwhelmed.”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Mason sighed, about to voice his disappointment that Gary had to go. Sure they both had things they should be doing, but it was much more fun to stay here together like they had for the better part of the day. Before he said anything though, Gary voiced the same thought. “Mm, if extending our time is an alternative I pick that one,” he said, tilting his head to kiss the other’s lips. 
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There were plenty of men that Gary slept with, clients or not, but Mason had to be one of the ones that was definitely his favorite. What had started as a simple casual hookup had extended into a ridiculous infatuation for the younger man. Was it love? Gary wasn’t sure he could classify it as that - if anything, he was in love with the other’s ass, the way that his hole swallowed his cock everytime he fucked him and how no matter how often they fucked, he was still incredibly tight. “If I get a phone call I’ll have to leave,” Gary managed to whisper just before their lips met, his hand moving from the man’s ass to cup hold his jaw as he deepened the kiss.
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
I don't think rp groups are popular anymore, they die in matter of days or weeks. I suggest you to do instead a Discord server rp, now that's the new popular way to rp groups
See, I was thinking of making it both on dash and discord, so that people had an option of how they wanted to play... But I am noticing that tumblr groups, especially, are taking a hit and if you don't have some facet of discord thrown in it's just harder to keep going.
Either way, I'd still use a tumblr to advertise for it, but I just wanted to see if interest would be there or not. Thanks for the advice though, anon! It's definitely something I'll consider.
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Out of curiosity, would any of my followers be interested in an abo group set in the medieval era?
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Watching as Oscar poured himself a drink, mesmerized by the younger man’s muscular arms and shoulders as he worked, the reporter almost allowed himself to be so distracted he didn’t hear the question that had been asked of him. “What am I paying for?” That was a damn good question. Licking his lips as he furrowed his brows, Holden took a moment to think over his answer. When nothing seemed to sound right, he sauntered over and poured himself a drink; letting the familiar burn of alcohol ease down his throat before he finally settled on something to say.
“Honestly? I was hoping to interview you. Genuinely. You’re a rising star on everyone’s radar and securing an exclusive interview with you would get us both on the front page of the magazine I work for without a doubt.” He explained as he took a nursing sip of his drink. “So I reached out to the Gifted Gold Talent Agency to set this up; and in doing so I realized what else they offered since I’m paying for your time.” With a sigh, Holden removed his glasses and tucked them into his shirt pocket before turning to face the man; his shoulder’s dropping in a subtle show of submission. “My coworkers often tell me I waste too much time beating around the bush; they think I should be more blunt. So with that in mind? Ever since I found out what your talent agency really offered I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you fucking me. Even right now I’m thinking about it. I’d rather work out another time to interview you so we can spend the time I have with you tonight seeing how many loads you can dump in me…”
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If you had to ask Oscar, one of his favorite types of clients were the older ones. Perhaps it was because of his relationship with his father, a man that demanded so much from him and gave very little in return, or he just liked the unlikely dynamic of a younger man dominating an older one. What he didn’t expect, though, was that the man was a reporter and while that would have had most escorts worried, Oscar wasn’t. After all, all clients had to sign an NDA before learning what the talent agency was about - and he knew that this was his safety net. And if someone ever tried to break it? They had great lawyers and ties to both the Italian mafia and his father’s cartel to ensure nothing slipped out.
“Mm, a man that knows what he wants...” Oscar spoke, setting the drink down as he took a step towards Holden. “But the question is... what have you done to deserve the privilege of me fucking you full of my cum?” This was obviously dangerous, but as far as Oscar was concerned, this was what Holden wanted. Holden wanted someone to fuck him, to dominate him, and this was it starting. “On your knees, whore. You’re going to have to prove your worth.”
And, with that, Oscar let his fingers hook around the waist band of his shorts and he pulled them down until his fat, half-hard cock sprung from its confines.
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
The moment that you get lost in the new ABO group you joined :|
I’ll definitely be getting to replies and adding more muses this weekend, as I don’t have to work (bless)
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
“bullshit, ain’t nothing calling your name out there.” sammy said with a laugh as he let his gaze flick up. there was a grin on his lips as the man spoke, and he let his own hand roam along gary’s body in return. “I think I have a few more rounds in me, and then you can leave.” he mused as he began to shift, that smile only growing as he moved until once again straddling gary’s hips. “unless you don’t actually have it in you.”
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A chuckle left his lips at the other’s words. “Well, I do have a job outside of fucking one of my favorite clients,” Gary spoke, watching as the man began to shift until he was straddling his lap. His cock twitched with life against the other’s thigh, and he couldn’t help but smirk. “Oh, I have it in me. The question is, you able to put your money where your mouth is, or are you just hoping I’ll give you a few more hours on the house? Because if that’s the case...” Gary used the hand that was grabbing the male’s ass to slide between his cheeks and let a finger tease the man’s puckered rim. “You’re going to have to give me a good excuse to tell the agency why I can’t take any other clients on today.”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Mason didn’t often work for famous or rich cliental, usually he works with people who well middle class or just starting just buy their first homes. But over the last few months though he’d notice a lot of homes he has decorated has been getting attention from pretty wealthy people and now he seeing his cliental shifting…in more wealthy manner. Mason would never dream of standing here, talking to Rodney, a man he has been watching since he was in his youth. Mason even got into a bit of wrestling and MMA because of him, nothing like the pros though.
‘‘ Flashy? Yeah I can see you would think that.’‘ I guess mason misguided him, thinking someone like him would like something flashy but then again he doesn’t want to draw attention. ‘‘ Uh yeah that totally makes sense, I have a place that might work. It’s a little deserted though, its more woodsy like a cabin?’‘ Mason arched his brows and scuffed under his breath, ‘‘ I totally get it yeah.’‘ 
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Deserted cabin? That wasn’t exactly what he was picturing when it came to a secondary place to bring his clients, as he didn’t want to wind up getting stuck in the woods with a complete stranger that could try to kill him, but it was clear that the realtor was trying his best to figure out how to best please the MMA coach. And, and maybe this was him misreading things, it seemed as though the realtor was looking at him in a way that told him that the male was interested in him.
Perhaps this was the man’s way of trying to get him to go somewhere in the hopes to have sex with him? Because if that was the case...
“That might actually work,” Rodney spoke as he turned towards the front door. “I have always enjoyed nature.” Perhaps he could even buy this house and use it as his personal home and use his current one for his clientele... But nonetheless, he was going to see if the man really was interested in him, or if he was just taking him to a cabin in the woods to show it off to him. “How about you lead the way and I’ll follow you in my truck? Or would you rather we ride together?”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Woken from his momentary daydream, Peter’s gaze drifted to the other’s eyes as he began to speak sweet nothings. His voice was like music to his ears and one he couldn’t believe he’d missed. It wasn’t like they didn’t see each other at all, but it did sort of seem that way as of late. 
And all the more reason why he was glad they were able to get away for the weekend. It wasn’t nearly as long as he would have liked, but it was better than nothing. So he was going to enjoy this time as much as he could. 
“I love you more.” Peter raised his brows defiantly. Though his gaze trailed down to Maxwell’s chest where his fingers had been tracing the odd circle. Then he slowly pulled the shirt into his fists and, without looking up at first, spoke “Did you know… That when I don’t have you, I think about grabbing you like this and having my way with you.”
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One thing that Maxwell regretted about their relationship was how often he had to postpone a date or leave early, or go without seeing him for days, and he was sure that Peter was going to, eventually, grow weary of having to wait for Maxwell’s schedule without any sort of explanation and that if Maxwell wanted to propose to the man... He’d have to offer him one.
He was just afraid that that would ruin any future he might want with the man.
“Impossible,” the larger man said with a deep laugh, watching the way that the other male pulled his shirt into his fists, the very action enough to have Maxwell’s cock twitching with life. As if his words didn’t do that, either. Their sex life was definitely not hurting from their lack of time together, as they always made up for it when they were together - often for hours, multiple orgasms between them both - and as a hypersexual individual... it didn’t take much to get Maxwell going.
But today wasn’t about sex. Not yet. Today was about letting Peter into a deep secret, one that could make or break their future together, and it had him wondering if the ring he had bought the other male would go to waste or not. “You can have your way with me all you want, so long as I can have my way with you, too,” Maxwell teased lightly, only to pause and sigh as he brought his hands to Peter’s, bringing them to his lips. “But before the clothes come off, I think we need to talk... There’s... something I’ve been hiding from you, Peter, and it’s not fair to you.”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Avery was excited to meet this guy even if it was just a casual meeting from a certain app. Making sure that he was all cleaned up and looking as hot as possible, Avery threw out his gum into the trash as he reached the door and knocked on it quickly to let the other man know he was there.
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Originally posted by thollandgifs
For @xgiftedgoldx
Though his brother had managed to get him to join the escort agency, Jeffrey enjoyed casual sex without any strings attached. When someone paid you money, you did everything you could to ensure that they got their money’s worth and then some, but a casual thing? You could do what you want, use a person how you wanted, and you’d be good. So after flipping through various faces on a dating app, he came across Avery and almost immediately he could imagine him putting the boy in various positions as he made him his little cock whore for the night, and soon the two were agreeing on a place to meet.
The professional athlete was quick to head to the door, wearing nothing but a pair of briefs that accentuated the curve of his ass and the heft of his cock - even flaccid. “Must be Avery,” Jeffrey spoke, hint of a smirk teasing his lips as he let his eyes rake over the boy’s form. “Glad you could make it... And trust me, you’ll be glad you came, too.” Opening the door wider, he allowed the boy to enter before he closed the door. “So,” Jeffrey started, placing a hand on his hip as he leaned against the back of the couch while looking at Avery. “Have a safe word? Things you don’t want to do?”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
It was odd, a shiver went up his spine, almost as if he could sense the power in the other. But that couldn’t be, he’d never shown any hint of such abilities growing up. Plus, if what he felt was the other’s power, he didn’t stand a chance. He had attempted to kill other werewolves before, but had failed due to his clumsiness and lack of coordination. Still, he’d been able to survive such failed ancounters through a mix of cleverness and resourcefulness but he doubted that would work here. He didn’t know where he was and had no knowledge of the territory, plus all the wolves he’d faced combined, couldn’t hold a candle to this wolf.
Ezra sighed. “But aren’t werewolves ruled by instinct? This seems a little…diabolical.” He grumbled into frustration. “You’ve made a mistake. My clan believes that I embody some great power but I’ve never shown an inkling of it. If that were the case, I’d be more agile and perceptive, be able to read your weaknesses and fears, hell, who knows what else? So you’re just going to hold me hostage, then? That’ll only work for so long, no matter how strong you are.” He grunted as he was knocked to his knees. Ezra scoffed. “Like a beast needs an excuse to torture me? I’m not one of your king so you are not my king.”
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Originally posted by uni-helps
The boy was lying. He knew it to be true. He could sense the power in the other, smell the magic in his veins, and he knew that he was indeed capable of great destruction here. But the boy’s heartbeat seemed to indicate that he was telling the truth... Perhaps the power inside of him was dormant? Whatever the case, though, there was no way that Cory was going to allow the other to walk free, not when there was any sliver of a chance that his powers could be used to eradicate the werewolf kind.
And not when there was a chance that he could prevent hunters from going after werewolves in the first place.
“You dare question me?” Cory asked, lifting up his foot and slamming the boy’s shoulder to knock him completely to the ground. “You dare defy my orders?” It seemed that the boy needed to be taught the hard way, that he needed to be shown that he was telling the truth. “Maybe I should throw you to my guards, let them have their way with you... Then you’ll learn your place.” Walking over to where the boy now lay, a low growl rumbling in his voice as his eyes flashed their brilliant crimson, he moved to place his foot on the boy’s neck, right on his windpipe. “Or perhaps I should just crush your windpipe and turn you into a mute? You can’t talk back if you can’t speak...” Applying just enough pressure to block the boy’s access to air, he stared down at him with a scowl.
“Now, who am I?”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Trent smiled as he looked up and saw Aaron in the flesh for the first time. He was instantly pleased with how the taller man bowed his head, and called him sir, without needing to be reminded. He wasn’t sure if that came natural to Aaron, or if he knew exactly what Trent expected, but either way, he liked it a lot.
As he stood up, he was pleased to find that he measured up to Aaron’s shoulder. He loved a tall man, and he loved dominating them even more. He had a bright smile on his face, as he linked arms with Aaron without hesitation, and began to lead him out of the building. “I’m taking you to the hotel next door,” Trent informed him, “where you’re going to spend the next twenty-four hours naked, doing everything I tell you to do,” he said, not bothering to whisper or conceal his voice at all.
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Now, Aaron was no idiot. He knew what it was that people wanted from him, and it was to use him as a walking, talking dildo that worshipped the other person. And frankly? He didn’t mind it. It’s why he had so easily called the other male sir, how he had so easily bowed - because he knew, very well, that he wanted him to serve him. And as their arms linked, he was quick to walk in stride with the smaller male, making sure he didn’t take too big of a stride as he didn’t want to drag the poor boy all over the place. That would only work if he was the dominant, and that he wasn’t.
“Sounds perfect, sir,” Aaron admitted as he pushed the door open for the both of them, letting it swing behind them as they walked along the concrete pathway towards the hotel. “Are there any ground rules I should follow, or will you tell me my guidelines when we’re in the room?”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
Allen had been running late, which on a first date and a blind one at that was not a good look. But a client hadn’t eaten before a tattoo so he got stuck playing the eat and don’t pass out game at the end of his shift, then had to schedule a time to finish the piece. He got home changed quickly and while his delay only really made him ten minutes late it felt like it had taken an hour just to drive there. He got to the restaurant the hostess pointed him to the table and he walked over. The red head laughed a bit at the man’s quick response, “Ummm Hi I’m Allen.. Victor right? Did know I was being set up with someone famous.” Due to who his parents were a lot of his childhood friends were people in high places, producers, CEO’s, actors from long family lines of acting, among other things. And because of this his tattoo shop had become a bit of a celebrity tattoo shop and he had a bit of fame. But he did expect one of his old producer friends to set him up with anyone famous.
When one of the producers of his latest film sent him a text and told him that he knew someone that Victor would hit it off with, he had been skeptical at first. Blind dates when you were famous? They were disastrous. But his producer managed to twist his arm enough that Victor decided to give in, so long as it was at a public place. With just a name, Victor didn’t even know what the guy he was going to look like so when he began to brush off the other male, he had no idea that they were very much the person that he was going to be on this date with. “...wow, isn’t there egg on my face?” Victor asked with a light chuckle as he moved to stand up to offer his hand to the other person. “Nice to meet you, Allen. Brett didn’t tell me he was setting me up with someone incredibly gorgeous,” he said, flashing a charming smile - one that had earned him his fanbase in the first place. “Glad you showed up, though... There’s been a couple of guys in the corner there that have been staring at me the entire time... I had a feeling that they were going to come up and ask for something, so you saved me from having to turn them down.”
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xgiftedgoldx · 3 years
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