lightsandlust · 1 year
(Matthew to whoever you feel like)
(text): Look at what I learned how to make just in time for Valentine's! ;P
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Matthew looked down at the text and hit send with a satisfied smile.
Geralt was still new to technology. Matthew had been teaching him. Matthew, who had been his caregiver after he had woken up from a very long slumber to an all new world.
Matthew who had become his lover.
Sending a text back, his confusion is clear.
It's lovely, but what is Valentine's?
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deathdistanced · 1 year
Jace was interesting to Levi.
Levi had watched him for years now, drawn in by the cult that was tormenting him.  He would be tortured, then escape, each time somehow surviving.  Torture.  Escape.  Survive.  The thing was, Jace was on Levi’s list.  The other thing was, there was a big question mark next to his name.
Levi sighed as he sat, watching Jace being tortured again.  He wanted to help.  He really did.
His hand hovered near Jace’s bruised face.
“Just let go.  Let me take you way from here.”
At the moment, no one could hear or see him, so he knew Jace wouldn’t be talking to him.
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seudxnimx · 1 year
Continued from here - @fourgaymuses
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Matthew was always so kind and Lucian admired it about him, it was needed in their line of work even if they were in different fields of it. Patience went a long way and it helped when it bled into their day or day life.
“Water…” he sits up finally, a soft smile given in return and a pat to the space in front of him. He’s well aware what Matthew is, he can smell him from miles away but it isn’t in Lucian to act on their usual nature. He’s been through this one too many times and doesn’t put himself in situations that he cannot control. Right now, Both are perfectly fine, safe. “So you’re saying my post full moon bliss isn’t a good look.” A soft laugh with the tease, “I’ll be sure to bring a brush and some beard oil next time.” His smile still soft under the scruff. He would have to be stupid and blind to not ding the long haired blonde attractive but Matthew had a lot more to live for and he didn’t seem interested in the old mentality of things either, but Lucian never out right asked. They sort of just became mutual and then friends and now Matthew usually came after a full moon to find him, “How was your night?” A hand held out for the clothes, even if it was just to drape them over his lap for now.
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allegxry · 2 years
Continued from here - @fourgaymuses
Most people avoided Hades or simply wanted him for what he had to offer - it why he so rarely got involved with anyone or anything. Including something as simple as a dance, sure he could know their true intentions in seconds but he found it a waste of his time - until he didn’t. Matthew either didn’t connect Hades name with the god of the underworld or be genuinely didn’t care, either way Hades read into him and found that there was no malicious intent or - any intent at all. It’s why the text found it’s way to Matthew in the first place.
[text] I hardly think that would be appropriate.
[text] and figured for your eyes only.
[text] try me, you might be surprised.
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ofmagicallonging · 1 year
Back To Normal | Closed
To have one of their exes show up was a bad enough event for Robin and Allen. But to have both show up in days of each other was a nuclear event. Robin had completely shut down the moment he'd had contact from his ex. He was even worse the day he'd seen the bastard. All the memories he'd tried to suppress had come flooding back to him. He'd wanted to help Allen so badly. He wanted to be there for his boyfriend and protect him. But instead he'd spent the time having to battle his own demons, quite literally.
Robin had tried to keep his distance until everything was fixed. He stayed at his shop instead of their home so he could keep their home and Allen safe. Earlier that day, he'd text Allen to come by the shop, needing to see his boyfriend more than anything. Only for when Allen walked in, Robin was in the middle of a shouting match with his ex. Robin had a nosebleed as his magic reacted to his anger. There were items broken around the shop, some of which were still floating. "Get the fuck out of my life! Or I swear on Hecate, I will end you instead of breaking your nose." Robin yelled at the top of his lungs. It was there that his ex muttered something before finally leaving. His eyes finally caught up with Allen and a small smile appeared on his face. "I...um...I think he's gone... for a while now. And I um...can come home. If you want me to." Robin said softly.
As quickly as he could, Robin grabbed his bag and closed up the shop before heading home with Allen. The journey home, he was silent and even when he first got in he was still silent as he ran upstairs to their room. Mintutes later he was coming back down with plushies and blankets in tow. "Can we cuddle for a bit?" He asked quietly. "Please.. I um.. won't um take up much space..and umm. Only if you want to."
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This I owe
1) @nosignalformiles (x4)
2) @normallyxstranger 
3) @justafleshwoundbaby 
4) @fourgaymuses
5) @magical-boy-toys (x2) 
6) @codenamepinetree (x5) 
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sonoftartessos · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by: @kingdom-of-vanity
favourite colour: Blue 
currently reading: Histories, Herodotus 
last song:  Glimpse of Us, Joji
last series: Un Professore (2021)
last movie: Thor: Love and Thunder
sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy
currently working on: A big ol’ epic fantasy I’m writing with a friend.
tagging: @ophelia-hendrix @eskelwolf @twistedhxart @fourgaymuses @iincantatorum @adsagsona @allegxry @mxrvelouscreations @soncfthewitch (I could only tag nine but I wanted more DX) 
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witcherreborn · 2 years
Geralt had only been awake for six months when he came upon the cult.  Magic was rare in the world he had woken up in; though monsters were still to be expected.  In fact, monsters had woken up recently, just a decade before he had.
He had done what he had needed to stop the cult.  He had gone in with a few members of the army, taking out the cult members who were torturing children.  But they were too late for most of them.
Only three girls, and two boys had survived.
At least that was all they thought, of the dozens who had been held captive.
Heading into the darkest dungeon on the property with his sword at the ready, he came upon a small boy.
“Gods...what cruelty.”
He smashed open the cell and destroyed the chains that held him with a sign before scooping the young thing into his arms.
“Medic!  I need a medic!”
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sunsrpmuses · 2 years
Ian was a bit grumpy at the old lady next door who had signed him up to be mated to some alpha by some silly government program.  And the bow the silly staffer tied around his bare chest like he was a gift was just ridiculous.  But okay, the alpha was hot and he had a really comfy bed that Ian was totally bouncing all over so yay!
“Hi!”  Bounce.  “I’m Ian!”  Bounce.  “How did you get your bed so bouncy?”
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sos-im-bored · 3 years
Rae walked down the street, he was on his way back to his apartment after getting a coffee that cost way too much money and a bagel. It was the middle of the morning and he was enjoying his time off. As he approached the edge of a building where a small alley was wedged between too buildings and he could hear people. At first, it sounded like arguing but then it seemed more like a few people harassing someone else. He paused at the entrance looking down the alley at the scene and hearing a bit more of the conversation he could see it was three guys bothering another guy who was alone and based of what he was hearing they were strangers. Was Rae an amazing person? No. But was he going to leave that situation alone? Also, no. He let out a soft sigh and walked into the alley. He approached the people but kept a bit of a distance and let out a loud whistle to catch all of their attention, “Why don't you let the kid go and you can run along.” While he knew ‘kid’ wasn’t exactly the right term he didn’t mind using it. He was brushed off and told to mind his business, which made Rae laugh. “With fore it is then.” He mumbled. Rae was a talented mage and with mages being relatively rare ‘with force’ wasn’t exactly something he could do but lucky for him, mind altering magic was easy and so was an illusion. His fingers moved slightly as he used the spell. To the three guys the image of Rae flickered for a moment before disappearing and the midmorning sky was replaced with night, the guy they were bothering wasn’t there and from the shadows of the alley from the ground crawled out five demonic hell hound looking creatures, seven feet tall as they aggressively stalked towards them. Their skin was blackish grey and it was broken apart in sections like plates of armor and in between them flowed a bright orange thing like lava. The eyes were red and they had impossibly long sharp teeth with blood dripping off them, the illusions chased the scared men out the other side of the alley and would do so for a bit longer to keep them away. Rae took a sip from his coffee before slowly approaching the person they’d been bothering, “Are you alright?” 
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Elijah and Matthew
Continued from HERE
Elijah smiled softly at Matthew’s concerns.  
“You are in uniform.  A uniform that marks you as one of the heroes.  Even people in this country can see that.  Military, Police, Fire, Rescue, EMT, Nurses and Doctors.  Even Teachers.  All heroes.  I’m honored to be dating a hero, Matthew.”
He pushed himself off of the bed.  He had brought Matthew here because the press had gotten wind of the two dating, and he wanted to have a date that didn’t involve the paparazzi.  They would order from the hotels five star restaurant and have it delivered to the room.
Running a hand through Rogue’s fur, he smiled at the dog before kissing Matthew’s lips softly.
“Why don’t you go take a shower?  Wash the stress of the day away.  There is already a comfortable dress in there for you.”
He knew about Matthew’s affinity for the traditionally female attire.
“One that will be comfortable and beautiful all in one.  I myself am going to dress down a bit.  Slacks and a turtleneck.  And then we can pour over the menu and have a nice dinner together.  Okay?”
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magicathand · 3 years
Carlisle had said he was bringing someone home for them to meet.  An EMT who seemed to be a witch.  Furthermore, this witch knew what they were.  Edward figured it was dangerous.  What if the Volturi found out?  Surely they would want this EMT for his power.  But Alice had seen nothing other than something that seemed to make her giggle a lot.
Something that she kept firmly out of her mind whenever he was around.
He couldn’t get a read on her.
And then he understood when he saw him.  When Matthew stepped into the house, a sweet scent filled the air that had his eyes going black.  And his face...he was beautiful.  Edward wanted to slip his fingers through his beautiful hair.
Carlisle introduced them all, but Edward was reluctant.  He didn’t understand what was going on with him.  He had never felt this before.
“I’m Edward.”
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ignitedspark · 2 years
A Stark is Born cont...
Combative defense training.
He groaned at the idea of it.
At least he wasn’t completely without knowledge.  Derek, Scott, even Argent had taught him how to care for himself against enemies.  And then there was the Nogitsune.  It’s memories in his head.  In other words, he knew how to use ancient Japanese weapons.  He had a katana that Kira’s mother had given him when she found out.  It masqueraded as his belt.  Kira had once had a similar one.
He wondered how she was doing with the Skin Walkers.
Taking another sip of his drink he turned to look back at Jace.
“So...meetings it is.”
After three hours...he wanted to go to bed.
He found it strange that he was able to keep up with what people were saying, and even add input, helping them solve problems that they were having.
But now it was time for training.
He stood with bare feet on a mat in front of Black Widow.
“This is going to hurt, isn’t it.”
She smirked.
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cornelthecursed · 3 years
Lost bet II Closed RP
Lost bet  || @fourgaymuses || Allen & Cor
“I’m telling you the place is perfect for this, they do need a few days heads up and all for planning and shit, but pieces Allen makes are beautiful. Heck he is working on my sleeve right now and you know what’s best?! Supernaturals are welcome. I think Allen is a witch or something.” Leo rambled as he lead the shorter dark haired man through the street and towards his doom. His body, up until now, if you don’t count scars was unblemished. But not for much longer, you see: a bet is a bet and losing it meant that the younger vampire had to go through with the end result - him getting a tattoo. He just hoped it would be something discreet.“Not to mention the guy is a fucking eye candy.”
“Are you sure this is a bet lost and not you trying to get me a partner?” Cornel questioned as he looked up at him with a raised eyebrow to which the man in question guffawed.
“I promise you, you’ll like him.” Cornel rolled his eyes, but despite his grim mood shoved the mountain of muscle Leoric was to.
“I am getting a feeling that you two hooked up, I know your wife wouldn’t mind...”
“Nah. I mean I would love to, but he doesn’t look like a guy who would just submit you know? You on the other hand, my dear Cornelius, just might be his type.” he winked to which Cornel groaned. They were back again at Leoric trying to get Cornel laid. It was true that it was centuries since his last long term partner and perhaps a few decades since he had last lain with someone but that didn’t mean he was on the market. Especially since he knew he wasn’t exactly attracted to men. Alright a lie. He was curious as to what it could offer, but so far he hadn’t even tried to find a right partner. He couldn’t think of himself being a top (as he found out from Leo how the partners referred to each other) with his lack of knowledge and...there weren’t exactly men who would be interested in a relationship with a five hundred year old being.
“I swear to god, if this is some sort of sick joke of you trying to get me on a weird blind date I’m ghosting both of you.” he grumbled just as Leoric opened the door to the tattoo parlor, yelling a greeting to the back for Allen apparently. It was a surprise the guy actually managed to tolerate the over-the-top viking his friend was.Leo was covered in tattoos and it was no question with his long hair and beard that he visited establishments like this often.
Cornel on the other hand stood out like a sore thumb, with his pink button up and dark grey suit, adorned with a darker pink tie. After all Leoric dragged him from his restaurant to make damn sure he fulfilled his end of the bargain. So when the artist did show up from the back of the shop he simply greeted him in a much quieter voice compared to his long time friend.
“Allleeen, buddy, remember when I told you about this stiff as fuck friend of mine? Well...here he is and he lost a bet to me so you get to do a beautiful piece on my virgin ass friend.” The blonde grinned clasping Cornel’s shoulders in his hands as he pushed him in front of himself,  which had Cornel sigh.
“Something simple and discreet, please.” he begged the other man, only then meeting the other’s eyes and damn if Leoric was not damn right. He was kind of an eye candy, with his prim and trimmed beard and this intense gaze that caused a shiver to run down his spine, to which Leoric only grinned more. Oh he knew his friend so well.
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epicureanists · 4 years
He’d been a bit surprised when his Beta brought him an Omega in heat that he’d found lost in the wood, but he wouldn’t dream of turning a vulnerable omega out. Though he was struck by the young man’s beauty and has him sent to his room. The omega would have a moment to himself to just get comfortable, get some food in him, and just feel safe.
After attending to some business, he returns home and goes to his room. The moment he entered the room, the smell hit him and he lets out a low growl but keeps control of himself. “How are you feeling?” he asks. The power this alpha exuded was undeniable, muscular and standing at 6′7″, it was clear how he could have some alphas in his pack.
The smell of Jace’s heat definitely had an affect, which was evident by how his cock strained against his pants. It was hard not to stare at the young omega hungrily, but he doesn’t yet make any moves on him. He’s not that kind of alpha.
an ABO starter for @fourgaymuses
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ofmagicallonging · 2 years
All that Glitters | Closed
@fourgaymuses continued from here
Robin was out of breath, scared shitless and crying as the men approached him. The way they spoke to him only scared him more. How did they know he was a birdie. What did they mean about the territory. Then it clicked a little. Not completely he didn't know there was other mafias. All he knew was they couldn't be trusted and he was in danger. Every instinct told him to run.
"No. No. No." Robin managed out, frantically looking around him. Looking for a way out. Looking a route. A place he could go to. Anywhere really that wasn't right here. "I've just escaped.. that. I'm not going back....and I...I. don't know you.. I'm not going with you." He yelled. There was nothing but terror in Robin's eyes as he looked at the men. He started to back up away from Terry, only to crash into the men behind him. The grass beneath Robin was growing thicker as he grew more scared.
"I'm.. not going with anyone." Robin said firmly. No he didn't trust these strangers. Settling on a direction where there was a small gasp. He took off and began running. Not quick and it was clear he could not keep that up for long. In fact moments after he'd started to run, his pace quickly dropping.
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