#replies — ic. lucian sanz
seudxnimx · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Dr. Lucian Juan Sanz
AGE: 43 / actually 110
GENDER: Male - Alpha werewolf
ORIENTATION: Pansexual/Panromantic
OCCUPATION: Therapist for the last 45 years
PARENTS: Theresa Sanz (deceased by Lucian), Juan Sanz (deceased by Lucian)
SIBLINGS: Daniel Sanz (werewolf - beta)
PET(S): None
FACE CLAIM(S): Oscar Isaac
HAIR COLOR: Brown / salt and pepper
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 6’1 & 268 lbs
HAIR DETAILS: can be curly but mostly fluffy
SCARS: His back is full of deep claw like scars
SCENT: Mountain air, hot tea with lemon and honey, fresh water river
AILMENTS: PTSD - nightmares
INTELLIGENCE: People smart and can read them easily, he’s gone through many years of college so he’s very book smart but would never claim to know it all or have all the answers
DISPOSITION: Kind and friendly, willing to reach out and offer a helping hand.
LIKES: Plants, iced coffee, the outdoors, helping others, cooking, cleaning, his job
DISLIKES: his past, his own hurts and crutches, strong scents,
HOBBIES: cooking, working, furthering his education
FEARS: History repeating itself
WARDROBE: sweaters, slacks, button ups, cardigans
MUSIC TASTE: jazz and r&b mostly
THREAT LEVEL: 3/10 - 10/10 during a transformation
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seudxnimx · 1 year
Continued from here - @fourgaymuses
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Matthew was always so kind and Lucian admired it about him, it was needed in their line of work even if they were in different fields of it. Patience went a long way and it helped when it bled into their day or day life.
“Water…” he sits up finally, a soft smile given in return and a pat to the space in front of him. He’s well aware what Matthew is, he can smell him from miles away but it isn’t in Lucian to act on their usual nature. He’s been through this one too many times and doesn’t put himself in situations that he cannot control. Right now, Both are perfectly fine, safe. “So you’re saying my post full moon bliss isn’t a good look.” A soft laugh with the tease, “I’ll be sure to bring a brush and some beard oil next time.” His smile still soft under the scruff. He would have to be stupid and blind to not ding the long haired blonde attractive but Matthew had a lot more to live for and he didn’t seem interested in the old mentality of things either, but Lucian never out right asked. They sort of just became mutual and then friends and now Matthew usually came after a full moon to find him, “How was your night?” A hand held out for the clothes, even if it was just to drape them over his lap for now.
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seudxnimx · 1 year
Continued from open starter - @irrwicht
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He gives a soft laugh at the comment, eyes closing as he lets the sun hit him and focuses on that for a moment, “Unfortunately, that’s not much of my own call during the full moon.” Which, it wasn’t. It’s the years and years of not belonging anywhere or to anyone that leaves his wolf form extremely restless and agitated. He won’t belong to a pack though and he won’t trap a mate, so, he deals with it as he has for the last 60 plus years.
Another quiet chuckle and a shake of his head, “Should I be working for a six pack at my age?” While he’s fit and strong, Lucian is not sporting a body like a twenty year old. He’s softer around the muscles he’s built up. A hand resting on their knee and giving it a squeeze, “Joking, no offense taken.” He nods though and sits up, taking the hoodie and slipping it on, “Thank you. You never have to do this though…” not wanting it to feel like some obligation. It’s a groan that he gets to his feet and slides the rest of the clothes on before sitting next to Michi, enjoying the sun slowly rising, “How was your night?” A genuine question asked, not so much a small take but wondering what the deity does in their free time often. Their relationship hasn’t crossed enough lines for Lucian to recommend a new therapist but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t formed a crush on Michizane. This isn’t the first time they have seen Lucian like this though, nudity not much to a Kami and a werewolf is the assumption he made early on.
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seudxnimx · 1 year
Continued from open starter - @mxrvelouscreations
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“Like this? A few hours.” He answers, he’s been out here the whole night but shifting back he’s only been human for a bit. “It’s okay, I’ve got clothes in a bag over there…” a point to under one of the trees, he just hasn’t found the energy to get up and get them but he silently asks William to do just that.
“I’m starving.” A soft smile given, as he always was after a full moon - or in general. Lucian had a heavy appetite almost all the time, it’s part of the reason why he took up cooking was to simply feed himself, “Did you bring something to eat?” Of course his senses high but he didn’t wasn’t to make assumptions what was for him or not.
He and William go back a bit, he’s not ashamed of being naked by any means and since William has seen him post moon before, it’s not the first time he’s seen it all either. The clothes will help if he’s uncomfortable though and that’s the last thing Lucian wants to make the other. “We’re you just on a nature walk or we’re you coming for me?” He asks while dressing once William brings him the duffel bag of clothes.
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