xfilesruinedmylife · 1 year
If anyone wants to meet up, message me I will be there Saturday and Sunday for sure. What is everyone the most excited for, and did I order way to many photo ops. The lone gunmen, Alex K, the Scully’s and cancerman. I am wavering on the photo op with Marita, X, and Deep throat..
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xfilesruinedmylife · 1 year
I am alive
How is everyone? Anyone going to Minnesota in September for the Philefest? I will be there, its just a shake and a twist from where I am now living. I have not rewatched the xfiles since season 11 ended.. maybe I should rewatch. My new obsessions are succession, and I know I am late to the game but started watching Evil.
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xfilesruinedmylife · 3 years
So I thought the xfiles fandom was unhinged, my wife and I got into law and order SVU during the pandemic like as in we binged all 22 seasons. That fandom is cray-cray, but I get it we had to wait seven years for a kiss they have been waiting 23 years.
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xfilesruinedmylife · 3 years
Hope everyone is well, I took a long much needed break from social media and I'm back. I recently found my xfiles computer game and just downloaded it onto my pc. My eight year old is probably more excited than I am, we've been watching some of the least disturbing episodes and she's been digging them.
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xfilesruinedmylife · 3 years
Hi there, haven't seen you around in a while so I thought about sending you a message this way. Hope to hear from you soon:)
Life has been nuts, hmmm let's see. Loss of a parent, pandemic, pandemic baby, job change, move during a pandemic... but things are good.
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xfilesruinedmylife · 4 years
Hey Everyone
Wow its been a hot minute since I checked in here. What is new? How is everyone? What a shit show of a year... am I right?  I hope y’all are good, and I hope to get back to posting my usual fandom man nonsense 
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
Hey guys
I am alive I swear. I lost my father two months ago and so things have been..not so good. But things are starting to get good again, and so i popped on here to say hey. Hope everyone is well 
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
waiting to buy these tickets like..
Going to be a fun trip to the desert 
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
I made vet appointments for our New Guinea pigs and the receptionist said right on when I mentioned Dana Scully Pigs name. Just hoping she’s not a he but we will just name her Fox Mulder instead...
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
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Meet Ruth Bader Guinea-Pig and Dana Scully
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
I’m watching GOT for the first time
I just started, I know fandom man way late to the game. Am I going to want to chew broken glass when I’m done?
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
Not x files related but damn re watching the entire 20 seasons of Law and Order SVU makes me want to bleach my brain. Also Mariska like GA is like a fine wine, she is a goddess. 
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
Season 9 scully was one of my favorite scully’s right behind season one scully
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
Im back
i took a much needed social media Hiatus, I deleted my Instagram and twitter because honestly i didn't miss them. however I missed all you crazy people. How is everyone? 
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xfilesruinedmylife · 5 years
Watching the chilling adventures of Sabrina with my wife, well i was mostly dozing until i hear... “oh hell no its the cigerette bastard he better not fuck this show up.” I open My eyes because I think my wife has totally lost it, and who do I see but William frickin Davis.
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