xandernobile · 10 years
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⋞ ★ ⋟ The girl was fairly aware that the shop was closing, but there wasn’t any other chances she could get to check out the shop due to to her busy work schedule. Too bad the only thing she got to do was peer at the window displays, she was contemplating getting her cousin something. Maybe another day.               ”I see… too bad I won’t be able to. Looks like you guys close nearly the same time I get out of work.” 
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       Well, that changes things. Xander looked at the girl for a moment before turning around to unlock the shop again. He figured he'd be nice this one time and let her take a peek inside. "If you want, you can look for a couple of minutes.. Just don't tell anyone that I let you in past closing." He told her.
    "Feel free to buy whatever if you find something you like." He added opening the door for her.
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xandernobile · 10 years
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He takes the coffee in silence, taking a sip as he listens to the other's question. What made him feel fullfilled? Xander wasn't quiet sure, but he would shrug softly, not really sure how to answer the male's question.
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█ ▌⊰ ✯🔪✯ ⊱ ▌█ ; And he’s going to seat himself on one of the cafe’s tables, extending his arm and offering a coffee to the stranger. Shocking, he’s in a good mood for once.
“What in your life currently makes you feel the most fulfilled?”
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xandernobile · 10 years
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Shin ❤ | Amnesia Ep. 04
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xandernobile · 10 years
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xandernobile · 10 years
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*sweats nervously* so many people followed. Uh hii. I'm the mun of this blog I hope you all enjoy your stay.
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xandernobile · 10 years
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                                                 "I don't wanna let anyone in,                                                      so I have my walls up                                                     so they can't get through."
                                                      Independent OC blog
- This blog is sort of new, but he's developing as he interacts with people.
- Multi-Verse/Multi-Ship Friendly. (Chemistry is a must.)
- Multi-Fandom/OC/Self-Insert Friendly of course!
- I can be semi-selective with whom I write with.
- n s f w content is possible (Blood, Gore, and smut sometimes, ect.)
- Ask box is open for plotting or interacting with my muse.
- Mun is a dork and is kind and respectable to others.
- Looking for more people to interact and be friends with. :)
                            PROFILE | RULES | ASK BOX | DISCLAIMER
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xandernobile · 10 years
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     "Ugh, why does everything have to be so complicated. I swear I wasn’t drunk when I teleported here. How do I even get back, this is such a pain," Yato continued to complain to himself as he made his way into the pizza shop. He can probably see if people have left overs, can’t he? Maybe if people continue not to notice him, everything would go smoothly.
     Looking around for awhile, waiting until someone wasn’t paying much attention to their food, he saw that someone was staring in his direction. He turned around for a brief moment to see if anything was behind him, and then turned back. "Uhh— are you … Looking at me?"
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     Well, trying not to be noticeable was way out of the question, considering he had noticed him staring. He could just ignore him and act like he hadn't done a thing, but this guy was from Japan so he had grown more curious to maybe ask him a few questions.
    "Maybe.. Is that a problem?"
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xandernobile · 10 years
          She gave a nod, although she still didn’t believe that an apology was enough. Sawako wanted to make sure that it was okay (even though he had already said it was). ❝Y-Yes, but I could have knocked you over! You aren’t hurt anywhere, though— right?❞ She questioned, even though she wasn’t the strongest person.
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                  "You don't have to worry, Miss. I'm fine." He assured her. He would have probably been a little bit more sterner had it been someone else that wasn't worried like this girl was, but she seemed harmless and he didn't want to frighten her anymore than she was with bumping into him like that.
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xandernobile · 10 years
+ xandernobile
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     "That’s it. I’m completely lost. How did I even get here, this isn’t Japan— Ooh, is that a pizza shop?" Too bad yen didn’t work in a place like this.
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       Xander had been minding his own business and enjoying a soda that he had bought at the Pizza Shop downtown. Then again his ears had accidentally eavesdropped hearing  a voice nearby. Gazing over at the male in the corner of his eyes, curiosity gotten the best of him.
     Had he heard right? Was the male really lost and was he really from Japan? Xander had been wanting to visit Japan someday when he had enough money to travel there. He stayed where he was though, wondering if the guy would actually come to the Pizza Shop.
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xandernobile · 10 years
          She was shocked to hear that he wasn’t listening — yet she wasn’t angry. Although she was out of breath from all that jumbling of words, so she thought it would be better to try and shorten it so she wouldn’t waste his time. Her face stayed frozen, but her body began to give a small bow before she could finally apologize to the other one.
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          ❝G-Gomen— I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and bumped into you…❞ 
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          A simple shrug was what was done before he spoke up. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm sure you were in a hurry, right?" He asked looking down at her, figuring that was the case for her bumping into him. He didn't care, it wasn't like it hurt him or anything.
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xandernobile · 10 years
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Just gonna let you all know that I JUST made Xander last night so he still needs to have a lot of development done on him so forgive me if he doesn't make sense right now. I'm slowly trying to figure out his story and how i want it to fully go.
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xandernobile · 10 years
          The female needed to go out this late at night for some medicine, since her dad had suddenly caught a cold. She ran and ran on her way to the store, not really paying attention to where she was going — that is until she had accidentally knocked into someone, although not that hard. (She wasn’t a very strong person). The girl began to worry and apologize like crazy!
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          ❝Ah— g-g-g-gomen! I didn’t mean to run into you like that— I’m really sorry!❞ 
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           Xander turned and noticed the younger girl apologizing. He stayed quiet because he had barely heard her from the music blaring in his ears. He would have walked away had he known it was someone he really didn't care for, but he needed to hear what she had said.
                        "..I wasn't listening. What?"
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xandernobile · 10 years
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       Xander had been drinking a coffee at a starbucks near his apartment, he didn't really want to go home just yet, so he decided to sit outside of the starbucks in the back where they had a fence around it and small tables to sit at. It was nice to be out in the night time like this for him drinking some warm coffee.
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xandernobile · 10 years
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           Xander had began locking up the Music Shop that he had to watch and work till closing time. As soon as he made sure everything was turned off and locked up he turned around and saw someone close by.
          "..We're closed for the evening. Come back tomorrow."
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xandernobile · 10 years
She blinked up at him, somewhat uncomfortable with the silence. She was accustomed to loudness, each day spent with those she loved rather hectic. But this stranger seemed like a shadow beneath her feet, and, well, it was awkward. 
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"A-ah… Um… Thank you." Taking his hand, she hoisted herself up, dusting the dirt off rather quickly, embarrassed by her blunder. "… Are you sure you’re alright, mister?" 
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        He merely nods again letting her know he's fine, he just didn't feel like speaking at the moment. He tends to stay quiet around strangers, no matter who it was, but he figured she'd wanted him to speak sometime, so he sighs and looks down at her.
        "You should be more careful, next time.."
    He murmurs softly, loud enough for her to hear he was sure. He was going to be on his way soon, but it would be rude of him to leave without speaking at least once.
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xandernobile · 10 years
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[ S H I N ❤ A M N E S I A ]
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xandernobile · 10 years
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