Xaela & Miqo'te Crew
27 posts
U'rhoe Mewrilah, Kheni Lanbatal, Shessae Kahkol, Syrreth Kahkol, and Astrelle Vilauclaire. FFXIV Balmung RP blog
Last active 3 hours ago
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xaela-miqotecrew · 4 years ago
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Going back to her tribe’s old camp hurts. It hurts her dearly. But she can’t help but go back, as she always has done.
She has always been drawn back to the ice and snow, to the little cave that protected her clan from the harsh weather, the cave that had always been so busy and bustling with life.
But it was deathly quiet, not a single soul within.
She was the only one left, and that cave will never house her clan again.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 4 years ago
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Whispers echoed through Ishgard. Rumours spreading like wildfire.
“Did you hear about the strange miqo’te going around asking for any information on the attack on Foxclaw?”
“She’s so strange, isn’t she? She’ll freely ask for information, but will barely speak outside of that.”
“She has the mark of Foxclaw on her back. Is she a survivor?”
“She looks kind of like Kheni, don’t you think?”
“What? No way! Kheni had long blue hair, remember? And she never covered her eyes like that!”
“The Temple Knights have been calling her “The White Fox”.”
“Have you noticed her aether? It’s strange. Like something has been added to it. Something old… and very… very angry.”
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xaela-miqotecrew · 4 years ago
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The White Fox expands her magical knowledge, as she knows magic is her greatest strength. Where once she used it to heal and mend the injured, now, she focuses it towards more destructive magicks.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 4 years ago
The Keeper sat before the fire in the Forgotten Knight, warming herself up after being out in the cold of Coerthas.
She breathes out, watching the fire crackling before her. She didn’t pay attention to the chatter of the patrons behind her, simply letting herself get lost in her own thoughts.
“Did you hear about the Keeper clan that lived in Western Coerthas?”
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That question caught the Keeper’s attention as she turns her head towards the the sound of the conversation.
There were two elezen speaking behind her, her ears flicking towards them.
“You mean the Foxclaw clan? Don’t they trade with Ishgard?”
“Yes. Well - they did - the Temple Knights found the entire clan slaughtered a few days ago.”
“Slaughtered? You mean they’re all dead? Who would do such a thing?”
“No one knows. But they still haven’t found one of the clansisters yet.”
“Which one is missing?”
“The Matriarch’s youngest daughter.”
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The Keeper’s fingers dig into the stone under her. She suddenly gets to her feet, walking towards the stairs.
She’d heard enough. The memory of what happened then was still fresh to her, and she’d rather not remember it if she could avoid. She walked up the stairs, opening the door and stepping out into the cold night air.
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She only takes a few steps away from the tavern when pain suddenly courses through her head, making her collapse onto the stone, the keeper on her hands and knees.
“Revenge...” A voice snarls in her mind as she clutches her head. “Blood will be paid with blood... They will all pay for their crimes!”
“No!” The Keeper snaps. “No! We’re still too weak! We don’t even know who...” She digs her fingers into her head. “We need to be patient! They’ll... They’ll get their payment in due time...”
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The pain slowly subsided, the Keeper shakily getting to her feet. She shakes her head, tail fluffing out for a moment as she shakes her head before letting her hands drop to her sides.
She shivers in the cold, ignoring the odd stares the Temple Knights were giving her as she walks through the falling snow. She stops however, beside the broken statue that once stood proudly before the tavern.
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The Keeper stares at what remained of the statue, letting her mind wander.
For the first time since she could remember, she was alone. She had no family, she had no clan...
She was scared. She knew the spirit within would not rest until her clan had been avenged. While she was able to keep it pacified for now, she still couldn’t control the power the spirit had granted her.
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The Keeper breathes out, turning and exiting toward the Aetheryte Plaza, heading for the Gates of Judgement.
She was the only member of her clan left. The last remaining remnants of Foxclaw.
She was Kheni Lanbatal, the Keeper who merged with the guardian spirit of her clan.
The White Fox.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
Hello! If you’re an active Final Fantasy XIV blog (roleplaying, aesthetic, etc.) could you please reblog this post? It’ll serve as a reference point for people who are looking for new blogs to follow to see who is active from February 11th and onward!
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
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The skeeper had lived in the desert for moons now, living with a dear friend. Of course, her skin had darkened from the days in the sun, her once pale skin now having a copper tinge to it.
She of course, didn’t mind. She enjoyed the warm sun just as much as she enjoyed the cool moon.
She’s been through many hardships. But for now...
She can relax in the peace she’s found.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
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Celebrating all the love that’s been found through FFXIV, ICly and OOCly! ^-^
Happy Valentine’s Day ♥
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
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The stages of void corruption
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
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Enri stares over the edge of the Goblet. His eyes weren’t focused on anything, he was just letting himself stare, though his gaze soon wandered down to his hand.
He lift up his hand to inspect, seeing how pale he had gotten, rather than having the dark greyish tone his skin usually way. The streaks in his hair had turned white, purple markings having appeared on his face.
The voidtaint was starting to take its toll, that much was obvious. The coughing fits had gotten worse, and, although he coughs up more black liquid than before, it no longer hurt him when he did.
He turns, moving to head back to his shared apartment. He only took a few steps when pain suddenly shot through his head making him stumble down onto his knees.
He didn’t have the voice to scream as he clutches his head, the quietest of whispers echoing in his ears. And then suddenly, it stopped, and all was silent.
He staggers back to his feet, putting a hand to his face and shaking his head. That part was new, but he had a feeling he knew what had caused it.
he glances back behind him, his ears lowering a bit against his head. “... Twelve, if you exists... please... end this.”
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
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Enri stared up at the darkened sky, the wind washing over him as he stood on the isles that floated high in the sky, a sea of clouds below him, hiding the star below from his view.
So much had happened, he scarcely had time to process it all.
During the fight with the voidsent hadn’t ended with him being thrown into Thanalan, as he originally had thought. No, somehow, that battle had ended with the voidsent throwing him back in time, and all the while tainting him with its essence.
Now, he was akin to a time bomb, ticking down further and further until the voidtaint either claimed his life, or turned him into a voidsent, deprived of all thought and reason. A monster that only lives to feed on aether, and cares not how it attains that aether.
Many thoughts kept rattling in his brain, some darker than others. But he was well aware even if he acted on them, those that came to care for him would find him soon enough and drag him back home, scolding him all the way.
He knew they would find him standing here eventually. Even so, he couldn’t help but wonder... had his mother stood here as he now was, staring up at the same sky when she had been off training with her Dragoon master?
Had she faced this sort of hardship before? He knew her life had never been easy, especially since she was a halfbreed, too. Half Keeper, half Seeker.
His adopted sisters had always told him he took after their mother the most. Almost like they were looking into a weird mirror when the two were together. Yet he doubted he had the strength that she seemed to possess.
“Rhoe...” His mother’s name left his lips, fingers twitching at the name. “... Why can’t I be as strong as you, marda?”
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xaela-miqotecrew · 5 years ago
A groan leaves Enri’s lips as he blinks open his eyes, his vision slightly blurry. The miqo’te/roegadyn halfbreed pushes himself up so he was sitting, shaking his head and blinking a few times until his vision cleared. He sniffs the air, ears listening close to the sounds around him.
“Okhi? Zaya?” The halfbreed called out for his elder sisters, receiving no reply. “Okhi! Zaya!” After a moment of waiting, he lifts his hands to his ear, activating his linkpearl. “Okhi, Zaya, you there? I got separated from you...”
Silence is his only response.
Enri’s hand drops to the ground, his claws digging into the dirt as a hiss escapes his lips. He perks his ears up when he feels a soft breeze, finally taking a chance to look around his current area. “Where am I...?”
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He pushes himself to his feet, stumbling a bit as he clutches his chest, hissing at the pain. He’ll need to bandage the wound, but first he needs to figure out where he is.
He forces himself to move forward, having spotted a cliff where he can get a better vantage point. He makes it a few feet before falling to the ground, his wounds from the battle before taking their toll on him now that Zaya was no longer there to heal him.
Even so, he pushes himself back up, determined to make his way to the top of the cliff.
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He stumbles to his knees once he makes it to the top,opting to just crouch in the grass for the time being.
Enri sniffs the air, taking in the scents as his mismatched eyes scan the area below. “♪You are the dawn of a new day that’s waking, a masterpiece still in the making, the blue in an ocean of grey...♪” He started quietly singing the lullaby his mother had sung to him and his sisters when they were younger. “♪You are right where you need to be, poised to inspired and to succeed. You’ll look back and you’ll realize one day...♪”
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His singing soon trailed off the more he studied the area. His eyes widened in shock, as he finally realized just where exactly he was. “Is... is this Thanalan? How’d I get here?”
Last thing he remembered was fighting against a voidsent with his sisters. Okhi calling out commands to him, the warmth of Zaya’s healing magic as she kept him and Okhi on their feet. He blacked out, and suddenly he was in the middle of the desert.
What had happened between now and then? How long had he been out for?
The halfbreed forces himself to his feet, starting back down the cliff slowly. He’ll need to find someone to patch him up before he can start figuring out what exactly happened and how he got here.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 6 years ago
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I forgot to show off my little duskwight!
This is Astrelle, my deaf elezen. She’s a sweetheart, but can be a bit of a troublemaker. And sometimes throws rocks at people.
While she’s quite skilled with a gunblade, she’s also learning some conjury for those who might need aid while out in the field.
Since she can’t hear, she mostly speaks in sign or through writing. She’s always excited when she meets someone who can sign to her, but takes great amusement watching others fail at signing the correct thing or try to figure out how to communicate with her. But of course she’s happy to help others learn how to sign if they ask her.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 6 years ago
Astrelle stared at the entry, her hand resting on the page. Slowly the duskwight’s gaze shifts over to the window, gazing out of it as she loses herself to thought.
This certainly made things more interesting, but the rest of the puzzle pieces were still missing...
The first clue.
As the group breaks into the office with a lot of sound, thankfully the principal is out. Searching for any kind of clue, the group finds a leather bound book. The pages barely hold together, and it looks worn out. Reading the first page says...:
"Dear diary...." The word is crossed out
"Thats stupid...There is nothing dear about this...I will write in here to keep some kind of insanity. Myself and a couple of others got captured by the Garleans. They are taking us somewhere...Probably to their hometown. There is a other Lalafell boy here, like myself. He seems to be staring just in front of him. For some reason his hands are bound, yet mine arent...I wonder whats going to happen to us. Are we going to die...?"
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xaela-miqotecrew · 6 years ago
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Thank you all, so very much!
Like wow…Where do i even start?
This has been one hell of a ride for me. When i encountered the FC being robbed of everything, i felt absolutely devastated. I was heartbroken and felt like all my hard work, was for nothing. I always just wanted to create a RP hub for people to have fun. I didnt really care about having x much members in my FC, or being the biggest RP community ever. All i cared about was wanting to have fun. Create stories, laugh at events happening, or even feel emotions when a certain RP scene played out. And that was all taken away, by one person…
But then…
I sended a report to the GMs of Square Enix, who told me they could not do anything. But the community of FF14 did not allow this, and they all stood together, helping and reaching out to us. To Lunar Rose. To build up what we lost. And…Words escape me how amazing this is. How a bunch of strangers, some never even hearing of the FC, still offered a helping hand, whether it was gil, furniture, or even letting a alt join the FC to rack up Company Points again. It shows how wholesome and amazing the community of this game is. Its why i bought this pillar, as a homage to the events that transpired. A shoutout to all who helped, and dragged us back on our feet. This is to you. Because without you, this School would maybe be never saved. Thank you everyone, from the bottom of my heart.
I wanted to give out some special shoutouts here.
@smolcatte from Moons Rest.- When she heard what happened, she called to arms right away. She rallied her troops and went into action. If it weren’t for her, this never went off the ground. If you see her, give her a big hug and all the support you can possibly give.
@renataturner - A dear friend of Pheli (And also now one of us too lol) Who joined our effort, and redecorated the whole school for us. And let me tell you, it looks amazing. She made a video for it that i will link right here Give her a lot of support and love too!   And of course, all of you! You were all amazing! I hope one day, we can leave the current FC we are in, and create our own. Because i am going to work hard to get the school a large house. You given me all hope, love and the power to go on! If Lunar Rose or me personally can ever do anything for you guys, please let me know, cause i would do it! Oh and if you are wondering how much gil we made from donations…Its only the best number ever.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 6 years ago
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“This tragedy, greater even than the Seven Umbral Calamity, must be undone. If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten.”
“Become what you must.”
“Become the Warrior of Darkness.”
Bonus pic:
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xaela-miqotecrew · 6 years ago
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A new day has begun. A new adventure with her family. So she learns new skills to help.
To most, she is Au Ra. She is Xaela.
But to one, she is Drahn. And she will follow him back to his home to provide what aid she can.
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xaela-miqotecrew · 6 years ago
Reblog this if you’re on the Crystal Data Centre so that we know who to follow! o/
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