How about the So Spooky face with either rhys or tim?

Tim and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Field Trip.
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Ah, Timmy... kiddo. Okay, not kiddo cause that’s just... yeesh. Hyperion is hosting some sort of drink thing and I gotta plus one. About damn time you learned to handle yourself around the big assholes. You in?
“‘W-Wait. You want me to be your-”

Date? Was that what he should call it? COULD he call it that? Nooo, it couldn’t be. This was a business thing…right? Hold on. Was he even allowed to be in the same room with this guy without y’know, blowin’ the whole he has a double thing? Especially with his own people. Shit. Was he over thinkin’ this crap?
“I mean y-yeah! Yeah of course. I erm. I mean yes sir.” Tim stuttered out his reply with a stiff nod of his head. It was utterly obvious he was still perplexed by all of this.
“What exactly do you need me to do exactly? You’re implyin’ we’re goin’ together but doesn’t that y’‘know go against everything I was made for s-sir?”
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“Don’t move.”
“L-Listen pal I-I’m not who you think I am I swear!”
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Awwww Tim Tim you're so cute
“Aw c’mon y’gonna make me blush~”
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“I’m Angel.”
Indie RP Blog for Angel from Borderlands 2
8+ years experience
Beautiful Promo art done by mah gurl: @pandcran-scum
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i’d rather die as a good guy. / hail to the king, baby !
ind. pri. sel. canon - divergent trans rhys strongfork. tftbl + bl3 - based. programmed by felix.
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herobetrayed replied to your post: “TFW you think your boss is kinda hot but you’re...
tfw your boss has no boundaries and is the type to love his own face
tfw you’re oddly down with the idea of being rammed mercilessly against your boss’s desk by said boss haha whaaat? geeze toootally wouldn’t happen h a h a
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E C H O L O G — He’s just gonna casually ignore the panic and anxiety evident in the double’s voice because why acknowledge something that was just so not Jack. ❝❞ Goddamn. It really is like looking into a handsome mirror. Ah, never gets old. ❝❞ A hum and he circles the man, eyes roaming to check for any inconsistencies. He’d hired a helluva good surgeon, he was gonna have to remember to keep the fuck on the payroll. ❝❞ Listen, kiddo. Y’gotta stop acting like you’ve got a pole up your ass. Loosen up a bit. Just wiggle a little, let it out. Jack isn’t a stiff. ❝❞
Better said than freakini’ done. Tim wanted to retort as he watched with a curious side eye as the other male circled him like some kinda wolf. Geeze, talk ‘bout a weird ass boss, but who was he to complain? If not for this stupid gig, he’d be drownin’ in debt right about now.
Timothy took a steady breath though. .Everything would be fine...just a few years like this then bam! He could go back to living his goddamn life without this face...

“Y-Yeah! Erm, I get what you’re sayin’ sir. Sorry just a lil’ nervous still.”
Relax, he thought to himself. Simple as that. With a quick focus he lost his edge just a little bit, giving the real Jack a quick little finger gun shot an a charming wink that ALMOST seemed more Jack than Tim. Just the right push in the right direction and he could play the part...kinda.
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“TFW you think your boss is kinda hot but you’re also wearing your boss’s face.”
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herobetrayed started following you
“Oh Jesus Chri-I mean h-hey! Er, h-hello sir.” Catch this poor bastard giving his best smile that totally didn’t reek of pure panic and anxiety.
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“I’m already regretting coming out of hiding.”
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jack figures out the “wilhelm will do whatever shit I ask if I throw money at him” game, immediately abuses his newfound power
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“Please Remember Me.”
Indie RP Blog for Xion from Kingdom of Hearts
8+ years experience
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i finished bltps finally! timothy did nothing wrong he is my sweet summer child.
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“yeah well— that makes you a dork too, though, doesn’t it?” ka-ching. he got him back with that one. followed by an awful motionof fingerguns, which, if he’s honest with himself, he only dared do in front of the other. at least he’s sure the other tim wouldn’t mind too much, considering they’re pretty much alike when it comes to all things dorky and nerdy.
“that they do— and uhh … i mean, i guess so—” tim pauses, grabbing a handful of nachos from the bowl to practically shove them into his mouth, speaking as it was full. “—that’s basically who we’re supposed to be for the next.. how many years, right? so—” a small shrug as if to emphasize that he’s unsure where he stood on that matter, before he would follow with something else. once the nachos were all gulped down, a tad quieter. “do you— regret it? this whole program, do you ever feel like you wanna go back and deck yourself before you would sign up on it?”
“I feel insulted and how dare you finger gun me.” Tim joked, playfully grabbing his chest as if he’d been shot. He made a low gargling groaning noise and threw himself over his twin, pretending to be super dead, drool and all slipping over the side of his bottom lip. “Blaaaah, I’m deaaaad.” These were t he dorkiest dorks that could ever dork.
“Dude I totally lost count already. But does it matter really? I don’t even see myself making it that far in the first place. Everyone thinks we’re Jack remember? Think of all the enemies that guy has? We barley made it out of college let alone making it how many years as our crazy ass boss man.” Tim grumbled, looking up at his duplicate with tired eyes where he rested his head on the others lap. At the question given, he sighed and pushed himself up. He was hunched over slightly, a hand running through perfect brunette locks.
“Of course I use to. I use to regret it. I regretted it everyday....but with all the the bad this gigs brought us there’s been good too y’know? There’s no need to think about the past man. What’s done is done and we gotta look to the future till our time is up. So yeah I regret it...but I have to suck it up and power through it. I have people to save and things to protect now. Friends now I wouldn’t have had if I was still that little desk jokey weirdo in the back of an office...we’re Vault Hunters. REAL Vault Hunters. We should be proud of how far we’ve come. How strong we are now because of this choice we made.”
“We really are like Bruce in that way. With his Hulk side. He knows he can’t change who he is now but he uses his bad decisions to make things better. He as the Hulk is powerful and strong and can save people and has the Avengers as friends! You think he’d been able to be friends with them or be as cool and famous as he is if he didn’t make that choice to go into the lab when the radiation happened? He’s gone a long way. So have we.”
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