| (ftm trans/Bi) Witch | Virgo | 18|| Witch of Canada | Eclectic witch | | Get a tarot reading: https://wxtches-energies.tumblr.com/post/623652296926117888/now-offering-tarot-readings
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
What’s your fantasy?
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
cis people be like. i would rather my loved one die than transition and be happy because it would be easier on me, the most important person in this situation, the cis person
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
Random witch: This spell requires Grave Yard dirt!!!1!!
Me: That’s cool and all, but did you ask the spirit if you could take it?
Random witch: lol what?????
Me: *looks into the camera like i’m on the office*
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
what to do when you’re spiritually burnt out 🌜🌻🌛
i’m sure we all have times where we feel like witchcraft is too much, too time consuming, not fulfilling enough, or we just can’t seem to get motivated to actually practice. this is especially true for my spoonie witch self! here are tips i’ve found useful for when i personally feel burnt out.
pace yourself. don’t feel like you have to get back to where you once were in your practice right away. try one tarot card a day. do some light energy work this week. schedule a day to make a tasty potion (hot cocoa potions are the bomb for this) and then watch a movie while you enjoy it.
plan in advance. maybe you can get yourself hyped for a big ritual at the next full moon! write down a day in your planner for a cool event and ration smaller preparatory tasks leading up to it.
practice passively. set a jar on your porch for when the next rain happens to fall, or throw some rose quartz in your makeup bag for your next night out. when you rediscover these things, it can really spark interest and motivation again.
explore nature in solitude. this one is huge. go for a nature walk (yes, I am a city witch and it’s possible!) and collect fallen leaves or wildflowers (cut, don’t pick) that you can use in future work. or, just soak in the awe of earth herself.
research. when you have free time, have a big research day on herbalism, crystals, your dieties, whatever. this one’s also huge for me.
glamour magick. one great active spellwork activity you can do is glamour and self love magick. #glamour magick on here, check out the tag! also recommend @orriculum for these types of spells. they really help you find peace in your craft again.
take a break from it. sometimes we need one. go out with friends and family, focus on school or work, and try your best to remain hopeful. personally, i’ve taken two of these long breaks from my craft. it helped me to rediscover why I’m a witch in the first place.
hope these helped–
until we meet again 🌜🌻🌛
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
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George Floyd - change.org
George Floyd - amnesty.org
George Floyd - colorofchange.org
Get The Officers Charged
Charge All Four Officers
Breonna Taylor - moveon.org
Breonna Taylor - colorofchange.org
Breonna Taylor - justiceforbreonna.org
Breonna Taylor - change.org
Breonna Taylor - thepetitionsite.com
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 2
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 3
Justice for Oluwatoyin Salau
Pass The Georgia Hate Crime Bill
Defund MPD
Life Sentence For Police Brutality
Regis Korchinski - change.org
Tete Gulley - change.org
Tony McDade - change.org
Tony McDade - actionnetwork.org
Tony McDade - thepetitionsite.com
Joao Pedro - change.org
Julius Jones - change.org
Belly Mujinga - change.org
Willie Simmons - change.org
Hands Up Act - change.org
National Action Against Police Brutality
Kyjuanzi Harris - change.org
Alejandro Vargas Martinez - change.org
Censorship Of Police Brutality In France
Sean Reed - change.org
Sean Reed - change.org 2
Kendrick Johnson - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org 2
Fire Racist Criminal From The NYPD
Jamee Johnson - organizefor.org
Darius Stewart - change.org
Darius Stewart - moveon.org
Abolish Prison Labor
Free Siyanda - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org 2
Andile Mchunu (Bobo) - change.org
Eric Riddick - change.org
Amiya Braxton - change.org
Emerald Black - change.org
Elijah Nichols - change.org
Zinedine Karabo Gioia - change.org
Angel Bumpass - change.org
Sheku Bayoh - change.org
Angel DeCarlo - change.org
Sandra Bland - change.org
Sherrie Walker - change.org
Darrien Hunt - change.org
Cornelius Fredericks - change.org
Elijah McClain - change.org
James Scurlock - change.org
Darren Rainey- change.org
Do something!
*You don’t need to donate to change.org, donate directly to the families. Also if there’s a problem with a petition, please dm me instead of reblogging so I can fix it faster. *
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself.
— Maya Angelou
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
not sure if you’ll be able to help/ if this is offensive (please tell me if it is! i’m doing my best to learn!) but i’m curious about the gods? how does it work? are they more like entities? or are they beings like us? i was raised christian (and now don’t believe in that), but i’ve been feeling really drawn to witches. but i’m not sure if my conditioning by my old church is skewing my perspective of gods (specifically greek gods). so if u could help me find any info i’d appreciate it 😬
Well personally I don’t work with any divine forms. However if you follow accounts that do work with Greek Gods , as well as going to your local library, and general online research, you should be able to gather enough info that can help you begin your path. Even if you end up finding working with divine forms isn’t your thing that doesn’t mean you can’t be a witch. You don’t have to work with divine forms to be a witch. Search up “baby witch tips” and start there along with your research of Greek Gods!
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
how do u know if ur ready for spells?? everything i’ve seen says to only wait until you’re ready and it’s not for beginners. how do i know when i’m ready???
That really rigid thinking. Witchcraft is a spectrum of many many things. In the end after learning so much you realize that what works for you is what matters. Also witchcraft is about experiments! Have fun! Do whatever you want. Just do your research first of course and take a leap into it :)
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
It’s ask time! Send me all your witchy questions ✨✨✨✨
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
Now offering Dream interpretations
Pay using PayPal or an E transfer from your bank directly.
Please reblog to spread this around, $1.00 off if you reblog and send proof you did ! ( dollar off OFFER ONLY VALID: 15/07/2020-15/08/2020) I will be recording everyone I’ve given the offer to. Meaning it can only be used once.
By: wxtches-energies
My only rule:
Obviously you must pay me first before I can give you an interpretation. I know there’s conflict with trust and that’s why my pricing is as low as I can offer so you won’t lose too much if my services aren’t up to your expectations. However I doubt any problems will arise :)
$ 5 for a basic inerpretation: I will conduct a small interview about you and your Dream and then I’ll interpret it at a basic level
$ 10 for an in depth interpretation: I will conduct a more in depth interview about you and your Dream then I will give you a longer, more in depth interpretation
How to contact me & how to pay
Message me directly through tumblr (Do not send anything via an ask) or message me through Snapchat at: boy.andthebeast or discord at: orange-juice221#1595
Tell me if you’d like the basic interpretation or the in depth interpretation.
Then I will send you the link to my pay pal or offer you my pay pal email, OR I will offer my email linked to my bank account so you can send me an E transfer.
Once I have gotten the money I will begin the interview process and then I will interpret your dream for you !
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
Now offering Tarot readings
By: wxtches-energies
Please reblog to spread around my post
Obviously you must pay me first before I can give you a reading. I know there’s conflict with trust and that’s why my prices are as low as I can put them so you won’t lose too much if my services aren’t up to your expectations. However I doubt any problems will arise :)
Unless there’s a logical reason behind a difficult to answer question I won’t answer it (ex: life or death/ health related , will I get to marry/get together with ____ , will I get this job, will I get ______ on the 11th or 20th this month?)
Current spreads I offer:
Birthday spread:
- cost: Free (must prove date of birth) or pay whatever you would like.
- what: A 7 card reading to give you a hand in the next year until your next birthday. 3 to represent the short term into the year 3 to represent long term events into the year and 1 to represent the general theme/idea of your year.
Yes or no:
- cost: $1.00 for each question
- A basic to the point yes or no reading for breaking decisions or simplistic questions/wonderings. You might be asked a question or two so I can do the reading better for you.
Basic reading/ Daily reading:
- cost: $2 per a Question
-what: A 2 card reading for something to focus on everyday, guidance for the day or Answers to basic needs. You will be asked for a small amount of info regarding yourself and the question/situation brought to me.
In depth / For more serious issues:
-Cost: $5 / Each issue brought to me
-what: A 5 card spread for more serious matters, when two cards isn’t enough, or if you would like something discussed more in depth compared to the basic 1 card reading. You will be asked questions so I can gather info for your reading
Monthly themed spread:
-Cost: $3.00 / 1 reading for the month that is currently going.
- What: A 3 card reading based off differently themed spreads for each month.
January: Prosperity spread - A spread that will show you a path towards prosperity
February: Relationships: A spread for all questions regarding all kinds of relationships
March: Non-Monetary goals: A spread to help you reach your non money related goals
April: Growth: A spread that will show a path to help you grow as a person
May: Hobbies and Careers: Do you need a change? To start New? Or maybe to strengthen a skill? Come find out!
June: Negativity: what needs to be done to remove negativity from your life
July: Positivity: what needs to be done to bring more positivity into your life
August: self care: what do you need to do to take care of yourself more?
September: Education: How can you better your education? Or , what can you learn this month ?
October: The big picture- What are you struggling to see and how can it help you?
November: Fortune cookie: A glimpse of rewards to come and how to achieve them faster.
December: Endings- How you can prepare for the next year to come so that it is successful, and what can you take from this year?
How to get a reading / how to pay
Message me through tumblr messages NO SUBMISSIONS VIA ASK , you can also use snapchat or discord. Indicate a name I can identify you with and tell me which reading you would like and I will get to you ASAP (My snap is: boy.andthebeast and my discord is orange-juice221#1595)
Once I have recieved your message I will send you my pay pal account email or link (whatever you prefer) so that you can send your pay.
Once I have gotten your purchase I will conduct an interview so I can gather the info I need for your reading.
After I have gotten enough information I will pull out the cards, reveal them to you and discuss what it all means !
Further information
I use “The wild unknown” tarot deck by Kim krans
My cards are very blunt and aren’t vague about anything. So there is a chance for you to get an answer you aren’t ready to hear / don’t want to hear due to whatever personal reason you’ve got.
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
Hey I am looking to become a cosmic witch! Do you know any good starting tips and places to do research?
Just search it up in the tags ! A good place to start is researching magick related to your Zodiac sign! :)
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
How do I create a sigil?
You just draw a design. Some people use shapes correlated with the intention of your sigils via the words letters you intend to use the sigil for or a a literal shape like a heart for love.
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
I recently just had a super bad acid trip & decided to look into more of this crystals energy healing things.. what about all this stuff intrigues you most?
Well I think I enjoy the fact that when you put energy into working with crystals through meditation or spells you get energy back through whatever goal you were trying to achieve with the crystal. For example I’ve recently done a weight loss spell and the crystals I used in the spell are now by my bed, and I also carry them on me. Having them around and on me has helped me stick to my diet so far and it’s also helped me lose weight so far as well. Which is what I wanted from them. Other crystals may offer stuff like mental health help, help in money, luck, success, friendships, relationships, getting a job, feeling grounded anything really. Crystals really are awesome :)
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wxtches-energies · 5 years ago
hello love! I’m needing help getting a message across. I made a post (it’s pinned) needing help with anyone who could donate a few dollars to my gofundme to help me with medicine for my blood disorder I’m suffering with as I re experience symptoms I experienced a couple years ago when I was experiencing kidney dysfunction. I’m also making potions to sell. I am seeking out the witch community and I need all my witches with me. if you could please rb I pray and thank you dearly for your kindness.
Please reblog if you can’t donate
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