"Does the story have griffons in it?" Marian Cousland.Warden-Commander.The Hero of Ferelden.
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oh hey guys, been a while.
i’m moving marian over to my multimuse account, @actumagis, just to make my life a little easier. if you want to start/continue rping with me, go follow over there! thanks!
also don’t worry i’m not deleting this account. gotta have posterity and all that.
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oh hey guys, been a while.
i’m moving marian over to my multimuse account, @actumagis, just to make my life a little easier. if you want to start/continue rping with me, go follow over there! thanks!
also don’t worry i’m not deleting this account. gotta have posterity and all that.
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oh hey guys, been a while.
i’m moving marian over to my multimuse account, @actumagis, just to make my life a little easier. if you want to start/continue rping with me, go follow over there! thanks!
also don’t worry i’m not deleting this account. gotta have posterity and all that.
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oh hey guys, been a while.
i’m moving marian over to my multimuse account, @actumagis, just to make my life a little easier. if you want to start/continue rping with me, go follow over there! thanks!
also don’t worry i’m not deleting this account. gotta have posterity and all that.
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oh hey guys, been a while.
i’m moving marian over to my multimuse account, @actumagis, just to make my life a little easier. if you want to start/continue rping with me, go follow over there! thanks!
also don’t worry i’m not deleting this account. gotta have posterity and all that.
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He grinned widely, chuckling aloud at Marian.
“Marian, please, relax. No one here has even see a Darkspawn. Besides, I know this city like the back of my hand.”
With a humoring small gesture, he made his way to a table, pulled out a chair for her to sit. Being still well versed in his tavern work, with but a single wave of his hand he was able to wave over for the tavern’s keeper to bring the special of the day.
He took his own seat, his eyes scanning the various posters and flayers on the wall, some announcing drink specials, some depicting upcoming events, some things political. Three or four caught his eye, but before he could focus on them any longer, his gaze drifted back to Marian.
“Feeling any better on solid ground?”
She was tense always, constantly on edge, even as she pressed a kiss to his cheek as she sat down. Survive a Blight and a few assassination attempts and anyone really would be, especially with friends like Zevran and Leliana. ‘If you’re not on edge, you’re taking up too much space’ and all that from the assassin’s handbook or how to bard she was taught from during the Blight... She kept her eyes on the people surrounding them as Atticus tried to pull her attention back to him.
Shrugging at his question, Marian wasn’t too sure herself. “The sea sickness is gone, but I’m starving...” She watched as people drank and gambled at tables nearby, a stray thought of conning men out of money in Wicked Grace creeping its way in.
"That Which Goes Around" - Foster's Companion Quest Part 1
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He was rooted to the very place he stood, unable to make a move, wondering if this was all real, afraid to do a single thing in fear of blinking, waking, and finding this moment to be nothing more than a dream.
As Bear leapt at him, barking happily, showing affection one of the few ways he outwardly could, however, he came to find just how real it all was. Still, as Marian rose and approached him, hesitant, and then flinging her form into his aching arms, the fear of waking miles away lingered.
And then, she kissed him…
A sensation he’d ached for…
Her voice, a feeble whisper, was music to his ears. His arms wrapped around her, tightly, fearing she may vanish, a cruel trick of the Fade. His eyes bolted shut, a moment, tears flowing from clenched, tired eyes, arms shaking with every silent sob as he clutched her close. The words he managed to struggle out were perhaps the truest he’d ever speak in his life.
“…Marian…I’ll not…let you face…face anything…alone…”
Oh if only he knew what she’d been through in their time apart. The conspiracies she foiled, the monstrosities she had to put down and barter with for the betterment of the future, the hell of seeing another place she’d come to love burn. And she’d felt more alone doing it without him by her side than ever before she’d met him. He was her calm and comfort and to have those taken away and be thrust into a hellscape... it was uncomfortable to say the least. “Shh, darling, no tears. My Warhammer doesn’t cry...” She couldn’t take it if he was a mess as much as she was, tears on her cheeks. Her fingers moved to brush the tears away from both their cheeks, staring up at him with reverence in her eyes. He was there and desperate to never leave her again.
It’s hard to breathe with him holding her so tightly, but she’d never complain about it. It was nice knowing he was there again. “Lay down with me? I... I can’t sleep. My nightmares are worse now.” Admitting weakness felt foreign on her tongue after everything these past few months. She couldn’t let those around her know she was weak or she’d find a darkspawn blade between her ribs or poison in her food. She wished she had let some fool of an Orlesian Warden take the mantle left behind by Duncan and just gone to Highever with her brother and Atticus. She’d done her duty to the world, it didn’t deserve to ask more from her.
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In this case the cliché is true, I was born for this.
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Send me a 💀 and I’ll generate a number, 1 - 111, for what my muse will say to yours. Note that some content below the cut may be triggering.
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♥ THE WITCHER SENTENCE STARTERS ↳ feel free to adjust sentences to make it fit your muse better!
❛ You’re making a mistake. This man’s a murderer. ❜
❛ It’s a sign of the times. New customs and fashions. ❜
❛ I’m a relic, someone from the past, so I’m rather attached to the old customs. ❜
❛ I see a blind fanatic about to perish. ❜
❛ I carry out orders others are incapable of executing. ❜
❛ They say there are no innocents at war. ❜
❛ I am not for sale. ❜
❛ A strange thing, fate. ❜
❛ What would you do if you were free? ❜
❛ I have to kill you. ❜
❛ Why do you hound me? ❜
❛ They followed their leader too blindly. ❜
❛ They say that progress illuminates the darkness. ❜
❛ I mistook stars reflected in a pond at night for those in the sky. ❜
❛ I hate portals. ❜
❛ I think you’re a complete idiot. ❜
❛ I hear you have an imp problem. Or was that an imp-perfection in the notice. ❜
❛ Both are for monsters. ❜
❛ Don’t you ever come back or I’ll rip off your legs and shove them so far up your arse you’ll have toes for teeth! ❜
❛ Summon the bitches! ❜
❛ What the sandwich fuck is this? ❜
❛ I will protect her. As best I can. I will kill. I will kill mercilessly… ❜
❛ If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all. ❜
❛ Let me put it this way: wham-wham mans again, I’ll swish-a-swash-a-swunk you. ❜
❛ What do you think about? ❜
❛ Why do pricks go in cunts?! ❜
❛ You make as good a fisherman as a goat’s arse makes a trumpet. ❜
❛ Mmm… Thanks bunches. ❜
❛ Your mother sucks dwarf cock! ❜
❛ Be kind to dopplers… and also to fish. ❜
❛ I’m going to rip off your melon and shit down your neck! ❜
❛ Know when a legend becomes a prophecy? When it gains believers. ❜
❛ They drove me from the village. ❜
❛ I’m a freak too. ❜
❛ Slap a noonwraith’s tits, you’re a bigger rag-picker than me. ❜
❛ May your beard grow robust and free. ❜
❛ Well, bring out the gimp. ❜
❛ I knew too much studying was bad for you. ❜
❛ You’ll look fuckin’ amazin’. On top of me. ❜
❛ They smeared your ass with honey yet? ❜
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And so he waited.
Waited for anything: a letter, a messenger from the east, a vision in a dream, anything. That was all she wanted, was for him to go, far, far away from Darkspawn and all the flight and fancy that was beckoning her to a new corner of the country for quests she seemed none-too-eager to pursue.
It was pure agony for him, but, nonetheless, Atticus left…
And waited…
And waited…
He was never one to sit still for too long, and ended up wandering, just a little, between places, keeping himself in motion, active, distracted from the mere idea of waiting. His sleepless nights became even more sleepless, sometimes days would pass with nary a wink, waiting, until exhaustion pulled him into fitful slumber, only for him to wake bleary-eyed, and begin a brutal all over again. He had grown to look almost sickly in that time. His fair skin had been rendered pale, his weary eyes bloodshot and ever-scanning, and his face had begun to be claimed by patchy facial hair. Though this would have made him a little harder to recognize, whether this was intentional or not, not even he was sure.
He kept his ears to the ground and eyes to the skies, still waiting. Had anyone within a mile of him looked, sounded, or acted like a Grey Warden, he followed them, sometimes approached them, asking from news from the east. Sometimes he would get nothing but vague hand-waving; other times, he would get nothing, at all.
And one day, after uncountable ones had come and gone, he’d had enough.
To hell with his own safety. Whatever they faced, they would face it together, come what may.
Nothing in his bleak little life made sense without Marian as a part of it.
From the north-westernmost point of Highever, he mounted a horse and tore off to the east, the city of Amaranthine in his desperate sights. He was unrelenting, stopping only in cities and villages for a fresh horse before returning to the Imperial highway at a breakneck pace. Days had passed before his final horse barreled through the gates of the city of Amaranthine, late in the night. He brought the horse to a stop, clicking and screeching in a fury enough to wake the dead. Bounding from the horse, he knew exactly where to go, and burst through the door of the Crown and Lion.
He sprinted through the empty bar, up the stairs, and made for the largest door at the end of what felt like the longest hallway of his life. It was then it hit him. All that waiting, all the sleepless nights, all the days and nights of feeling like half a man, they were about to end here. Eyes wide like red-cracked saucers, he knocked.
And waited…
And waited…
He heard a growl…
“Who’s there?!”
Before he could stop himself, he turned the doorknob and pushed it open, standing in the doorway, a silhouette a weary man, in a long coat, the handle of a warhammer protruding upward over his right shoulder. For the first time in what felt like an age, he smiled.
It took both of them a moment to recognize him. In a sea of aggressors and terror, an ally was an odd sight to both mistress and beast, but Bear was the first to recognize the mage. The massive canine ran to him and tried to jump on Atticus as if he were still a small pup, barking gently and licking at his chin and neck. It took Marian a heartbeat or two longer to make the connection, and when she did her reaction was similar.
“Atti...!” The tiny Warden Commander threw herself at the warhammer toting mage, Bear ducking out of the way in just enough time, her arms around his neck as her fingers gripped onto his road leathers so tightly her knuckles were white. How long had she wanted to be in this exact position, holding onto him like he was her anchor in this world? How many nights did it feel like half her bed (more often than not, her bedroll) was too cold? They were uncountable, innumerable, and she didn’t want to think about it any more. He was there as the dust settled had he had been once before. Her lips found his countless times as she reacquainted herself with the feeling of having him close again. “But Maker, I missed you, Atticus Foster.” She murmured against his lips and laid her forehead against his with a final kiss. “I don’t care that you didn’t listen to me, I missed you so much.”
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@iron-and-earth | ENJOY THE ANGST
Nobles had wanted to oust her, possibly kill her, and most of her forces were dead defending the smoldering ruins of Vigil’s Keep. She’d felt so desperate to stop the darkspawn menace that she’d let a sapient one just drift off into freedom hoping he’d keep the promise to end the reign of the Old Gods’ songs and perhaps all Blights.
And in the end, Marian was just tired. Tired and longing for her Warhammer, who she’d begged to stay somewhere safe and far from any darkspawn. She had suggested Highever or Denerim, somewhere she knew someone would keep him out of trouble, but Atticus was never good at listening to her. The whole ‘climbing the exterior of Fort Drakon’ was still very present in the front of Marian’s memory, even if she didn’t see it actually happen.
She sat upright in her bed, the sound of the sea lulling her to a demiplane of consciousness that let her blissfully remain thoughtless. The Grey Wardens had commandeered whatever empty beds they could find now that Vigil’s Keep was as besieged as her childhood home had been, and as Commander she had gotten the best one in her own private room at the Crown and Lion. The tavern had last call hours before, and it was deep in the night when she heard someone on the other side of her door. Flashbacks to the siege of Castle Cousland made her heart beat like a hummingbirds’ wings as she grabbed a knife and Bear started growling. “Who’s there?!”
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@iron-and-earth | i felt like making you a pretty thing. so... there you go.
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Send me a 👎 and I'll tell you a weakness/flaw my muse has.
Ways to defeat them, things they are simply bad at, personality flaws etc
Add a topic if you want to know a flaw in a specific part of life
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The Not-So-Domestic Meme
Send me a number and I’ll write a drabble about my muse:
burning your muse’s dinner
shrinking your muse’s favorite shirt in the wash
finding a cockroach
unclogging the toilet
our muses running out of milk
fighting over whose turn to do dishes
forgetting to water the plants
finding a “surprise” from the dog/cat/pet
forgetting to do the laundry
refusing to take out the trash
our muses’ roof is leaking
our muses bickering over the air conditioning settings
switching your muse’s coffee to decaf
forgetting to pay our muses’ electric bill
our muses’ wifi going out
the a/c or heater breaking
the water heater breaking
forgetting to buy groceries
causing a fire while cooking
grumbling about having to clean the bathroom
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send a symbol
☂ - headcanon about rainy days
✈ - headcanon about traveling
☼ - headcanon about sunny days
☁ - headcanon about dreams
❄ - headcanon about winter
☆ - headcanon about stars
⌚ - headcanon about schedules
☎ - headcanon about phone calls
✉ - headcanon about letters
✓ - headcanon about friends
✗ - headcanon about enemies
☹ - headcanon about sorrow
☺ - headcanon about happiness
☤ - headcanon about health
✐ - headcanon about writing
✿ - headcanon about plants
♥ - headcanon about love
♫ - headcanon about music
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Dig into my muse's life | headcanons
1: When did your muse lose their virginity?
2: Who was your muse's first kiss?
3: Which parent(or guardian) does your muse prefer?
4: Who are your muse's closest friends?
5: Does your muse have any phobias?
6: Which sibling is your muse closest to? If they have no siblings, which family member?
7: If your muse had the opportunity to turn into the opposite sex for a day, would they take it? If so, what would they do?
8: Who was your muse's first crush?
9: What is your muse's sexual preference?
10: Most problematic thing your muse has ever done?
11: How important is family to your muse?
12: What is your muse's happiest memory from their childhood?
13: What is your muse's saddest memory from their childhood?
14: What is your muse's deadly sin?
15: What would your muse say to their younger self if they could go back in time?
16: How does your muse see themselves in 5 years? What about 10?
17: How does your muse deal with their anger?
18: How does your muse feel about religion?
19: Is your muse more self loving or self loathing?
20: What is your muse's addiction?
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