wxbslingers · 4 days
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+ At one point, Gwen was SURE that those words had been something of a SLIGHT against her husband , offering up by his FATHER . But as she had many times in the PAST , she intended to UNDO the damage in her husband's mind where she COULD . It wasn't always the EASIEST task , and she couldn't boast of a IMPECCABLE track record without mistakes , but she had done GOOD . She just hoped that at some point, she could see the man she loved break OUT of the shadow he was still encased within .
" Of course . I MEMORIZED where it was , just in case such a NEED arose . " She nodded, more than PREPARED to do whatever it took to gain the NECESSARY information to get her back home .
And if she happened to gain some useful INFORMATION for her and Harry's gain later ? That would just be the ICING on the cake, truly .
" To be honest, it was CONFUSING . A lot of feeling like I was being TUGGED through a place where my BODY didn't want to be, and wasn't MEANT to be . "
An Osborn never ran, and oh, the sharp familiarity of those words. Not that they were literally true, not in his universe, because Harry as the Goblin had needed to leave more than one battle and prepare himself further... but then again, he supposed that might not be considered running, in a way. He knew his father would not, and it would hardly surprise him if their universes were in any way similar. Not with the proofs he already had.
That Gwen was uncertain about her arrival was not ideal, but then again, maybe it could not be helped. Not with an experience with the potential to be so disorienting.
"Well, that's far from reassuring," he considered, before offering her a small smile. "But far from unexpected either."
And a portal was a beginning, if a nebulous one. No matter.
"Can you lead me to the point where you appeared, after crossing this portal?" He asked her. "Whatever energy signature we can gather, residual as it's likely to be, will be a good way to start." He offered. "And meanwhile I would gladly hear about whatever you can remember about that portal... and whatever you can tell me about your New York." He added, letting his curiosity shine through.
Because when was he going to get another opportunity like this one?
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wxbslingers · 9 days
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+ ( haven't forgotten things here ! mj muse has just been high ! )
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wxbslingers · 12 days
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I'm sort of kind of back??? maybe? anyway here's Mayday
I'm still getting used to the new tablet
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wxbslingers · 15 days
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+ @twistedpurity I Continued from here ( X )
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+ No amount of FAST THINKING was helping her figure out a way OUT of this one . Not when it was CLEAR enough that she had been CAUGHT . RUSHING back out the window and into the NEW YORK CITY night was an option, and she genuinely CONSIDERED it . The only thing stopping her was knowing that she had to come home at SOME POINT . And knowing Mayday's parents, it would only take ONE phone-call to have the actual SPIDER-GIRL out looking for her .
Why was she CONSTANTLY put in situations where there was absolutely NO WAY for her to win ? This wasn't FAIR !
" ... I'm ... COSPLAYING ! " The answer sprang out of her from the MINUTE it entered her mind . This would TOTALLY be the thing to save her butt ! " I was going out onto the FIRE-ESCAPE to pose and take some photos ! "
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wxbslingers · 17 days
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+ @spdrlegacy asked: ❝ I want to say “don’t do that ever again”, but I know you’re going to anyway. ❞ @ Annie ( - spdrlegacy)
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+ A truer statement would NEVER be spoken . Not by anyone in the PARKER HOUSEHOLD, and certainly not even the world at LARGE . Whether it was indulging in some kind of PRANK , or leaping HEAD-FIRST into danger even despite their parents pleas NOT to do so, Annie Parker hard proven herself to be FEARLESS time and time again . At least when it COUNTED most . Certainly, underneath the familiar WEBBING and SPIDER SYMBOLS , there was still someone HUMAN . Someone who looked up to those in her family, and someone who had her own FEARS lingering just below the surface .
But when she put on that COSTUME ; Annie WAS fearless . Just like how she looked at her big sister . If nothing seemed to SCARE Mayday , from Annie's point of view, then there was NO excuse to let fear rule the younger Parker .
Did it matter that her latest stunt left her nursing a few BUMPS and BRUISES that were definitely going to be a bit of a STRETCH to explain away as playful ROUGHHOUSING gone bad ?
" Aww, come on ! I totally took him out ! " Trying her best to LOOK away as she CAUGHT sight of the FIRST-AID kit beside her , Annie definitely wasn't a fan of the TENDING portion of what came after a fight . Especially when it meant having to deal with something STINGING at wounds that already tended to HURT . Like the giant SCRAPE on her CHEEK , just under where the rim of her HELMET would have been .
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wxbslingers · 17 days
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+ For someone who probably had YEARS of experience under their belt, Peter didn't doubt that it ALL of this probably wouldn't have been nearly as outright AMAZING as it was to him . But to the man who only had mere MONTHS of time in the suit , this was about as close to a TRIP to the moon as anything he'd ever experienced . And so far, he was having a BLAST , even if it was clear that the ADRENALINE from finding himself fighting someone in a MECH SUIT had started to wear off, leaving him showing just a bit of the EXHAUSTION from it all .
" Ok, good , good . Otherwise this was going to be really WEIRD . " He nodded , a bit relieved that he WAS talking to another version of himself . The A.I. inside the suit voiced the same kind of RELIEF , only audible to himself . There were a few other COMMENTS about just how DIFFERENT this world was to his own, perfectly READING his mind before he'd even thought about possibly VOICING the questions to the figure in front of him .
" That's the long and the SHORT of it , yeah. " He nodded, deciding that going into the COMPLICATED reasoning behind that merger would be perhaps a bit too LONG of a story to delve into . Beneath the mask, a brow ARCHED at his counterpart's explanation, before deciding it was about as NORMAL as the costumes either of them were wearing . Some things were things one had to GO with .
" I take it your wife didn't come up with the name ? You seemed SURPRISED by that earlier when I mentioned it. Don't tell me you're still HIDING it from her. I learned that it comes out EVENTUALLY . "
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The multiverse was never going to stop being cool, Peter was pretty sure that was impossible. He'd believed in the theories long before he was suddenly dropped into another universe first hand. Or pulled into it, maybe was the better word for it. Swung into it? That was definitely accurate for what happened, head first at that. In his defense, Peter also had no idea what was happening until it was too late to change direction, stop, or really even keep it from happening all together--
....did he just say orange and purple?
Peter blinked and shook his head, "Nope, definitely Peter Parker, and I gotta say it's way less insulting to have another Spider-Man ask that. Feels like it shouldn't be, but it is." maybe it was because that was a pretty reasonable first thing to wonder about, if they're the same or different people. At least if anyone was going to keep a secret like that, it would be another Spider-Man, "Never heard of OsbStark though, pretty sure we don't have that around here. But in my brief travling of the multiverse and knowing things that are around here, I'm guessing there was some kinda merger situation with Oscorp and that Stark Place from my little brother's universe."
A pause, "Well, not my literal brother but you know.... I think."
|| @wxbslingers ||
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wxbslingers · 20 days
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+ Mayday had never IMAGINED herself being a big sister . In a MILLION YEARS , she would have never guessed that she eventually WOULD not only call herself one, but take the greatest measure of PRIDE in it that she could . And even if there would likely NEVER be a day where she stopped WORRYING about either Benjy or Annie , there was just as certainly never going to come a day where she didn't feel like the LUCKIEST girl on the face of the PLANET to have both of them firmly in her corner , along with their PARENTS .
Squeezing him TIGHT against her , she closed her eyes and just LOST herself in the loving feeling of it all . For a few minutes even, she could swear that she had FORGOTTEN that her costume was even still ON . There was no Spider-Girl in moments like this, but rather , just MAYDAY . And in some ways, that was all she needed to be , here and now .
" Love you too, squirt . "
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The boy huffed and waved his hands, trying to fend her off -- here he was trying to get her to understand he wasn't a baby, he wasn't even a little kid -- but, well, he was. Still little. And he'd be little for a while still, but that didn't make his issues any less. It just meant he had less experience to deal with it -- but more resources. Probably more than most mutant kids who had the fortune of a mutant parent or a school to support them had. His father, his sisters, all understood exactly what he felt all the time. They may not quite understand the way his spidey-sense was seeming to fill in the gaps for his lost hearing, but they were right there with him. Always would be.
Sighing, he nodded, reaching up to put his arms around Mayday's neck and pulling himself close. In a lot of ways she was like a third parent, or a permissive aunt, more than a big sister, but sometimes that's what he needed -- and what she needed was a little brother whose unconditional love could almost make them forget everything that had happened to them.
"Love you, Mayday."
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wxbslingers · 20 days
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+ @magnetic-regent-magneto asked: ❝ I’m not one to be judgemental, but you, boy, are an extremely disturbed man. ❞
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+ " You know, I think ' DISTURBED ' is an entirely NEW one for me . " Clinging to the WALL above the other , Peter could hear the A.I. in his suit already BRISTLING a bit at the comment, reassuring him that it COULDN'T be true . Maybe if they'd been talking about the way that Harry was definitely showing some ... WORRYING signs , he might have AGREED . But himself ? Couldn't be .
" Might telling me exactly HOW that one works out ? "
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wxbslingers · 26 days
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+ ( Dealing with a ton of anxiety at the moment, but am gonna try to be here tonight. Just gotta calm myself down.
Hope you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves <3 )
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wxbslingers · 26 days
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+ ( mentally not here tonight , admittedly. we'll try again tomorrow )
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wxbslingers · 26 days
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wxbslingers · 28 days
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+ ( the potential for me to add more USM muses is always there. )
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wxbslingers · 28 days
Your muses here (plus MJ) are all phenomenally written and your love and respect for each of them shows in your writing. You are amazing, spectacular, dare I say sensational!
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tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
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+ ( You know how much I adore you, D <3 Thank you )
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wxbslingers · 28 days
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
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wxbslingers · 28 days
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+ @bigidiotenergy asked: “Just because you CAN beat him up, doesn’t give you the RIGHT to.” - peter b to mayday (or anyone!)
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+ " Dad, I'm REALLY telling you ... this guy DESERVED it . " There were few things in the WORLD that Mayday had grown to dislike more than outright BULLIES . Years of being able to recognize that her FRIENDS weren't the kinds that would EVER get invited to the kinds of PARTIES that she got just being KNOWN as the daughter of MARY JANE WATSON-PARKER . And this time , when ONE of them had gone for JIMMY ? That had been where she'd FINALLY decided enough was enough .
The dent in the LOCKER from where she'd SLAMMED the boy up against it had been her WAKE-UP that she'd gone too far .
That or the entire being DRAGGED to Principal Defalco's office .
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wxbslingers · 28 days
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+ @trckstaer asked: ❝ Sorry to break it to you, but you have so NOT got this, buddy. ❞ – Wolverine to Peter !
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+ " Not ... sure ... what .. you're ... talking about ! " Somehow, the QUIP managed to stream out of his mouth, even as he found himself GRITTING his teeth underneath his MASK . Fighting SENTINELS was the last thing he'd wanted to have on his ' to-do ' list for the day, but CLEARLY it had derailed whatever plans he might have BEFORE the purple and pink-ish creature had shown up . Pouring all of his STRENGTH into pushing apart the fingers trying to CRUSH him in their grasp , he was at least THANKFUL that someone had decided to HELP .
Where were the AVENGERS when they were ACTUALLY needed ?
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wxbslingers · 28 days
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Ultimate Spider-Man #8 (2024)
written by Jonathan Hickman art by Marco Checchetto & Matthew Wilson
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