wth-am-i-writing · 5 years
Hey all... I’m still in the market for a Beta reader for my angsty FF15 Ignoct fic that I’m working on. I’m about 25k into this fic and I’m at a place where I could use some meaningful concrit? Basically, I’m looking for a person that can tell me whether certain sections of the fic need reinforcing/should be rewritten and someone to bounce around ideas for a couple of the harder decisions I have to make concerning mid-to-late game with. If you’re interested, shoot me a message?
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wth-am-i-writing · 5 years
Title: Give My Regards to Lady Lunafreya Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Protagonists: Noctis, Ignis, Lunafreya, Gladio, Prompto Warnings: Rated T, Angst, Major character death, Grief/Mourning, Luna Lives, Noctis/Ignis, Noctis/Luna Word Count: 3117 Summary: Luna had been Noctis's first and only worry; he hadn’t wanted to give credence to a vague dream, had ignored the small signs of its truth. The Ring burned in his pocket. Author’s Note: This is not the FF15 IgNoct Fic I’ve been talking about, but a different one I’d started on the side. I know it’s not my normal VIXX/Kpop Stuff, but I hope that those interested in reading this like it anyway.
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wth-am-i-writing · 5 years
So, I think I need a beta reader for the Final Fantasy XV Ignis/Noctis fic I’ve been working on... any one interested? It’s no where near finished but I think some feedback might be needed... I’d prefer someone who’s already familiar with my writing, which is why I’m not tagging this.
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wth-am-i-writing · 5 years
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On AO3, you can set the publishing date such that it’s published in the past (and it’ll appear in the listings with other fics posted on that date) or tomorrow, so long as in some part of the world it’s tomorrow. An example of the latter--If it’s April 28th where I live, but it’s April 29th in Korea, I can set the publishing date as April 29th but I can’t set it as the 30th. If there’s a way to schedule fics to post automatically, I haven’t found it.
I’m so glad you liked Feeling Nothing! I have a sequel started, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it, as it’s been a WIP for a few years now. However, I’d be happy to answer any questions you have!
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Hello! I am a new reader and fan of your work. I just recently found your fics on AO3 and my only regret was not finding them sooner! (I am slowly making my way through that amazing list. Your notifications might have shown me lurking 😂) I just wanted to let you know that I really like your work and I hope you have a great day ahead 💖
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
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Anon 1:
I don’t mind at all! I just put a newish spin on some older tropes myself, after all! (I personally was inspired by demon swords and shinto shrines I’d seen in various anime/manga and threw my own spin on them) Though mentioning the fics that inspired you would be very much appreciated ;)
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and reblog so many of my fics <333 I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying them!!
Anon 2:
Tears are the highest compliment for angst pieces! I’m so glad you enjoyed the PADoll fics! And thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a message <3 Those pieces were quite emotional for me to write, even though some of them I was in pretty good mental health when I wrote them.  I remember writing CX’s loneliness left me quite numb. The type of dynamic that  Hyuk/Hakyeon create in CX’s story is one I often find myself coming back to... no matter how much I want to write a piece where a character feels totally alone or unwanted, I just can’t, lol.
Anon 3:
I know the fic you’re talking about!! And honestly that was one of the loose ends that frustrated me too. They teased some great plot and character development potential there and just... didn’t go anywhere with it. (as much as I enjoyed that series, I have some... strong opinions on it lol). Considering the original piece in question, I’m deeply honored that you’d ask me to try to scratch the itch that loose thread left you with, because I personally feel like that fic makes all my work look like trash. Honestly I’m not against the idea, but I’ve found my drive to write incredibly lacking lately and it’s extremely frustrating (I mourn it, deeply). I can’t make any guarantees in the slightest, but if I can come up with a good framing for the piece and the adequate motivation to actually write it, maybe... we’ll see, though, don’t get your hope up too much... writer’s block is a a horrible thing... TT
Anon 4:
You asked this SO long ago!! I wasn’t ignoring you, it just takes a certain mental energy to answer asks and I had to work up to it TT Thank you for the comment and the love! <3 I don’t have any original fiction at this time. I am about 15K deep into a Final Fantasy XV Ignis/Noctis angst piece that is like pulling teeth trying to write (it’s going sooo slow TT) I’ll probably post it on AO3 when it’s done/I’m ready to start posting some of it, but I’m not sure if I’ll post it here on Tumblr.
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Well, had my first “missed a tag that shoulda been there” incident on AO3 and I’m feeling rather bad about it. If you all ever thing think there should be a tag on my work that I missed, please let me know and I’ll add it! I understand that a lot of my work is dark, triggering, and upsetting and that sometimes it comes out of no where to wallop you in the head... The last thing I want is for someone to be set off by my work because I forgot an important tag. 
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
“Thank You For Choosing Me” went up today, and “Falling” from Trust verse went up yesterday. I wonder if “Thank You” will grab the attention it did in the past... So far I’ve cross posted 70 works. It’s been an interesting journey, especially seeing which fics are grabbing people’s attention. Different platform, different fan culture, I suppose.
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
I’m making some pretty good headway into cross posting. I’d love if you all would walk down memory lane with me!
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Sooo my fics are showing up in the VIXX tags on AO3 but they’re showing up as the date I created the draft, and they’re not showing up in the order I actually posted them... what is this :| makes me kinda mad because reading Descent in posting order and chronological order are two different experiences...
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
I’ve posted the oldest five fics from WTH! once I’ve gotten all ~30 fics of Descent up, I’ll order them properly.
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
I have over 140 posts (some of which are parts of fics I was forced to split because of word count limitations) that will need to be copied over to AO3 and tagged more thoroughly than here... This is definitely going to take a while. I’ll probably end up posting multiple fics a day to AO3, but I’m drafting up a ton of them before posting so I can go back and easily add tags as I think of more appropriate ones to add.
I’m going to try to start posting over the weekend. I have the option of making the publishing date the date I originally posted it. I’m not sure if that’ll affect where it falls in the archive, but do y’all think it’s a good idea to publish it under the original publish date? or should I just let it be whatever day I end up publishing it?
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
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Thank you! <3
I’ll be posting under the name wth_am_i_writing
I haven’t posted anything yet, which is probably why I’m not coming up if you’ve tried to search me. I’ve just created the account within the last hour or so, and I’m slowly drafting up fics starting from the oldest. I may or may not give them a read through before I post them, but I do want to take some time to appropriately tag the Descent series as those fics are rather violent and can be quite triggering.
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Given what’s going on with Tumblr lately, I’ve decided to crosspost the works I’ve post here to AO3. This has been something I’ve been considering for a long while, but the recent policy changes to the site have pushed me into finally doing this. I will not be deleting anything from the blog--I’m merely cross posting in the event something does happen to WTH. My fics should be outside of what’s getting booted off Tumblr, but lots of things that shouldn’t be taken down apparently have been. I’ll still interact with anyone that wants to interact with me here and on KakakoTalk.
I’ve just made my account on AO3. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be copying my fics over in the order they were posted on WTH, so don’t be alarmed if you see them popping up. Considering I have somewhere around 100 posted fics (or chapters of fics), this means I’ll probably be flooding the VIXX tags on AO3 for a while--just a forewarning. I’d really appreciate any love that you could give my fics on AO3.
In other news--I’ve been working on a Final Fantasy 15 Ignis/Noctis fic that’s currently around 14K and on track to be absolutely massive, but I’m kinda in a place where I could benefit from a beta reader. The people that usually beta read for me are not familiar with FF15 and aren’t comfortable beta reading for this fic, but I’d really prefer someone that’s already familiar with my writing. Is there anyone here that would be interested?
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Go! Go! Go!!!!
The 5th Starlight Survey & Eau de VIXX give away close September 4th!!
If you haven’t taken the Starlight Survey yet please take a few moments to do so! We are still about 200 away from matching last year’s turnout! The survey lets us see bias distribution, favorite concepts, favorite ships, what we think of the boys, and many other fun things!
And if you haven’t heard, we’re doing an Eau de VIXX giveaway on Twitter! Anyone who retweets gets a chance to win 1 of 4 copies of Eau de VIXX! Check it out and spread the word!!
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Hey all! We are only about halfway to our goal and we only have a week left! Please go take the Survey if you haven’t already, follow the blog for last year’s results (I worked hard on these graphs!!), and check out Kate’s giveaway on Twitter!
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Results for the Fourth Annual Starlight Survey (2017) - Part 3
Take the Fifth Annual Starlight Survey (2018) here!
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wth-am-i-writing · 6 years
Hey everyone! We’re about halfway to the participants we had last year, so if you haven’t taken it or shared this yet, please do! Follow @starlightsurvey for last year’s results!
While you’re at it, check out Kate’s giveaway on Twitter!
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