wtfbandimagines · 9 years
If you’d rather go to a club than a museum, you deserve to be unhappy.
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wtfbandimagines · 9 years
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Street harassment is not a compliment.
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wtfbandimagines · 9 years
I’m so conceited like I literally will stare at my reflection in everything and be like wow I am a glowing goddess of this earth but then I’ll see myself at an unflattering angle in something else and be like I am a true slug I deserve nothing in this world and then I’ll see my reflection in a different object and be like wow I am a glowing goddess of th
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Requests are open!
Send em in!
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Tony Perry Imagine
Request: Could you please do a tony perry imagine where he is you are bestfreinds and you have a abusive boyfreind and tony finds out and beats him up and then you and tony get together xx please xx
A/N: Here it is! Hope you like it <3
You rolled over in bed and saw no one laying next to you. Sitting up, sighing when you realized that Jake must have stayed out all night and slept at his friends house. Or with he hooked up with. 
"God," you groaned and fell back onto the mattress. You rubbed your eyes and grabbed your phone. 
The time was 9:42, as much as you loved Saturdays, you were pissed at your boyfriend. Why does he always do this? You could even tell him stop going out at night. One time you did, about two months ago, and you wound up in the hospital. Ever since that day, you’ve been distant. From everyone. Even your best friend Tony. 
You sat up, stretched, swung your legs onto the floor and stood up. You went and took a shower, not bothering to call Jake to see when he would be back.
After your shower, you just got ready for the day. You figured you weren’t doing anything today so you just put on sweats and a tank top. Look in the mirror, you saw the bruises on your arm. You sighed and grabbed a PTV zip up hoodie you got at one of their concerts a few years ago. After throwing you hair up into a messy bun, you walked into your kitchen to make breakfast. As the day went by, Jake still hadn’t shown up. And when he finally did, it was around 8 pm. 
"Jake, what the fuck? You’ve been gone all day and never once decided to call me?" You said angrily. He turned and glared at you. 
"Oh shut up Y/N, I’m here, aren’t I?" He yelled. He always yelled. You could tell that he was extremely mad and this could get really bad, really quickly.
"Okay," you said calming down. You knew how abusive he could get and at the moment, you didn’t want that to happen. "Jake, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean- I don’t want you to be angry, it’s just-" “No! I’m already pissed off and coming home to my girlfriend bitching at me isn’t what I wanted to come home to!” He yelled walking over to you. Tears formed in your eyes, but you refused to let then fall. 
"Jake, I just wanted to know where you went," you said trying to make your voice not so shaky. He kept walking over to you. He came over to you and you gently put your hands his chest. He shoved you into the wall and grabbed your arms roughly. 
"It doesn’t matter where I went. Ivan go wherever the hell I want! And I don’t need you nagging at me once I get home! Understand?" He yelled into your face. 
You nodded and looked away from his face. Whatever happened to the man he used to be?
"I’m going to take a shower," he said with anger still in his voice. You nodded, not moving or saying anything. 
As soon as you herd the shower start going, you slid down the wall, bringing your knees to your chest and cried. 
You sat for not even a minute when you heard your phone go off. You dried your eyes and got up. Walking over to your phone, you see a text from your best friend, Tony. 
Hey, I’m finally off from tour and just got to the city. Get your butt over to my apartment! I miss my best friend<3
You instantly smiled. Tony had been your best friend since before you could remember. Honestly you’ve also had a crush on him since before you could remember too. Then again you never told him. It was silly to even think he could like you in that way. You texted Tony back immediately.
Tony!! I’ll come over right now, having a bad night… I’m happy your back tho. I missed my turtle<3
You sent the message and quickly grabbed your purse and your keys before Jake got out of the shower.
You left as quickly as possible and drove to Tonys apartment. You saw Tony waiting outside for you right when you arrived. Hopping out of the car, you ran over to Tony who wrapped his arms you in a giant bear hug. 
"I missed you so much!" You mumbled into the crook of his neck and smiled. You completely forgot about the events from earlier, until Tony squeezed his arms around your stomach where there was bruise from Jake had gotten mad a few weeks ago. You winced in pain and hoped Tony didn’t notice. 
Unfortunately he did. “Y/N? Oh my gosh, are you okay? What happened?” He asked, freaking out a little bit which you thought was adorable and hilarious.   “I’m fine Tony, don’t worry,” you chuckled. He kept his eyes on you, waiting to hear a different answer because he knew you were lying. He always knew when you lied. “Tony, don’t worry about it. I said I’m fine, okay? Can we go in please?” You said, with a tone that told him to drop it.
He looked at you suspiciously once more and then nodded, “Alright, let’s go in,” he said wrapping his arm around you shoulder. You both walked into the building and then up to his apartment. 
You guys were talking for about an hour and just having fun until Tony asked how things were with you and Jake. It was funny to you how Tony always told you Jake was bad for you when you first started dating. 
I don’t know Y/N, he just doesn’t seem right. I don’t like him being with you
You remembered the conversation so clearly, but you didn’t listen. Look where that got you.
"Things are….their good?" You said almost as if it were a question. 
Tony chuckled, “You sound unsure.”
"I kind of am," you said honestly. There was no point in lying to Tony, he always found out the truth in the end. You lifted you hand to pull back the hair out of your eyes. As you did this, the sleeve of your hoodie slipped down too, revealing another bruise. You didn’t notice until Tony mentioned it. 
"Whoa, what happened to your arm?” He asked. You looked down at your arm not knowing what he was talking about. Once you saw the bruise, you immediately pulled down the sleeve.
"O-oh. Nothing. I-I’m fine," you stuttered. And as soon as you stuttered he knew. He knew it was Jake who did this to you. You could tell he knew just by the look in his eyes.
"Y/N listen to me. Don’t you dare lie to me. Did he do this?" Tony asked you in a dead serious tone. Tears were already falling down your cheeks and Tony pulled you into his lap and hugged you tightly. "Fuck, I’m going to fucking kill him. I knew you deserved better than him. You should have been with me, not that asshole. Fuck!" He said. You could tell he was mostly talking to himself and then you remembered what he said in the middle of all his ranting.
You should have been with me
What the hell? Did he actually just say that? You shook your head and wiped your eyes. Tony moved you off of him and stood up going to grab his keys.
"N-no, Tony I’m fine, please don’t do anything stupid! What are you doing? Tony!"
"No! I’ll be right back stay there. I’ll be back in ten minutes," he said leaving the apartment. 
All you were repeating in your head was fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You couldn’t find any other words. How could this actually be happening? You swore to never let anyone find out about your abusive boyfriend. You supposed to be a strong person and have the perfect boyfriend, at least thats what everyone thought.
You got up after Tony, and grabbed your keys. You assumed he was going to the house you and Jake shared, so that’s where you went. Of course once you got there, you saw Tonys car parked in the driveway. You jumped out of the car and ran into the house. All you saw was Jake on the floor bleeding from his nose and Tony yelling at him.
"Don’t you ever call her or text her, or even think about her. She’s someone who is tens times better than you. Fuck that, you’re like dirt compared to what she deserves, got it? Now listen, tomorrow she’s coming back here and getting whatever she needs and then she coming to live with me, understand?" Tony said to him. In all honesty, you had never heard Tony sound so tough or intimidating, you always thought he was just a shy, sweet guy, but right now he was the complete opposite and it didn’t bother you one bit. He was protecting you from the only person who had been causing you pain for the last three years.
You stood in the door way and just watched. Once Tony turned around and saw you, he features softened. 
"Y/N, come on. Let’s go," he said walking towards you. Just like before he wrapped his arm around you shoulder and you two left. 
"Take your car back to my apartment and I’ll meet you there okay?" He said and you nodded. As you drove back you didn’t really know what to think.
Honestly you did want to move in with Tony. You did want to break up with Jake - which Tony basically already did for you, but this was happening so quickly. You figured you would talk to Tony once you got there. 
Tony was right behind you while you were driving back and as soon as you two pulled into the parking lot, Tony got out of the car an ran over to you. He hugged you and kissed the top of your head multiple times which made you giggle.
"Y/N, I’m so sorry, why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why did you stay with him for so long? You do-" he said, but you stopped him. He sounded truly sad and hurt which broke your heart. At least he was back to your sweet shy Tony which you were happy about.
"Hey. It’s over now. I promise you I will never go back to him. He was an asshole and you were right. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you or anyone, I just- I don’t know, I thought at some point he would stop and would be the nice person he was when I first meet him, I realize thats not going to happen now though," you said looking down. You did feel horrible about all of this, you felt bad that you had to drag Tony into this, but then again he was the reason Jake was going to be out of your life. 
"Hey, hey. It’s okay," Tony said hugging you once again, "You can stay with me if you want. Always. I’m right here and I’m never going anywhere okay?" He said and kissed the top of your head again.   You nodded as tears starting falling from your eyes as you realized how great Tony was. He was the most incredible best friend in the world and you had been completely ignoring him for the past months. It made you feel awful. 
Tony whispered in your ear that you two should go inside and that you should get some rest. You nodded and pulled away from him. Tony wiped away your tears with his thumb and kissed you forehead. That’s when you remembered what Tony had said earlier. 
You should have been with me
You needed to know what he meant by that before you went inside. 
"Tony?" You asked.
"Earlier today, you said it should have been you with me and not Jake. What did you mean?" You asked. Tony looked down as a small blush made its way to his cheeks. 
"Oh…you heard that," he chuckled and smiled nervously. You bit your lip to keep from smiling. 
"Yeah, I did," you said laughing. 
"Well…I don’t know…I guess I’ve always had a small..maybe not so small, crush on you? I know its stupid-" he was saying and you stopped him by leaning up a little bit and kissing him softly. Tony smiled instantly and so did you. 
"Well I don’t know, maybe I’ve had a small, not so small crush on you  too,” you said.
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
To all my recent followers I haven't greeted
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Hey? I really love your writing - especially the 'you' form & the detail! If you had time, I was wondering if you could do an Alan Ashby one where you're in a band too and he's getting hate for being with you? Really fluffy please. Thanks!
It's up! :)
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Movie Night *Alan Ashby Imagine
Request: Hey? I really love your writing - especially the 'you' form & the detail! If you had time, I was wondering if you could do an Alan Ashby one where you're in a band too and he's getting hate for being with you? Really fluffy please. Thanks! <3
A/N: Holy crap I’m so sorry how long this took! I procrastinate so much, it’s awful. However I finally got this done! Here ya goooo, hope you like it❤️
"Alan? I’m back," you called out into your apartment you shared with your boyfriend if two years. You had just went to the store to pick up some groceries.
“In here,” he replied from your bedroom. He sounded almost upset and annoyed. You wondered what was wrong, he seemed to be fine when you had left earlier.
"Babe?" You asked walking into the bedroom you two shared. He was laying face down and didn’t reply. You jumped on the bed and wrapped your arms around his waist, laying down next to him. He turned his head and looked at you. You kissed the top of his nose, "what’s wrong?"
"Nothing," he mumbled and kissed your lips. 
"Alan," you said. You knew when something was wrong and you planned to find out what it. He rolled his eyes at you and gave in.
"Fans," he said simply. You looked at him confused. Of course some of your fans had not been supportive of your relationship, but you never thought it mattered to him. Normally he’d just blow it off.
"What about them?" You asked and rested your forehead against his. He passed you his phone, which was opened to Instagram. You read over the comments and saw all the hate. People could be so rude.
Why is Y/N with him?! She could do better
Worst couple ever.
I can’t wait until the day they break up
Y/N probably doesn’t even love him… They’ll break up soon
Alan has stupid tattoos…and isn’t that attractive…
You sighed and exited out of the comments and looked back at Alan who just stared back at you while biting his lip. You rolled on top of him and kissed his lips. 
"So what? Their stupid. None of that’s true and you know it. You know I think your attractive as fuck. You know I love you," you said and kissed his forehead. He nodded and shrugged. He obviously wasn’t convinced so you placed your hands on the sides of his face and kissed him multiple times. You could feel his lips start to turn up and he started laughing. 
"Okay, okay! I get it," Alan giggled and sat up, pulling you into his lap. 
You kissed his forehead one last time and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
"I love you. You understand that right?" You asked laughing. He nodded.
"Yeah, it’s so stupid. I don’t know why I let it get to me," he said shrugging. 
"I don’t either," you chucked and then you grabbed your phone. "Take a picture with me!" You said as you held your phone in your hand. He raised an eyebrow at you but didn’t question it.  You held out your phone and both of you flipped off the camera. You laughed and took the picture. 
"What was that for?" He asked chuckling. 
"You’ll see," you said mischievously. He rolled his eyes at you. 
"What are we gonna do now?" He asked laying back down.
"Well I kinda wanted to have a movie night, in the living room with a shit ton of blankets and pillows and bad movies," you said smiling. "And food. A lot of food." Alan’s face lit up and he nodded.
"Yeah! Let’s go," he said pulling you both up off the bed. You laughed and followed him out of the room. 
"I’ll make the popcorn and you can get the blankets and pillows?" You asked.
"Okay," he nodded and went off to find blankets and pillows. You went to get some popcorn and food. Once that was done you poured the popcorn in a giant bowl and walked out into the living room.
There was a bunch of blankets on the couch along with pillows. You saw Alan looking through the movies on netflix. You went and cuddled up next to him laying you head down on his chest. He smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. After a long day, this was perfect. Watching movies with only person in the world that could make you this happy. 
You two wound up watching a bunch of Disney movies and before you knew it was about 2 AM. You could feel your eyelids slipping, so you sat up and stretched. You hated falling asleep on the couch. You looked over and saw Alan already sleeping and looking adorable. You chuckled and grabbed your phone, leaning back onto Alan.
You went straight to Instagram. Earlier while you were making the popcorn, you posted the picture you two took on Instagram with the caption, ‘Sorry if some of you don’t like our relationship, but we are two very very happy people. Later fuckers✌️ p.s. if you’re gonna put some shitty comment, please go the fuck away.’
You looked at the comments and saw only good things. People were happy for you, of course there were some rude comments but you just deleted them. All that mattered was that your fans were finally started accepting the fact that you and Alan were together.
Their so cute! How can you hate this relationship?
Alan’s pretty hot. 10/10, would bang
Y/N seems so happy with him. And vise versa. Their happy, let them be.
First off Y/N bf is hot af, and Y/N looks gorgeous in this pic. I’m so happy for them
You smiled at all the nice comments and then nudged Alan. 
"Huh?" He mumbled, still half asleep.
"You fell asleep on the couch, let’s go to bed?" You asked. He nodded and stood up. He yawned and stretched, holding out a hand for you. You grabbed his and stood up, intertwining your fingers together. You two walked into your bedroom and fell asleep as soon as you laid down.
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Teo Botticini Imagine!
Request: Hi can I get an imagine of matteo from upon this dawning. Where we have this fight about something and I leave. So it can be like months later and matteo tried to get me back by coming over to my place and my male friend(which is gay) opens the door and matteo thinks I've moved on.. So the friend calls him inside and tell him that I hardly leave the room.. So matteo comes with roes to my room.. You can take it from there.. POV's please.. And I love your work :) A/N: Once again, sorry it took so long! I say that way to often! Haha hope you like it ❤ Your POV* "What? I don't understand why your upset!" Teo said angrily. How could he not understand where your coming from? All you wanted was for him to stop working so hard on the new album. He was never home and you never even got to see him. It seemed as if you two were fighting constantly and you were starting to wonder why you were even in a relationship together. "Really Teo? You can't see that we're always arguing and I barely ever to get to see you anymore? I'm not trying to sound selfish, but I would like to see my boyfriend and not fight with him!" You replied. He shook his head. "Fine, if say we're fighting so much, why are we still together? If you're unhappy you can just leave," he said. "Fine, I will," you said walking away. Honestly you didn't want to leave, but of course being the stubborn person you were, you did. You went to your bedroom and got your stuff and left. You just wanted to see if Teo would actually come after you, at least try and stop you from leaving. He didn't. As soon as you shut the car door, you knew you were making a mistake. You pulled out your phone and called your best friend, Ryan. "Hello?" "Ryan?" You said, your voice cracking. "Y/N! How are you sweetie? Why are you calling now? Is everything okay?" He asked instantly which made you laugh. Well it was almost 1 A.M. and you were sure he could tell you were crying. "Teo and I had a fight. I'm coming over is that okay?" You sniffled and wiped your eyes. "Of course! Tell me everything when you get here okay? Oh I have ice cream and scary movies! We can have a slumber party and you won't even be able to remember you-know-who's name," he said. God, you were insanely glad to have Ryan. He could make you smile, even when it seemed as though your world was falling apart. "Thanks hun," you chuckled."I'll be there in five," and with that you hung up the phone. You arrived at Ryan's apartment in no more than ten minutes. He was already waiting for you outside. You parked and got out of the car. Ryan ran up to you and tackled you with a giant hug. You didn't say anything and just cried. After a little while, you two went inside. "So you wanna talk about what happened?" Ryan asked once you got ice cream, some movies, and were cuddled up in his bedroom. You rested your head on his chest and sighed. You two always cuddled and since Ryan was gay you never had to worry about mixed feeling between you two. "Well I just wanted him to stop working on the music so hard, so I can see him more. That sounds so selfish but he's my boyfriend! I never see him and we always argue. During our fight he said if I was unhappy to just leave. So I did. I really wish I didn't though, but I can't go back now!" "Oh Y/N, my sweet sweet Y/N. You are so stubborn," Ryan chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Hey if he loves you he'll come after you. And if he doesn't then be doesn't deserve you." *Month Later* Teos POV* "Teo you need to talk to Y/N," Matty said to me. "No, I don't want to," I said stubbornly. "Why do I even need to talk to her? She's the one that left." "Matteo. Come on dude, your miserable without her," he said. To be honest, I was miserable without Y/N, I just didn't want to admit it because of the stubborn person I was. "Just go talk to her Teo," he said looking at me. "Yeah stop being a stubborn little bitch Teo!" Andrea yelled from our at-home studio. I rolled my eyes. Maybe I should talk to her. "If you don't talk to her yourself, I'll do it for you and just embarrass the shit out of you," Matty said laughing. Once again I rolled my eyes. "I'll talk to her tomorrow if it will get you to shut up," I groaned. I honestly was sort of glad they were pushing me to talk to her. I know I would do it otherwise being the stubborn person I am. *Next Day* *You POV* You had been staying at Ryan's apartment for the past month. You were sure he was probably getting tired having you around, but he would never admit it. To be honest, your life had been hell without Teo. You missed waking up next to him and just simply being with him. For the most part you locked yourself up in your room, watched a ton of Netflix, slept, and ate loads of food that was probably very unhealthy. You heard a knock at the door and two seconds later Ryan got up to answer it. You heard muffled voices talking and one sounded like Teo. You got up and put your ear to the door. "Have she already moved on? Oh my god, are you her boyfriend?!" It was Teo. He sounded upset. Was he talking to Ryan? What the fuck? You had told him about Ryan, but they had never met. "Whoa dude, no way. I'm just a friend," he said chuckling. "Y/N is staying with me though, which is probably why you're at my door, she barely leaves her room be honest," Ryan said sadly. "Oh god, really? Can I talk to her?" Teo asks. You were guessing Ryan nodded because I heard footsteps walking towards my door. You ran back to bed and got under the covers and acted like you were asleep. You heard someone walk in and put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N," Ryan whispered in your ear, "Um Teo's here, he wants to talk, but you don't have to if you still hate him," he chuckled. Ryan made you smile even if you did feel awful. You sat up and hugged him. "Thanks Ry," you said and kissed his cheek. Ryan kissed the top of your head and stood up. You saw Teo waiting in the doorway. "Now I shall go to the store, while you two make up, then do the frickle frackle, bye children!" He said gleefully and walked out the door. You shook your head and giggled at him. "Hey Y/N," Teo said turning towards you. You sighed and smiled lightly up at him. "Hey Teo," you replied. He walked over to you, sat on the bed and hugged you tightly. "Y/N I'm so sorry. You have no idea, I was so stupid. You mean everything-" he whispered in your ear until you cut him off by pressing your lips to his. Tears had formed in your eyes because you could truly hear how sorry he was. You pulled away and planted another kiss on his nose. "Baby I love you so much. I'm sorry, I should have realized what it meant to have a job as a musician," you apologized. Over the past few months you had realized he needed to work hard. It wasn't his fault he was always gone. "Does that mean we're back together?" Teo looked at you while a little smile tugged at his lips. "Of course," you said happily and snuggled your face into the crook of his neck. "Does that also mean your coming home?" He asked and you could practically hear the smile in his voice. "Of course," you said and kissed his lips once again.
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
one where youre dating Tony Perry and your band is touring with ptv, and while youre doing a m&g some guy comes up to u and says rude shit about you and tony, and pushes you (you strongly believe that if someone hits you you have to hit back) so you punch him in the face and kick his ass. and the guys have to pry you off of him and you accidentally punch Vic. and then u yell at the guy more, then u start getting hate on twitter for fighting and u cry and tony comforts you and its really fluffy
Finally got it up! Sorry it so long, hope you like it tho xo
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Tony Perry Imagine
Request: one where youre dating Tony Perry and your band is touring with ptv, and while youre doing a m&g some guy comes up to u and says rude shit about you and tony, and pushes you (you strongly believe that if someone hits you you have to hit back) so you punch him in the face and kick his ass. and the guys have to pry you off of him and you accidentally punch Vic. and then u yell at the guy more, then u start getting hate on twitter for fighting and u cry and tony comforts you and its really fluffy
A/N: uhm Y/T/N is basically your twitter username. Lol I’m so incredibly sorry it took so long to write, but here it is!
"Your band is so amazing! Can I get picture?" This teenage girl asked you. You smiled happily and nodded. You loved meeting fans at meet and greets. You were on tour with your boyfriend Tony and the rest of PTV.
"Of course sweetie! Come here," you said and hugged the girl. You two took the picture and then you went on to the next person that was in line. For the most part everyone was nice and sweet, but of course some asshole had to come along. Now for a girl, you were pretty tough, you grew up with three older brothers and took a series of martial arts classes so it was no surprise. They also taught you that when someone hits you, you hit back. So, of course, when some asshole thought it was okay to come up and push you, and talk shit of you and Tony being together, you hit him back.
"What’s your problem?" You asked while the guy looked at you like you were crazy.
"Listen little girl, I don’t think you want to do that," he said looking pissed off. You held back a laugh and just smirked at him.
"Don’t ever, ever call me little girl," you said in an incredibly serious tone. Everyone knew that you were someone no one should mess with. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tony watching what was going on. Before you knew it, you actually in a fight with this guy and PTV was trying to pull you away from him. Of course you drew a crowd with the fight. You didn’t care, at least you got to kick the guys ass.
"Guys just let me go!" You said trying to get them to stop pulling you off the guy. You pulled away from then and somehow ended up hitting Vic in the face.
"Fuck! Vic are you okay?" You asked him. He nodded and gave you an okay sign with his hands. You could tell he wasn’t hurt, thank god. You turned back to the guy.
"Seriously dude? Get a life! Don’t go around telling people that their relationship is shit of that their boyfriends gay and is in a shitty band! You’re lucky I didn’t beat the shit out of you anymore!" You yelled at the guy. Tony grabbed your wrist and lightly pulled you back. Since you were pissed of you stormed off. You were always like this when you were mad, you had no control over what you did and afterward just wanted to be left alone.
Since you wanted to be alone and you knew no one would be in your tour bus thats where you went. You were still upset about what happened earlier so you decided to rest and clear your head.
You rolled around in your small bunk. You tossed and turned until you finally gave up on trying to go back to sleep. You were wide awake now and had nothing to do. Your mind wondered off to what had happened earlier. You cringed remembering all of it and them remembering hitting Vic in the nose by accident. You felt awful.
You went to grab your phone to see what time if was. It wasn’t too late and you decided you didn’t want to face your band or your boyfriend at the moment, you decided to go on twitter. And wow, was that a bad idea.
@Y/T/N Ugh. She’s such a bitch. Why is Tony with her again?
Dude Tonys gf, @Y/T/N is crazyyyyy. She couldn’t have just handled things like a normal person?
It’s only a matter of time before they break up. THANK GOD.
Before you knew it tears were streaming down your face and you really felt bad. You laid in your bunk crying for what felt hours but in reality was only about ten minutes. You heard someone outside your bunk.
"Y/N, are you still sleeping?" Tony asked. You sniffled and wiped your eyes trying to get your voice to sound normal before you answered.
"Um n-no, but I’m..I’m still t-tired so I think I’m g-gonna go back to b-bed," you replied knowing your voice sounded rough like you had just been crying.
"Y/N please don’t lie to me. Just let me in? Please," he said. You gave in and opened up the curtain concealed your bunk.
He got in and hugged you tightly. “What’s wrong?” He asked kissing the top of your head. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rest your head in the crook of his neck still crying.
Tony rubbed your back, “Shhhh, everything’s okay,” he whispered in your ear.
You sniffled, “No! E-everything’s not o-okay! Y-you’re gonna b-break up with me, and I- I hit Vic! Tony I’m s-sorry,” you mumbled into his shoulder. You felt Tony squeeze you even tighter.
"Y/N, no no no! I’m not gonna break up with you! Yeah, yeah you kinda hit Vic- but he’s fine!" Tony chuckled pulling away trying to look at you. You looked down and Toy gently grabbed your arms.
"Hey, hey. Look at me," he said running his fingers through your hair and wiping your wet cheeks with his thumbs. "I’m not going to break up with you. Vic is fine. Where did you even get the idea I would break up with you? I love you Y/N, I know you. I know you’re one hell of a chick and you’ll kick anyone’s ass if you need to. If I didn’t want to be with you, I wouldn’t be here."
You started smiling like an idiot and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly. “Tony I love you so much,” you giggled. You were so lucky to have him in your life.
"I love you too Y/N. I’m not going anywhere, I promise."
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Guys I'm so sorry it's been taking so long to get up requests! I had a lot of school work lately, but I finally have a week off! I'm working on imagines right now and hopefully some will be up by the end of the week ❤
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
SWS concert
Standing in line for Sleeping With Sirens! Anddddd I'm cold as fuck
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
one where you’re dating Jaime Preciado and you go and visit him at a show and while you guys are hanging out on the tour bus you get a call from your brother saying your dad had passed and your dad was literally your bestfriend. and you just fall to the ground crying not bothering to hang up and the guys are confused at first but then you whisper it to Jaime and he mouths it to the guys and they form a group hug and then play Tangled In the Great Escape acoustic (bc it’s your fav)
It's up! ❤
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Jaime Preciado Imagine
Request: one where you’re dating Jaime Preciado and you go and visit him at a show and while you guys are hanging out on the tour bus you get a call from your brother saying your dad had passed and your dad was literally your bestfriend. and you just fall to the ground crying not bothering to hang up and the guys are confused at first but then you whisper it to Jaime and he mouths it to the guys and they form a group hug and then play Tangled In the Great Escape acoustic (bc it’s your fav) 
A/N: Sorry it’s short :/
"That’s not fair!" You said laughing as both Jaime and Vic tickled your sides. Tony and Mike both started laughing at you as wiggled and tried to get away. You were visiting your boyfriend, Jaime while he was on tour with PTV.
"Okay! Okay!" You yelled laughing and fell on the floor. They eventually stopped because they too were laughing at you. You heard your phone start to ring from your purse in the bunks. "No tickling! I hear my phone ringing so you all better shut up," you said glaring at all of them. They all shut up and Jaime made the movement as if he was zipping up his lips and threw the key out the window.
You giggled and went to get your phone. The boys started talking quietly and you answered your phone with a smile on your face. Everything was so perfect, you were with Jaime and nothing could make you upset. Wow. You were so wrong.
"Hey Y/N," the other line said. By the voice you could tell it was your brother, Drew. By the tone of his voice you could also tell something awful had happened.
"Drew, what happened?" You asked immediately. When he didn’t answer right away, you knew. You knew it had to be something with your dad. Your dad had been sick for a while and you knew this day would come, but you never imagined it would truly happen.
"Drew, is it dad? Oh my god," you said quietly, almost more to yourself than to your brother.
"Yeah Y/N. I’m so sorry," he said and you could tell he was crying too. Tears were streaming down your face. You didn’t know what to do. You could literally feel your world crash down around you. You fell to the ground and started sobbing. Almost instantly you felt someone’s arms around you. Jaime.
"Baby? What’s wrong?" He asked softly. You could barely form words.
"H-he’s g-gone, Jaime," you cried even harder. Saying it out loud only made it hurt worse. Jaime already knew who you were talking about. You had told him about your dad being in the hospital and how he was getting worse and worse.
"Shhh, everything will be okay," he whispered. Soon enough you felt Mike, Vic, and Tony wrap their arms around you too. It made you chuckle how much they mean to you, even though you were dating Jaime, you were very close with all the guys. You all must have been on the ground for 20 minutes before Jaime picked you up and brought you to the back lounge.
You sat in his lap while silent tears fell down your cheeks. Words couldn’t describe how you were feeling. You saw Tonys acoustic guitar on the couch beside him and you thought of your favorite song, Tangled In the Great Escape.
Your head was rested on Jaimes chest and you looked up at him.
"Could y-you play me a song?" You asked, your voice rough from crying.
He nodded and smiled sweetly at you, “Sure baby, Tangled In the Great Escape?” He asked, knowing it was your favorite. You nodded and looked over at Tony to see if he wanted to play guitar.
You saw Tony pick up the guitar and smiled shyly at you.
"Ready?" Vic asked looking at Tony. He nodded and they started off the song.
Well don’t you say you had a part of it
I guess we’ll never know
Oh would you say that had part of it I guess we’ll never know
Constant recovery
I see you choke and it takes my breath away…
Vic continued on singing and it was making you feel slightly better. It was also putting you to sleep. Eventually you fell asleep in Jaimes arms.
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
For the request for before the matteo.. It's matteo botticini .. Sorry I forgot to put it.. Haha
It's fine! Thanks for requesting UTD! I love this band..a lot...it's ridiculous ❤
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wtfbandimagines · 11 years
Hi can I please get an imagine of matteo from upon this dawning. Where we have this fight about something and I leave. So can it be months later matteo tries to get me back by coming over to my place and my male friend ( which is gay) opens the door and matteo thinks that I have moved on.. So the friend calls him inside and tells him that I hardly leave the room.. So matteo comes with roes to my room.. You can take it from there.. POV'S plz.. And I love your work :)
Of course! Which Matteo? Matteo Leone or Matteo Botticini ?
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