#teo botticini
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Teo Botticini (Upon this Dawning)
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Would anyone be interested in plotting with Teo Botticini? He's the fc I've found that fits the secret/background I want to use. I'll message anyone who might be interested.
I’m positive a few of our members would! I know I definitely would.  Like or reply to this, cute things. :~)
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subterraneanhq · 7 years
Would anyone be interested in plotting with Teo Botticini? He's the fc I've found that fits the secret/background I want to use. I'll message anyone who might be interested.
Will you be using him as a face claim or will you be playing him as Teo? He may not be in a group now, but I think he’s too well known as a musician at least in the band rp world to be used as a face claim for an original character. Either way, like this if you’re interested in plotting! 
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Follow Teo Botticini! gh: mkblaeai
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imaginesofthebands · 9 years
2nd Chances(Teo Botticini~Y/N)
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Anon asked:Can you do a Teo Botticini imagine where he gets caught (by y/n) while cheating on her. Then he tries to win her back?
Written By: Gwen
What woke me out of my sleep was the sound of Teo's phone. I sighed inwardly; I was exhausted. Teo and I had a great night, he had a long day at work and he was stressed, so what other way to let go of stress; if you know what I mean.
His phone was still ringing, but by the time I finally reached over and grabbed it, the call was missed. From what I could see, he had missed 14 calls, and had 23 messages - they were all from a woman named Chelsea.
I'd never heard of any family friend or relative named Chelsea, or even anyone that the rest of the band knew, so I decided to snoop.
Teo and I never really had much to hide from each other; except when I found out he was back on drugs, but I've come to grips with that, and I'm no longer trying to change it.
So I knew his password. And as I was going through his messages, it seemed to be a ton of:
Chelsea: Baby i know you just got back from tour but I need you.
Chelsea: Cant you sneak out for a bit? I know you're with your girlfriend, but im more important.
Chelsea: Why arent u answering me? Did I do something wrong?
Chelsea: whatever I did, I'm sorry. But u know I love u. ❤❤
Chelsea: would u just answer me!? I didn't do anything wrong! come on!
Chelsea: I'm sorry baby but please I need you too and i missed you and i love you... please come see me.
I couldn't believe it. There was no way I was misreading this; it was obvious. There was no way he wasn't cheating on me. Whoever the hell this Chelsea is needs to be thankful that I found this; he won't ever cheat on anyone again.
I slammed his phone down and stood up, quickly getting dressed. I wasn't even worried about making noise, he wasn't going to stop me and I don't care if I wake him up.
As he started to lift his head, I was throwing clothes into a suitcase.
"Babe, where are going?"
I hadn't even looked up at him. I hadn't paused. I zipped up my suitcase. "Leaving."
"Why?" He said, getting up to follow me out the door.
"You fucking tell me you bastard." I threw the bag into my backseat, getting in the car and starting it.
"Y/N, I really don't understand," He looked at me with the most sincere eyes I had seen, and probably would've believed him 20 minutes ago.
"Ask fucking Chelsea." As I said her name, his face fell, showing me it was no cruel joke, he really was cheating. That was all the ammunition I needed. I reached forward, smacking him across the face.
He shut his eyes tightly, hanging his head. "Fuck you." I told him, before proceeding to drive off.
It had been possibly 2 months since I left Teo. He had called probably 400 times since I left, but they seemed to slow down recently.
I had been sitting on the couch, simply watching one of the newest movies to come out, I had just gotten it. I was entertained, but not completely sucked in. I thought that maybe it was overestimated because all of my friends had gone to see it in 3D, but I, at the time, was still upset, so I hadn't tagged along.
Up until this point, though, I had been completely fine and satisfied with how things were going. I was happy, I was free, and there was no way in hell I was going to be with someone that would ever upset me like that again.
The next thing I knew, there was a knock on the door. I knew it had to be him. I had been staying at a friends since I left, I didn't try to make it hard for him. I didn't think he would come back.
I stood up, walking over to the door and opening it slowly. Sure enough, Teo was standing in front of me, obviously upset. He looked like shit. He had bags under his eyes, his face was dried up and his clothes were dirty.
"Y/N, I-" he started.
"Excuse me?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"I said no. I'm not taking you back, I'm not giving you a second chance, I'm not listening to your excuses. I don't want to hear it. You know what you did was wrong, and if you really cared about me you would've stopped a long time ago. This has obviously been going on ffor a while..."
I looked up at him, his head hung low and I knew he was upset about me leaving him, but I know he knew better. We had talked about this very situation beforehand. He knows better. We discussed it.
He looked back up at me, a frown tugging at the corners of lips. "Y/N, I'm sorry, and I know there's nothing I can do about what I did, because its something that I told you I would never do, but, I just needed to let you know that I'm sorry... and that I still love you."
Our eyes met for a split second before he looked away from me, back to the ground. "I know."
I felt myself tear up a bit, it was obvious that I had still missed him, even if it was just the tiniest little speck of love and respect I had for him, but I was done with it. I was done with him.
I pushed his hair front in front of his face, it was tangled. I attempted to comb through it, I had always wanted him to wear his hair pushed back. I always thought it made him look confident and proud, but not too proud.
I smiled at him, wiping the tears that had fallen away from my face. I shrugged and laughed a bit. "I guess I still love you a little bit." I pushed all the fallen pieces of his hair back behind his ears. I tried to pull my hands away from his face, but before I could blink his hands were on mine, keeping them where they were.
"Teo... I can't. Please, understand me.." I looked up at him, but I couldn't even see anything before his lips were pressed to mine. The kiss was long and passionate, like they were before we started dating, like the entire world around us had ended and there was nothing left. That was what I had missed, that was what I still loved. It made me want to melt, it made me want to cry, it made me want to scream, and I loved every second of it.
He pulled away first, resting his forehead on mine, his hands had fallen to my hips, mine never leaving their place on either side of his face. I don't know when his hands left, I don't know how long we kissed, Ikissed, I don't know how long we had been standing in the position that we were currently in, but I hated the idea of sending him away.
"I'm so, so sorry." He told me. I don't think it was until just now that I really believed him. I remembered how much I really loved him. How much I needed him, how much he needed me. I had promised myself that I wouldn't go back to him, but I couldn't say no to him. I pulled him inside the house, closing the door and pushing him against the wall.
I kissed him passionately, attempting to put everything I had into it. I really had missed him more than I realized, and I was so, so glad to have him back.
As I pulled back, he looked down at me, smiling widely. He picked me up, lifting me into the air and spinning me around. I kissed him again, I don't think I could stop.
I didn't want to.
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sun-of-verona · 9 years
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mycrystalblood · 10 years
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U f o W i t c h c r a f t embrace the evil or get down
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thedemonwithinher · 10 years
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greenishminds · 10 years
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Teo Botticini (@teo_utd) | Twitter su We Heart It.
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above-thewaves · 9 years
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natashack · 10 years
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