writtenbysandara · 4 months
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Bazen öylece rüzgarın ahengine dalar insan. silkeleyip dururken yemyeşil çimenleri..
A momentary breeze..
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writtenbysandara · 4 months
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Andrea Gibson, Lord of the Butterflies
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writtenbysandara · 4 months
You are a collection of all the ways people have hurt you.
All the different words that shattered your spirit.
All the actions that wounded your heart.
You are a collection of cuts and bruises.
Some have healed and some may never heal.
Yet, somehow, you walk through life with a smile on your face, concealing the armour that you hold in front of you, daring to see the light in everything when you are only familiar with the darkness.
Being courageous enough to keep going when all you want is to give up, is your greatest strength. You have fought battles that some can only imagine and you still dare to lower your armour.
Be proud of yourself for trying. Be proud of yourself for coming this far. One day you will be surrounded by light.
Just keep going.
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writtenbysandara · 4 months
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Faraway views (right lens of my binoculars)
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
Isn’t knowing how someone takes their tea or coffee just the purest form of love?
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
just realized that when i say phrases like:
“i want to be taken care of”
“i want a provider, i want to be provided for”
what I’m really saying is:
“give me a safe environment so that my femininity can blossom”.
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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trash tarot deck (22/78)
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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between autumn equinox and winter solstice, today by Emily Jungmin Yoon
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
"When they asked me what I wanted to be I said I didn't know.
'Oh, sure you know,' the photographer said.
'She wants,' said Jay Cee wittily, 'to be everything.'
I said I wanted to be a poet."
— Sylvia Plath, “The Bell Jar”
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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It’s October now. I just want a quiet life. Quiet on the inside. When the warmth of your own skin is better than anything. When home is everywhere. That feeling. Great feeling.
I’ve been understanding and learning, composing and writing. I hope there’s a permanent state of being in good terms with yourself.
I want to go live in New York. Can I be cynical for a moment and say I hope that I make it? Or a global catastrophe isn’t any different from a daily casualty? All anyone can do is hoping they make it. Or not even thinking about it at all.
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
«There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them. Whenever I'm sad I'm going to die, or so nervous I can't sleep, or in love with somebody I won't be seeing for a week, I slump down just so far and then I say: 'I'll go take a hot bath.'» — Sylvia Plath, «The Bell Jar»
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writtenbysandara · 11 months
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