written-out-loud · 4 years
Don't let others write your story. Write your story yourself...because you're the one who knows it best.
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written-out-loud · 4 years
Because in my personal experience, other people won’t take care of you.
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written-out-loud · 4 years
You’ll never please everyone. Many times, you won’t even please yourself. Spend time learning how to please yourself by loving and taking care of yourself.
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written-out-loud · 4 years
You do not need people for happiness, you need peace.
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written-out-loud · 4 years
There’s one way to know for sure…by trying.
(via fixxable)
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written-out-loud · 4 years
Don’t let bad experiences define your outlook. Don’t fail to dry off just because you fell in the pool.
(via jdslayton)
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written-out-loud · 4 years
bye eyebrows
Something else that makes your eyebrows become thin and sparse...aging...getting old as fuck.
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written-out-loud · 4 years
the disappearing eyebrow
I guess I wiped my face with my sleeve. I don’t know how else my eyebrow got there?
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written-out-loud · 4 years
here’s the dirt...
My friend told me I had a bit of dirt on the sleeve of my shirt, but when I looked in the mirror, I realized it was my eyebrow.
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